Excel date values compute incorrectly - excel

I am trying to create an excel sheet where each line contains a date/time field for each 15 minute interval for the entire year. I put "00:15:00" in A1 and "1/1/2014" in A2 and "=A2+$A$1" in A3. I then copied A3 down enough times to go thru the year. I set column B equal to col A. I set the format in col A to Short Date and col B to Time. Then I converted everything to values. When I do that, all the entries for midnight are not right. For example the entry between Jan 1 and Jan 2, displays as 1/2/2014 and 12:00:00AM. But the actual value is "1/1/2014 12:00:00 AM". This value is incorrect, it is 24 hours off. What's going on here? How can I fix it?
I'm using Office 2010.

It's standard for 12:00 AM to denote the midnight that starts the day. So, in 15-minute increments, 1/1/14 11:45 PM would typically be followed by 1/2/14 12:00 AM, followed by 1/2/14 12:15 AM.
See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/12-hour_clock#Confusion_at_noon_and_midnight


How to convert UTC to PST in Excel for day and time formats?

In excel, I have a cell which is
13 05:58:57
which represents day 13, 5 am, 58 minutes, 57 seconds in UTC time.
I would like to convert to PST, which should be
12 10:58:57
which is day 12, 10 pm, 58 minutes, 57 seconds.
The day is just a day of the month. Is there a way to do this quickly in excel?
Excel stores date_times as numbers, where each day is 1, and the decimal part of the number is the time (so 0.25 is 6 hours, and 0.7 is 16 hours + 48 minutes)
Time 0 is the beginning of 1899/12/31, so =today() formatted as a decimal currently shows me as 44730.4556, being 44730 days since 1899 and almost eleven a.m.
Once you have your data in that format it is trivial to E.g.:
subtract 7 hours = A2 - 7/24
add 2 days 6 hours and 15 minutes = A2 + 2 + 6/24 + 15/24/60
find the difference between two date_times
So you want to get the input data into that form, from which point you just use formatting.
To see where you are going, enter in A1 = now(), in B1 =A1, in C1 = B1.
Change the format on B1 - Right Click | Format Cells | Custom | yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.
Then in C1 try changing to a format you want: dd hh:mm:ss AM/PM.
For a full list of options see https://support.microsoft.com/en-au/office/format-numbers-as-dates-or-times-418bd3fe-0577-47c8-8caa-b4d30c528309
I will assume that your data starts at A4, but I can't tell what is actually stored in the cell, as opposed to what it displays.
If your input data is actually already a date_time (what does it look like if you format is as a decimal?) all you need to do is =A4-7/24.
If your input data is actually a string, then separate it into day, hour, minute, second in C, D, E, F.
If single-digit days have leading zeros then just =left(A4,2) then =mid(A4,4,2) etc.
If there are no leading zeros put in column B =find(" ",A4) and point the lefts and mids to that intermediate result.
Then in G put = C4 + D4/24 + E4/24/60 + F4/24/60/60 so you have the input data as an Excel-formatted time.
And subtract the 7 hours difference with =G4-7/24
P.S. If you need to cope with month-ends and DST then you need to add year and month to the data in G - currently it has date_times in January 1899.

How to split the time between two dates over daily columns

I am in much need of help please.
I have the table below.
It has about 300 rows and columns on the right for each day of the year starting 2015, ending 2019. I only entered a few columns here as an example.
What I need:
A formula to split the time (it can be hours or decimal days, it doesn't matter) between the two days on the left on the columns to the right.
In the rest of the days, which are not included in the period, I need a zero in those columns.
I manually entered the results I need so it can help you understand.
On the first row:
The employee has spent
15 hours at destination in the first day of travel,
24 hours in the second day of travel
11:50 hours in the last day of travel.
All the rest of the columns to the right, which are not here, starting 1/4/2015 23:59 should give the result zero.
Thank You!!
Entry Date Exit Date 1/1/2015 23:59 1/2/2015 23:59 1/3/2015 23:59
1/1/15 9:00 1/3/15 11:50 15.00 24.00 11.50
As far as I can tell, it boils down to this
1.0 days 2.0 days 3.0 days 4.0 days
period=p in h/d.d p-(1-(so far)) p-(2-(so far)) p-(3-(so far)) 0
EDIT 2: I've come up with a formula.
This formula assumes existence of a column that specifies 0 hours of work between the "end date/time" column ("B") and first work hour ("D"), so you have it like this:
1 Entry Date Exit Date ZERO 1/1/2015 23:59 1/2/2015 23:59 1/3/2015 23:59 1/4/2015 23:59 1/5/2015 23:59
2 1/1/15 9:00 1/3/2015 11:50 0 0.6243055556 1 0.49375 0 0.00
The extra column is there to avoid circular dependencies, since
we must "iteratively" accumulate the hours
The main formula for row 2 from column D being:
=MIN(D1-$A2,MIN(MAX(($B2-$A2) - SUM($C2:C2), 0),1))
Note: semicolons may be needed instead of commas in Excel as delimiters.
Note: the last digit in the formula depends on the unit. Here it is in days decimal. If hours, put 24.
In plain English, for a cell
Calculate sum of hours/days decimal in the range C to wherever - 1
Subtract result from the difference between start and end (total hours)
If less than 0, put 0 (MAX(x, 0))
If more than 1, put 1 (MIN(x, 1))
Choose between the result, or the difference between current date and start time, if it is smaller

Excel Time Comparison and Subtraction

I am trying to do a time subtraction in excel of 30 minutes and I am running into a speed bump. So the table I have are as follows.
Table "Schedule"
Column 1 is day of the week (Mon-Sun) (formated as general, as this is plain text)
Column 2 is start time of the shift (formated as h:mm AM/PM)
Column 3 is end time of the shift (formated as h:mm AM/PM)
Column 4 is duration of the shift (start to end) (formated by formula (TEXT(col3-col2,"h:mm")) )
Column 5 is paid hours (if the total hours is over 6.5 then subtract 0.5 hours for an unpaid lunch) (formula IF(col5>"6:30",col5-"0:30",D5) )
The issue is any time allotment over 10 hours start to end (where column 4, the duration hits 10 hours) no lunch is subtracted at all.
Start 9:00 AM, End 6:59 PM, Hours Total 9:59, Hours Paid 9:29
Start 9:00 AM, End 7:00 PM, Hours Total 10:00, Hours Paid 10:00
and that should obviously not happen. I can't find anything on google so I figured the excel gurus here may have some advice.
If your time columns are stores using excel's dedicated time format, this should be straightforward. Mixed data types are likely your problem.
First, be sure your time columns (columns 2 and 3) are set using the time function, i.e.,
Then, you should be able to add and subtract easily.
Column 4: = column 3 - column 2
... then subtract 30 minutes also using the time() function:
Column 5: = if(column 4 > time(6,30,0),column 4 -time(0,30,0),column 4)
Excel stores time values from 0 to 1. So 24 hours=1, 12 hours=.5 etc. That means 6.5 hours=0.270833333 and .5 hours=0.020833333. As a result you can just do a simple if statement.
To turn it into a time format, is to just use excel's time formating options.

Finding earliest date in excel

In one column I have to 10 times and dates (I have merged date and time in a cell). How do I find top 5 earliest dates and times? I can’t use function MIN() because I have date and time together. How should I write the function?
You need to first format your data in date/time format in Excel.
Example, the following data is entered
16/7/2018 15:00
18/7/2018 12:05
25/8/2018 11:00
13/7/2018 09:00
15/7/2018 14:00
15/7/2018 11:00
You can use the formula =small(range, rank) to find the smallest n figure. For instance, =SMALL($A$1:$A$6,1) would give the smallest (earliest) date, 13/7/2018 09:00 in this case. =SMALL($A$1:$A$6, 2) would give the second smallest (earliest) date, 15/7/2018 11:00 in this case.

Find the Earliest Date in Excel

i want to find the earliest date between the DOB OF FATHER & DOB OF MOTHER in sheet1, by matching the employee code and having the value in earliest date in sheet 2.
Sheet 1
28883 29/12/1987 28/01/1988
83933 19/11/1988 12/07/1988
55428 21/01/1938 03/10/1938
99999 18/03/1982 11/02/1980
Sheet 2
Employee Code Earliest Date
1 Code FatherDOB MotherDOB
2 28883 29/12/1987 28/01/1988
3 83933 19/11/1988 12/07/1988
4 55428 21/01/1938 03/10/1938
5 99999 18/03/1982 11/02/1980
1 Code EarliestDOB
2 28883 29/12/1987
3 99999 11/02/1980
4 83933 12/07/1988
5 55428 21/01/1938
You can combine two vlookup operations with a min operation:
The first vlookup gives you the father's date of birth (using the entire table range but extracting the second column) and the second gives you the mother's date of birth (extracting the third column).
The earliest is then simply the minimum of the two.
If some of the dates may be blank, the easiest solution is probably to set up a D column on sheet 1 to evaluate the earliest date, ignoring blanks. For example D2 would have (split across lines for readability):
If one of the cells is blank, it uses the other, otherwise it chooses the earliest.
Then you just lookup that new column D in the formula on sheet 2 (example for B2):
I wanted to point out a limitation that has been in Excel forever.
Excel internally doesn't handle dates before 3/1/1900 (March 1, 1900) correctly.
it thinks that 1900 was a leap year
that the day before 3/1/1900 is 2/29/1900
if you enter pass Excel through automation any date between 12/31/1899 and 2/28/1899, it will think it is 1/1/1900 - 2/29/1900
if you attempt to pass it through automation 12/30/1899, it will think it is January 0, 1899.
if you attempt to pass it any date before 12/30/1899, it will throw an error
Various example dates that you can pass to Excel through automation:
Date Excel
-------- ------------------------------
18651001 throws error going into Excel
18991201 throws error going into Excel
18991229 throws error going into Excel
18991230 shows as "12:00:00" in Excel; it refuses to show a date portion
18991231 shows in Excel as 1/1/1900
19000101 shows in Excel as 1/2/1900
19000102 shows in Excel as 1/3/1900
19000103 shows in Excel as 1/4/1900
19000201 shows in Excel as 2/2/1900
19000228 shows in Excel as 2/29/1900
19000229 Feb 29 1900 was not a real date; Excel takes it
19000301 shows in Excel as 3/1/1900
19000601 shows in Excel as 6/1/1900
19001231 shows in Excel as 12/31/1900
19010101 shows in Excel as 1/1/1901
20151128 shows in Excel as 11/28/2015
The VARIANT structure does dictate that a date must be after December 30, 1899 midnight as time zero:
2.2.25 DATE
DATE is a type that specifies date and time information. It is represented as an 8-byte floating-point number.
This type is declared as follows:
typedef double DATE;
The date information is represented by whole-number increments, starting with December 30, 1899 midnight as time zero. The time information is represented by the fraction of a day since the preceding midnight. For example, 6:00 A.M. on January 4, 1900 would be represented by the value 5.25 (5 and 1/4 of a day past December 30, 1899).
tl;dr: If you have any dates in Excel before March 1 1900 (e.g. the birthdate of the oldest woman alive), Excel will not perform the math correctly.
If you wish to display any date before 3/1/1900, it should be presented as text, rather than an actual date.
Anyone attempting to find the minimum date in a range needs to be aware of this limitation in Excel.
