How to see the telemetry of azure kubernetes having containers and images in Application Insights? - azure

I developed .net core web and API applications with Docker support using VS2017. And configured the application insights for both web and API applications through the VS 2017 by following this below links.
Application Insights for ASP.NET Core
Monitor Docker applications in Application Insights
I deployed the above containers into azure kubernetes and then browse those containers URL’s in my browser but I am not able to see the data related to those images and containers in Docker Tile on application insights dashboard.
How to resolve this issue?


Monitoring IIS Applications using Application Insights

I have an Azure hosted IIS server which is hosting maybe 20 websites. I want to monitor all the websites one common application insights. I had installed the Application Insights Agent on the VM following the below article:
I went for the codeless option. But when I look inside the application insights in the live metrics I get the error below:
Not available: your app is offline or using an older SDK

Application logging in Azure Kubernetes

In our scenario, we are trying to Dockerize the framework 4.6 based Web API that logs on the server using Nlog.
Currently the application is hosted on IIS web server.
The question is how / where to store the logs when the application is rehosted on Azure kubernetes
should I use something like application insights
You can use the Azure Monitor including Application Insights to have your application logs.
Here is the official documentation on Azure Monitor for containers
Azure Monitor for Containers supports consuming logs from not just
Kubernetes but also from other orchestration engines such as DC/OS,
Docker Swarm, and Red Hat OpenShift.
Azure Monitor for Containers is perfect for Infrastructure monitoring and Application Insights which is now part of Monitor as well would be excellent for APM.
Application Insights for .NET

How detailed is the Application Insights telemetry using Docker hosted in Azure Container Instances

When I deployed my app to Azure App Service I got quite awesome telemetry out of the box.
Some of the telemetry data is generated by the App Service itself, some of it by my ASP.NET Core app that is using Application Insights logging.
As a result I could find out slow http requests, all application and IIS logs related to the request and see a nice chart showing where the time was spent, e.g. waiting for a SQL query or some http call.
I wonder how much of this telemetry can I get if I decide to go with Azure Container Instances.
The telemetry collected from the application itself using Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.AspNetCore SDK- you'd pretty much everything of that irrespective of where app is runnning - vm or container or app service.
When you run the Application Insights image on your Docker host, you get these benefits:
Lifecycle telemetry about all the containers running on the host - start, stop, and so on.
Performance counters for all the containers. CPU, memory, network usage, and more.
If you installed Application Insights SDK for Java in the apps running in the containers, all the telemetry of those apps will have additional properties identifying the container and host machine. So for example, if you have instances of an app running in more than one host, you can easily filter your app telemetry by host.

Difference between Azure App Services and Web App for Containers

I was looking to use Azure App Services and noticed Azure now offers Web App for Containers, now I wonder what's the difference between them? And couple more questions come to my mind
Assuming I choose Web App for Containers, who is going to manage the container updates?
Is the deployment differs from App Services to Web App for Containers, from application perspective?
Web App for Containers is one of the offerings in Azure App Service. It allows you to deploy containerized applications on Linux and Windows (the latter is in preview).
The platform automatically takes care of OS patching, capacity provisioning, and load balancing. But, the container updates are up to you.
The deployment differs in that you will be deploying your application inside a Docker container instead of deploying directly like you do in a Web App.

Publish an Asp.Net Web Api Self-hosted console application as Azure Webjob

I have an ASP.NET Web API Self-host console application and I want to publish it as a Azure Webjob service. Is it possible, is it advisable?.
I'm using Topshelf to install it as a windows service on my local server.
I haven't a web application only the console application.
In a Webjob, no. See Azure App Service sandbox limitations here - assuming you need to listen for inbound requests on a socket.
Installing stuff (think .msi or writing to registry) is also not supported.
Look at Cloud Services (Worker Role), Service Fabric or IaaS VMs.
They're all options.
EDIT (sometime in 2017):
Now there's even more option: Docker containers in Azure App Service Linux, Azure Container Service (DC/OS, Swarm or Kubernetes as orchestrator) or Azure Container Instance.
