How to use set -x without showing stdout? - linux

Within CI, I am running a bash script that calls many bash scripts.
./internals/declination/create "${RELEASE_VERSION}" "${CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME}" > /dev/null
This doest not disable the stdout returned by the script.
The Gitlabi-CI runners stop logging after 100MB of log, It says Job's log exceeded limit of 10240000 bytes.
I know the log script can only grow up.
How can I optimize the output log size?
I don't need to have all the stdout, I can have stderr but then it will be a long running script without information.
Is there a way to display the commands which is running like when doing set -x?
Reading the answers, I was not able to solve my issue. I need to add that I am using nodejs to run the bash script that run the long bash script.
This is how I call my node script within .gitlab-ci.yml:
- node my_script.js
Within my_script.js, I have:
exports.handler = () => {
const ls = spawn('bash', [path.join(__dirname, '')], { stdio: 'inherit' });
ls.on('close', (code) => {
if (code !== 0) {
console.log(`ps process exited with code ${code}`);
process.exitCode = code;
Within, I have:
./internals/declination/create "${RELEASE_VERSION}" "${CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME}" > /dev/null

You can selectively redirect file handles with exec.
exec >stdout 2>stderr
This however loses the connection to the terminal, so there is no simple way to output anything to the terminal after this point.
You can instead duplicate a file handle with m>&n where m is the number of the file descriptor to duplicate and n is the number of the new one (choose a big number like 99 to not accidentally clobber an existing handle).
exec 98<&1 # stdout
exec 99<&2 # stderr
exec >/dev/null 2>&1
To re-enable output,
exec 1<&98 2<&99
If you redirected to a temporary file instead of /dev/null you could obviously now show the tail of those files to the caller.
tail -n 100 "$TMPDIR"/stdout "$TMPDIR"/stderr
(On a shared server, probably use mktemp to create a unique temporary directory at the beginning of your script; static hard-coded file names make it impossible to run two builds at the same time.)
As you usually can't predict where the next error will happen, probably put all of this in a wrapper script which performs the redirection, runs the build, and finally displays the tail end of the temporary log files. Some build servers probably want to see some signs of life in the log file every few minutes, so perhaps tail a few lines every once in a while in a loop, too.
On the other hand, if there is just a single build command, the whole build job's stdout and stderr can simply be redirected to a log file, and you don't need to exec things back and forth. If you need to enable output selectively for portions of the script, use exec as above; but for wholesale redirection, just redirect the one command.
In summary, maybe your build script would look something like this.
t=$(mktemp -t -d cibuild.XXXXXXXX) || exit
trap 'kill $buildpid; wait $buildpid; tail -n 500 "$t"/*; rm -rf "$t"' 0 1 2 3 5 15
# Your original commands here
${initial_process_wd}/internals/declination/create "${RELEASE_VERSION}" "${CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME}">"$t"/stdout 2>"$t"/stderr &
while kill -0 $buildpid; do
sleep 180
tail -n 1 "$t"/*
A flaw with this approach is that you lose timing information. A proper solution woud let you see when each line was produced, and display standard output and standard error intermixed in the order the messages were printed, perhaps with visible time stamps, and even with coloring hints (red time stamps for stderr?)

Option 1
If your script will output the error message to stderr, you can ignore all output to stdout by using command > /dev/null, where /dev/null is a black hole that will take away any output to it.
Option 2
If there's any pattern on your error message, you can use grep to filter out those error messages.
Edit 1:
To show the command that is running, you can supply -x command to bash; therefore, your command will be
bash -x ${initial_process_wd}/internals/declination/create "${RELEASE_VERSION}" "${CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME}" > /dev/null
bash will print the command executed to stderr
Edit 2:
If you want to reduce the size of the output file, you can pass it to gzip by using ${initial_process_wd}/internals/declination/create "${RELEASE_VERSION}" "${CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME}" | gzip > logfile.
To read the content of the logfile, you can use zcat logfile.


Why doesn't the Linux redirection operator capture the output of my command?

Context: I have a program (go-sigma-rule-engine by Markus Kont) on my EC2 instance that runs against a logfile and produces some output to screen.
The command used to run this program is ./gsre/go-sigma-rule-engine run --rules-dir ./gsre/rules/ --sigma-input ./logs/exampleLog.json
The program produces output of the form:
INFO[2021-09-22T21:51:06Z] MATCH at offset 0 : [{[] Example Activity Found}]
INFO[2021-09-22T21:51:06Z] All workers exited, waiting on loggers to finish
INFO[2021-09-22T21:51:06Z] Stats logger done
INFO[2021-09-22T21:51:06Z] Done
Goal: I would like to capture this output and store it in a file.
Attempted Solution: I used the redirection operator to capture the output like so:
./gsre/go-sigma-rule-engine run --rules-dir ./gsre/rules/ --sigma-input ./logs/exampleLog.json > output.txt
Problem: The output.txt file is empty and didn't capture the output of the command invoking the rule engine.
Maybe the output you want to capture goes to standard error rather than standard output. Try using 2> instead of > to redirect stderr.

How to redirect both OUT and ERR to one file and only ERR to another

Hi expertsI want commands out and err is appended to one file, like this command > logOutErr.txt 2>&1
but I also want that err is also appended to another command 2> logErrOnly.txt
# This is a non working redirection
exec 1>> logOutErr.txt 2>> logOutErr.txt 2>> logErrOnly.txt
# This should be in Out log only
echo ten/two: $((10/2))
# This should be in both Out and Out+Err log files
echo ten/zero: $((10/0))
I understand than the last redirect 2>> overrides the preceding what? tee? but how?
I have to do this once at the beginning of the script, without modifying the rest of the script (because it is dynamically generated and any modification is too complicated)
Please don't answer only with links to the theory, I have already spent two days reading everything with no good results, I would like a working example
With the understanding that you lose ordering guarantees when doing this:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
exec >>logOutErr.txt 2> >(tee -a logErrOnly.txt)
# This should be in OutErr
echo "ten/two: $((10/2))"
# This should be in Err and OutErr
echo "ten/zero: $((10/0))"
This works because redirections are processed left-to-right: When tee is started, its stdout is already pointed to logOutErr.txt, so it appends to that location after first writing to logErrOnly.txt.

Prevent script running with same arguments twice

We are looking into building a logcheck script that will tail a given log file and email when the given arguments are found. I am having trouble accurately determining if another version of this script is running with at least one of the same arguments against the same file. Script can take the following:
logcheck -i <filename(s)> <searchCriterion> <optionalEmailAddresses>
I have tried to use ps aux with a series of grep, sed, and cut, but it always ends up being more code than the script itself and seldom works very efficiently. Is there an efficient way to tell if another version of this script is running with the same filename and search criteria? A few examples of input:
EX1 .\logcheck -i file1,file2,file3 "foo string 0123"
EX2 .\logcheck -s file1 Hello,World,Foo
EX3 .\logcheck -i file3 foo,
In this case 3 should not run because 1 is already running with parameters file3 and foo.
There are many solutions for your problem, I would recommend creating a lock file, with the following format:
arg1Ex1 PID#(Ex1)
arg2Ex1 PID#(Ex1)
arg3Ex1 PID#(Ex1)
arg4Ex1 PID#(Ex1)
arg1Ex2 PID#(Ex2)
arg2Ex2 PID#(Ex2)
arg3Ex2 PID#(Ex2)
arg4Ex2 PID#(Ex2)
when your script starts:
It will search in the file for all the arguments it has received (awk command or grep)
If one of the arguments is present in the list, fetch the process PID (awk 'print $2' for example) to check if it is still running (ps) (double check for concurrency and in case of process ended abnormally previously garbage might remain inside the file)
If the PID is still there, the script will not run
Else append the arguments to the lock file with the current process PID and run the script.
At the end, of the execution you remove the lines that contains the arguments that have been used by the script, or remove all lines with its PID.

Can't redirect interactive shell's output to file with a script

I trying to write simple output logger. And it's just refuse to work. I can swear, it worked once and it was beautiful.
It's practice, so I don't want to use pre-build bash tools. (like script)
exec 6>&1
exec &> log
while true
sleep 1
echo love
if [ "$a" -eq 1000 ]
exec 1>&6 6>&-
echo "Stopped doing love"
I run this script in console . / &
And as long as the cycle turns, stdout and stderr should be redirected to log file. But they simply doesn't.
Log file full of love, but I simply can not get date. (or any other output from console)
P.S. If I just type exec > log in console it's work perfectly.
An approach needs to be run natively in the shell for which you intend to redirect output, not in any subprocess of that shell. Running anything with a & as the command separating it from the next command puts it in a subprocess, rather than running in the shell itself.
Consider this pair of functions (for bash 4.1 or newer):
# for this example, consider this content to belong to file-with-functions.bash
start_redir() {
exec {orig_stdout}>&1
exec > >(tee log >&$orig_stdout)
end_redir() {
[[ $orig_stdout ]] || {
echo "Not redirected with start_redir previously" >&2
return 1
exec 1>&$orig_stdout
exec {orig_stdout}>&-
...this can be used as follows:
. ./file-with-functions.bash # source these functions into the current shell; no &
You can put these functions in a file that you source, but that sourcing needs to be done in the foreground, as putting anything in the background makes it happen in a subprocess, not the shell you're using itself.

Bash output happening after prompt, not before, meaning I have to manually press enter

I am having a problem getting bash to do exactly what I want, it's not a major issue, but annoying.
1.) I have a third party software I run that produces some output as stderr. Some of it is useful, some of it is regularly stuff I don't care about and I don't want this dumped to screen, however I do want the useful parts of the stderr dumped to screen. I figured the best way to achieve this was to pass stderr to a function, then use conditions in that function to either show the stderr or not.
2.) This works fine. However the solution I have implemented dumped out my errors at the right time, but then returns a bash prompt and I want to summarise the status of the errors at the end of the function, but echo-ing here prints the text after the prompt meaning that I have to press enter to get back to a clean prompt. It shall become clear with the example below.
My error stream generator:
echo "test1" >&2
My function to process this:
function ProcessErrors()
while read data;
echo Line was:"$data"
sleep 5 # This is used simply to simulate the processing work I'm doing on the errors.
echo "Completed"
I source the file to make ProcessErrors() available, then I run:
2> >(ProcessErrors) ./
I expect (and want) to get:
user#user-desktop:~/path$ 2> >(ProcessErrors) ./
Line was:test1
However what I really get is:
user#user-desktop:~/path$ 2> >(ProcessErrors) ./
Line was:test1
user#user-desktop:~/path$ Completed
And no clean prompt. Of course the prompt is there, but "Completed" is being printed after the prompt, I want to printed before, and then a clean prompt to appear.
NOTE: This is a minimum working example, and it's contrived. While other solutions to my error stream problem are welcome I also want to understand how to make bash run this script the way I want it to.
Thanks for your help
Your problem is that the while loop stay stick to stdin until the program exits.
The release of stdin occurs at the end of the "", so your prompt is almost immediately available compared to what remains to process in the function.
I suggest you wrap the command inside a script so you'll be able to handle the time you want before your prompt is back (I suggest 1sec more than the suspected time needed for the function to process the remaining lines of codes)
I successfully managed to do this like that :
function ProcessErrors()
while read data;
echo Line was:"$data"
sleep 5 # simulate required time to process end of function (after is over and stdin is released)
echo "Completed"
echo "first"
echo "firsterr" >&2
sleep 20 # any number here
source ./
2> >(ProcessErrors) ./
sleep 6 # <= this one is important
With the above you'll get a nice "Completed" before your prompt after 26 seconds of processing. (Works fine with or without the additional "time" command)
user#host:~/path$ time ./
Line was:firsterr
real 0m26.014s
user 0m0.000s
sys 0m0.000s
Note: the process substitution ">(ProcessErrors)" is a subprocess of the script "./". So when the script ends, the subprocess is no more tied to it nor to the wrapper. That's why we need that final "sleep 6"
function ProcessErrors {
while read data; do
echo Line was:"$data"
sleep 5
echo "Completed"
# Open subprocess
exec 60> >(ProcessErrors)
# Do the work
2>&60 ./
# Close connection or else subprocess would keep on reading
exec 60>&-
# Wait for process to exit (wait "$P" doesn't work). There are many ways
# to do this too like checking `/proc`. I prefer the `kill` method as
# it's more explicit. We'd never know if /proc updates itself quickly
# among all systems. And using an external tool is also a big NO.
while kill -s 0 "$P" &>/dev/null; do
sleep 1s
Off topic side-note: I'd love to see how posturing bash veterans/authors try to own this. Or perhaps they already did way way back from seeing this.
