Could I/O memory access be used inside ISR under Linux (ARM)? - linux

I'm creating driver for communication with FPGA under Linux. FPGA is connected via GPMC interface. When I tested read/write from driver context - everithing works perfectly. But the problem is that I need to read some address on interrupt. So I created interrupt handler, registred it and put iomemory reading in it (readw function). But when interrupt is fired - only zero's are readed. I tested every part of driver from the top to the bottom and it seems like the problem is in iomemory access inside ISR. When I replaced io access with constant value - it successfully passed to user-level application.
ARM version: armv7a (Cortex ARM-A8 (DM3730))
Compiler: CodeSourcery 2014.05
Here is some code from driver which represents performed actions:
// Request physical memory region for FPGA address IO
void* uni_PhysMem_request(const unsigned long addr, const unsigned long size) {
// Handle to be returned
void* handle = NULL;
// Check if memory region successfully requested (mapped to module)
if (!request_mem_region(addr, size, moduleName)) {
printk(KERN_ERR "\t\t\t\t%s() failed to request_mem_region(0x%p, %lu)\n", __func__, (void*)addr, size);
// Remap physical memory
if (!(handle = ioremap(addr, size))) {
printk(KERN_ERR "\t\t\t\t%s() failed to ioremap(0x%p, %lu)\n", __func__, (void*)addr, size);
// Return virtual address;
return handle;
// ...
// ISR
static irqreturn_t uni_IRQ_handler(int irq, void *dev_id) {
size_t readed = 0;
if (irq == irqNumber) {
printk(KERN_DEBUG "\t\t\t\tIRQ handling...\n");
printk(KERN_DEBUG "\t\t\t\tGPIO %d pin is %s\n", irqGPIOPin, ((gpio_get_value(irqGPIOPin) == 0) ? "LOW" : "HIGH"));
// gUniAddr is a struct which holds GPMC remapped virtual address (from uni_PhysMem_request), offset and read size
if ((readed = uni_ReadBuffer_IRQ(gUniAddr.gpmc.addr, gUniAddr.gpmc.offset, gUniAddr.size)) < 0) {
printk(KERN_ERR "\t\t\t\tunable to read data\n");
else {
printk(KERN_INFO "\t\t\t\tdata readed success (%zu bytes)\n", readed);
// ...
// Read buffer by IRQ
ssize_t uni_ReadBuffer_IRQ(void* physAddr, unsigned long physOffset, size_t buffSize) {
size_t size = 0;
size_t i;
for (i = 0; i < buffSize; i += 2) {
size += uni_RB_write(readw(physAddr + physOffset)); // Here readed value sent to ring buffer. When "readw" replaced with any constant - everything OK
return size;

Looks like the problem was in code optimizations. I changed uni_RB_write function to pass physical address and data size, also read now performed via ioread16_rep function. So now everything works just fine.


How to handle more than one SIGSEGV occurrence in linux?

I have written a program to scan kernel memory for a pattern from user space. I run it from root. I expect that it will generate SIGSEGVs when it hits pages that aren't accessible; I would like to ignore those faults and just jump to the next page to continue the search. I have set up a signal handler that works fine for the first occurrence, and it continues onward as expected. However, when a second SIGSEGV occurs, the handler is ignored (it was reregistered after the first occurrence) and the program terminates. The relevant portions of the code are:
jmp_buf restore_point;
void segv_handler(int sig, siginfo_t* info, void* ucontext)
longjmp(restore_point, SIGSEGV);
void setup_segv_handler()
struct sigaction sa;
sigemptyset (&sa.sa_mask);
sa.sa_sigaction = &segv_handler;
if (sigaction(SIGSEGV, &sa, NULL) == -1) {
fprintf(stderr, "failed to setup SIGSEGV handler\n");
unsigned long search_kernel_memory_area(unsigned long start_address, size_t area_len, const void* pattern, size_t pattern_len)
int fd;
char* kernel_mem;
fd = open("/dev/kmem", O_RDONLY);
if (fd < 0)
perror("open /dev/kmem failed");
return -1;
unsigned long page_size = sysconf(_SC_PAGESIZE);
unsigned long page_aligned_offset = (start_address/page_size)*page_size;
unsigned long area_pages = area_len/page_size + (area_len%page_size ? 1 : 0);
kernel_mem =
mmap(0, area_pages,
fd, page_aligned_offset);
if (kernel_mem == MAP_FAILED)
perror("mmap failed");
return -1;
if (!mlock((const void*)kernel_mem,area_len))
perror("mlock failed");
return -1;
unsigned long offset_into_page = start_address-page_aligned_offset;
unsigned long start_area_address = (unsigned long)kernel_mem + offset_into_page;
unsigned long end_area_address = start_area_address+area_len-pattern_len+1;
unsigned long addr;
for (addr = start_area_address; addr < end_area_address;addr++)
unsigned char* kmp = (unsigned char*)addr;
unsigned char* pmp = (unsigned char*)pattern;
size_t index = 0;
for (index = 0; index < pattern_len; index++)
if (setjmp(restore_point) == 0)
unsigned char p = *pmp;
unsigned char k = *kmp;
if (k != p)
addr += page_size -1;
if (index >= pattern_len)
return addr;
return 0;
I realize I can use functions like memcmp to avoid programming the matching part directly (I did this initially), but I subsequently wanted to insure the finest grained control for recovering from the faults so I could see exactly what was happening.
I scoured the Internet to find information about this behavior, and came up empty. The linux system I am running this under is arm 3.12.30.
If what I am trying to do is not possible under linux, is there some way I can get the current state of the kernel pages from user space (which would allow me to avoid trying to search pages that are inaccessible.) I searched for calls that might provide such information, but also came up empty.
Thanks for your help!
While longjmp is perfectly allowed to be used in the signal handler (the function is known as async-signal-safe, see man signal-safety) and effectively exits from the signal handling, it doesn't restore signal mask. The mask is automatically modified at the time when signal handler is called to block new SIGSEGV signal to interrupt the handler.
While one may restore signal mask manually, it is better (and simpler) to use siglongjmp function instead: aside from the effect of longjmp, it also restores the signal mask. Of course, in that case sigsetjmp function should be used instead of setjmp:
// ... in main() function
if(sigsetjmp(restore_point, 1)) // Aside from other things, store signal mask
// ...
// ... in the signal handler
siglongjmp(restore_point); // Also restore signal mask as it was at sigsetjmp() call

Why does queue_work return 0 in linux kernel driver module

I have been porting a custom vendor class USB driver from WINCE 6.0 to Linux kernel for a custom Android device. This driver has a bulk endpoint that is used for transfer of data to a file. Please don't explain to me that is a bad idea. I understand this. In my bulkout_complete function I copy the data to a write buffer and then call queue_work to schedule a work queue to write the data to file. To ensure that the host cannot send data again until the write has completed I have a write status variable that gets cleared as the last operation in the work queue function. The host driver calls a vendor specific request on the control endpoint to monitor the status of that variable. When the variable is cleared the host will send the next packet to the bulk endpoint. The problem is that even though the variable has cleared, the next call to queue_work will return a value of zero, which seems to indicate that the work is already in progress.
From my header file:
u8 mWriteBuffer[4096];
u32 mWriteLength;
static bool mWriteActive = false;
#define USB_WORKQUEUE_NAME "wqusb"
static struct workqueue_struct *wqUSB;
static struct work_struct writeFile_work;
Creating and cleaning up the workqueue
static int __init init(void)
wqUSB = create_workqueue(USB_WORKQUEUE_NAME);
// other init stuff
static void __exit cleanup(void)
//other cleanup stuff
Bulk endpoint code
static void bulkout_complete(struct usb_ep *ep, struct usb_request *req)
struct usb_composite_dev *cdev;
struct f_myusb *ss = ep->driver_data;
int status = req->status;
cdev = ss->function.config->cdev;
switch (status)
case 0: /* normal completion? */
mWriteLength = (u32)req->length;
mWriteActive = true;
printk(KERN_INFO "[USB DRIVER] - failed to queuework \n");
/* this endpoint is normally active while we're configured */
case -ECONNABORTED: /* hardware forced ep reset */
case -ECONNRESET: /* request dequeued */
case -ESHUTDOWN: /* disconnect from host */
VDBG(cdev, "%s gone (%d), %d/%d\n", ep->name, status,
req->actual, req->length);
free_ep_req(ep, req);
case -EOVERFLOW: /* buffer overrun on read means that
* we didn't provide a big enough
* buffer.
#if 1
DBG(cdev, "%s complete --> %d, %d/%d\n", ep->name,
status, req->actual, req->length);
case -EREMOTEIO: /* short read */
status = usb_ep_queue(ep, req, GFP_ATOMIC);
if (status) {
ERROR(cdev, "kill %s: resubmit %d bytes --> %d\n",
ep->name, req->length, status);
The workqueue function that writes data
void file_write_handler(struct work_struct *pwork)
mWriteActive = false;

Reading a device from kernel interrupt

I'm aiming to have a kernel module that reads a device (ADC) at every T seconds.
I already have a working module that calls a interrupt each T seconds and I also have another module that reads a user space file (the ADC, for instance), which I got from this example. Both work fine separately.
The problem is that when I try to open and read any file from my interrupt routine the module crashes
[ 80.636932] Kernel panic - not syncing: Fatal exception in interrupt
My code is something like this:
static irqreturn_t timer_irq_handler(int irq, void *dev_id)
uint16_t value;
// reset the timer interrupt status
omap_dm_timer_write_status(timer_ptr, OMAP_TIMER_INT_OVERFLOW);
omap_dm_timer_set_load(timer_ptr, 1, 0xFFFFFFFF - (time * gt_rate);
value = read_channel();
uint16_t read_channel()
// Create variables
struct file *f;
char buf[128];
mm_segment_t fs;
int i;
// Init the buffer with 0
for(i=0;i \< 128;i++)
buf[i] = 0;
f = filp_open(device, O_RDONLY, 0);
if(f == NULL)
printk(KERN_ALERT "filp_open error!!.\n");
// Get current segment descriptor
fs = get_fs();
// Set segment descriptor associated to kernel space
// Read the file
f->f_op->read(f, buf, 128, &f->f_pos);
// Restore segment descriptor
// See what we read from file
printk(KERN_INFO "buf:%s\n",buf);
return 0;
static int __init mq7_driver_init(void)
int ret = 0;
struct clk *gt_fclk;
timer_ptr = omap_dm_timer_request();
if(timer_ptr == NULL){
printk("No more gp timers available, bailing out\n");
return -1;
// set the clock source to system clock
omap_dm_timer_set_source(timer_ptr, OMAP_TIMER_SRC_SYS_CLK);
// set prescalar to 1:1
omap_dm_timer_set_prescaler(timer_ptr, 0);
// figure out what IRQ our timer triggers
timer_irq = omap_dm_timer_get_irq(timer_ptr);
// install our IRQ handler for our timer
ret = request_irq(timer_irq, timer_irq_handler, IRQF_DISABLED | IRQF_TIMER , "mq7_driver", timer_irq_handler);
printk("mq7_driver: request_irq failed (on irq %d), bailing out\n", timer_irq);
return ret;
// get clock rate in Hz
gt_fclk = omap_dm_timer_get_fclk(timer_ptr);
gt_rate = clk_get_rate(gt_fclk);
// set preload, and autoreload
// we set it to the clock rate in order to get 1 overflow every 3 seconds
omap_dm_timer_set_load(timer_ptr, 1, 0xFFFFFFFF - (5 * gt_rate)); // dobro do tempo
// setup timer to trigger our IRQ on the overflow event
omap_dm_timer_set_int_enable(timer_ptr, OMAP_TIMER_INT_OVERFLOW);
// start the timer!
// get acess to gpio
ret = gpio_request(gpio, "mq7_driver sck");
if (ret) {
printk(KERN_ALERT "gpio_request %d failed\n",gpio);
return -1;
gpio_direction_output(gpio, 0);
// Print adc number into address string
return 0;
What is wrong with reading a file from a interrupt routine?
P.S.: It's running on a Overo (ARM), the distro is Poky and kernel version is 3.5.7.
After reading the answer of #VivekS in this post I took a look at Linux Device Drivers, chapter 10, which states:
A handler can't transfer data to or from user space, because it
doesn't execute in the context of a process. Handlers also cannot do
anything that would sleep, such as calling wait_event, allocating
memory with anything other than GFP_ATOMIC, or locking a semaphore.
Finally, handlers cannot call schedule.

MMAP fails above 4k size

This is my first post so please let me know if there is any mistake from .
My aim is to get approx 150MBytes of data transfer from KERNEL to user space.
[This is because i am building an driver for DMA device on OMAP l138 to transfer and receive data between DMA DEVICE and FPGA]
Now in LINUX KERNEL i am allocating BUFFER of VARIABLE size using dma_alloc_coherent
Then the PHYSICAL address of this buffer i am passing to user space to be user as
OFFSET parameter to be used for mmap call from user space .
Then from data is copied and read back to and from from user space to kernel
This logic work fine till size of buffer is 4096. Above 4k the mmap fails and return "MAP_FAILED"
static int driver_mmap(struct file *f, struct vm_area_struct *vma)
u32bit ret;
u32bit size = (vma->vm_end)-(vma->vm_start);
vma->vm_page_prot = pgprot_noncached(vma->vm_page_prot);
if (size > (NUM_PAGE*PAGE_SIZE)){
if ((ret = remap_pfn_range(vma,vma->vm_start,
(virt_to_phys((void *)krnl_area) >> PAGE_SHIFT),
size,vma->vm_page_prot)) < 0)
return ret;
printk("\nDVR:The MMAP returned %x to USER SAPCE \n",ret);
return 0;
dmasrc_ptr = dma_alloc_coherent( NULL ,GLOBAL_BUFFER_SIZE , &dmasrc ,0);
if( !dmasrc_ptr ) {
printk(KERN_INFO "DMA_ALLOC_FAILED for the source buffer ...\n");
return -ENOMEM;
printk( "\n--->The address of SRC is %x..\n",dmasrc_ptr);
// Round the allocated KERNEL MEMORY to the page bondary
krnl_area=(int *)((((unsigned long)dmasrc_ptr) + PAGE_SIZE - 1)&PAGE_MASK);
printk(KERN_CRIT "DVR:The KERNEL VIRTUAL ADDRS is %x..\n",krnl_area);
// Marking the PAGES as RESERVED
for (i = 0; i < (NUM_PAGE * PAGE_SIZE); i+= PAGE_SIZE) {
SetPageReserved(virt_to_page(((unsigned long)krnl_area) + i));
//Application code part
printf("USR:Please enter your requirement ");
printf("\nThe OPTION is %d..\n",option);
case 1 :
ret = ioctl(dev_FD ,IOCTL_UPP_START, &info);
if (ret < 0) {
printf("dma buffer info ioctl failed\n");
offset = info.var;
printf("THE ADDRESS WE GOT IS %X..\n",offset);
case 2 :
printf("THE OFFSET is %X..\n",offset);
if (mmap_Ptr == MAP_FAILED){
printf("USR[UPP] :MMAP FAiled \n\n");
printf("THE MMAP address is %X..\n",mmap_Ptr);
case 3:
struct upp_struct user_local_struct;
for (i = 0; i <(1024);i++) {
printf("WR:%X ",*(mmap_Ptr+i));
ioctl(dev_FD , IOCTL_UPP_WRITE ,&user_local_struct);
case 4:
struct upp_struct user_local_struct;
ioctl(dev_FD , IOCTL_UPP_READ,&user_local_struct);
for (i = 0; i <(1024);i++) {
printf("USR:You have entered an wrong option \n");
printf("\nUSR:CLosing the FILE ENTERIES ...\n");
use get_free_pages to allocate multiple pages, or use vmalloc but you need call remap_pfn_range at every page basis as vmalloc-ed physical memory could be not physically continuous.

Direct access to linux framebuffer - copyarea

I want to move very quickly a rectangle over a framebuffer in an embedded linux application. I have found that the function cfb_copyarea may be useful. But I cannot find any ioctl over the /dev/fb device to call the function. Or can this function be called directly?
Here is a code to init and close FrameBuffer
class CFrameBuffer
void* m_FrameBuffer;
struct fb_fix_screeninfo m_FixInfo;
struct fb_var_screeninfo m_VarInfo;
int m_FBFD;
int InitFB()
int iFrameBufferSize;
/* Open the framebuffer device in read write */
m_FBFD = open(FB_NAME, O_RDWR);
if (m_FBFD < 0) {
printf("Unable to open %s.\n", FB_NAME);
return 1;
/* Do Ioctl. Retrieve fixed screen info. */
if (ioctl(m_FBFD, FBIOGET_FSCREENINFO, &m_FixInfo) < 0) {
printf("get fixed screen info failed: %s\n",
return 1;
/* Do Ioctl. Get the variable screen info. */
if (ioctl(m_FBFD, FBIOGET_VSCREENINFO, &m_VarInfo) < 0) {
printf("Unable to retrieve variable screen info: %s\n",
return 1;
/* Calculate the size to mmap */
iFrameBufferSize = m_FixInfo.line_length * m_VarInfo.yres;
printf("Line length %d\n", m_FixInfo.line_length);
/* Now mmap the framebuffer. */
m_FrameBuffer = mmap(NULL, iFrameBufferSize, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE,
if (m_FrameBuffer == NULL) {
printf("mmap failed:\n");
return 1;
return 0;
void CloseFB()
Note that this code is not entirely correct, although it will work on many linux devices, on some it won't. To calculate the framebuffer size, do not do this:
iFrameBufferSize = m_FixInfo.line_length * m_VarInfo.yres;
Instead, do this:
iFrameBufferSize = m_FixInfo.smem_len;
And your code will be more portable.
As far as I know after a few days of research, there is no ioctl for invoking this function. I have to write my own system call preferrably in a kernel module. Or copy the algorithm the from kernel source and use it in the user space via nmaped memory.
