Where can I get the LUIS subscription key? - azure

I'm trying to create a simple chat bot on Microsoft Bot Framework and I want to add LUIS app ID and LUIS subscription key to my application.
Where can I get the subscription key?

I believe lately Microsoft has changed the structure of the portal so most of the links are not working.
Where can I get the subscription key?
You can get the subscription key by going to
The "Publish App" link on the left,
Select staging from the "end point slot" under Publish Settings. (Don't know why doesn't it show while the option is Production. Maybe there are other ways to connect in the production environment)
Selecting the "staging" option will show an endpoint url which will have "subscription-key" field, which you can copy
I want to add LUIS app ID
To get your luis app ID
Go to "My Apps" in "https://www.luis.ai/applications"
Click your app
Click settings from the options on the left
Copy the 36 character "Application Id"

The followings are steps that worked for me:
Login into https://portal.azure.com
Search luis
Create 1 Language understanding in Cognitive Service section
Go to "My Apps" in https://www.luis.ai/applications
Select your app
Click on Change link nearing Assigned endpoint key
Select available items in 3 comboboxes
Here is the result that you could get subscription key
Hope this help.

Subscription key: In azure create a new cognitive service -> Luis. In the new luis service, on the left you can find an option labeled keys. Use Key1 for everything.
API key: go to your luis.ai account, and select the key's tab. You need to link your luis subscription key here to link luis to your azure sub.

You can navigate at this page https://www.luis.ai/keys where you will see "Programmatic API Key" it's your subscription key also known as "Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key".

I found this article on msdn that really explains the keys well https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/kwill/2017/05/17/http-401-access-denied-when-calling-azure-cognitive-services-apis/
you can find your subscription keys the azure portal
Location of Subscription Key for Luis Services
the application id can be found on the settings page of your app on the luis dashboard (start at www.luis.ai)
... all the details for this are in the article linked, but what I found was that:
Use the key as in the screenshot above
The region your azure resource for luis is in, should match the region that your luis application is in.
The resource is managed through the azure portal, the luis app is managed through the www.luis.ai homepage
As the article says, it can be quite confusing about what keys to use where, (especially when you first create the luis app you get a 'starter key' ... sorry for the waffle,

The Subscription Key is the same as the Authoring Key (refer to this documentation). You can get the Authoring Key for your LUIS app by taking the following steps:
Log on to luis.ai
Navigate to the MANAGE menu
Navigate to the Keys and Endpoints tab on the sidebar


How to get the azure bot password

I created one Azure bot service and I am unable to find the password for the bot created. I want to integrate the Dialogflow with Teams bot. As part of the process I created Azurebot but I needed password and ID of which I got ID but password is nowhere is seen. Searched a lot on the net but couldnt find solution.
Azure bot service and I am unable to find the password
Usually, the Bot secret and file are store in application settings in the app service and AppID and Password are securely encrypted in .bot file.
As per my analysis on referring to #The Bot Framework Team. refer this article.
Steps to find password with reference of above article
In the Azure Portal, select your bot’s Resource Group
Select Deployments in the blade to the right
In the blade which opens, select your Bot under Deployment Name. This will open up a new blade overview for your bot deployment.
Select Inputs - > Here, you can find a lot of meta data for your Bot, including your Bot’s AppID and Password!
Another way to find App Registration password.
there is another way,
Goto App Registrations -> search with APPId -> Go to Certificates & Secrets -> there we can find the password.
NOTE: If it not visible create a new and use that into the integration.

Azure Bot Associated Language Understanding (LUIS) App Not Showing

Per this tutorial, I created an Azure Bot web application (in the US region). It works fine, but the associated LUIS app is not showing.
the associated LUIS app is not showing
Firstly, as Jyo Fanidam mentioned in comment, please make sure you are using same email account to login Azure portal and LUIS web portal.
Secondly, there are three LUIS websites, based on region. If you selected West US as LUIS App location when you create Web App Bot, to access your LUIS app, please login to https://www.luis.ai using the same account you use to log in to Azure.
Please login to correct LUIS website based on LUIS App location that you specified on Azure portal.
LUIS websites:
Figured out my problem: User error. I was neglecting to click the 'Select' button when choosing the 'Language Understanding' Bot template. So, it was creating a Basic Bot instead of a LUIS Bot. Thought I would post my resolution in case someone else makes the same mistake.

Unable to add key

I'm pretty new the LUIS. I have made an app in LUIS but now I'm unable to add key in luis.
I double checked that I'm signed-in with the same account on both azure and luis and also using the same region i.e. westeurope
Please select the tenant so that you can see the available keys associated with it. In the screenshot you shared, there is no tenant selected and asks to select a tenant. Selecting the tenant will resolve the issue.

From free to paid subscription on LUIS

I recently reached the limit for the free LUIS usage. I first created the LUIS app directly on the LUIS.ia portal and used those keys on my code. Now I wanted to get the paid option to continue using it so I created an azure resource for LUIS.ia I then went to the LUIS.ia app and added the azure resource throught the Publish>>Add Key on the LUIS.ia portal. I then changed on my code the subscriptionKey for one of the two from the new keys but it is still not working. What did I do wrong?
One answer that probably isn't applicable at this time is that it will take time for an Azure resource to successfully propogate throughout Azure. What this means in the case of newly created LUIS Subscription keys, is that it can take up to ten minutes for a newly created LUIS Subscription Key in Azure to be valid to LUIS.
However, the steps you outlined indicate that you might be missing this next part.
After you created the key in Azure, you should have associated the key with the LUIS application you wish to use it with. Following a successful LUIS Subscription Key association in the LUIS Portal with one of your applications, the next step is to continue to your bot's code and change the previous key, to your new key.
Depending on which the error codes you're getting when you try to use LUIS will help with unblocking you.
If you're getting a 401, that means the key you're using is invalid, which might mean either the wrong region, or that the key hasn't finished propagating.
If it's a 403, that usually means you're out of your monthly quota, which would imply that the key being used in your LUIS queries are of the free-tier or is the Authoring/Programmatic API Key, so the key needs to be replaced with your paid-tier LUIS Subscription Key.
Edit for BotBuilder .NET v3 users:
For users of the .NET v3 SDK, when instantiating the LuisModel, if you are using a region other than westus, you must pass in the correct domain. An example of this in action can be found here, but I've also included the code below:
"XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX", domain: "eastus2.api.cognitive.microsoft.com")]

Not able to configure endpoint keys in LUIS

How to publish in the new UI of Luis? The tenant id is not getting listed in my account. I have generated keys in the azure portal but not able to configure it in LUIS. Earlier we had a keys tab and we could add the key there. It seems they have changed it now. Any help on this?
I see what you mean: there was previously a My Keys tab in LUIS.ai website.
This tab seems to have been removed, but you can still change your key inside your project, using Publish App: there is an item called Assigned endpoint key.
Based on the image you put in your question, I suppose you have found it. On my side it is successfully listing my Tenant IDs, then my subscriptions and keys so I am able to managed them.
If you are talking about creating a new key, it must be done from the Azure portal.
