Calculate y from x for a single label - gnuplot

I want to manually add a label in the graph at a certain x position by only entering x and calculate y from the datapoint.
1 set terminal png
2 set output 'test2.png'
4 x = 3
5 y = 33
6 set label "test" at x,y
8 plot '-' using 1:2 with lines
9 1 11
10 2 22
11 3 33
12 4 22
13 5 33
So, I don't want to hardcode "33" in line 5.
Is that possible?
(I have googled this question and inspected the possible duplicates offered by Stackoverflow after I entered the title. Nada.)

Method 1 (data scan)
For not too-large inputs, one could load the x/y data into two separate arrays and then locate the y-value corresponding to a given x-value:
1 11
2 22
3 33
4 22
5 33
stat $DATA nooutput
N = STATS_records
array data_x[N]
array data_y[N]
stat $DATA u (data_x[1+$0]=$1,data_y[1+$0]=$2,$1):2 nooutput
x0 = 3
y0 = NaN
do for [i=1:N] {
if (data_x[i] == x0) {
y0 = data_y[i]
set label "test" at x0,y0
plot $DATA using 1:2 with lines t ''
The trick here is the second stat command which is used solely in order to populate the arrays data_x, and data_y. The expression (data_x[1+$0]=$1,data_y[1+$0]=$2,$1):2 basically evaluates for each row in the data to 1:2. However, due to the comma operator, it has the side effect of setting the corresponding elements of data_x, and data_y.
Method 2 (fitting)
As an approximate alternative, one might fit a narrow Gaussian centered at x0 = 3 to the input data set. If the characteristic width sigma of this Gaussian is smaller than the characteristic spacing between data points, then the amplitude should match the input y-value:
1 11
2 22
3 33
4 22
5 33
x0 = 3
sigma = 0.1
f(x) = a*exp(-(x - x0)**2 / (2*sigma**2))
fit f(x) $DATA using 1:2 via a
print a
y0 = a
set label "test" at x0,y0
plot $DATA using 1:2 with lines t ''
Method 3 (external tool)
As a more robust alternative, one could delegate this task to an external utility invoked in Gnuplot via the system call. The example is using gawk to scan the input data file. If it finds a matching value in the first column, it prints the corresponding y value and exits (so that only the first occurence is reported):
inputFileName = 'data.txt'
x0 = 3
getY(fName, x) = system(sprintf("gawk '$1==%d{print $2;exit}' '%s'", x, fName))
y0 = getY(inputFileName, 3)
set label "test" at x0,y0
plot inputFileName using 1:2 with lines t ''

You say "manually", so maybe interactive placement is an option? A mouse click on the desired location will load variables MOUSE_X and MOUSE_Y, which can then be used to generate a label. There is a demo "mouselabels.dem" in the distribution that automates this and might be informative, but in essence you would do
plot FOO # initial plot with no labels
pause mouse # wait for mouse click
set label 1 "test" at MOUSE_X, MOUSE_Y
replot # same plot with a label at the requested position


gnuplot: how to draw a set of triangles from a file?

In gnuplot, we can set object polygon to draw a polygon, including triangles, given its coordinates.
But how to do draw a set of triangles whose coordinates are stored in a file where each line is in the format <x1> <y1> <x2> <y2> <x3> <y3>?
As for rectrangles/circles, this task can be done using plot and with boxxy/with circles options, but there is no with triangles option in gnuplot.
A possible solution is to use with vectors by drawing each edge, but it is a bit complicated and this method does not support color filling.
I cannot think of a way to do this in one step; the data format does not match any of gnuplot's plotting styles.
One approach is to transform the data via a temporary file. Here is an example that works in version 5.2 and newer. If you are using a newer gnuplot then you could substitute with polygons for with filledcurves closed.
1 1 2 2 3 1
11 11 14 14 17 11
21 21 22 22 23 21
15 5 16 6 17 5
6 6 7 7 8 6
set table "temp.dat"
plot $DATA using (sprintf("%g %g\n %g %g\n %g %g\n \n",$1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6)) with table
unset table
unset key
set style fill solid noborder
plot "temp.dat" using 1:2 with filledcurves closed fillcolor "forest-green"
Note: I was originally going to show use of a temporary datablock rather than an intermediate temporary file, but it this doesn't work because the formatted output from with table does not translate the newline characters \n into empty datablock lines.
Edit (show variable color)
The extra data field containing a RGB color must be present in every input line of the reformatted data, but only the value from the first vertex of each polygon is used. The sprintf format in this example has been modified to reproduce the color (NB: hexadecimal integer value) from the original data file accordingly, with zeros for the dummy values in the remaining polygon vertices.
1 1 2 2 3 1 0x00ffff
11 11 14 14 17 11 0x191970
21 21 22 22 23 21 0x2e8b57
15 5 16 6 17 5 0xffc020
6 6 7 7 8 6 0x8b000
set table "temp.dat"
plot $DATA using (sprintf("%g %g 0x%x\n %g %g 0\n %g %g 0\n \n",$1,$2,int($7),$3,$4,$5,$6)) with table
unset table
unset key
set style fill solid noborder
plot "temp.dat" using 1:2:3 with filledcurves closed fillcolor rgb variable
My suggestion would have been the same as #Ethan's. Therefore, here is an alternative approach using set object polygon.
It also requires gnuplot>=5.2 since it uses indexing of datablock lines. Hence, the data should already be in a datablock without empty or commented lines. But how to get a file into a datablock?
Either something like:
set table $Data
plot FILE u 1:2:3:4:5:6:7 w table
unset table
or alternatively see here: gnuplot: load datafile 1:1 into datablock
### draw some colored triangles from a datablock
reset session
$Data <<EOD
0 0 2 1 1 2 0xff0000
5 1 3 2 4 4 0x00ff00
3 3 2 5 1 4 0x0000ff
vx(n,t) = word($Data[n],t*2-1) # vertex x-coordinate
vy(n,t) = word($Data[n],t*2) # vertex y-coordinate
color(n) = word($Data[n],7) # triangle color
set linetype 1 lc rgb "black"
do for [n=1:|$Data|] {
set obj n polygon from vx(n,1),vy(n,1) to vx(n,2),vy(n,2) to vx(n,3),vy(n,3) to vx(n,1),vy(n,1)
set obj n fc rgb color(n) fs solid 0.5 border lt 1 lw 3
set size square
set xrange[0:5]
set yrange[0:5]
plot NaN notitle # or plot something else
### end of script
Alternatively, similar to Ethan's solution, plotting triangles instead of drawing triangles, but without using a temporary file on disk (but a datablock). The result is identical to the graph above. I haven't tested whether drawing or plotting is faster and/or more efficient if you want to draw/plot thousands of triangles.
### plot some colored triangles from a datablock
reset session
$Data <<EOD
0 0 2 1 1 2 0xff0000
5 1 3 2 4 4 0x00ff00
3 3 2 5 1 4 0x0000ff
vx(n,t) = word($Data[n],t*2-1) # vertex x-coordinate
vy(n,t) = word($Data[n],t*2) # vertex y-coordinate
color(n) = word($Data[n],7) # triangle color
set print $Triangles
do for [n=1:|$Data|] {
print sprintf("%s %s %s\n%s %s 0\n%s %s 0\n%s %s 0\n\n", \
vx(n,1),vy(n,1),color(n), vx(n,2),vy(n,2), vx(n,3),vy(n,3), vx(n,1),vy(n,1))
set print
set size square
set xrange[0:5]
set yrange[0:5]
set linetype 1 lc rgb "black" lw 3
set style fill solid 0.5
plot $Triangles u 1:2:3 w filledcurves lc rgb var notitle
### end of script

plotting single (datum,column) from each block with lines in gnuplot

I have a data file containing constant-size blocks of data. In order to plot element (n,m) from each block I do
pl file u m ev ::n-1::n-1
This works fine, but the graph is displayed in point style since this is default for data. When I add "with lines" to the command above, this produces an empty graph.
Maybe there are shorter solutions, but the first solution which comes to my mind is to plot the data into a datablock and then plot this datablock. This will remove empty lines and hence datapoints will be connected when plotting with lines or with linespoints.
### plot individual datapoints from each block with lines
reset session
$Data <<EOD
1 11
2 12
3 13
4 14
5 15
6 16
7 17
8 18
9 19
m = 2
n = 1
set table $DataSelected
plot $Data u m every ::n-1::n-1 w table
unset table
plot $DataSelected u 1 w linespoints pt 7
### end of code

How to plot points specified by ID column only with linespoints and multiple plots using gnuplot?

Say I have two files, each has 3 columns
10 0.1 some data as X
20 0.2
30 0.3
... ...
120 0.5
15 0.1 some data as X
30 0.2
45 0.3
60 0.4
... ...
120 0.6
I am doing
plot \
"file1" using 2:3 w linespoints lt 1 dt 1 lw 1 lc 1 title "file1",\
"file2" using 2:3 w linespoints lt 1 dt 1 lw 1 lc 2 title "file2"
which shows every point on the file.
If I only want points which its Row ID(first column) is 30, 60 ,90 ,120
How should I do? Thank you.
*In the actually case, I need to plot 12 file in one plot and each of them have 10000 rows but I only want to show 6 points.
You can filter your data with the ternary operator. Check help ternary.
For the filename and the filter I would define a function such that you have it compact in your plot command.
What myFilter(dcol,fcol) does is returning the value of the data column dcol if the filter column fcol is equal to one of the given values.
myFilename(n) creates the filename as a function of a number.
I don't have test files but the following should plot the 12 files names "file1.dat", ..., "file12.dat".
I hope you can adapt it to your exact needs.
### filter data with ternary operator
reset session
myFilename(n) = sprintf("file%d.dat",n)
myFilter(dcol,fcol) = column(fcol)==30 || column(fcol)==60 || \
column(fcol)==90 || column(fcol)==120 ? column(dcol) : NaN
set datafile missing NaN
plot for [i=1:12] myFileName(i) u 2:(myFilter(3,1)) w lp ti myFilename(i)
### end of code

gnuplot - how to plot invisible points so that the plot is only used to mark x-axis

I have the following data in data file test1.txt:
A 36 1
A 35 1
B 48 2
B 37 2
B 15 2
C 36 3
C 25 3
and test2.txt
A 16 1
A 25 1
B 38 2
B 45 2
C 36 3
the plotting is done as:
plot dat1 u ($3-0.2):2 w p t 'title 1', \
dat2 u ($3+0.2):2 w p t 'title 2', \
dat1 using 3:(0):xticlabels(1):x2ticlabels(1) notitle, \
dat2 using 3:(0):xticlabels(1):x2ticlabels(1) notitle
The whole point is to have the labels from the first column on the x axis. The issue is that the last two parts of plot
dat1 using 3:(0):xticlabels(1):x2ticlabels(1) notitle, \
dat2 using 3:(0):xticlabels(1):x2ticlabels(1) notitle
produce points at y=0. And because I cannot (or I do not know how to) use
plot dat1 u ($3-0.2):2:xticlabels(1) w p t 'title 1'
(since it plots the label at x coordinate $3-0.2 and not at $3, which i require), I am forced to do two more dummy plots, but they produce points and I do not know how to effectively avoid this other than shifting the outside of the range of the plot by e.g. dat1 using 3:(0):xticlabels(-1):x2ticlabels(-1) in the case of plotting only positive values. Is there any good way of solving this?
I don't really understand what you are trying to do with your data, however if you want to make the points over the x axis invisible you can set the line color to full transparency for the last two plots:
dat1 using 3:(0):xticlabels(1):x2ticlabels(1) linecolor "#FFFF0000" notitle, \
dat2 using 3:(0):xticlabels(1):x2ticlabels(1) linecolor "#FFFF0000" notitle
In recent versions of Gnuplot (link) it is possible to add transparency, in this particular case you want to set full transparency to the line color so that the points are invisible. The color format and transparency can be set using the hexadecimal notation #AARRGGBB where AA (alpha) controls how transparent the color is, for full transparency you want FF which is equivalent to 255, notice how my line color is RED but because is completely transparent we don't see it.
Plot with Full Transparency
My understanding of your question is the following: You have some data which you want to shift in x by +/-0.2 but the corresponding tic shouldn't be shifted.
You've been almost there. Of course, there are points at y=0 because you tell gnuplot to do so.
What you mean with "invisible" could of course be also achieved by fully transparent points, but the easier way is probably to "plot" the points at NaN, i.e. nowhere.
### plotting data with offset and tic without offset
reset session
set colorsequence classic
$Data1 <<EOD
A 36 1
A 35 1
B 48 2
B 37 2
B 15 2
C 36 3
C 25 3
$Data2 <<EOD
A 16 1
A 25 1
B 38 2
B 45 2
C 36 3
set offsets 0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5
set link x2
set x2tics
plot $Data1 u ($3-0.2):2 w p pt 7 t 'title 1', \
$Data2 u ($3+0.2):2 w p pt 7 t 'title 2', \
$Data1 using 3:(NaN):xtic(1):x2tic(1) notitle, \
$Data2 using 3:(NaN):xtic(1):x2tic(1) notitle
### end of code

Plot cyclic sum of some row data

I have a data file that store for a given timestamp k values.
# data.dat
# Example for k = 3
# Time ID value
1 0 1.555
1 1 1.76
1 2 12.56
2 0 1.75
2 1 2.04
2 2 13.04
3 0 2.01
3 1 0.52
3 2 12.99
# ...
I can print individually the data of each ID versus the time as follows:
set xrange [0:4]
set yrange[0:14]
set xtics 1
plot "data.dat" every 3 using 1:3 title "ID=0" with lp, \
"" every 3::1 using 1:3 title "ID=1" with lp, \
"" every 3::2 using 1:3 title "ID=2" with lp
Yet I'm interested to plot the average sum of the 3 values vs time.
Of course, I could regenerate a new data file containing (with evaluated sum):
# avg_data.dat modified to
# Example for k = 3
# Time ID value
1 (1.555+1.76+12.56)/3
2 (1.75+2.04+13.04)/3
3 (2.01+0.52+12.99)/3
# ...
But of course, I'm seeking an automated way do express that in gnuplot using the data.dat file directly...
Drawing some inspiration from the running average demo on the gnuplot site:
k = 3
back1 = back2 = back3 = 0
shifter(x) = (back3 = back2, back2 = back1, back1 = x)
avger(x,y) = (shifter(x), y == k - 1 ? (back1 + back2 + back3)/3 : 1/0)
plot 'data.dat' u 1:(avger($3, $2)) with points pt 7
This works for me in gnuplot 4.6.1. If you want to have the points at each timestep connected in a line, it may be better to preprocess the data, since gnuplot in general won't connect points resulting from an expression evaluation (see discussion here and here, and in the gnuplot docs for set datafile missing).
