CTS error faced - android-cts

In android CTS 8.1 code there is no CtsDeviceAdmin.apk
When I am re-running the failed & not executed modules using retry command then the cts test report shows only previously passed modules result i.e result not updated?
How much time takes to run cts on android 8.1?

Running all the CTS suite varies from build to build you have to run it completely once to have a sure estimate. If retrying is stuck, and sometimes is getting stuck at the same result for multiple runs.you can make a sub-plan with the test that weren't run and execute that.
add subplan --name cts_remain2 --result-type not_executed --session 10
run cts --subplan cts_remain2


AdroidStudio 2.2.2 Empty Activity Error on phone

I just started learning about Android development, so this one is a serious issue for me: I launch Android Studio (2.2.2, but had the issue since 2.2.1) on Win10, make a New project, just keep clicking Next without changing anything (selecting Empty Activity as the template), Finish, try to Run 'app' on my phone and consistently get this error:
Error while executing: am start -n "com.example.android.myapplication/com.example.android.myapplication.MainActivity" -a android.intent.action.MAIN -c android.intent.category.LAUNCHER Starting: Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] cmp=com.example.android.myapplication/.MainActivity }
Error type 3
Error: Activity class {com.example.android.myapplication/com.example.android.myapplication.MainActivity} does not exist.
Error while Launching activity
Being a complete newbie who was just supposed to change some text in XML and run the app on a phone, I have no idea what to do or edit to make a pregenerated app actually work. I searched StackOverflow for a more general approach to these errors and tried:
Restarting AS/computer
Disabling InstantRun
Messing with Clean/Rebuild/Synchronize/Sync with Gradle
Deleting .gradle and .idea folders and Syncing with Gradle
Some other obscure shenanigans with build.gradle and AndroidManifest
Various combinations of the above.
... None of which worked (or affected the problem in any way, in fact).
Other observations:
The app isn't even installed (checked All apps, there isn't any com.example.android.myapplication or MyApplication app on my device)
On the development course forum, it was suggested that com.example.android.myapplication/com.example.android.myapplication.MainActivity should only read com.example.android.myapplication/MainActivity. So far I haven't been able to figure out how to change that.
Update 1 New attempted fixes (neither of which worked):
Specified activity directy in Run/Debug window.
Specified no activity whatsoever (doesn't show that error, but doesn't run anything either).
Did File/Invalidate Caches
Changed android.intent.category.MAIN to all-lowercase and back.
Added "category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT"/" to Manifest
Update 2 Managed to run the app on emulator. It seems to be working there, so the error will likely be somewhere between AS and the phone (Android 5.1.1, API 22).
Developer options and USB debugging are on (confirmed the pop-up message, too)
Driver is up to date (AS can see the phone without problem)
Phone is on (and not asleep) while I'm trying to run the app
Any suggestions why the phone won't download and run the app?
In your manifest file edit
with android:name="com.example.android.myapplication.MainActivity"
Make sure that your code doesn't mean any nonsense and that it wouldn't cause the app to crash, which is sometimes the problem. Try finding a problem in code which could crash the app. Maybe in your crash log you can find what causes the crash. Good luck fixing that.
According with your error log I suppose you did not delete previously installed app. See my accepted answer on the same question for details.

MSTest - Visual Studio Team Services - Selenium - Unable to get the results back after running a test suite

I am running a Selenium test in a distributed fashion and there is a lot of tests. Around 5000 tests.
I am able to see all the test are completed and at the end, I am not able to see the test results from build agent getting transferred and see the results in the web interface.
The build never completes. But the trx file is generated in the build agent.
All, I can see is below screenshot.
I believe this is because of the images which I attach to the test result in case of failure. The images are quite big and for each of the failed test I am attaching many images ( screenshots )
Can any Microsoft guys please answer if I am correct. After a long wait ( 1 hr) , I cancelled the build and I am able to see results displayed for 2000 test ( on a total of 4100 tests)
I am also clueless why it stopped at 2000?
Is there a limitiation of trx file size, it is 21GB ( including the folder with sreenshots )
Please help.

Instant Run - It keeps saying a class has been added when there is none

I've updated my Android Studio setup to 2.0-beta2 release in order to have a taste on the new Instant Run feature.
I've followed all instructions available including updating Gradle plugin to 2.0.0-beta2 and such but alas, I still can't get IR to run.
That message appears all the time I want to run my app using IR. The main caveat here that I did not add any new class to my code base; not even one. All I did before running that build was changing 2 lines within one of my custom View class from this:
..to this:
Despite that fact I still can't get IR to run.
Any clues on what's happening here?

Video.js Build on Windows Hangs on Minify Task

I'm trying to follow the contributing instructions for Video.js, and when I attempt to build the project grunt hangs on the minify step. Here's the output:
Running "minify" task
Running "minify:source" (minify) task
Verifying property minify.source exists in config...OK
Files: build/files/combined.video.js, build/compiler/goog.base.js, src/js/exports.js -> build/files/minified.video.js
Writing build/files/minified.video.js...OK
I get no error or message; it just hangs there for minutes. A file called minified.video.js is created in build/files, but it's empty. Any ideas on where I'm going wrong?
Update: I've tried it on 2 3 computers now with the exact same results. Two of the computers are Windows 7 x64 and one is Windows 8 x64. My gut feeling is that closure is choking on the really long command that the build file sends to it, but I'm having a hard time debugging that.
Update 2: I modified the Gruntfile.js to make it output the full command it uses to call Closure, and then I tried running that directly. I got the following result: 0 error(s), 576 warning(s), 82.5% typed. I would think that many warnings points to an issue, but I don't know what it could be. The full output from closure can be found here: http://pastebin.com/GZuFxiqh.
Update 3: I setup a virtual machine running Ubuntu and the build worked flawlessly. So, this is somehow Windows related, but I can't see how.
Well, I never figured out why the build was failing for me. However, as of video.js version 4.4.2, I am able to build the project without problems. Maybe it was a configuration problem on my end, or maybe some bugs got fixed on their end, but this issue is now resolved.

Browsers not visible when running Selenium2/Webdriver tests with Hudson

I am using Hudson CI to run an ant script which compiles and executes Selenium2/Webdriver tests (written as TestNG tests). These tests are set to run in a Firefox browser, not with headless HTMLUnit. During the Hudson build, I don't see any errors in the console output or the TestNG report, and my custom report seems to indicate that my tests do run normally, but I noticed that no actual Firefox browser is ever launched during the build.
In contrast, whenever I run my Selenium2/WebDriver tests via Eclipse or the command line either as a TestNG test or an Ant build, the tests always launch a browser on which I can see the tests being run. I just can't figure out why the browser does not appear. All of the aforementioned details suggest that the tests are in fact run properly, but the Hudson server is run on my local machine and no additional resources are apparently used to run the tests in their own Firefox instance.
I am not using Selenium Grid at the moment. Also, regardless if I run the tests sequentially or in parallel across multiple threads through Hudson, I am still not able to see any active browsers. I do vaguely remember at one point seeing Hudson launch an actual browser yesterday when I began this work, but I have yet to see once since. This makes me wonder if I possibly configured something incorrectly in my Hudson job.
Any help is greatly appreciated!
Login to test node
Open the window services and locate Jenkins Slave services
Right click and select properties
Go to “Log On” tab
Make sure option “Local System Account” is selected and tick the option “Allow service to interact with desktop”
Click OK to save the setting
Restart the services.
