Best way to plot multiple categorical data in Excel - excel

I have this data, which contains information from 0 to 10 on how good is a party, according to people interviewed.
The columns represent the counts of each value that the person answered.
(Label of the Data)
Party_Name 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
PartyA 120 46 79 70 49 144 42 10 9 4 8
PartyB 119 38 74 79 51 135 39 19 5 1 1
The problem is that I have over 15 parties. What should be the easiest way to plot all of them?
I've tried plotting them like this:
But I'd would like keep the bars the same colors, and maybe plot the other parties on the same plot, but with 2 by row, or something like that, and also label the bars with the numbers from "0-10".
I hope I've made myself clear.

I think what you are looking for is a clustered column chart:
The way that you would set this up, would be to change the chart type to "Clustered Column":
Then to add the data labels, you would right click on one of the bars, select "Add Data Labels." Then right click the bar again and select "Format Data Labels." It should pop open the right hand pane to edit details related to data labels. Check "Category Name" and then uncheck "Value."


Data brushing in MS excel

I'm using MS Excel 2019 and I'm trying to copy only coordinates of specific selected data points in a scatter plot. Does anyone know whether this is possible. Any possible workaround if possible? My input to the Excel scatter plot are basically x and y coordinates in all 4 quadrants.
Data used:
Scatter plot:
What I need is basically select specific points in the first quadrant as mentioned in the red circle from the Excel plot itself and export the selected data points value to separate table. The mouse pointer hover on each point shows its value, but I can't capture multiple data points value using mouse.
What about creating a helper column, which only allows coordinates in the first quadrant? You can achieve this, using following formulas:
in C2 : =IF(AND(A2>=0;B2>=0);A2;0)
in D2 : =IF(AND(A2>=0;B2>=0);B2;0)

How can I merge rows in Excel 2010?

My Excel sheet contains columns for id, date, amount and name.
If two or more rows have the same id and name I want to merge them into one row with the amount of those two combined. Can anybody help me doing this?
Use concatenation with Columns ID and NAME (=ID&NAME) in another column and look for the pivot table. Move to Insert->Pivot table option to get the attached answer]
Hope this clarifies
Here is a possible solution (as far as I understand the problem) using a PivotTable:
As you can see, there is not really much to it. Just insert a pivot table and drag the ID & Name to the Rows while you move the dates and the values to the Values section of the pivot table. The Values in the Column section will be automatically generated.
The only thing I changed at the end was to format the pivot table nicely doing the following:
Remove SubTotals by name
Using a PivotTable style that I like from the PivotTable menu in the section Design.
Show items in a tabular format. That means that the name and the ID are shown on one row and not in a cascading format (ID in one row and the name in a second row underneath + indented). You can achieve this by right-clicking on the name and selecting Field Settings. A new window opens (showing the settings). Go here to the Layout & Print tab and select Show item labels in a tabular form. You might have to repeat that for the field Name and the field ID (depending on which of the two fields you chose to show first in the Rows section of the PivotTable).
Let me know if this solved your problem or if you have any questions.
Note: since no sample data has been provided I made some up. I sure hope this data is somewhat similar to what you are trying to aggregate.
Used sample data:
ID Date Amount Name
1 05.03.2015 121 Peter
2 14.01.2015 127 Max
3 11.01.2015 77 Eva
4 06.11.2015 141 Jamie
5 04.03.2015 58 Sophie
1 04.04.2015 94 Peter
7 20.06.2015 52 Lucas
3 14.12.2015 136 Eva
2 02.11.2015 93 Max
10 20.08.2015 59 Mason
4 11.01.2015 145 Jamie
4 02.02.2015 113 Jamie
4 26.02.2016 89 Jamie
1 30.03.2016 137 Peter
15 09.09.2015 81 Jackson
16 25.02.2015 61 Liam
2 26.02.2016 133 Max
2 26.10.2015 80 Max
19 25.09.2015 76 Aiden

excel incrementation by consecutive numbers

I have a form, thanks to user JamTay317, That lists data depending on folder number (bold number in form). I need to copy it for all 1500 folders (about 400 pages)
Form is divided on 4 labels on a page for easier printing
form overview
Form get it's folder number (nr teczki) from list with all folders from another sheet called "lista teczek":
list of folders
For first 4 folder numbers I use formula:
A2='lista teczek'!A1
J2='lista teczek'!A2
A21='lista teczek'!A3
J21='lista teczek'!A4
When I copy whole page underneath it increments by 36 (number of rows between)
A38='lista teczek'!A37
J38='lista teczek'!A38
A57='lista teczek'!A39
J38='lista teczek'!A40
Instead of A5, A6, etc.
Is there any way to override excel's incrementation to force it to use consecutive numbers? Or at least formula which will make it easier to follow folders list?
So I would use offset() to get the correct position
=A2=OFFSET('lista teczek'!$A$1;ROW(A1)-INT(ROW(A1)/36)*36+4*INT(ROW(A1)/36)-1;0)
So this will offset from A1 in the list sheet.
Below are row numbers a resultant lookup row numbers
Note the formula I used in the offset has an extra "-1" as this is an OFFSET so to get 1 from 1 we need to offset by 0
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
37 5
38 6
39 7
40 8
73 9
74 10
75 11
76 12
109 13
110 14
111 15
112 16
145 17
146 18
147 19
----LOGIC--- (edit)
So the idea is that you work out the occurrence you are on. Int(row()/36) gives us this. For example
First part gives us the offset from the start of the occurrence
Second part give the total of the previous occurrence
So you need to change the 36 to the gap between the occurrences and the 4 to the length of occurrences Not sure if that helps to explain

Create a Histogram in Excel with three different level

Based on the picture that I have uploaded, how should I create it in Excel with three different level?
Grades Bins Frequency Intervals
9 9 0 0-9
6 19 2 10-19
1 29 1 20-29
7 39
To create a histogram in Excel you would use FREQUENCY
This is no diferent in using something such as the groups for colours.
The difference is that you would use an IF statement referring to the group column.
So if your data was in B2:B40 and your group delimiter in C2:C40 and your bin sizes was in E2:E12 you would use a formula such as:
Then pop each group next to each other changing the "B" (or whatever) as you go.
Hopefully this will get oyu on the right track.
(note: with FREQUENCY you must array enter into all cells in line with the bin range... [ctrl]+[shift]+[enter])

EXCEL Bar Graph - representing only part of the bar graph

Hi I'm trying to create a bar graph on Excel where I can highlight part of the bar graph. For instance, for the following table,
1 100 20 30
2 100 10 20
3 100 5 15
I would like to have the value 100 represented and then on top of that have only between 20 and 30 highlighted (or shaded/colored/etc in differnt color) - showing that the total is 100 and the range is 20 to 30.
For 2, same thing, have 100 represented first, and only have 10 to 20 highlighted, and so on.
Would any of you guys please help me on how to go about it? I tried stacked bar with no fill and such but it does not fulfill my satisfaction. Thank you for your reply in advance!!! :)
Do you want something like this?
If so, convert your data to this format:
1 20 10 70
2 10 10 80
3 5 10 85
Use a stacked column chart and set the first and the third series to the same color.
