Uploading image with Intercom API - node.js

I am trying to send an image to Intercom using the user reply API. User Reply API doc
There is an option to provide the image urls as attachments to the user reply, but is there a method to upload an image from the file system directly as an attachment?

Right now the Intercom API does only support attaching file URLs, rather than the file itself.


How to get the url of attached file in Bot Framework Composer and send it to an API?

I'm currently developing a chatbot in Bot Framework Composer. I should get attachment input from user and send its url as a body of an API request. The attached file is from my computer, its url is something like 'https://localhost'. That's why I can't post its url to an API, I get invalid image url error. I'll send some screenshots about the issue and API response. Is there any solution that I can implement within Bot Framework Composer to handle this process?
images about the issue
I searched about the issue, someone stated that the attached file should be uploaded to blob first, then API request should be posted with blob url. However, I couldn't find how to implement this solution within Bot Framework Component.

Azure Logic app - Send the whole email to a rest call as a .eml attachment

I am trying to create a logic app with email received trigger.
When email has multiple attachments, I am able to loop and make a http call per attachment
However we have to send the whole email as http call by creating .eml file of the email with attachments.
Pls advise
While the built-in actions do not seem to support this out of the box, you can make a Microsoft Graph API call to get the MIME content of a message.
There is no official connector for all available Microsoft Graph APIs, so you would need to use the HTTP with Azure AD Connector instead.
The response body content could then be written to a file in blob storage using the Create Blob Action.

NodeJS - Protect image url to only authorized user

So I'm currently building an app. User would have the possibility to upload image. The image they upload should only be visible by them. So I'm wondering how I can achieve this considering the image is available through a URL.
Actually what I was thinking was, in order to get the picture, the user should do a REST API request and the api would return the image data if the user has the correct permission.
The frontend of my app is in React and the backend (Rest api) in nodeJS.
Edit: Actually the image are store on AWS S3 (this can change if needed)
Thanks !
The best option to allow only authorized users to fetch an image is S3 Presigned URL You can refer to the article, it thoroughly describes how to implement S3 Presigned URL. Another code example with Node JS. If you code in another language just google it "AWS S3 Presigned URL" and you will find it.

Upload and save pdf as template using docusign API

Is it possible to upload and create a Template using Docusign api. I tried sending post request in {vx}/accounts/{accountid}/templates.
Yes, it's possible to create a Template by using the DocuSign API. For details, see this DocuSign API documentation.

google-drive-sdk Push Gmail Attachments to GDrive when sending mail to internal resources

It would be nice to automatically push file attachments to GDrive when sending file attachments to users in the same domain. Then send the GDrive link url instead.
Want this to be transparent to the sender
Think we can handle this with the existing get and insert api's?
Yes, it probably would be possible with the Drive API, though I would more likely achieve this using Google Apps Script which supports GMail and Google Drive.
