Update only if key exist firebase cloud functions - node.js

I have a function that counts all the members that are going to do a event.
I have the registered_people key to count how many users are on this event. This key is updated +1 or -1 when someone adds itself to the /registrations/approved link.
This works very well. See the method below.
exports.reservation = functions.database.ref('/agenda/activitys/{year}/{month}/{day}/{time}/{event}/registrations/approved/{key}').onWrite((event) => {
var collectionRef = event.data.adminRef.parent.parent;
var countRef = collectionRef.parent.child('registered_people');
console.log("Fired of reservation watcher");
return countRef.transaction(function(current) {
if (event.data.exists() && !event.data.previous.exists()) {
return (current || 0) + 1;
else if (!event.data.exists() && event.data.previous.exists()) {
return (current || 0) - 1;
But my problem is when the admin deletes an event. Url /agenda/activitys/{year}/{month}/{day}/{time}/{event} gets deleted, and the method defined above gets triggered and writes data again to the url. How can I prevent that this method writes anything when an admin deletes the event?
And this code is not working:
if (event.data.previous.exists()) {
Because when a user wants to sign out from an event the registered_people must be updated. With the code defined above the delete does not work anymore. So I need to check if the event is deleted.

First, you are running and old version of functions & admin, update to be sure your firebase-functions & firebase-admin are updated:
In your functions folder run:
npm install firebase-functions#latest --save
npm install firebase-admin#latest --save
Then your code should look like this:
exports.reservation = functions.database.ref('/agenda/activitys/{year}/{month}/{day}/{time}/{event}/registrations/approved/{key}').onWrite((change, context) => {
var collectionRef = change.after.ref.parent.parent;
var countRef = collectionRef.parent.child('registered_people');
let increment;
if (change.after.exists() && !change.before.exists()) {
increment = 1;
} else if (!change.after.exists() && change.before.exists()) {
return null;
} else {
return null;
return countRef.transaction((current) => {
return (current || 0) + increment;
}).then(() => {
return console.log('Counter updated.');


How can I call addTelemetryInitializer when using the latest Javascript snippet?

I am trying to customise the name attribute for pageview events
This has previously been asked, for example How to provide custom names for page view events in Azure App Insights?
but this and all other solutions I've found (and the Microsoft documentation too) are working with an old version of the javascript snippet, of the form
window.appInsights = appInsights;
// …
The current snippet from the portal is very different though
var sdkInstance="appInsightsSDK";window[sdkInstance]="appInsights";var // ...
}); window[aiName] = aisdk,aisdk.queue && aisdk.queue.length ===0 && aisdk.trackPageView({});
I've tried this sort of thing
var sdkInstance="appInsightsSDK";window[sdkInstance]="appInsights";var aiName=window[sdkInstance],aisdk=window[aiName]||function(e){function n(e){t[e]=function(){var n=arguments;t.queue.push(function(){t[e].apply(t,n)})}}var t={config:e};t.initialize=!0;var i=document,a=window;setTimeout(function(){var n=i.createElement("script");n.src=e.url||"https://az416426.vo.msecnd.net/scripts/b/ai.2.min.js",i.getElementsByTagName("script")[0].parentNode.appendChild(n)});try{t.cookie=i.cookie}catch(e){}t.queue=[],t.version=2;for(var r=["Event","PageView","Exception","Trace","DependencyData","Metric","PageViewPerformance"];r.length;)n("track"+r.pop());n("startTrackPage"),n("stopTrackPage");var s="Track"+r[0];if(n("start"+s),n("stop"+s),n("setAuthenticatedUserContext"),n("clearAuthenticatedUserContext"),n("flush"),!(!0===e.disableExceptionTracking||e.extensionConfig&&e.extensionConfig.ApplicationInsightsAnalytics&&!0===e.extensionConfig.ApplicationInsightsAnalytics.disableExceptionTracking)){n("_"+(r="onerror"));var o=a[r];a[r]=function(e,n,i,a,s){var c=o&&o(e,n,i,a,s);return!0!==c&&t["_"+r]({message:e,url:n,lineNumber:i,columnNumber:a,error:s}),c},e.autoExceptionInstrumented=!0}return t}(
}); window[aiName] = aisdk;
if (aisdk.queue && 0 !== aisdk.queue.length) {
function adjustPageName(item) {
var name = item.name.replace("AppName", "");
if (name.indexOf("Order") !== -1)
return "Order";
if (name.indexOf("Product") !== -1)
return "Shop";
// And so on...
return name;
// Add telemetry initializer
aisdk.queue.push(function () {
aisdk.context.addTelemetryInitializer(function (envelope) {
var telemetryItem = envelope.data.baseData;
// To check the telemetry item’s type:
if (envelope.name === Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.Telemetry.PageView.envelopeType || envelope.name === Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.Telemetry.PageViewPerformance.envelopeType) {
// Do not track admin pages
if (telemetryItem.name.indexOf("Admin") !== -1)
return false;
telemetryItem.name = adjustPageName(telemetryItem);
But it doesn't work (no errors, but no effect on the telemetry either)
Has anyone managed to get anything like this working using the new snippet?
Please try the code below, I can add a custom property by using the latest javascript code snippet:
var sdkInstance="appInsightsSDK";window[sdkInstance]="appInsights";var aiName=window[sdkInstance],aisdk=window[aiName]||function(e){function n(e) { t[e] = function () { var n = arguments; t.queue.push(function () { t[e].apply(t, n) }) } }var t={config: e};t.initialize=!0;var i=document,a=window;setTimeout(function(){var n=i.createElement("script");n.src=e.url||"https://az416426.vo.msecnd.net/scripts/b/ai.2.min.js",i.getElementsByTagName("script")[0].parentNode.appendChild(n)});try{t.cookie = i.cookie}catch(e){}t.queue=[],t.version=2;for(var r=["Event","PageView","Exception","Trace","DependencyData","Metric","PageViewPerformance"];r.length;)n("track"+r.pop());n("startTrackPage"),n("stopTrackPage");var s="Track"+r[0];if(n("start"+s),n("stop"+s),n("setAuthenticatedUserContext"),n("clearAuthenticatedUserContext"),n("flush"),!(!0===e.disableExceptionTracking||e.extensionConfig&&e.extensionConfig.ApplicationInsightsAnalytics&&!0===e.extensionConfig.ApplicationInsightsAnalytics.disableExceptionTracking)){n("_" + (r = "onerror")); var o=a[r];a[r]=function(e,n,i,a,s){var c=o&&o(e,n,i,a,s);return!0!==c&&t["_"+r]({message: e,url:n,lineNumber:i,columnNumber:a,error:s}),c},e.autoExceptionInstrumented=!0}return t}(
instrumentationKey: "xxxxxxxxxx"
); window[aiName] = aisdk, aisdk.queue && 0 === aisdk.queue.length;
// Add telemetry initializer
aisdk.queue.push(function () {
var telemetryInitializer = (envelope) => {
//Add a custom property
envelope.data.name = 'This item passed through my telemetry initializer';
Then in azure portal, the custom property is added:

Not able to figure out how to wait until forEach loop iterates completely and use that result

I am new to cloud functions (node js with typescript). I am using it to fetch data from Firebase database( as the code below). But Not able to figure out how to wait until forEach loop iterates completely and use that result.
const reference = admin.database().ref('/books')
var path_key:string
var total_count:number = 0
reference .forEach(function (snapshot) {
path_key= snapshot(key).val()
if(condidtion met){
return response.send("failed")
return true
// i want to use total_count value here
return response.send("count :"+total_count) // but every time I gets 0, as it get executed before forEach has ended
My guess is that you're trying to wait for a number of items to load from the database. For that you'll want to use Promise.all(), in something like:
var promises = [];
ref.forEach(function (snapshot) {
path_key= snapshot(key).val()
Promise.all(promises).then(function(snapshots) {
var failed = false;
snapshot.forEach(function(snapshot2) {
if(condition met){
failed = true;
else {
if (failed) {
return response.status(500).send("ERROR");
else {
return response.send("count :"+total_count);

Count grandchild nodes in a cloud function

I have the following data structure:
Using a cloud function, i'd like to be able to have a /list_count reference on the root of my database, to be able to easily track list count without having to do a fat client-side call to count them.
at the moment I have this implementation, which I find a bit ugly:
exports.countlists = functions.database.ref('/users/{uuid}/lists').onWrite(event => {
const ref = event.data.ref.parent.parent.parent.child('list_count');
return ref.transaction(current => {
if (event.data.exists() && !event.data.previous.exists()) {
return (current || 0) + 1;
else if (!event.data.exists() && event.data.previous.exists()) {
return (current || 0) - 1;
The issue being that I get an error in the firebase console:
Error serializing return value: TypeError: Converting circular structure to JSON
as Inlined said here:
The problem you're running into is that the promised value that ref.transaction returns isn't serializeable as JSON. The easiest way to fix this (before we fix it in the Firebase SDK) is to transform the value to something like null.
I think to fix your problem, do this:
exports.countlists = functions.database.ref('/users/{uuid}/lists').onWrite(event => {
let root = admin.database().ref(`users/${event.params.uuid}/lists/list_count`)
return root.transaction(function(current){
if (event.data.exists() && !event.data.previous.exists()) {
return (current || 0) + 1;
return (current || 0) - 1;
}.then(() => null));

Mongoose add multiple items to database

I have two problems with this code.
1) Only the last element of beerObjects is saved to the database.
2) There are n duplicates of the last element (n = beerObjects.length) saved to the database.
function addBeersToDatabase(beerObjects) {
for (i = 0; i < beerObjects.length; i++) {
var currentBeer = beerObjects[i];
// check if beer is already in database
Beer.findOne({'beerId': currentBeer.beerId}, function(err, beer){
if (err) {
if (beer) {
// beer is already in database
else {
// add new beer to database
var newBeer = new Beer();
newBeer.beerId = currentBeer.beerId;
newBeer.name = currentBeer.name;
newBeer.description = currentBeer.description;
newBeer.abv = currentBeer.abv;
newBeer.image = currentBeer.image;
newBeer.save(function(err) {
if (err) {
throw err;
I want to loop through each beer and save its info to the database. I used findOne to prevent duplicates but this is not working. The first console.log() statement prints each beer id but the seconds console.log() statement prints just the last beer id multiple times.
The issue here is that in the findOne callback - your beerId will always be set to the last beer in beerObjects, because the loop finishes before you get to your first callback - welcome to asynchronous javascript.
One remedy for this is to wrap your findOne code in an IFFE (Immediately Invoked Function Expression). This code will complete before moving on to the next beer from beerObject.
Here is some more info on IFFE
Stack Overflow on IFFE
I took a quick pass at the code, I believe this should work, but you may have to make some adjustments with the internal code...
for(var i = 0; i < beerObjects.length; i++) {
//var currentBeer = beerObjects[i]; dont need this now
(function (currentBeer) {
Beer.findOne({ beerId: currentBeer},
function(err, beer) {
if(!err && !beer) {
var newBeer = new Beer();
newBeer.beerId = currentBeer.beerId;
newBeer.name = currentBeer.name;
newBeer.description = currentBeer.description;
newBeer.abv = currentBeer.abv;
newBeer.image = currentBeer.image;
newBeer.save(function(err) {
// log your error here...
} else if(!err) {
console.log("Beer is in the system");
} else {
console.log("ERROR: " + err);

How do I stop a table script from processing?

I am creating an insert script that does some business logic.
Basically, I want to check to see if a value in the inserted item exists in a table. But, it seems like if I find a problem Request.Send() doesn't stop execution and get an error.
I think there is an async issue here. I'm not 100% sure how to solve.
Is there a way to stop execution of the script?
if (item.memberType === 'Family' && item.primaryFamilyMember) {
memberNumber: item.primaryFamilyMember,
memberType: 'Family',
primaryFamilyMember: null })
success: function(results) {
if (results.length == 0) {
'Invalid Primary Family Member specified.');
console.error('Invalid Primary Family Member specified:' + item.primaryFamilyMember);
validInsert = false;
} else {
item.memberType = results[0].memberType;
item.memberLevel = results[0].memberLevel;
item.dateOfExpiry = results[0].dateOfExpiry;
if (validInsert) {
var today = new Date();
var prefix = today.getFullYear().toString().substr(2,2) + ('0' + (today.getMonth() + 1)).slice(-2);
return this.memberNumber.substring(0, 4) === prefix;
}, prefix)
success: function (results) {
if (isNaN(results.totalCount)) {
results.totalCount = 0;
item.memberNumber = prefix + ('00' + (results.totalCount + 1)).slice(-3);
Yes, validInsert is declared at the top of the insert function.
I assume what's happening is the if(validInsert) runs before the read callback. But if so, i'm not sure why I'm getting "Error: Execute cannot be called after respond has been called." That implies the callback is running first.
Also, the record is being inserted when it shouldn't be even though the 400 error is sent back to the client.
This is an express app right? Should I just call response.end() after the error occurs?
Yes, there are definitely asyn issues in that code. To solve get rid of your validInsert flag and simply move the if (validInsert) section into the success callback (or make it a function called from the success callback). For example:
success: function(results) {
if (results.length == 0) {
'Invalid Primary Family Member specified.');
console.error('Invalid Primary Family Member specified:' + item.primaryFamilyMember);
} else {
item.memberType = results[0].memberType;
item.memberLevel = results[0].memberLevel;
item.dateOfExpiry = results[0].dateOfExpiry;
var today = new Date();
var prefix = today.getFullYear().toString().substr(2,2) + ('0' + (today.getMonth() + 1)).slice(-2);
//respond successfully
