cannot read configuration file - updated - iis

I am having the same issue as I've seen elsewhere but can no longer comment or reply - must be too old a post.
This happens only on my remote server running WIN2012, IIS 8.5 and on my brand new laptop, IIS 10.
I have been successful in running site on desktop WIN7, IIS 7.5 system only.
Seems it comes down to the computer's configuration. I needed to manually install IIS and other stuff on the WIN7 machine since none of it was there.
I don't believe the web.config file is the issue as you've stated, but something in the software installed is the problem.
Why can't this work cross platform? I am using the same folder paths. the "Test Settings" buttons may show errors, but sites other test sites still open (sites with an index file).
I have not found an answer and it's been weeks. If someone else can help it would be appreciated.


IIS has no websites

I'm configuring Windows 10 machine for web development. Installed Visual Studio and want to configure websites. Installed IIS manager but for some reason it doesn't have... anything. No websites, no application pools, no features at all. And it doesn't let me to add any of that.
Has anyone faced this kind of behavior?
Found it. It turned out that something messed up IIS config files (in Windows\System32\inetsrv\Config). So all IIS features were referencing invalid DLLs in the GAC and therefore were silently failing. I only found a trace of that in the Windows Event Log.
Took clean administration.config file and IIS started correctly.

Attempting to install NuGet server on iis 10 on w2016 yields 404 not found error

My environment:
Windows 10 Creator (1703 with current updates to this date)
Visual Studio 2017, Enterprise, 15.3 with most of the goodies turned on.
Windows 2016, again with all current updates.
iis 10 with WebDeploy installed (that's a whole other installation nightmare, suffice it to say that SO helped there and the answers are already out there so I won't go into it here). Turned on ASP.NET 4.6, otherwise mainly accepted the defaults.
My process:
As per the NuGet.Server documentation, create a new ASP.NET MVC project using the "Empty" template and download and install NuGet.Server as specified. I'm using .NET 4.7 as my framework.
Compile and configure as desired (at least ensure you have an api key in place).
Deploy to iis using the "Publish" | Web Deploy option
Try to get in touch with the NuGet.Server on the website and fail miserably!
My bindings are (yes, the server has a fixed IP address), port 80. The name of the site is AWENuGet and the desired url is
To be sure, all of this works just fine if you take the same project as described above, assign a local port number (creating the project will do that anyway) and then simply running the application in Visual Studio works just fine.
But, when I took that self-same project and simply deployed it to iis, miserable failure.
I tried to open the host file (Windows\System 32\drivers\etc) and added the following:
to said file and it still failed.
...and the answer, for me, was to take that same hosts file entry that I made on the server so that the server could see it and install it in my dev machine's hosts file and voila! NOW it works just fine.

Slow IIS on local Windows 10 PC

I've been running IIS over the years, on Windows 2000, Windows XP and Windows 7.
Since I moved to Windows 10, I've been having lots of problems with IIS running slowly.
I have a clean install of Windows 10 on my PC, not a previous Win7 version upgraded to Windows 10.
These are the versions:
Windows 10 Version 1511 (OS Build 10586.420)
Internet Information Services (Version 10.0.10586.0)
I have tried all sorts to fix this issue, such as editing my hosts file to this: localhost
Or commenting that line out.
I've tried running as: instead of localhost/mysite
I've tried tweaking various settings on the ApplicationPool, as per reading I've done on StackOverflow and the web in general.
There is nothing in the Event Log to do with errors or problems being flagged up.
However, a lot of the time page refreshes take over 1 minute to complete, which makes local development very slow.
The issue is the same on Chrome, Firefox, IE and Edge browsers.
I just re-installed Windows 10 and had the same issue again.
My IIS files sit outside of the wwwroot folder, in the c:\data folder. The localhost site was running painfully slow again.
This time, I fixed it by giving Read access to IUSR, NETWORK SERVICE and IIS_IUSR when right-clicking the folder and going to Properties > Permissions - e.g. for NETWORK SERVICE:
After that I restarted the IIS server and it sped up a lot.
This isn't how I fixed it last time though, but I can't remember how I fixed it them - so putting in this fix this time before I forget it!

IIS not working after upgrade to Windows 10 Pro from Windows 7 Unlimited

Today I upgraded my windows 7 ultimate to windows 10 pro. Every thing seems to work fine. But the localhost is now throwing error : HTTP Error 503. The service is unavailable.
I checked IIS, it is running. I checked the version of IIS from IIS Manager, it is showing Version 10.0.10240.16384.
I test my sites on localhost.
Before upgrade, in windows 7 ultimate it was working fine. I also checked "Turn windows feature on or off" and found that IIS is installed properly.
Please guide me.
Thanks Joe Raio for providing the hint. I checked the event log and found that rewrite.dll was causing error. I uninstalled IIS URL rewrite extension and the problem is gone. Now everything is working as before, classic asp, php, everything.
Please try this solution
Go to the Application Pool ...
Advanced Settings ...
Process Model ...
Identity ...
Set it to "LocalSystem"

ColdFusion10 Developer and Windows7 (IIS7.5)

I am trying to learn ColdFusion and have installed the developer edition (CF10) on my Win7 computer and this brings up the localhost administrator page correctly but I have a test helloworld.cfm file in inetpub/wwwroot and when I try & access this with localhost/helloworld.cfm windows opens a dialogue box saying what program should open this .cfm file?
(in IIS Mime type there is none for .cfm & when I tried to add one it didn't work...).
Several posts on the internet say ensure IIS has CGI enabled and ISAPI Extensions
IIS Metabase and IIS 6 configuration compatibility which I have.
I'm not sure what is wrong here-can anyone advise me clearly & simply if I can view and use .cfm in IIS & how?
We know IIS is the problem because your administrator works, so CF is running correctly.
What I do is the following
create a site in IIS, just basic. no setting changes
install coldfusion 10
During install coldfusion will ask me if it has to configure all current IIS sites
if you let it do that, it should all work like a charm.
Did you do it like this?
I would uninstall and re-install as something must have gone wrong connecting IIS to COldFusion
CF10 does not require the IIS 6 compatibility. If you don't need that for any other web technology connections, then remove that. You do need CGI, .Net Extensibility, ASP.NET, ISAPI Extensions and ISAPI Filters. I believe the connector configurator for ColdFusion especially uses the .Net Extensibilty to "wire things up".
