Apache Nifi - Submitting Spark batch jobs through Apache Livy - apache-spark

I want to schedule my spark batch jobs from Nifi. I can see there is ExecuteSparkInteractive processor which submit spark jobs to Livy, but it executes the code provided in the property or from the content of the incoming flow file. How should I schedule my spark batch jobs from Nifi and also take different actions if the batch job fails or succeeds?

You could use ExecuteProcess to run a spark-submit command.
But what you seem to be looking for, is not a DataFlow management tool, but a workflow manager. Two great examples for workflow managers are: Apache Oozie & Apache Airflow.
If you still want to use it to schedule spark jobs, you can use the GenerateFlowFile processor to be scheduled(on primary node so it won't be scheduled twice - unless you want to), and then connect it to the ExecuteProcess processor, and make it run the spark-submit command.
For a little more complex workflow, I've written an article about :)
Hope it will help.


How to use Airflow to restart a failed structured streaming spark job?

I need to run a structured streaming spark job in AWS EMR. As the resilience requirement, if the spark job failed due to some reasons, we hope the spark job can be recreated in EMR. It is similar as the task orchestration in ECS, which can restart the task if health check is failed. However, EMR is more a compute engine instead of orchestration system.
I am looking for some big data workflow orchestration tool, such as Airflow. However, it can not support the cycle in DAG. How can I implement some functions as below?
step_adder (EmrAddStepsOperator) >> step_checker (EmrStepSensor) >> step_adder (EmrAddStepsOperator).
What is the suggested way to improve such job level resilience? Any comments are welcome!
Some of the resilience are already cover by Apache Spark (jobs submitted with spark-submit), however when then you want to interact with different processes, that are not withing Spark, then Airflow might be a solution. In your case, a Sensor can help detect if a certain condition happened or not. Based on that you can decide in the DAG. Here is a simple HttpSensor that waits for a batch job to see if it's successfully finished
wait_batch_to_finish = HttpSensor(
headers={"Content-Type": "application/json"},
response_check=lambda response: check_spark_status(response, "{{ ti.xcom_pull('batch_intel_task')}}"),

Is it possible to run Hive on Spark with YARN capacity scheduler?

I use Apache Hive 2.1.1-cdh6.2.1 (Cloudera distribution) with MR as execution engine and YARN's Resource Manager using Capacity scheduler.
I'd like to try Spark as an execution engine for Hive. While going through the docs, I found a strange limitation:
Instead of the capacity scheduler, the fair scheduler is required. This fairly distributes an equal share of resources for jobs in the YARN cluster.
Having all the queues set up properly, that's very undesirable for me.
Is it possible to run Hive on Spark with YARN capacity scheduler? If not, why?
I'm not sure you can execute Hive using spark Engines. I highly recommend you configure Hive to use Tez https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/Hive/Hive+on+Tez which is faster than MR and it's pretty similar to Spark due to it uses DAG as the task execution engine.
We are running it at work using the command on Beeline as described https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/Hive/Hive+on+Spark%3A+Getting+Started just writing it at the beginning of the sql file to run
set hive.execution.engine=spark;
select ... from table....
We are not using capacity scheduler because there are hundreds of jobs run per yarn queue, and when jobs are resource avid, we have other queues to let them run. That also allows designing a configuration based on job consumption per queue more realistic based on the actual need of the group of jobs
Hope this helps

Spark job submission using Airflow by submitting batch POST method on Livy and tracking job

I want to use Airflow for orchestration of jobs that includes running some pig scripts, shell scripts and spark jobs.
Mainly on Spark jobs, I want to use Apache Livy but not sure whether it is good idea to use or run spark-submit.
What is best way to track Spark job using Airflow if even I submitted?
My assumption is you an application JAR containing Java / Scala code that you want to submit to remote Spark cluster. Livy is arguably the best option for remote spark-submit when evaluated against other possibilities:
Specifying remote master IP: Requires modifying global configurations / environment variables
Using SSHOperator: SSH connection might break
Using EmrAddStepsOperator: Dependent on EMR
Regarding tracking
Livy only reports state and not progress (% completion of stages)
If your'e OK with that, you can just poll the Livy server via REST API and keep printing logs in console, those will appear on task logs in WebUI (View Logs)
Other considerations
Livy doesn't support reusing SparkSession for POST/batches request
If that's imperative, you'll have to write your application code in PySpark and use POST/session requests
How to submit Spark jobs to EMR cluster from Airflow?
Useful links
How to submit Spark jobs to EMR cluster from Airflow?
Remote spark-submit to YARN running on EMR

how to know remotely if spark job is running on cluster

I am running spark job on ec2 cluster, I have a trigger that submits job periodically. I do not want to submit job if one job is already running on cluster. Is there any api that can give me this information?
Spark, and by extension, Spark Streaming offer an operational REST API at http://<host>:4040/api/v1
Consulting the status of the current application will give you the information sought.
Check the documentation: https://spark.apache.org/docs/2.1.0/monitoring.html#rest-api
you can consult the UI to see the status
If you run locally, take a look at the localhost:4040

Spark job scheduler without YARN/MESOS

I want to schedule some spark jobs in specified time intervals. Every scheduler that I found works only with Yarn/Mesos(e.g. Oozie, Luigi, Azkaban, Airflow). I'm running Datastax and it doesn't have the option of running with Yarn or Mesos. I saw somewhere that maybe Oozie can work with Datastax but couldn't find any help for that. Is there any solution to this problem or the only one is to write a scheduler myself?
