Upload and save pdf as template using docusign API - docusignapi

Is it possible to upload and create a Template using Docusign api. I tried sending post request in {vx}/accounts/{accountid}/templates.

Yes, it's possible to create a Template by using the DocuSign API. For details, see this DocuSign API documentation.


how send template from external system (Servicenow) to Docusign

I am currently working Servicenow to Docusign integration where a user raises request from Servicenow and i want to send a template to the requested user. I created my demo docusign instance & template, please help me with the api to trigger an template and send it to the user using integration.
I tried to use below api's to get the template id but i keep reading the documentation but no where i found something to send a template from external system
This gives me the template id
Start with the QuickStart in your favorite language. Use workflow 2, Sending a signing request via email.
You'll want to use the JWT grant to obtain an access token for DocuSign since your application will be sending signing requests (envelopes) autonomously.
Ask additional StackOverflow questions when you run into a problem or question.

DocuSign SOAP API CreateEnvelope draft question

We are attempting to do a SOAP API call to a DocuSign account using the SOAPUI program and we are wanting the envelope to be created as a draft. Currently we only have access to the "CreateAndSendEnvelope" method so we don't have access to use the "state" xml tag so that we can create the envelope as a "draft" by using the "CreateEnvelope" method. The SOAP API guide from DocuSign is not 100 percent clear when it comes to these two methods because it says they are very similar and it doesn't show the schema for the "CreateEnvelope" method.
Can anyone verify that I am not able to create an envelope as a draft using the "CreateAndSendEnvelope" method and that the only way I would be able to do so would be to use the "CreateEnvelope" method?
Thank you in advance for your help!
CreateAndSendEnvelope cannot be used for Draft Envelopes. CreateEnvelope is used to create a Draft status envelope. But since you are doing a new Integration, it is recommended to use REST API. Sample response for CreateEnvelope call would look like below (check status will always be Created):
<CreateEnvelopeResponse xmlns="http://www.docusign.net/API/3.0">
<UserName>Amit Sender</UserName>

Pre-signed url to upload file on DocuSign

I'm trying to integrate #docusignapi into my website and was looking for a pre-signed upload mechanism. But their API don't talk about that (at least I haven't seen it anywhere).
Did anyone successfully managed to do that?
If you are not familiar with pre-signed upload, here's a blogpost from Dropbox about how they propose that.
DocuSign does not offer a pre-signed upload feature at this time.
You can upload documents via the Envelope::create API call in the body of the JSON object after being Base64 encoded.
You can see this via scenario 2 in the example launchers (see below).
You can also upload document(s) in binary mode via a multi-part mime transaction. See scenario 10 in the example launchers.
Documents can also be uploaded in separate transactions if the envelope is first created in draft mode.
The example launchers are listed below. Each includes 14 or more scenarios.
C# -- https://github.com/docusign/eg-03-csharp-auth-code-grant-core
PHP – https://github.com/docusign/eg-03-php-auth-code-grant
Java – https://github.com/docusign/eg-03-java-auth-code-grant
Node.js – https://github.com/docusign/eg-03-node-auth-code-grant
Python – https://github.com/docusign/eg-03-python-auth-code-grant
Ruby – https://github.com/docusign/eg-03-ruby-auth-code-grant
Curl (direct API) – https://github.com/docusign/eg-03-curl
If you want UI to upload documents to the envelope before Sending the envelope for ESigning, the you can use Sender View for Draft envelope, with this soln. your customers need to come to your App, and then App can call this ESign APIs to generate one time URL, and load that URL in the browser to ask your users to upload the document on the Envelope.
There is one more option which can be used, but this will be only used if the recipient of the envelope has a DS Account, then you can add them as an Editor (Allow to Edit) recipient type in the workflow. When they will get email from DocuSign then they will login with their DS Credentials and can modify the envelope in same way as Sender of the envelope, with Editor Recipient Type, they can add/update Documents, add/update Recipients and their Tabs.

DocuSign API Create Envelope

Currently I am using #DocuSignAPI to create envelope in which API required x and y position to add signature from recipients.
So my requirement is like if i upload the document it should be redirect to the Docusign UI where recipient would login and sign the document.
So the thing is instead of creating rest call via API.
I need some api where Docusign is going to handle by its way so i do not need to create UI for that which is very complex to build from my side.
Anyone can help me with is will be really great.
Thanks in advance
Check out this DocuSign recipe: Sign from Your App.
This sample (and many others) are available on the DocuSign Developer Center, along with tons of documentation about various integration scenarios and API reference.

Creating an Docusign envelope from an external file with Rest API

I want to create a envelope in Docusign from an external source. I am having the external file URL (a PDF or DOC). So does the API support like I will give an external URL and it will upload it to docusign by creating a new envelope.
In order to add a file to a DocuSign Envelope, you need to specify the document bytes in the API request. It's not possible to simply specify the URL in the request and have DocuSign read the file automatically using the URL.
Using the REST API, there are a couple of ways to supply the document bytes in the Create Envelope API request -- the simpliest way is to include the base64-encoded byte stream in the documentBase64 property under the document object. See the REST API Guide for further details (https://10226ec94e53f4ca538f-0035e62ac0d194a46695a3b225d72cc8.ssl.cf2.rackcdn.com/rest-api-guide-v2.pdf).
