Video.js Build on Windows Hangs on Minify Task - node.js

I'm trying to follow the contributing instructions for Video.js, and when I attempt to build the project grunt hangs on the minify step. Here's the output:
Running "minify" task
Running "minify:source" (minify) task
Verifying property minify.source exists in config...OK
Files: build/files/, build/compiler/goog.base.js, src/js/exports.js -> build/files/
Writing build/files/
I get no error or message; it just hangs there for minutes. A file called is created in build/files, but it's empty. Any ideas on where I'm going wrong?
Update: I've tried it on 2 3 computers now with the exact same results. Two of the computers are Windows 7 x64 and one is Windows 8 x64. My gut feeling is that closure is choking on the really long command that the build file sends to it, but I'm having a hard time debugging that.
Update 2: I modified the Gruntfile.js to make it output the full command it uses to call Closure, and then I tried running that directly. I got the following result: 0 error(s), 576 warning(s), 82.5% typed. I would think that many warnings points to an issue, but I don't know what it could be. The full output from closure can be found here:
Update 3: I setup a virtual machine running Ubuntu and the build worked flawlessly. So, this is somehow Windows related, but I can't see how.

Well, I never figured out why the build was failing for me. However, as of video.js version 4.4.2, I am able to build the project without problems. Maybe it was a configuration problem on my end, or maybe some bugs got fixed on their end, but this issue is now resolved.


Xamarin Android+iOS builds failing on Azure Dev Ops

I have an xamarin mobile app with 3 projects. Shared, Android and iOS.
All 3 build perfectly fine locally but fail on Azure Dev ops pipeline.
iOS and Android only have 2 xmal views that are platform specific. The rest are located in Shared.
For both of the xmal views, all the errors are coming from the code behind cs files complaining that something doesn't exist in the current context. There are around 80 errors like the one below. The errors are identical on both platform builds.
Example error from Droid build:
Droid\Views(Filename).xaml.cs(26,13): error CS0103: The name 'InitializeComponent' does not exist in the current context
This build hasn't run for a while, around 8 months. It used to work fine and none of the views xmal/cs code has changed. I'm assuming a version is now misconfigured somewhere.
Both builds run on VS 2022 pipelines.
Both builds restore okay.
I have tried (Mostly suggestions from similar posts)
Adding restore argurment to the Build step.
Checking name spaces match
Adding a small change (whitespace) to the 2 xmal pages to force a change.
Removing the shared project reference and re-adding it.
I would be grateful for any suggestions or ideas.
Thanks in advance.
In past experience, if something works locally and not on the build server pipeline; this usually points to a discrepancy between both machines, and potentially their versions of given libraries.
If you run the pipeline off of a local machine as well, maybe confirm that all libraries installed on that machine match your local ones (XCode, android-sdk, etc.)
If you run the pipeline off of a hosted machine, it maybe that the hosted images needs to be updated to a newer one to keep up with the project.

AdroidStudio 2.2.2 Empty Activity Error on phone

I just started learning about Android development, so this one is a serious issue for me: I launch Android Studio (2.2.2, but had the issue since 2.2.1) on Win10, make a New project, just keep clicking Next without changing anything (selecting Empty Activity as the template), Finish, try to Run 'app' on my phone and consistently get this error:
Error while executing: am start -n "" -a android.intent.action.MAIN -c android.intent.category.LAUNCHER Starting: Intent { act=android.intent.action.MAIN cat=[android.intent.category.LAUNCHER] }
Error type 3
Error: Activity class {} does not exist.
Error while Launching activity
Being a complete newbie who was just supposed to change some text in XML and run the app on a phone, I have no idea what to do or edit to make a pregenerated app actually work. I searched StackOverflow for a more general approach to these errors and tried:
Restarting AS/computer
Disabling InstantRun
Messing with Clean/Rebuild/Synchronize/Sync with Gradle
Deleting .gradle and .idea folders and Syncing with Gradle
Some other obscure shenanigans with build.gradle and AndroidManifest
Various combinations of the above.
... None of which worked (or affected the problem in any way, in fact).
Other observations:
The app isn't even installed (checked All apps, there isn't any or MyApplication app on my device)
On the development course forum, it was suggested that should only read So far I haven't been able to figure out how to change that.
Update 1 New attempted fixes (neither of which worked):
Specified activity directy in Run/Debug window.
Specified no activity whatsoever (doesn't show that error, but doesn't run anything either).
Did File/Invalidate Caches
Changed android.intent.category.MAIN to all-lowercase and back.
Added "category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT"/" to Manifest
Update 2 Managed to run the app on emulator. It seems to be working there, so the error will likely be somewhere between AS and the phone (Android 5.1.1, API 22).
Developer options and USB debugging are on (confirmed the pop-up message, too)
Driver is up to date (AS can see the phone without problem)
Phone is on (and not asleep) while I'm trying to run the app
Any suggestions why the phone won't download and run the app?
In your manifest file edit
with android:name=""
Make sure that your code doesn't mean any nonsense and that it wouldn't cause the app to crash, which is sometimes the problem. Try finding a problem in code which could crash the app. Maybe in your crash log you can find what causes the crash. Good luck fixing that.
According with your error log I suppose you did not delete previously installed app. See my accepted answer on the same question for details.

ServiceStack.Examples Build FAIL all over the place on initial pull/clone from GitHub

this is EXTREMELY frustrating to anyone who just wants to pull down your code and check it out and get it to simple build successfully.
Here's the scoop.
So I open the ServiceStack.Examples-master\src\AppHarbor.sln after pulling it from github and cloning it to my local drive.
I have had nothing but trouble from the get go. I have had to fix this solution and project reference as well as assembly references.
there's nothing more irritating to a developer no matter if it's an internal solution or set of .NET projects or external, that bomb during initial build. This stuff should be building period.
Also when I can't even download an examples solution and get it to build it makes people wonder how well this open source API really is, can I truly even rely on it? This reflects on you Service Stack.
here's is what I did, nothing out of the norm here:
1) Cloned ServiceStack.Examples to my local c:\www\Sandbox folder where I keep stuff I'm playing around with
2) Just looking at the folder structure from the start, it makes no sense in terms of being discoverable and more importantly organized. For example why is there yet another ServiceStack.Examples inside src and then outside of that a ton of other example folders of other example apps in the root of \src also??? So you have stuff in src\ and in src\ServiceStack.Examples, this is hell confusing and disorganized.
3) Opened C:\www\Sandbox\ServiceStack.Examples\src\AppHarbor.sln
4) Tried to build all, and the first major problem is the MovieRest project doesn't load. I get an error while opening the .sln that it failed to load it:
ok fine, this is still ridiculous, nobody who downloads a solution should need to worry about fixin this but of course I did, so I readded it because in actuality this .csproj was moved into the src\ServiceStack.MovieRest\Web\ folder and looks to me like nobody even reopened the solution to fix it??
5) So then I go to try and build the solution again, notice all the missing binary references in MovieRest. So ultimately I figured ok, looks like pretty much every other project is getting their references from their associated packages folder however for some Reason MovieRest and the Nortwind projects don't have anything in their packages folder. so I end up manuall opening up the MovieRest VS 2012 solution and building it, and I guess Nuget must run or something during that build? Because now walla, I see the missing assemblies pop into ServiceStack.Examples\src\ServiceStack.MovieRest\packages finally.
6) Ok, so I rebuild again, and now it's complaining about missing sqllite assemblies and also a sqllite3.exe. So now I have to hunt around again to find them for the x84 and x64 and copy those missing assmblies back into ServiceStack.Examples\src\ServiceStack.MovieRest\Web\sqlite and I also noticed that MoviewRest project was referencing sqllite3.dll in the root of the project which was also missing...this is such a mess.
7) I notice that the Northwind project doesn't build either
I don't know what is going on here, I mean is the build really that messed up? Has to be.
Who is gonna fix this on the ServiceStack end? how the heck do I get this to finally build and how has this not been reported?
Here are the errors I get after pulling down the "fixed" solution. I did a Shift + Ctrl + B on it (Build All). Let me know if I am just missing something here but it's not building yet at least on my side:
Ok again lets talk about this.
I pulled this zip down: from this page:
Opened the solution src\ServiceStack.sln (VS 2012 version)
First I get this SQL Express Error after opening it for the first time:
Now I try to build all on the solution and I get this build error:
So tell me what I could possibly doing wrong? This is a "Release" right? It should build right? It's not rocket science so how can people say this is a "dev consumer" issue? All I want is a stable release build. Simple.
I've just upgraded ServiceStack.Examples to VS 2013/IIS Express and updated it to the latest version of ServiceStack v3.9.63 that was just deployed. It should all build now, also some examples requires redis to be running on localhost.

Blackberry COD files randomly missing when using Eclipse 3.5

I'm finding the BB/Eclipse environment incredibly unstable and wanted to know if I'm doing something fundamentally wrong here?
I build my project and it produces about 40 or so COD files... usually. Sometimes if I clean and run some COD files are missing and it fails to run (or worse it runs the old version somehow). I kid you not, I'm spending about an hour each time I want to run/test my setup which is an order of magnitude slower than the other platforms I work with. It eventually works by hitting the clean/debug/clean/debug/etc... and doing nothing else except these clean/debug/repeat steps.
If I make incremental changes to my src it's fairly reliable at picking them up but when I add a new resource via windows explorer and say 'refresh' on that directory in eclipse it's when all the problems start.
Any pointers from experienced Eclipse/BB users would be much appreciated (especially how to narrow down why sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't).
I believe I've narrowed down the issues. Firstly I use DropBox on the src but this has the inadvertent feature of backing up build files and can't find a way of disabling this.
If the files are locked by Dropbox it unsurprisingly fails, the catch is it doesn't say 'couldn't write to file as it's locked' or anything helpful like that... just fails. Obviously when I go to inspect it Dropbox has done it's stuff so the perfect crime!
My learnings:
disable Dropbox on COD producing builds.
When changing SDK version I found I have to
change the SDK via the build config settings,
exit eclipse,
delete the build directory with windows explorer,
Restart eclipse and hit refresh/clean.
That seems to build fairly reliably now. Without restarting Eclipse I get all sorts of wierd errors of files going to wrong locations and dirty data being picked up. The main one is any //#ifdef's are not picked up by the preprocessor correctly so get 1001 errors.

Build Process failed with maven package

I am working on a maven project to build a simple utility api. The same source code when build on my office win XP machine, was successful. Now i am at home and working with same source code on CentOS machine. Here the build process failed strangely. The error it reports is ideally in my points should we warning message. As shown below.
[ERROR] com.vsd.Provider:[12,240] The import java.util.Set is never used
Can you please give me some idea, where can I look into?
It's hard to say without seeing your POM but the error reported looks like a violation of the Checkstyle rule UnusedImports (or something equivalent). Maybe this verification is triggered because of a setting defined in a profile that is not activated on your CentOS machine (as I said, hard to say). Anyway, to fix it, remove the unused import.
The problem was with the plug in being used to compile, It was a bug a shown below.
