Finding earliest date in excel - excel

In one column I have to 10 times and dates (I have merged date and time in a cell). How do I find top 5 earliest dates and times? I can’t use function MIN() because I have date and time together. How should I write the function?

You need to first format your data in date/time format in Excel.
Example, the following data is entered
16/7/2018 15:00
18/7/2018 12:05
25/8/2018 11:00
13/7/2018 09:00
15/7/2018 14:00
15/7/2018 11:00
You can use the formula =small(range, rank) to find the smallest n figure. For instance, =SMALL($A$1:$A$6,1) would give the smallest (earliest) date, 13/7/2018 09:00 in this case. =SMALL($A$1:$A$6, 2) would give the second smallest (earliest) date, 15/7/2018 11:00 in this case.


Excel formula: how to sum total time between different time intervals based on a time condition

Departure Date Arrival date
4/9/18 22:40 5/17/18 14:10
8/5/18 18:20 8/22/18 6:00
9/24/18 22:20 10/10/18 6:00
10/22/18 14:00 11/7/18 6:10
12/3/18 22:25 12/19/18 6:00
1/16/19 0:00 1/30/19 0:00
I need some help please. I have to calculate the total travel days for our employees for a specific period of time. I have columns A and B (all are date and time). Column A is the Departure Date, Column B is the Arrival Date.
Question: which is the Total number of travel days between:5/10/2018 and 12/10/2018?
Try this, you may need to edit it to match your needs though...

Excel SUMPRODUCT with ISNUMBER and TIMEVALUE and LEFT to meet criteria

In Cell D$3$:D$38$ I have
## Heading ##
Thu Oct-05
I used the formula
to successfully obtain the result of 25 cells with number in the specified range but when I try to add a criteria like:
>=ISNUMBER(TIMEVALUE(B44)) and B44 is 4:00 am and the second criteria <=ISNUMBER(TIMEVALUE(c44)) B44 is 5:00 am
I'm not able to get the result I should that's: 2
Do you know why it is not working the way it should?
Thank You
You can change the formula to this:
The reason it doesn't recognize 4:00 am or 5:00 am is due to TIMEVALUE evaluate time text and therefore, you need to convert it to time text first.

Determine if time is before or after specific time

I have an Excel sheet with two date-time columns: Start Date and End Date. I need to calculate overtime by determining how many hours and minutes were worked before 08:00 and after 16:30.
1 2017/01/04 16:00 2017/01/04 18:00
2 2017/01/05 18:00 2017/01/05 21:00
3 2017/01/08 08:00 2017/01/08 17:00
4 2017/01/09 07:00 2017/01/09 09:00
I know the calculation for duration between times (=TEXT(B1-A1,"h:mm")), but I'm struggling to determine if a date-time is before 08:00 or after 16:30.
I've played around with TIMEVALUE("8:00:00"), TIMEVALUE("8:00:00 AM") and TIME(8,00,00) in my calculation, but the it did not work,
e.g. =IF(A1<=TIMEVALUE("8:00:00 AM"),"Yes","No") returns "No" even for A4 (2017/01/09 07:00)
I'm struggling with the calculation and the logic on this one. So far i'm using,
Try this:
=IF(TIMEVALUE(A1)<=TIMEVALUE("8:00:00 AM"),"Yes","No")
Stick with treating time as time; only treat time as text when you have bad data (time as text is bad data) and then only enough to get it to be time as time.
To get the number of hours and minutes before 08:00 AM,
=MAX(0, TIME(8, 0, 0)-TIMEVALUE(TEXT(A2, "hh:mm;0;#")))
To get the number of hours and minutes after 16:30 AM,
=MAX(0, TIMEVALUE(TEXT(B2, "hh:mm;0;#"))-TIME(16, 30, 0))
In the following image you can see that I have left one group as true time and the forced the following group to be time as text¹. Both return correct results.
¹ Unless specifically formatted otherwise, numbers and dates/times are right-aligned in a cell; text is left-aligned.

Excel date values compute incorrectly

I am trying to create an excel sheet where each line contains a date/time field for each 15 minute interval for the entire year. I put "00:15:00" in A1 and "1/1/2014" in A2 and "=A2+$A$1" in A3. I then copied A3 down enough times to go thru the year. I set column B equal to col A. I set the format in col A to Short Date and col B to Time. Then I converted everything to values. When I do that, all the entries for midnight are not right. For example the entry between Jan 1 and Jan 2, displays as 1/2/2014 and 12:00:00AM. But the actual value is "1/1/2014 12:00:00 AM". This value is incorrect, it is 24 hours off. What's going on here? How can I fix it?
I'm using Office 2010.
It's standard for 12:00 AM to denote the midnight that starts the day. So, in 15-minute increments, 1/1/14 11:45 PM would typically be followed by 1/2/14 12:00 AM, followed by 1/2/14 12:15 AM.

Excel - Date Range includes given time of day (a better approach)

Given a set of DateTime ranges in excel, such as:
Start Finish
13/03/2012 10:00:00 14/03/2012 03:00:00
15/03/2012 08:30:00 15/03/2012 10:00:00
And some TimeSpan such as:
Start Finish
07:00:00 09:00:00
How would you determine if the time span falls in some given date range?
An approach like this might be a start:
AND(B2 < DATEVALUE(TEXT(B2, "dd/mm/yyyy")) + TIMEVALUE("07:00:00"),
B3 >= DATEVALUE(TEXT(B3, "dd/mm/yyyy")) + TIMEVALUE("09:00:00"))
Though it relies on the being able to provide the start/finish values explicitly as opposed to two dates in any order. A conditional on start <= finish would do, but seems like it's overly complicated.
Is there a better way?
Edit: Bonus points for a simple approach to finding the percentage of the date range that falls in the time span
Seems like you're assuming that the dates will always be the same day, is that the case?
For percentage
If the date range can be unlimited, 1 day or many, then you can use this formula to get the total hours within the timespan
that assumes that the timespan doesn't cross midnight - if timespan may cross midnight, e.g. could be 08:00 - 11:00 but could also be 22:00 - 03:00 then this formula should work
This should give the number of hours falling in the time span (but it's definitely not simple!):
If this is greater than 0, the date range falls in the time span, divide this by B2-A2 for the percentage.
e.g. Date Range: 6:00PM - 9:00AM, Time span: 7:00AM - 7:00PM returns 03:00 which is 20% of the date range.
Say the date ranges are in columns A and B, and the Timespan in F2 and G2.
Apply the following formulas and drag down.
H2 = IF(AND($F$2>=RIGHT(A2,8),$F$2<RIGHT(B2,8),$G$2>RIGHT(A2,8),$G$2<=RIGHT(B2,8)),1,0)
Column H gives tells you if it's true for a particular date range.
I1 = SUM(H2:H4)/COUNT(H2:H4)
I1 gives you the percentage
