I'm trying to create a formula in Workbook1 that automatically pulls data from Workbook2. There is a new tab for each day in Workbook2 and are named Sheet1, Sheet2, Sheet3, etc. My ideal formula would pull the data using vlookup, while automatically incrementing the Sheet number by one each time I autofill the formula one column to the right.
Here is the current formula I have in Workbook1 to pull the data from Workbook2.
In A1:
VLOOKUP("JohnSmith",INDIRECT("'[Workbook2.xlsx]Sheet" & COLUMN() & "'!$A$50:$O$79"),3,FALSE)
I am maintaining an excel sheet where Sheet1 A1 would be the name of people and B2 would be their contact number. All of the details are in sheet 2 row A and B.
So, what I want is if I put a valid name (i.e. should be in Sheet2 A) then it automatically finds the number of that name and adds in the second row. Is this possible? I have around 10-15 contacts there.
Assuming Sheet workers list is as follows:
then in Cell B2 of Sheet assignment received enter either of the following formulas
=VLOOKUP(A1,'workers list'!A2:B10,2,FALSE)
=INDEX('workers list'!B2:B10,MATCH(A1,'workers list'!A2:A10,0))
Change range as required.
Use this formula in sheet -1 B2 cell "=IF(A2="","",VLOOKUP(A2,Sheet2!$A:$B,2,0))"
and Dropdown this formula till you want
I have some data on Sheet1 from B2:G5480. I also have the same data on Sheet2 from B2:G5480 for separate calculations.
What I want is as I enter new rows on Sheet1 updating Sheet2 automatically.
Any help will be appreciate.
Method 1:
Make cells in sheet2 point to cells in sheet1
For example in Sheet2 cell A1 have formula =Sheet1!A1
Replicate this principle across the range B2:G5480, being sure not to overwrite formula cells
Method 2:
Make formulae in Sheet2 refer to data in Sheet1 by prefacing cell references with Sheet1! - leave all data on sheet1 in just one place.
I have a workbook (we are using them for electronic purchase orders) and I need to be able to copy a worksheet but have the formula in it increment like it would if I copied the formula in a sheet.
In other words in sheet2 I1 the formula is ='Sheet1'!$I$1+1. When I copy sheet2 and it becomes sheet3, I need the formula in I1 to say ='Sheet2'!$I$1+1.
How can i do this?
You can get a string containing the current sheet name with the following formula
If you are using the standard Sheet# for your pages, then you can get the current sheet number with this formula (assuming the previous one was in B3)
=RIGHT(B3,LEN(B3) - FIND("]Sheet",B3,1)-5)
Next calculate the number for the previous sheet
Now you can use the indirect function to address a cell in the previous sheet
In Sheet4, this will reference B1 in Sheet3.
Copy it to Sheet5 and it will reference B1 in Sheet 4.
I have sheet A which is a big table with data referring to January and sheet B which extrapolate data from sheet A and in cell formulas there is the link to that sheet. Now I'd like to duplicate sheet A and sheet B naming them: A2 and B2 and formulas in B2 refer automatically to A2 data. is it possible or I have to change manually the reference to the new sheet?
I have a excel workbook with 3 sheets, sheet1 contains all the data which is split into remanning 2 sheets.
sheet1 data is updated on daily bases therefore i need to split sheet1 and update the reming two sheets, so at the moment i copy a each row from sheet1 and replace corresponding row in sheet2 or sheet3 with new data , each sheet contains the same columns: customer_id, customer_name, customer_surname, customer_deposit, total_deposits.
This requires so much manual work is there way where i can just automatically update a row in sheet2
and sheet3 with the data from sheet1.
Ps. The customer_id never changes so maybe there is a way i could use this t update the rows....?
If you only use sheet 2 & 3 for viewing the data then you can do something like this:
In sheet 2 set the formula for A1 to be
then drag the cell to the left (copying the formula) for however many columns you want. Then drag the higlighted cells down to copy the formula to all the desired cells. Then do the same on sheet 3 but starting at the point you want to split sheet 1. Then update sheet 1 and sheet 2 and 3 will automatically update.