using meek bridge programmatic - tor

I am working on a tor launcher using stem.process module. my problem is that when i specify tor to use meek bridge, it stop at bootstrapping part. my config:
config = { 'SocksPort': '7000', 'ControlPort': '9051', 'UseBridges': '1', 'Bridge': 'meek 97700DFE9F483596DDA6264C4D7DF7641E1E39CE url=' }
I am using the default meek bridge provided in this path:
when I set this bridge using tor-browser, it works for me but when i use it programmatic, it will freeze. thank you all

I found the answer, my mistake was to not considering pluggable transpoorts at all.
when you want to specify bridges in tor config, you must specify a proper pluggable transport to be used for. in my case i specify a meek_lite pluggable transport to be used for my meek_lite type bridge's.
The proper solution for my problem:
config = {
'SocksPort': '7000', 'ControlPort': '9051', 'UseBridges': '1',
'ClientTransportPlugin': 'meek_lite exec {}'.format(obfs4_binary_path),
'Bridge': 'meek 97700DFE9F483596DDA6264C4D7DF7641E1E39CE


How do I verify the consistency level configured on the Java driver?

We are currently upgrading from 3.x to 4.x. We are using the programaticBuilder for the DriverConfigLoader. Below is the code for same.
DriverConfigLoader driverConfigLoader = DriverConfigLoader.programmaticBuilder()
.withDuration(DefaultDriverOption.HEARTBEAT_INTERVAL, Duration.ofSeconds(60))
.withString(DefaultDriverOption.RETRY_POLICY_CLASS, "DefaultRetryPolicy")
.withString(DefaultDriverOption.RECONNECTION_POLICY_CLASS, "ConstantReconnectionPolicy")
.withDuration(DefaultDriverOption.RECONNECTION_BASE_DELAY, Duration.ofSeconds(5))
.withString(DefaultDriverOption.LOAD_BALANCING_POLICY_CLASS, "DcInferringLoadBalancingPolicy")
Wanted to check how to verify this correct setting of ConsistencyLevel when the write/read happens. is there a debug log print mechanism available for this purpose.
Your question suggests that you don't trust that the configured consistency level is not being honoured by the driver so you're looking for proof that it does. To me it doesn't make sense. Perhaps you ran into another problem related to request consistency and you should post information about that instead.
In any case, the DriverConfigLoader is provided for convenience but we discourage its use because it means that you are hard-coding configuration within your app which is bad practice. If you need to make a change, you are forced to have to recompile your app again by virtue that the configuration is hardcoded. Only use the programmatic loader if you have a very specific reason.
The recommended method for configuring the driver options is to use an application configuration file (application.conf). The advantages include:
driver options is configured in a central location,
hot-reload support, and
changes do not require recompiling the app.
To set the basic request consistency to LOCAL_QUORUM:
datastax-java-driver {
basic {
request {
consistency = LOCAL_QUORUM
For details, see Configuring the Java driver. Cheers!
For DataStax Java Driver 4.x version you can do something like this:
CqlSession session = CqlSession.builder().withConfigLoader(driverConfigLoader).build();
DriverConfig config = session.getContext().getConfig();
(name, profile) -> {
System.out.println("Profile: " + name);
This will print the values for every defined option in every defined profile. It won't print undefined options though.

FreeBSD and HTTP Basic Authorization request for pkg install/update

I set up a host for custom FreeBSD ports and I keep it HTTP Basic Auth and the problem associated with it.
You can see my pkg conf below, the question is: How do I add a user name and password to it for HTTP Basic Auth?
I already know username:password#hostname.tld usage but I'm looking for something more like
Header("Authorization", "Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4zMjE")
how can I do that ? or you can suggest a better way to keep custom ports away from prying eyes :)
FreeBSD: {
url: "pkg+http://pkg.MyCustomHost.tld/${ABI}/latest",
mirror_type: "srv",
priority: 11,
enabled: yes
Thank you.
pkg uses fetch(3) for fetching as documented in the manpage you can use ENVIRONMENT variables like HTTP_AUTH and HTTP_PROXY_AUTH

How to use the ChromeApp to connect to a node.js server?

I have a Node.js server and I'd like to know how I could do for the ChromeApp to work with it. I tried putting "http://localhost:3000" (server address) on the runtime: () {'http://localhost:3000');
But it doesn't even launch. Does someone have an idea on what I could do?
You cannot launch external URLs with In fact if you check the chrome.runtime.lastError property you will see the following error:
The URL used for window creation must be local for security reasons.
I suggest you look into using the <webview> tag as it is much more appropriate for your use-case.

How does one set a proxy in lazybones?

I'm behind a firewall and lazybones can't reach its repository without a proxy.
I've searched the source and can't seem to find any reference to a proxy that seems to be relevant.
Support was officially added in version 0.8.1 of Lazybones, albeit via a general mechanism to add arbitrary system properties to the application in its configuration file, ~/.lazybones/config.groovy.
You can read about the details in the project README, but in essence, simply add the following to your config.groovy file:
systemProp {
http {
proxyHost = "localhost"
proxyPort = 8181
https {
proxyHost = "localhost"
proxyPort = 8181
You can use the systemProp. prefix to add any system properties to Lazybones, similar to the way it works in Gradle.
Is that what You're looking for? Basically You need to add some properties to file.
I am using Cygwin on Windows and I have modified the last line of
to say
exec "$JAVACMD" "${JVM_OPTS[#]}" -classpath "$CLASSPATH" "-Dhttp.proxyHost=" "-Dhttp.proxyPort=8888" "-Dhttp.nonProxyHosts=localhost|" "$#"
Please note the quotes around the options. It works very well with my local Fiddler installation.
I have found no better way to enable proxy support due to the way the script is using eval. Maybe a more experienced shell script programmer can come up with a more elegant solution.
I was able to get out through the proxy setting the environment settings of
Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dhttp.proxyHost= -Dhttp.proxyPort=8080
-Dhttp.nonProxyHosts="" -Dhttps.proxyHost= -Dhttps.proxyPort=8080
unfortunately my environment requires authentication so I couldn't provide the complete proxy this way. I first ran "OWASP Zed Attach Proxy (ZAP)" which allowed me to run a proxy on my own machine (at port 8080) which then provided the complete authentication required.
This was able to then run the complete "lazybones list" command which retrieved the contents of the respositories.
Unfortunately I was not able to create an application from those templates becuase bintray required a login (though an anonymous login would do) and couldn't seem to get an additional level of authentication (I received "Unauthorized" from bintray)

How to use Restrict attribute in service stack

Is there any documentation on use of [Restrict] attribute with service stack?
Not finding any documentation, I started trying to figure this out. I discovered you have to enable restrictions in AppHost.cs Configure event with
var endpointHostConfig = new EndpointHostConfig
EnableAccessRestrictions = true,
Then I added attributes to my request DTO:
[Route("Hello/World", "GET")]
This does not work...looks like that removes all 'default' restrictions and replaces it with just that one restriction? Using this instead seems to work:
[Restrict(InternalOnly = true)]
When I do a GET from the local lan it works, but from remote it does not. Interesting, the 'detailed stack error' it gives from remote is:
The following restrictions were not met: '\n -[InternalNetworkAccess, Secure, HttpHead, HttpPost, HttpPut, HttpDelete,
HttpOther, OneWay, Soap11, Soap12, Xml, Jsv, ProtoBuf, Csv, Html, Yaml, MsgPack, FormatOther, AnyEndpoint]'
Note, it does not even list HttpGet as one of the possiblities - which does work. Also mentions Secure and not InSecure...neither of which I am specifically requiring.
Can we get some clarification on exactly how this is supposed to work? What if I wanted to require SSL - how would I specify that?
What if I wanted to require SSL in production, but not staging on all services for this endpoint? (Realizing this may be a completely different way to configure).
The [Restrict] attribute feature is in the latest version of ServiceStack. Currently the only documentation for this exists in the Security wiki page.
Here are some EndpointAttributes restrictions tests that test the validation of the restriction attributes, and some different service configurations you can use.
The way it works is that it's restricted to anything that's specified, so if you want to enable SSL and leave everything else as unrestricted, you would only add:
public class SslOnly { }
It also supports specifying multiple combinations of environments that are allowed, e.g. You can enforce HTTP internally, but HTTPS externally with:
[Restrict(EndpointAttributes.Secure | EndpointAttributes.External,
EndpointAttributes.InSecure | EndpointAttributes.InternalNetworkAccess)]
public class SslExternalAndInsecureInternal { }
Note: each environment is combined with Enum flags and delimited with a ,.
But it doesn't let you distinguish between debug and release builds, to enable this you would need to use C# conditional compilation symbols.
E.g only allow HTTP for Debug builds and HTTPS for production Release builds:
public class MyRequestDto { ... }
