Monitoring IIS Applications using Application Insights - azure

I have an Azure hosted IIS server which is hosting maybe 20 websites. I want to monitor all the websites one common application insights. I had installed the Application Insights Agent on the VM following the below article:
I went for the codeless option. But when I look inside the application insights in the live metrics I get the error below:
Not available: your app is offline or using an older SDK


Enabling Web Socket has disappeared from App Service configuration

Within my App Service property in Azure I normally have an option to enable Web sockets. It seems that this option has been very recently removed. Is anyone able to advise if this is no longer supported or if I am doing something wrong?
Additional Information:
Azure App Plan is a B1
Enabling Web Socket has disappeared from App Service configuration
If you have hosted your Web App using Linux OS,
then as per this MS Doc)
Web Sockets are not currently supported for Linux apps on Free App Service Plans.
I have created another App Service with Windows OS with B1 Plan , I am able to see the option of Web Sockets in Configuration section
As MS said, you don't need to enable it because it's always enabled

Application logging in Azure Kubernetes

In our scenario, we are trying to Dockerize the framework 4.6 based Web API that logs on the server using Nlog.
Currently the application is hosted on IIS web server.
The question is how / where to store the logs when the application is rehosted on Azure kubernetes
should I use something like application insights
You can use the Azure Monitor including Application Insights to have your application logs.
Here is the official documentation on Azure Monitor for containers
Azure Monitor for Containers supports consuming logs from not just
Kubernetes but also from other orchestration engines such as DC/OS,
Docker Swarm, and Red Hat OpenShift.
Azure Monitor for Containers is perfect for Infrastructure monitoring and Application Insights which is now part of Monitor as well would be excellent for APM.
Application Insights for .NET

Do we need iis server installed in azure cloud to host a web app in azure

If I need to host a web app in azure cloud, do I need to install windows server and iis in a VM or is there any other option like the web service running separately?
I have read azure app service while googled, if it's been used, Will it serve all the purpose of an iis?
In most scenarios you do not have to host a VM with IIS to host a web app in Azure. You can, but unless you want or need to manually manage a VM because you for instance need to install software on the server, there are simpler hosting alternatives.
Have a look at Azure App Service
Azure App Service is a service for hosting web applications, REST APIs, and mobile back ends. You can develop in your favorite language, be it .NET, .NET Core, Java, Ruby, Node.js, PHP, or Python. Applications run and scale with ease on both Windows and Linux-based environments.
As far as monitoring goes: there is a lot available to monitor the performance of an App Service. For instance:
Application Insights
Monitor apps in Azure App Service
Will it serve all the purpose of an iis?
Are you looking for a specific purpose? Azure App Service brings you a LOT of possibilities. Sure, it's PaaS and therefore you're bound by the options available for the specific service. But you're also getting a lot of extra's IIS doesn't provide (out of the box). And when you're running a website that doesn't require you to install any COM stuff or something specific like that, there's nothing App Service doesn't provide.

How to enable application insights for Azure Web App virtual directories

I am running one ASP.NET application in Azure Web Apps. And I have enabled Application Insights for that web app and it is working properly. I have got two other applications inside this web app as virtual applications. But Application Insights not working for them.
I can't add the Application Insights SDK to the specified virtual applications.
Is there a way I can configure application insights for the virtual applications, without adding SDK?
You will have to add the app insights SDK to all the app and be sure you set InstrumentationKey for each as well.
It seems that Application insight could only run on root website, and if you want to to get functional at virtual directory level, you could vote up this feedback to promote the function to achieve.
BTW, the way you set up virtual applications may have some mistakes. You should set as below:
For more details, you could refer to the article-Deploying multiple virtual directories to a single Azure Website.

How to see the telemetry of azure kubernetes having containers and images in Application Insights?

I developed .net core web and API applications with Docker support using VS2017. And configured the application insights for both web and API applications through the VS 2017 by following this below links.
Application Insights for ASP.NET Core
Monitor Docker applications in Application Insights
I deployed the above containers into azure kubernetes and then browse those containers URL’s in my browser but I am not able to see the data related to those images and containers in Docker Tile on application insights dashboard.
How to resolve this issue?
