Actually I have some formula like "x + y", which is a String.
I managed to replace the x/y variable with specific values like "1.2", which is still String type.
Now I have expression like "1 + 2".
So the problem is how to evaluate a expression of a string type and get the result.
ps: I wanna sth like read, that can directly convert the whole string expression instead of handling the operator (+/-,etc) case by case. Is that possible?
Your question leaves a lot of room for interpretation. I'm taking a guess you aren't accustom to building a whole pipeline of lexing, parsing, maybe type checking, and evaluating. The long answer would involve you defining what language you wish to evaluate (Just integers with '+', perhaps all rationals with '+', '-' '*', '/', or even a larger language?) and perform each of the above steps for that language.
The short answer is: to evaluate Haskell expressions, which includes the basic math operators you're probably talking about, just use the "hint" package:
$ cabal install hint
$ ghci
> import Language.Haskell.Interpreter
> runInterpreter $ setImports ["Prelude"] >> eval "3 + 5"
Right "8"
Might be worth reading the Parsec section of Real World Haskell. You could parse it into an expression tree and then substitute the values in. As you use Parsec you'd build up an expression tree using types (very roughly, I'm sure I've made some mistakes which I'll edit in fixes for as and when people point them out!) like that below.
data Op = Plus | Minus
data Term = Variable String
| Value Int
data Expression = Expr Expression Op Expression
| Term
Then 1 + 2 would be (Expr (Variable "x") Plus (Variable "y")) and you could apply the appropriate substitutions.
To get the result, I guess you could right a simple function evaluate :: Map String Int -> Expression -> Either ErrorMessage Int which would apply the bindings in the map and then calculate the result if possible.
Well I've been banging my head against hint but I give up for now. I know hint can do this but I'm not sure how. [edit] See TomMD's answer for how to set imports up for hint. [/edit]
import Language.Haskell.Interpreter (eval, runInterpreter, Interpreter, InterpreterError)
main = do let resIO = eval "3" :: Interpreter String
res <- runInterpreter resIO
print res
This uninterestingly produces Right "3" as the result. I tried the following variants, only to run into baffling errors:
... eval "3 + 3" ....
-- yields --
Left (WontCompile [GhcError (errMsg = "Not in scope: `+'"])
The + operator isn't in scope??? wtf...
import Language.Haskell.Interpreter (interpret, as, runInterpreter, Interpreter)
main = do let resIO = interpret "3" (as :: Int) :: Interpreter Int
res <- runInterpreter resIO
print res
-- yields --
Left (WontCompile [GhcError (errMsg = "Not in scope: type constructor or class 'Int'")])
The Int class isn't in scope??? ugh...
I invite those more knowledgeable than me to expound on the finer details of hint.
The accepted answer shows a minimal example of using the hint, but it lacks couple of things:
How to evaluate using bindings like let x = 1 in x + 1.
How to handle exceptions, specifically divide by zero.
Here is a more complete example:
import qualified Control.DeepSeq as DS
import Control.Exception (ArithException (..))
import qualified Control.Exception as Ex
import qualified Control.Monad as M
import qualified Data.Either as E
import qualified Language.Haskell.Interpreter as I
evalExpr :: String -> [(String, Integer)] -> IO (Maybe Integer)
evalExpr expr a = Ex.handle handler $ do
i <- I.runInterpreter $ do
I.setImports ["Prelude"]
-- let var = value works too
let stmts = map (\(var, val) -> var ++ " <- return " ++ show val) a
M.forM_ stmts $ \s -> do
I.runStmt s
I.interpret expr ( :: Integer)
-- without force, exception is not caught
(Ex.evaluate . DS.force) (E.either (const Nothing) Just i)
handler :: ArithException -> IO (Maybe Integer)
handler DivideByZero = return Nothing
handler ex = error $ show ex
I want to write a function which, when called, will relentlessly ask for user input until the input can be read as an integer, (at which point the integer is returned to a possible do block where the function was called in the first place)
My code here:
lp_reqInt =
input1 <- getLine
if ((readMaybe input1 :: Maybe Int) == Nothing)
then do
putStrLn "(integer input required, please try again)"
else let output = fromMaybe (-666) (readMaybe input1 :: Maybe Int)
return output
trying to compile this gives the suspiciously simple error of parse error (possibly incorrect indentation or mismatched brackets) for the last line. (No indent characters were used throughout the whole file)
How should I change my code to have the intended behaviour? Is that even possible?
The other answer discusses what was wrong, and the minimal fix. In addition to the minimal thing that will get you moving on with your code, I thought it might also be interesting to show the idiomatic fix, namely, to use pattern matching instead of if. So:
lp_reqInt :: IO Int
lp_reqInt = do
input1 <- getLine
case readMaybe input1 of
Nothing -> do
putStrLn "(integer input required, please try again)"
Just n -> return n
This doesn't require the use of the weird fall-back -666 in fromMaybe, which is nice. Using pattern matching instead of (==) also has a more subtle advantage: it doesn't require the underlying type to have an Eq instance. For Int there is one, so there's no advantage in this code, but in other situations it can matter more. I've also lifted the type signature to the top-level; see here for further discussion of this idiom.
You seem to be slightly misunderstanding how do-notation works.
I'll give you a 'correct' version and we can work off that:
lp_reqInt = do
input1 <- getLine
let maybeInput = readMaybe input1 :: Maybe Int
if maybeInput == Nothing
then do putStrLn "(integer input required, please try again)"
else return $ (\(Just x) -> x) maybeInput
Note the let-statement at the top there. I can do a let-statement rather than a let-in-statement here, because it is in the top level of a do-block. When you wrote let output = fromMaybe (...), that was not in the top level of a do-block, that was in the second part of an if-statement, hence it will not work.
You were getting a parse error for this very reason: GHC expected an accompanying in!
Previous answers are great but i just would like to extend this topic with another reasonable approach for those who end up here searching not exactly what the OP is asking for but something relevant.
Since the topic mentions User Input (IO) and Integer (Maybe Int) we end up with a type like IO (Maybe Int). Such types are best expressed under the Monad Transformers, namely MaybeT IO Int and they act nicely as Alternative class members as well.
Haskell has fantastic solutions for these cases such that we may approach the same problem like;
import Control.Monad (msum)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe
import Control.Monad.Trans (lift)
import Text.Read (readMaybe)
lp_reqInt :: MaybeT IO Int
lp_reqInt = msum . repeat $ (lift . putStrLn) "Enter an integer.." >>
(MaybeT $ readMaybe <$> getLine)
It's relentless :)
λ> runMaybeT lp_reqInt
Enter an integer..
Enter an integer..
not an integer
Enter an integer..
Just 42
Consider a simple Haskell Brainf*ck interpreter. Just look at the interpret function.
import Prelude hiding (Either(..))
import Control.Monad
import Data.Char (ord, chr)
-- function in question
interpret :: String -> IO ()
interpret strprog = let (prog, []) = parse strprog
in execBF prog
interpretFile :: FilePath -> IO ()
interpretFile fp = readFile fp >>= interpret
type BF = [BFInstr]
data BFInstr = Left | Right | Inc | Dec | Input | Output | Loop BF
type Tape = ([Integer], [Integer])
emptyTape = (repeat 0, repeat 0)
execBFTape :: Tape -> BF -> IO Tape
execBFTape = foldM doBF
execBF :: BF -> IO ()
execBF prog = do
execBFTape emptyTape prog
return ()
doBF :: Tape -> BFInstr -> IO Tape
doBF ((x:lefts), rights) Left = return (lefts, x:rights)
doBF (lefts, (x:rights)) Right = return (x:lefts, rights)
doBF (left, (x:rights)) Inc = return (left, (x+1):rights)
doBF (left, (x:rights)) Dec = return (left, (x-1):rights)
doBF (left, (_:rights)) Input = getChar >>= \c -> return (left, fromIntegral (ord c):rights)
doBF t#(_, (x: _)) Output = putChar (chr (fromIntegral x)) >> return t
doBF t#(left, (x: _)) (Loop bf) = if x == 0
then return t
else do t' <- execBFTape t bf
doBF t' (Loop bf)
simpleCommands = [('<', Left),
('>', Right),
(',', Input),
('.', Output),
('+', Inc),
('-', Dec)]
parse :: String -> (BF, String)
parse [] = ([], [])
parse (char:prog) = case lookup char simpleCommands of
Just command -> let (rest, prog') = parse prog
in (command : rest, prog')
Nothing ->
case char of
']' -> ([], prog)
'[' -> let (loop, prog') = parse prog
(rest, prog'') = parse prog'
in (Loop loop:rest, prog'')
_ -> parse prog
So I have a function applied like interpret "[->+<]". This gives me an IO () monadic action which executes the given program. It has the right type to be a main of some program.
Let's say I would like to have this action compiled to an executable, that is, I would like to generate an executable file with the result of interpret ... to be the main function. Of course, this executable would have to contain the GHC runtime system (for infinite lists, integer arithmetic etc.).
It is my opinion that it is not possible at all to just take the monadic action and save it to be a new file. Is this true?
How could one go about reaching a comparable solution? Do the GHC Api and hint help?
Sorry, I oversimplified in the original question. Of course, I can just write a file like this:
main = interpret "..."
But this is not what we usually do when we try to compile something, so consider interpretFile :: FilePath -> IO () instead. Let the BF program be saved in a file (
How would I go about creating an executable which executes the contents of without actually needing the file?
$ ./MyBfCompiler -o helloworld
The answer is basically no.
There are many ways to construct IO values:
Built in functions like putStrLn
Monad operations like return or >>=
Once you have an IO value there are three ways to break it down:
Set main equal to the value
As the return value of an exported C function
All of these break down into converting an IO a into an a. There is no other way to inspect it to see what it does.
Similarly the only thing you can do with functions is put them in variables or call them (or convert them to C function pointers).
There is no sane way to otherwise inspect a function.
One thing you could do which isn’t compiling but is linking is to have your interpreter main function run on some external c string, build that into a static object, and then your “compiler” could make a new object with this C string of the program in it and link that to what you already have.
There is this theory of partial evaluation that says that if you do partial evaluation of a partial evaluator applied to an interpreter applied to some input then what you get is a compiler but ghc is not a sufficiently advanced partial evaluator.
I’m not sure whether you’re asking how you write a compiler that can take as its input a file such as, or how you compile a Haskell program that runs
In the former case, you would want something a little more fleshed out than this:
import System.Environment (getArgs)
main :: IO ()
main = do
(_:fileName:_) <- getArgs
source <- readFile fileName
interpret source
interpret :: String -> IO ()
interpret = undefined -- You can fill in this piddly little detail yourself.
If you want the latter, there are a few different options. First, you can store the contents of your *.bf file in a string constant (or bettter yet, a Text or strict ByteString), and pass that to your interpreter function. I’d be surprised if GHC is optimistic enough to fully inline and expand that call at compile time, but in principle a Haskell compiler could.
The second is to turn Brainfuck into a domain-specific language with operators you define, so that you can actually write something like
interpret [^<,^+,^>,^.]
If you define (^<) and the other operators, the Brainfuck commands will compile to bytecode representing the Brainfuck program.
In this case, there isn’t an obvious benefit over the first approach, but with a more structured language, you can do an optimization pass, compile the source to stack-based bytecode more suitable for an interpreter to execute, or generate a more complex AST.
You might also express this idea as
(^< ^+ ^> ^.)
Here, if the Brainfuck commands are higher-order functions with right-to-left precedence, and interpret bf input = (bf begin) input, the Brainfuck code would simply compile to a function that the interpreter calls. This has the best chance of being turned into fast native code.
Previous Answer
In certain cases, a compiler can inline a function call (there are pragmas in GHC to tell it to do this). The compiler is also more likely to do what you want if you name the closure, such as:
main = interpret foo
In GHC, you can give the compiler a hint by adding
{-# INLINE main #-}
or even
{-# INLINE interpret #-}
You can check what code GHC generated by compiling the module with -S and looking through the source.
I am building up a simple script to parse a two-items-per-row CSV file:
module Main where
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import Data.Csv
type Row = (BL.ByteString, BL.ByteString)
main :: IO ()
main = do
csvData <- BL.readFile "csvs/twostringsperrow.csv"
let v = decode NoHeader csvData :: Either String (V.Vector Row)
putStrLn "All done"
The script works. Obviously it doesn't do much at the moment, but it works, which is reassuring.
I want to now interact with this in the GHCi and so I run those couple of lines:
$ stack ghci
*Main> csvData <- BL.readFile "csvs/twostringsperrow.csv"
*Main> let v = decode NoHeader csvData :: Either String (V.Vector Row)
*Main> v
Right [("1","2"),("3","4")]
At this point I can see that the parsing has been successful and would like to get the [("1","2"),("3","4")] out of the Right into a variable called df so that I can have a play with it. i.e.:
*Main> let df = <something here> v
*Main> df
How do I do that?
You can use pattern matching logic here. For example:
let Right df = v
We thus here unwrap the data out of Right data constructor.
You can for example write a function that handles both the Left and Right case, since it is typically better to implement total functions (functions that can process the entire space of values specified by the type).
A basic approach it to use a case.
do ...
x <- parse ...
case x of
Left e -> putStrLn ("Parse error" ++ show e)
Right y -> putStrLn ("Parse OK!" ++ show y)
Don't forget that we can not, in general, "remove a Right" in a safe way, since a value of type Either ParseError T is not necessarily a Right, but could also be a Left.
Indeed, the parsing library returns such a sum type in order to force us to handle the error, and consider both cases.
There are some dangerous partial functions that indeed "remove Right" but it is better to avoid them.
I'm learning Haskell and as an exercise I'm trying to convert write the read_from function following code to Haskell. Taken from Peter Norvig's Scheme interpreter.
Is there a straightforward way do this?
def read(s):
"Read a Scheme expression from a string."
return read_from(tokenize(s))
parse = read
def tokenize(s):
"Convert a string into a list of tokens."
return s.replace('(',' ( ').replace(')',' ) ').split()
def read_from(tokens):
"Read an expression from a sequence of tokens."
if len(tokens) == 0:
raise SyntaxError('unexpected EOF while reading')
token = tokens.pop(0)
if '(' == token:
L = []
while tokens[0] != ')':
tokens.pop(0) # pop off ')'
return L
elif ')' == token:
raise SyntaxError('unexpected )')
return atom(token)
def atom(token):
"Numbers become numbers; every other token is a symbol."
try: return int(token)
except ValueError:
try: return float(token)
except ValueError:
return Symbol(token)
There is a straightforward way to "transliterate" Python into Haskell. This can be done by clever usage of monad transformers, which sounds scary, but it's really not. You see, due to purity, in Haskell when you want to use effects such as mutable state (e.g. the append and pop operations are performing mutation) or exceptions, you have to make it a little more explicit. Let's start at the top.
parse :: String -> SchemeExpr
parse s = readFrom (tokenize s)
The Python docstring said "Read a Scheme expression from a string", so I just took the liberty of encoding this as the type signature (String -> SchemeExpr). That docstring becomes obsolete because the type conveys the same information. Now... what is a SchemeExpr? According to your code, a scheme expression can be an int, float, symbol, or list of scheme expressions. Let's create a data type that represents these options.
data SchemeExpr
= SInt Int
| SFloat Float
| SSymbol String
| SList [SchemeExpr]
deriving (Eq, Show)
In order to tell Haskell that the Int we are dealing with should be treated as a SchemeExpr, we need to tag it with SInt. Likewise with the other possibilities. Let's move on to tokenize.
tokenize :: String -> [Token]
Again, the docstring turns into a type signature: turn a String into a list of Tokens. Well, what's a Token? If you look at the code, you'll notice that the left and right paren characters are apparently special tokens, which signal particular behaviors. Anything else is... unspecial. While we could create a data type to more clearly distinguish parens from other tokens, let's just use Strings, to stick a little closer to the original Python code.
type Token = String
Now let's try writing tokenize. First, let's write a quick little operator for making function chaining look a bit more like Python. In Haskell, you can define your own operators.
(|>) :: a -> (a -> b) -> b
x |> f = f x
tokenize s = s |> replace "(" " ( "
|> replace ")" " ) "
|> words
words is Haskell's version of split. However, Haskell has no pre-cooked version of replace that I know of. Here's one that should do the trick:
-- add imports to top of file
import Data.List.Split (splitOn)
import Data.List (intercalate)
replace :: String -> String -> String -> String
replace old new s = s |> splitOn old
|> intercalate new
If you read the docs for splitOn and intercalate, this simple algorithm should make perfect sense. Haskellers would typically write this as replace old new = intercalate new . splitOn old, but I used |> here for easier Python audience understanding.
Note that replace takes three arguments, but above I only invoked it with two. In Haskell you can partially apply any function, which is pretty neat. |> works sort of like the unix pipe, if you couldn't tell, except with more type safety.
Still with me? Let's skip over to atom. That nested logic is a bit ugly, so let's try a slightly different approach to clean it up. We'll use the Either type for a much nicer presentation.
atom :: Token -> SchemeExpr
atom s = Left s |> tryReadInto SInt
|> tryReadInto SFloat
|> orElse (SSymbol s)
Haskell doesn't have the automagical coersion functions int and float, so instead we will build tryReadInto. Here's how it works: we're going to thread Either values around. An Either value is either a Left or a Right. Conventionally, Left is used to signal error or failure, while Right signals success or completion. In Haskell, to simulate the Python-esque function call chaining, you just place the "self" argument as the last one.
tryReadInto :: Read a => (a -> b) -> Either String b -> Either String b
tryReadInto f (Right x) = Right x
tryReadInto f (Left s) = case readMay s of
Just x -> Right (f x)
Nothing -> Left s
orElse :: a -> Either err a -> a
orElse a (Left _) = a
orElse _ (Right a) = a
tryReadInto relies on type inference in order to determine which type it is trying to parse the string into. If the parse fails, it simply reproduces the same string in the Left position. If it succeeds, then it performs whatever function is desired and places the result in the Right position. orElse allows us to eliminate the Either by supplying a value in case the former computations failed. Can you see how Either acts as a replacement for exceptions here? Since the ValueExceptions in the Python code are always caught inside the function itself, we know that atom will never raise an exception. Similarly, in the Haskell code, even though we used Either on the inside of the function, the interface that we expose is pure: Token -> SchemeExpr, no outwardly-visible side effects.
OK, let's move on to read_from. First, ask yourself the question: what side effects does this function have? It mutates its argument tokens via pop, and it has internal mutation on the list named L. It also raises the SyntaxError exception. At this point, most Haskellers will be throwing up their hands saying "oh noes! side effects! gross!" But the truth is that Haskellers use side effects all the time as well. We just call them "monads" in order to scare people away and avoid success at all costs. Mutation can be accomplished with the State monad, and exceptions with the Either monad (surprise!). We will want to use both at the same time, so we'll in fact use "monad transformers", which I'll explain in a bit. It's not that scary, once you learn to see past the cruft.
First, a few utilities. These are just some simple plumbing operations. raise will let us "raise exceptions" as in Python, and whileM will let us write a while loop as in Python. For the latter, we simply have to make it explicit in what order the effects should happen: first perform the effect to compute the condition, then if it's True, perform the effects of the body and loop again.
import Control.Monad.Trans.State
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift)
raise = lift . Left
whileM :: Monad m => m Bool -> m () -> m ()
whileM mb m = do
b <- mb
if b
then m >> whileM mb m
else return ()
We again want to expose a pure interface. However, there is a chance that there will be a SyntaxError, so we will indicate in the type signature that the result will be either a SchemeExpr or a SyntaxError. This is reminiscent of how in Java you can annotate which exceptions a method will raise. Note that the type signature of parse has to change as well, since it might raise the SyntaxError.
data SyntaxError = SyntaxError String
deriving (Show)
parse :: String -> Either SyntaxError SchemeExpr
readFrom :: [Token] -> Either SyntaxError SchemeExpr
readFrom = evalStateT readFrom'
We are going to perform a stateful computation on the token list that is passed in. Unlike the Python, however, we are not going to be rude to the caller and mutate the very list passed to us. Instead, we will establish our own state space and initialize it to the token list we are given. We will use do notation, which provides syntactic sugar to make it look like we're programming imperatively. The StateT monad transformer gives us the get, put, and modify state operations.
readFrom' :: StateT [Token] (Either SyntaxError) SchemeExpr
readFrom' = do
tokens <- get
case tokens of
[] -> raise (SyntaxError "unexpected EOF while reading")
(token:tokens') -> do
put tokens' -- here we overwrite the state with the "rest" of the tokens
case token of
"(" -> (SList . reverse) `fmap` execStateT readWithList []
")" -> raise (SyntaxError "unexpected close paren")
_ -> return (atom token)
I've broken out the readWithList portion into a separate chunk of code,
because I want you to see the type signature. This portion of code introduces
a new scope, so we simply layer another StateT on top of the monad stack
that we had before. Now, the get, put, and modify operations refer
to the thing called L in the Python code. If we want to perform these operations
on the tokens, then we can simply preface the operation with lift in order
to strip away one layer of the monad stack.
readWithList :: StateT [SchemeExpr] (StateT [Token] (Either SyntaxError)) ()
readWithList = do
whileM ((\toks -> toks !! 0 /= ")") `fmap` lift get) $ do
innerExpr <- lift readFrom'
modify (innerExpr:)
lift $ modify (drop 1) -- this seems to be missing from the Python
In Haskell, appending to the end of a list is inefficient, so I instead prepended, and then reversed the list afterwards. If you are interested in performance, then there are better list-like data structures you can use.
Here is the complete file:
So if you're new to Haskell, then this probably looks terrifying. My advice is to just give it some time. The Monad abstraction is not nearly as scary as people make it out to be. You just have to learn that what most languages have baked in (mutation, exceptions, etc), Haskell instead provides via libraries. In Haskell, you must explicitly specify which effects you want, and controlling those effects is a little less convenient. In exchange, however, Haskell provides more safety so you don't accidentally mix up the wrong effects, and more power, because you are in complete control of how to combine and refactor effects.
In Haskell, you wouldn't use an algorithm that mutates the data it operates on. So no, there is no straightforward way to do that. However, the code can be rewritten using recursion to avoid updating variables. Solution below uses the MissingH package because Haskell annoyingly doesn't have a replace function that works on strings.
import Data.String.Utils (replace)
import Data.Tree
import System.Environment (getArgs)
data Atom = Sym String | NInt Int | NDouble Double | Para deriving (Eq, Show)
type ParserStack = (Tree Atom, Tree Atom)
tokenize = words . replace "(" " ( " . replace ")" " ) "
atom :: String -> Atom
atom tok =
case reads tok :: [(Int, String)] of
[(int, _)] -> NInt int
_ -> case reads tok :: [(Double, String)] of
[(dbl, _)] -> NDouble dbl
_ -> Sym tok
empty = Node $ Sym "dummy"
para = Node Para
parseToken (Node _ stack, Node _ out) "(" =
(empty $ stack ++ [empty out], empty [])
parseToken (Node _ stack, Node _ out) ")" =
(empty $ init stack, empty $ (subForest (last stack)) ++ [para out])
parseToken (stack, Node _ out) tok =
(stack, empty $ out ++ [Node (atom tok) []])
main = do
(file:_) <- getArgs
contents <- readFile file
let tokens = tokenize contents
parseStack = foldl parseToken (empty [], empty []) tokens
schemeTree = head $ subForest $ snd parseStack
putStrLn $ drawTree $ fmap show schemeTree
foldl is the haskeller's basic structured recursion tool and it serves the same purpose as your while loop and recursive call to read_from. I think the code can be improved a lot, but I'm not so used to Haskell. Below is an almost straight transliteration of the above to Python:
from pprint import pprint
from sys import argv
def atom(tok):
return 'int', int(tok)
except ValueError:
return 'float', float(tok)
except ValueError:
return 'sym', tok
def tokenize(s):
return s.replace('(',' ( ').replace(')',' ) ').split()
def handle_tok((stack, out), tok):
if tok == '(':
return stack + [out], []
if tok == ')':
return stack[:-1], stack[-1] + [out]
return stack, out + [atom(tok)]
if __name__ == '__main__':
tokens = tokenize(open(argv[1]).read())
tree = reduce(handle_tok, tokens, ([], []))[1][0]
I want to parse String to get Int and I use this:
string2int :: String -> Int
string2int str = read str::Int
Now I want to catch paring exception/error as SIMPLY as possible.
I tried:
import qualified Control.Exception as E
eVal <- try (print (string2int "a")) :: IO (Either E.SomeException ())
case eVal of
Left e -> do { putStrLn "exception"; }
Right n -> do { putStrLn "good"; }
But compiler says couldn't match expected type 'E.SomeException()'
with actual type E.IOException.
What am I doing wrong?
Ok I don't know how to use it for my problem: I want somthing like this:
loadfunction = do
x <- string2int getLine
if( failed parsing int ) call somefunction
y <- string2int getLine
if( failed parsing int ) call somefunction
otherfunction x y
I dont know how to do it using your answers...
You're using try imported from the old exceptions mechanism, but are trying to use its result type as if it was using the new extensible Control.Exception mechanism. Use E.try instead.
You should ideally import Control.Exception like this:
import Prelude hiding (catch)
import Control.Exception
and remove all imports of Control.OldException. Then you can use its functions directly without worrying about any clashes.
By the way, you don't have to use IO exceptions to handle read errors; you can use reads instead:
reads :: (Read a) => String -> [(a, String)]
Here's how I'd write your code with reads:
case reads "a" of
[(a, "")] -> do
print a
putStrLn "good"
_ -> putStrLn "exception"
The fact that reads returns a list is a little confusing; practically, you can think of it as returning Maybe (a, String) instead. If you want a version using Maybe, you can define it like this:
readMaybe :: (Read a) => String -> Maybe a
readMaybe s =
case reads s of
[(a, "")] -> Just a
_ -> Nothing
which makes your code become:
case readMaybe "a" of
Just a -> do
print a
putStrLn "good"
Nothing -> putStrLn "exception"
(You can also define readMaybe as listToMaybe . map fst . filter (null . snd) . reads like dave4420 did; they'll be equivalent in practice, since none of the standard Read instances ever return lists of more than one element.)
In general, you should try and use pure error-handling methods like this whenever possible, and only use IO exceptions when there's really no other option, or you're dealing with IO-specific code (like file/network handling, etc.). However, if you want to stick with exceptions, using E.try instead should fix your error.
Based on your updated question, however, exceptions might be the right way to go after all; something like ErrorT would also work, but if you're already doing everything in IO to start with, then there's no harm in using exceptions. So I would write your example like this:
loadfunction = do
line1 <- getLine
x <- string2int line1
line2 <- getLine
y <- string2int line2
otherfunction x y
and use E.catch to handle the exceptions it throws; take a look at the documentation for catch to see how to do that.