Global variable values in PyCharm (Python 3.6) console - python-3.x

I'm new to both Python and PyCharm, so please forgive ignorance.
I was trying to tech myself about the execution of functions when initialising classes - specifically, I want to re-use a database connection object if passed into a new instance, but create one if not. I have a function get_cnx() that creates a connection. I discovered that, whether using a default argument in the __init__ statement to call get_cnx():
def __init__(self, db_cnx=get_cnx())
...or whether using a keyword argument:
self.db_cnx = kwargs.get('db_cnx', get_cnx())
...the function is always executed regardless of the presence (or content) of the connection argument that's passed in. Defeats the object of re-using a connection, so I reverted to an if condition. I believe there's a way of doing this with a decorator, but that felt like gilding the Lilly.
Anyway, this is the context for my actual question: to help me work out what was going on I created this simple test, as a module called "":
greeting = 'Good Day'
def my_func():
global greeting
greeting = 'Changed'
return 'Hello'
class Animal:
def __init__(self, greet):
if not greet:
self.greet = my_func()
self.greet = greet
if __name__ == '__main__':
cat = Animal(None)
If I run this module (with "Run with Python console" checked in the configuration), I see the global variable greeting shown in blue as 'Changed', which is what I'd expect.
If I change the last bit to this:
if __name__ == '__main__':
cat = Animal('Wotcha')
I see the global variable shown in blue as 'Good Day', which is also what I'd expect.
However, when I then type this into the console:
dog = Animal(None)
...the global variable name turns red but still shows 'Good Day'.
Similarly, using the PyCharm console does the same thing:
>>> print(greeting)
Good Day
>>> dog = Animal(None)
>>> print(greeting)
Good Day
Now, I loaded the module into IDLE and hit F5 (run module), and in the console, did this:
>>> greeting
'Good Day'
>>> dog = Animal(None)
>>> greeting
This is what I would have expected to see in the PyCharm console.
Can someone explain what's going on? Could it be a bug, or is it my lack of understanding of the way PyCharm deals with scope? Or my lack of broader understanding of execution scope?

JetBrains have opened a bug report for me - confirmed the behaviour isn't as expected.


Will class variable reset to initial value on its own in python?

Will class variable ever reset on its own when instance for that particular class is still present?
I have a class and during instantiating an object, I update class variable within init for future use where I would not have access to the instantiated object. I know for a fact that the object is no out of scope when I try to access this class variable. Sample snippet is given below.
Class A:
var = ""
def __init__(self,name): = name
A.var = name
A_obj = A("John")
I want to use var (which is "John") at a later part. when I get to that part, value of "A.var" is "" and not "John" as I expected The complete code is complicated to be posted here. So I have just provided basic scenario of what is happening
Rather than a working example which would let us reproduce the symptom you see, you chose to provide code which works as documented and never shows the symptom, leaving us to guess about your situation. I enclose my guess, a slightly longer version of your code:
def empty():
return ''
class A:
var = empty()
def __init__(self, name): = name
A.var = name
obj_john = A('John')
obj_mary = A('Mary')
The big difference is logging of the empty string assignment, which seems to be your chief concern. Unsurprisingly, the output produced is:
That is, the empty string was assigned exactly once, and then the ctor repeatedly overwrote the singleton.
If you abuse repeated imports of your module then you might manage to invoke the empty assignment twice, but you haven't described any of those interactions. Setting a debugger watchpoint might prove useful. Dig a bit further, and share with us what you found.

I am having trouble understanding the flow of programming

I am new to programming and one of the problems I have run across is structuring. I am learning Python (3) and am practicing by making a few practical programs. An issue I am running in to is how to get the right flow to the program. I find that as I write a function, I realize that I need it to lead to another function, so I end up calling the next function at the end of the function I'm writing. Then I realize that Python will read the code line-by-line, so I have to have the function I will be calling above the one I am actively writing. The effect is that I end up writing the program in reverse. For example:
#Replaces letters in chosen word with X's
def display_word():
selected_word = list(selected_word)
for x in selected_word:
x = "X"
print (x)
#Function that will display the welcome message when program launches
def start_screen():
user_input = input("Hello and welcome to Hang Man! If you would like to
start a game, please enter 'YES' now!")
user_input = user_input.upper()
if user_input == "YES":
print ("You're no fun!")
This is a little tid-bit that I have written in a hang-man program I am practicing with. I started out writing the start_screen function, then realized that I will need to call the display_word function within the start_screen function, but to do that, I will have to define the function before it is called, so I have to write the display_word function above the start_screen function, which effectively has me moving in reverse. My question is whether this is the way things go or if there is a better way to do things. It seems like writing the code in reverse is inefficient, but I am unsure if that is just my inexperience talking.
All functions in Python must be defined before they are used. That does not mean that the function has to be listed above the one it is called from.
The functions can be defined in any order. You just have to make sure the executable portions that start your program, like start_screen(), are called below where the function is defined.
In the case of your hangman program, you are perfectly safe to switch the order of the two functions.
In general, if you have all of your executable code following all of your function definitions, you are good to go to keep them in any order you choose!
This is perfectly ok. You can even switch them!
def fn1():
print('I am function 1')
def fn2():
print ('I am function 2')
This is bad!
fn1() #not defined yet!
def fn1():
print('I am function 1')
def fn2():
print ('I am function 2')
This is also bad!
def fn1():
print('I am function 1')
fn2() #not defined yet!
def fn2():
print ('I am function 2')

Set/Modify the variable used in a function from imported module

Consider following code:
namespace = "original"
def print_namespace():
print ("Namespace is", namespace)
def get_namespace_length(_str = namespace):
import testing
testing.namespace = "test"
print_namespace() return 'test' as exepcted, but the get_namespace_length() still return 8 which is the length of 'original'. How can I make get_namespace_length() taking the modified variable?
The use case of such implementation is some functions are used the same variable in the imported module, if I can modify/set variable, I can avoid explicitly to call out new variable in each function. Can someone advise?
Also, it doesn't have to be implemented in the way shown above, as long as it works. (global variable etc.)
Um... your default argument for get_namespace_length is database, undefined in your code snippet, also you switch from calling testing to test (I'm guessing that was one of many typos).
In short though, I believe its to do with how the bytecode is compiled in python. Arguments are 'preloaded', and therefore a change to a variable (such as namespace) does not get included in the compilation of get_namespace_length. If I remember correctly, upon import the entire code of the imported file is compiled and executed (try putting a print() statement at the end of to see)
So what you really want to do to obtain your length of 4 is change to:
namespace = "original"
def print_namespace():
print ("Namespace is", namespace)
def get_namespace_length():
_str = namespace
Or just print(len(namespace)).
Hope that helps!

Class Orientated Objects in Python error?

I've been having some issues with my code, you see I am a beginner at python programming and so I don't understand all the errors, So I would be quite happy for assistance down below is the code, which I have checked intensively just to find the error:
class Animal(object):
def __init__(self,legs,name):
def sleep(self,hours):
print("%s is sleeping for %d hours!" % (,hours))
self.legs = legs = name
roscoe = Animal(4, "Canis Lupus Familiaris") = ("Roscoe")
This is the Error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 9, in <module>
AttributeError: 'Animal' object has no attribute 'sleep'
You have a syntax error in the last line.
It should be:
instead of
Giving more context since I see you're a begginner at Python. The traceback of Python interpreter (the "program" that runs Python code) tells you what happened. In this case, it says "name 'roscue' is not defined". This is usually a syntax error. Sometimes it can mean that you haven't defined that function. But in this case, it's the former.
Also, going a little bit further, you're probably going to get an error of indentation. In Python, you have to indent every block that you want to put together, either with tabs or with spaces.
Finally, think about your functions, you have to put them in order. Init is a function, and sleep is another function, so after each one you have a block. Different blocks should be indented separately. Here's how the code should look, but revise it instead of running it blindly.
class Animal(object):
def __init__(self,legs,name):
self.legs = legs = name
def sleep(self,hours):
print("%s is sleeping for %d hours!" % (,hours))
roscoe = Animal(4, "Canis Lupus Familiaris") = ("Roscoe")

Entry Validation going wrong with tkinter

I am currently learning the tkinter basics and I'm building a small, super-simple program to test my knowledge on some of the most basic widgets.
I am having a problem with validation and an entry, possibly because of my lack of understanding in the matter... This poses three questions:
1 - How to do what was done here: without the class part. Just doing it when the script runs.
2 - What are all those self. and .self doing there? Which ones are there because that is a class, and which ones are there because of the validating method itself??
3 - What's wrong in my code? based in this explanation >>
from tkinter import *
from tkinter import ttk
# function that should take the '%d' replacer and only validate if the user didn't delete
def isOkay(self, why):
if why == 0:
return False
return True
okay = entry.register(isOkay) # didn't understand why I had to do this, but did it anyway...
entry = ttk.Entry(mainframe, validate="key", validatecommand=(okay, '%d'))
# the mainframe above is a ttk.Frame that contains all the widgets, and is the only child of the usual root [ = Tk()]
entry.grid(column=1,row=10) # already have lots of stuff on upper rows
The error I'm getting goes like this:
"NameError: name 'entry' is not defined"
I've tried to change the order of things, but there's always one of these errors.. It points to the line where I do the .register() stuff
This doesn't throw me an error, but still allows me to delete...
def isOkay(why):
if (why == 0):
return False
return True
okay = (**root**.register(isOkay), "%d")
entry = ttk.Entry(mainframe, validate="key", validatecommand=okay)
(where the 'root' part is written between ** **, does it have to be the root? Or it can be any parent of the widget that is going to use that? Or it has to be the immediate parent of it?
for instance, I have:
root >> mainframe >> entry. Does it have to be root, mainframe, or could be both?)
All usages of self are due to the use of classes. They have absolutely nothing to do with the validation. Nothing at all.
Here's an example without using classes, and without the long comment describing the validation function:
import Tkinter as tk
def OnValidate(d, i, P, s, S, v, V, W):
print "OnValidate:"
print "d='%s'" % d
print "i='%s'" % i
print "P='%s'" % P
print "s='%s'" % s
print "S='%s'" % S
print "v='%s'" % v
print "V='%s'" % V
print "W='%s'" % W
# only allow if the string is lowercase
return (S.lower() == S)
root = tk.Tk()
vcmd = (root.register(OnValidate),
'%d', '%i', '%P', '%s', '%S', '%v', '%V', '%W')
entry = tk.Entry(root, validate="key",
Note: the point of registering a command is to create a bridge between the underlying tcl/tk engine and the python library. In essence it creates a tcl command that calls the OnValidate function, giving it the supplied arguments. This is necessary because tkinter failed to provide a suitable interface to the input validation features of tk. You don't need to do this step if you don't want all of the fancy variables (%d, %i, etc).
The error NameError: name 'entry' is not defined is because you are using entry before you define what entry is. One of the benefits of using classes is that it allows you define methods further down in the file than where you use them. By using a procedural style you are forced to define functions before they are used*.
* technically speaking, you always have to define functions before they are used. In the case of using classes, you don't actually use the methods of a class until after you've created the instance of the class. The instance isn't actually created until very near the end of the file, which lets you define the code well before you use it.
