Haskell: how to extract a value from a Right - haskell

I am building up a simple script to parse a two-items-per-row CSV file:
module Main where
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import Data.Csv
type Row = (BL.ByteString, BL.ByteString)
main :: IO ()
main = do
csvData <- BL.readFile "csvs/twostringsperrow.csv"
let v = decode NoHeader csvData :: Either String (V.Vector Row)
putStrLn "All done"
The script works. Obviously it doesn't do much at the moment, but it works, which is reassuring.
I want to now interact with this in the GHCi and so I run those couple of lines:
$ stack ghci
*Main> csvData <- BL.readFile "csvs/twostringsperrow.csv"
*Main> let v = decode NoHeader csvData :: Either String (V.Vector Row)
*Main> v
Right [("1","2"),("3","4")]
At this point I can see that the parsing has been successful and would like to get the [("1","2"),("3","4")] out of the Right into a variable called df so that I can have a play with it. i.e.:
*Main> let df = <something here> v
*Main> df
How do I do that?

You can use pattern matching logic here. For example:
let Right df = v
We thus here unwrap the data out of Right data constructor.
You can for example write a function that handles both the Left and Right case, since it is typically better to implement total functions (functions that can process the entire space of values specified by the type).

A basic approach it to use a case.
do ...
x <- parse ...
case x of
Left e -> putStrLn ("Parse error" ++ show e)
Right y -> putStrLn ("Parse OK!" ++ show y)
Don't forget that we can not, in general, "remove a Right" in a safe way, since a value of type Either ParseError T is not necessarily a Right, but could also be a Left.
Indeed, the parsing library returns such a sum type in order to force us to handle the error, and consider both cases.
There are some dangerous partial functions that indeed "remove Right" but it is better to avoid them.


Haskell: How to use a HashMap in a main function

I beg for your help, speeding up the following program:
main = do
jobsToProcess <- fmap read getLine
forM_ [1..jobsToProcess] $ \_ -> do
[r, k] <- fmap (map read . words) getLine :: IO [Int]
putStrLn $ doSomeReallyLongWorkingJob r k
There could(!) be a lot of identical jobs to do, but it's not up to me modifying the inputs, so I tried to use Data.HashMap for backing up already processed jobs. I already optimized the algorithms in the doSomeReallyLongWorkingJob function, but now it seems, it's quite as fast as C.
But unfortunately it seems, I'm not able to implement a simple cache without producing a lot of errors. I need a simple cache of Type HashMap (Int, Int) Int, but everytime I have too much or too few brackets. And IF I manage to define the cache, I'm stuck in putting data into or retrieving data from the cache cause of lots of errors.
I already Googled for some hours but it seems I'm stuck. BTW: The result of the longrunner is an Int as well.
It's pretty simple to make a stateful action that caches operations. First some boilerplate:
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Debug.Trace
I'll use Data.Map, but of course you can substitute in a hash map or any similar data structure without much trouble. My long-running computation will just add up its arguments. I'll use trace to show when this computation is executed; we'll hope not to see the output of the trace when we enter a duplicate input.
reallyLongRunningComputation :: [Int] -> Int
reallyLongRunningComputation args = traceShow args $ sum args
Now the caching operation will just look up whether we've seen a given input before. If we have, we'll return the precomputed answer; otherwise we'll compute the answer now and store it.
cache :: (MonadState (Map a b) m, Ord a) => (a -> b) -> a -> m b
cache f x = do
mCached <- gets (M.lookup x)
case mCached of
-- depending on your goals, you may wish to force `result` here
Nothing -> modify (M.insert x result) >> return result
Just cached -> return cached
result = f x
The main function now just consists of calling cache reallyLongRunningComputation on appropriate inputs.
main = do
iterations <- readLn
flip evalStateT M.empty . replicateM_ iterations
$ liftIO getLine
>>= liftIO . mapM readIO . words
>>= cache reallyLongRunningComputation
>>= liftIO . print
Let's try it in ghci!
> main
1 2 3
4 5
1 2
1 2
1 2 3
As you can see by the bracketed outputs, reallyLongRunningComputation was called the first time we entered 1 2 3 and the first time we entered 1 2, but not the second time we entered these inputs.
I hope i'm not too far off base, but first you need a way to carry around the past jobs with you. Easiest would be to use a foldM instead of a forM.
import Control.Monad
import Data.Maybe
main = do
jobsToProcess <- fmap read getLine
foldM doJobAcc acc0 [1..jobsToProcess]
acc0 = --initial value of some type of accumulator, i.e. hash map
doJobAcc acc _ = do
[r, k] <- fmap (map read . words) getLine :: IO [Int]
case getFromHash acc (r,k) of
Nothing -> do
i <- doSomeReallyLongWorkingJob r k
return $ insertNew acc (r,k) i
Just i -> do
return acc
Note, I don't actually use the interface for putting and getting the hash table key. It doesn't actually have to be a hash table, Data.Map from containers could work. Or even a list if its going to be a small one.
Another way to carry around the hash table would be to use a State transformer monad.
I am just adding this answer since I feel like the other answers are diverging a bit from the original question, namely using hashtable constructs in Main function (inside IO monad).
Here is a minimal hashtable example using hashtables module. To install the module with cabal, simply use
cabal install hashtables
In this example, we simply put some values in a hashtable and use lookup to print a value retrieved from the table.
import qualified Data.HashTable.IO as H
main :: IO ()
main = do
t <- H.new :: IO (H.CuckooHashTable Int String)
H.insert t 22 "Hello world"
H.insert t 5 "No problem"
msg <- H.lookup t 5
print msg
Notice that we need to use explicit type annotation to specify which implementation of the hashtable we wish to use.

Count `Pat`s in a Module

I need to count the number of Pat in a haskell Module. I know the simplest way is to pattern match on each level of the AST, which will result in a huge function that looks like the entire AST. I believe there's some way to take advantage of typeclasses like Functor or the State Monad to lean on some existing function that walks the tree (like prettyPrint) and trace a counter along, but I'm not sure how it works exactly.
It's very easy using uniplate:
import Data.Data
import Data.Generics.Uniplate.Data
import Control.Monad
import Language.Haskell.Exts
findPats :: Data a => a -> [Pat]
findPats = universeBi
test = do
content <- readFile "Simple.hs"
case parseModule content of
ParseFailed _ e -> error e
ParseOk a -> do
forM_ (findPats a) $ \p -> do
putStrLn $ "got a pat: " ++ show p
Essentially it's just the universeBi function.

How do I avoid memory problems when writing to file using the Writer monad?

I am building some moderately large DIMACS files, however with the method used below the memory usage is rather large compared to the size of the files generated, and on some of the larger files I need to generate I run in to out of memory problems.
import Control.Monad.State.Strict
import Control.Monad.Writer.Strict
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as B
import Control.Monad
import qualified Text.Show.ByteString as BS
import Data.List
main = printDIMACS "test.cnf" test
test = do
xs <- freshs 100000
forM_ (zip xs (tail xs))
(\(x,y) -> addAll [[negate x, negate y],[x,y]])
type Var = Int
type Clause = [Var]
data DIMACSS = DS{
nextFresh :: Int,
numClauses :: Int
} deriving (Show)
type DIMACSM a = StateT DIMACSS (Writer B.ByteString) a
freshs :: Int -> DIMACSM [Var]
freshs i = do
next <- gets nextFresh
let toRet = [next..next+i-1]
modify (\s -> s{nextFresh = next+i})
return toRet
fresh :: DIMACSM Int
fresh = do
i <- gets nextFresh
modify (\s -> s{nextFresh = i+1})
return i
addAll :: [Clause] -> DIMACSM ()
addAll c = do
(B.concat .
intersperse (B.pack " 0\n") .
map (B.unwords . map BS.show) $ c)
tell (B.pack " 0\n")
modify (\s -> s{numClauses = numClauses s + length c})
add h = addAll [h]
printDIMACS :: FilePath -> DIMACSM a -> IO ()
printDIMACS file f = do
writeFile file ""
appendFile file (concat ["p cnf ", show i, " ", show j, "\n"])
B.appendFile file b
(s,b) = runWriter (execStateT f (DS 1 0))
i = nextFresh s - 1
j = numClauses s
I would like to keep the monadic building of clauses since it is very handy, but I need to overcome the memory problem. How do I optimize the above program so that it doesn't use too much memory?
If you want good memory behavior, you need to make sure that you write out the clauses as you generate them, instead of collecting them in memory and dumping them as such, either using lazyness or a more explicit approach such as conduits, enumerators, pipes or the like.
The main obstacle to that approach is that the DIMACS format expects the number of clauses and variables in the header. This prevents the naive implementation from being sufficiently lazy. There are two possibilities:
The pragmatic one is to write the clauses first to a temporary location. After that the numbers are known, so you write them to the real file and append the contents of the temporary file.
The prettier approach is possible if the generation of clauses has no side effects (besides the effects offered by your DIMACSM monad) and is sufficiently fast: Run it twice, first throwing away the clauses and just calculating the numbers, print the header line, run the generator again; now printing the clauses.
(This is from my experience with implementing SAT-Britney, where I took the second approach, because it fitted better with other requirements in that context.)
Also, in your code, addAll is not lazy enough: The list c needs to be retained even after writing (in the MonadWriter sense) the clauses. This is another space leak. I suggest you implement add as the primitive operation and then addAll = mapM_ add.
As explained in Joachim Breitner's answer the problem was that DIMACSM was not lazy enough, both because the strict versions of the monads was used and because the number of variables and clauses are needed before the ByteString can be written to the file. The solution is to use the lazy versions of the Monads and execute them twice. It turns out that it is also necessary to have WriterT be the outer monad:
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.Writer
type DIMACSM a = WriterT B.ByteString (State DIMACSS) a
printDIMACS :: FilePath -> DIMACSM a -> IO ()
printDIMACS file f = do
writeFile file ""
appendFile file (concat ["p cnf ", show i, " ", show j, "\n"])
B.appendFile file b
s = execState (execWriterT f) (DS 1 0)
b = evalState (execWriterT f) (DS 1 0)
i = nextFresh s - 1
j = numClauses s

Dice Game in Haskell

I'm trying to spew out randomly generated dice for every roll that the user plays. The user has 3 rolls per turn and he gets to play 5 turns (I haven't implemented this part yet and I would appreciate suggestions).
I'm also wondering how I can display the colors randomly. I have the list of tuples in place, but I reckon I need some function that uses random and that list to match those colors. I'm struggling as to how.
module Main where
import System.IO
import System.Random
import Data.List
diceColor = [("Black",1),("Green",2),("Purple",3),("Red",4),("White",5),("Yellow",6)]
randomList :: (RandomGen g) -> Int -> g -> [Integer]
random 0 _ = []
randomList n generator = r : randomList (n-1) newGenerator
where (r, newGenerator) = randomR (1, 6) generator
rand :: Int -> [Int] -> IO ()
rand n rlst = do
num <- randomRIO (1::Int, 6)
if n == 0
then doSomething rlst
else rand (n-1) (num:rlst)
doSomething x = putStrLn (show (sort x))
main :: IO ()
main = do
--hSetBuffering stdin LineBuffering
putStrLn "roll, keep, score?"
cmd <- getLine
doYahtzee cmd
--rand (read cmd) []
doYahtzee :: String -> IO ()
doYahtzee cmd = do
if cmd == "roll"
then rand 5 []
else do print "You won"
There's really a lot of errors sprinkled throughout this code, which suggests to me that you tried to build the whole thing at once. This is a recipe for disaster; you should be building very small things and testing them often in ghci.
Lecture aside, you might find the following facts interesting (in order of the associated errors in your code):
List is deprecated; you should use Data.List instead.
No let is needed for top-level definitions.
Variable names must begin with a lower case letter.
Class prerequisites are separated from a type by =>.
The top-level module block should mainly have definitions; you should associate every where clause (especially the one near randomList) with a definition by either indenting it enough not to be a new line in the module block or keeping it on the same line as the definition you want it to be associated with.
do introduces a block; those things in the block should be indented equally and more than their context.
doYahtzee is declared and used as if it has three arguments, but seems to be defined as if it only has one.
The read function is used to parse a String. Unless you know what it does, using read to parse a String from another String is probably not what you want to do -- especially on user input.
putStrLn only takes one argument, not four, and that argument has to be a String. However, making a guess at what you wanted here, you might like the (!!) and print functions.
dieRoll doesn't seem to be defined anywhere.
It's possible that there are other errors, as well. Stylistically, I recommend that you check out replicateM, randomRs, and forever. You can use hoogle to search for their names and read more about them; in the future, you can also use it to search for functions you wish existed by their type.

Haskell: how to evaluate a String like "1+2"

Actually I have some formula like "x + y", which is a String.
I managed to replace the x/y variable with specific values like "1.2", which is still String type.
Now I have expression like "1 + 2".
So the problem is how to evaluate a expression of a string type and get the result.
ps: I wanna sth like read, that can directly convert the whole string expression instead of handling the operator (+/-,etc) case by case. Is that possible?
Your question leaves a lot of room for interpretation. I'm taking a guess you aren't accustom to building a whole pipeline of lexing, parsing, maybe type checking, and evaluating. The long answer would involve you defining what language you wish to evaluate (Just integers with '+', perhaps all rationals with '+', '-' '*', '/', or even a larger language?) and perform each of the above steps for that language.
The short answer is: to evaluate Haskell expressions, which includes the basic math operators you're probably talking about, just use the "hint" package:
$ cabal install hint
$ ghci
> import Language.Haskell.Interpreter
> runInterpreter $ setImports ["Prelude"] >> eval "3 + 5"
Right "8"
Might be worth reading the Parsec section of Real World Haskell. You could parse it into an expression tree and then substitute the values in. As you use Parsec you'd build up an expression tree using types (very roughly, I'm sure I've made some mistakes which I'll edit in fixes for as and when people point them out!) like that below.
data Op = Plus | Minus
data Term = Variable String
| Value Int
data Expression = Expr Expression Op Expression
| Term
Then 1 + 2 would be (Expr (Variable "x") Plus (Variable "y")) and you could apply the appropriate substitutions.
To get the result, I guess you could right a simple function evaluate :: Map String Int -> Expression -> Either ErrorMessage Int which would apply the bindings in the map and then calculate the result if possible.
Well I've been banging my head against hint but I give up for now. I know hint can do this but I'm not sure how. [edit] See TomMD's answer for how to set imports up for hint. [/edit]
import Language.Haskell.Interpreter (eval, runInterpreter, Interpreter, InterpreterError)
main = do let resIO = eval "3" :: Interpreter String
res <- runInterpreter resIO
print res
This uninterestingly produces Right "3" as the result. I tried the following variants, only to run into baffling errors:
... eval "3 + 3" ....
-- yields --
Left (WontCompile [GhcError (errMsg = "Not in scope: `+'"])
The + operator isn't in scope??? wtf...
import Language.Haskell.Interpreter (interpret, as, runInterpreter, Interpreter)
main = do let resIO = interpret "3" (as :: Int) :: Interpreter Int
res <- runInterpreter resIO
print res
-- yields --
Left (WontCompile [GhcError (errMsg = "Not in scope: type constructor or class 'Int'")])
The Int class isn't in scope??? ugh...
I invite those more knowledgeable than me to expound on the finer details of hint.
The accepted answer shows a minimal example of using the hint, but it lacks couple of things:
How to evaluate using bindings like let x = 1 in x + 1.
How to handle exceptions, specifically divide by zero.
Here is a more complete example:
import qualified Control.DeepSeq as DS
import Control.Exception (ArithException (..))
import qualified Control.Exception as Ex
import qualified Control.Monad as M
import qualified Data.Either as E
import qualified Language.Haskell.Interpreter as I
evalExpr :: String -> [(String, Integer)] -> IO (Maybe Integer)
evalExpr expr a = Ex.handle handler $ do
i <- I.runInterpreter $ do
I.setImports ["Prelude"]
-- let var = value works too
let stmts = map (\(var, val) -> var ++ " <- return " ++ show val) a
M.forM_ stmts $ \s -> do
I.runStmt s
I.interpret expr (I.as :: Integer)
-- without force, exception is not caught
(Ex.evaluate . DS.force) (E.either (const Nothing) Just i)
handler :: ArithException -> IO (Maybe Integer)
handler DivideByZero = return Nothing
handler ex = error $ show ex
