output of scenario 1 to pass as input to scenario 2 in cucumber python - cucumber

I would like to pass data from scenario 1 to scenario 2 are there any inbuilt methods exists?
scenario1: I am generating user with details
scenarioa2: I want to fetch generated user name from scenario1 and use in further steps

You can use Behave's context object to store data between test steps. For instance, let's say you have 2 scenarios:
Scenario: First one
# Some Given's and stuff
Then I am generating user with details
Scenario: Second one
# Some Given's and stuff
Then I fetch and use generated user details
In your step implementation file within the steps/ directory:
#then("I am generating user with details")
def step_impl(context):
context.user_details = function_to_generate_user_details()
#then("I fetch and use generated user details")
def step_impl(context):
Note that your step implementations do not have to be within the same file since Behave searches through all the files within the steps/ directory when using your feature files.

I think instead of messing with logics of behave, you should save that data on excel data or any file, then parse that data on your other function.


How to run cucumber scenario's based on Test Case ID that is appended with the Scenario name?

I wanted to run Cucumber Feature file based on the Test case ID that scanerio name contains.
I know we can use #CucumberOptions 'features' tag and specify the line number to execute e.g "src/test/resources/Folder/myfile.feature:7:12"
This will run scenarios at line 7 and 12. But i wanted to run based on the TC ID.
Below is the feature file code
Feature: Login Functionality
Scenario: First Test Case(TC.No:1)
Given I perform action 1
Scenario: Second Test Case(TC.No:2)
Given I perform action 2
Scenario: Third Test Case(TC.No:3)
Given I perform action 3
Scenario: Fourth Test Case(TC.No:4)
Given I perform action 4
Scenario: Fifth Test Case(TC.No:5)
Given I perform action 5
All the scenario's are in a single feature.
For the feature file code above i wanted some way through which i can execute based on TC Id. E.g I only want to execute TC1,TC2 and TC5( TC id's picked up from scenario names).
There is a property file that contains the TC Id's to be executed. My code should read the file and then execute only those TC id's.
This can help me in reducing the number of automation TC's to be run.
Is it possible?
You can use the name property of #CucumberOptions or use the '-n' option if you are using the cli option. It also supports regular expressions.
To run TC.No:1 and TC.No:4 use something like this
#CucumberOptions(name = { "TC.No:1|TC.No:4" })
#CucumberOptions(name = { "TC.No:1","TC.No:4" })
You can get more details at this link.
As you are reading the ids from a file, the second option is the best. Use the cucumber.api.cli.Main class main() method to execute the features. You can create the options dynamically. Refer to this post.
CLI reference docs.
Not familiar with cucumber-jvm.
But, here is the general logic which should work (based on my ruby Cucumber knowledge)
In the hook, you can write the logic to under before method to get the scenario name scenario.name and then extract the TC.No. Compare the TC.No and skip if it's not part of your list.
Here is the link which will give information how to skip the scenario (use this class in the before method)
However, the best practice is to use the tags, it would have been easy if you had #TCId-xx tag. Still you can write a simple program that will scan all the feature files and update the scenarios with the tag based on the TC.No in the scenario name.

Is there an API to see how flow files are being processed by the 'origen program' command?

If I pass multiple flow files to the Origen progam command as so:
origen p flow_file1 flow_file2 flow_file3
Is there an API to see the queue real-time in the test interface? I see there is a current_command API but it doesn't contain any information about the number of flow files being processed. Something along the lines of:
Origen.commands.queue # => ['flow_file1', 'flow_file2', 'flow_file3']
This is not currently available, but it should not be hard to add if you want it.
Internally, the list of files is held in an anonymous array returned by this call to expand_lists_and_directories - https://github.com/Origen-SDK/origen/blob/60746ae33fd813b8cf1a3624f985476138a59920/lib/origen/application/runner.rb#L85
You could capture that into a named array and then make a read method for it.

How to implement different data for cucumber scenarios based on environment

I have an issue with executing the cucumber-jvm scenarios in different environments. Data that is incorporated in the feature files for scenarios belongs to one environment. To execute the scenarios in different environemnts, I need to update the data in the features files as per the environment to be executed.
for example, in the following scenario, i have the search criteria included in the feature file. search criteria is valid for lets say QA env.
Scenario: search user with valid criteria
Given user navigated to login page
And clicked search link
When searched by providing search criteria
|fname1 |lname1 |address1|address2|city1|state1|58884|
Then verify the results displayed
it works fine in QA env. But to execute the same scenario in other environments (UAT,stage..), i need to modify search criteria in feature files as per the data in those environments.
I'm thinking about maintaing the data for scenarios in properties file for different environments and read it based on the execution environment.
if data is in properties file, scenario will look like below. Instead of the search criteria, I will give propertyName:
Scenario: search user with valid criteria
Given user navigated to login page
And clicked search link
When searched by providing search criteria
Then verify the results displayed
Is there any other way I could maintain the data for scenarios for all environments and use it as per the environment the scenario is getting executed? please let me know.
I understand the problem, but I don't quite understand the example, so allow me to provide my own example to illustrate how this can be solved.
Let's assume we test a library management software and that in our development environment our test data have 3 books by Leo Tolstoy.
We can have test case like this:
Scenario: Search by Author
When I search for "Leo Tolstoy" books
Then I should get result "3"
Now let's assume we create our QA test environment and in that environment we have 5 books by Leo Tolstoy. The question is how do we modify our test case so it works in both environments?
One way is to use tags. For example:
Scenario: Search by Author
When I search for "Leo Tolstoy" books
Then I should get result "3"
Scenario: Search by Author
When I search for "Leo Tolstoy" books
Then I should get result "5"
The problem here is that we have lots of code duplication. We can solve that by using Scenario Outline, like this:
Scenario Outline: Search by Author
When I search for "Leo Tolstoy"
Then I should see "<number_of_books>" books
| number_of_books |
| 5 |
| number_of_books |
| 3 |
Now when you execute the tests, you should use #dev_env tag in dev environment and #qa_env in QA environment.
I'll be glad to hear some other ways to solve this problem.
You can do this in two ways
Push the programming up, so that you pass in the search criteria by the way you run cucumber
Push the programming down, so that your step definition uses the environment to decide where to get the valid search criteria from
Both of these involve writing a more abstract feature that does not specify the details of the search criteria. So you should end up with a feature that is like
Scenario: Search with valid criteria
When I search with valid criteria
Then I get valid results
I would implement this using the second method and write the step definitions as follows:
When "I search with valid criteria" do
module SearchStepHelper
def search_with_valid_criteria
criteria = retrieve_criteria
search_with criteria
def retrieve_criteria
# get the environment you are working in
# use the environment to retrieve the search criteria
# return the criteria
World SearchStepHelper
Notice that all I have done is change the place where you do the work, from the feature, to a helper method in a module.
This means that as you are doing your programming in a proper programming language (rather than in the features) you can do whatever you want to get the correct criteria.
This may have been answered elsewhere but the team I work with currently tends to prefer pushing environmental-specific pre-conditions down into the code behind the step definitions.
One way to do this is by setting the environment name as an environment variable in the process running the test runner class. An example could be $ENV set to 'Dev'. Then #Before each scenario is tested it is possible verify the environment in which the scenario is being executed and load any environment-specific data needed by the scenario:
public void before(Scenario scenario) throws Throwable {
String scenarioName = scenario.getName();
env = System.getenv("ENV");
if (env == null) {
env = "Dev";
Here we set a 'default' value of 'Dev' in case the test runner is run without the environment variable being set. The envHelper points to a test utility class with the method loadEnvironmentSpecificVariables() that could load data from a JSON, csv, XML file with data specific to the environment being tested against.
An advantage of this approach is that it can help to de-clutter Feature files from potentially distracting environmental meta-data which can impact the readability of the feature outside of the development and testing domains.

Pass DB Connection parameters to a Kettle a.k.a PDI table Input step dynamically from Excel

I have a requirement such that whenever i run my Kettle job, the database connection parameters must be taken dynamically from an excel source on each run.
Say i have an excel with column names : HostName, Username, Database, Password.
i want to pass these connection parameters to my table input step dynamically whenever the job runs.
This is what i was trying to do.
You can achieve this by
reading the DB connection parameters from a source (e.g. Excel or in my example a CSV file)
storing the parameters in variables
using the variables in your connection setting.
Proceed as follows
Create another transformation for setting the variables (you cannot do this in the same transformation that uses it):
In the Set Variables element configure the variables:
In the element reading/writing your data create a new connection and set the connection parameters using ${variable_name}. Note that you have to blindly write ${password} into the appropriate field. Also note that this may be a security issue because the value may show up as plain text in log files!
In your job call the variable transformation first and then the functional part:
All you need is the XLS input and the Set Variables step. Define your variables as being valid in the Root job and you can use them in subsequent jobs, as long as they're called by the same root job, when defining the connection.
The "Copy rows to result" and "Get rows from result" are used to send information (rows of data) from one transformation to the next transformation or job in the same parent job. They're not used to send data between steps, that's what the hops are for.

Protecting an applescript script

I'd like to use Applescript to connect to my remote website. However, I don't like the idea of having my password/username in my script in plain text. Is there anyway to encode a password in a local script on my computer?
Thank you,
Well you're not the first one that asks this question but you have to ask yourself some questions. Like who is gonna use it and from who do I need to protect it.
Step 1:
To make sure that your code is protected you should save two different kind of AppleScripts. The first one is for you, and you only. This version is compiled but be able to open with Script editor again so you can see the source code. The second is a run only script which is much like the first version but your not able to open it in Script editor again as a document to view it's source code.
step 2:
The second thing you don't want is that there is static text about user credentials because, even if it's compiled, you can see static text. Normally you won't see them but when the user credential is an mail address it's an easy find. But before we solve this issue, do you think someone is clever enough to find the user credentials from compiled AppleScript code? If so then the easiest way of encoding is adding a certain value to Unicode values:
property eusn : "¨®¦ÅÞÞÍÉ»ÅÞÞÍÉ"
property epwd : "ÔÅ××ÛÓÖÈ"
set usn to simpleDecryption(eusn)
set pwd to simpleDecryption(epwd)
on simpleEncryption(_str)
set x to id of _str
repeat with c in x
set contents of c to c + 100
end repeat
return string id x
end simpleEncryption
on simpleDecryption(_str)
set x to id of _str
repeat with c in x
set contents of c to c - 100
end repeat
return string id x
end simpleDecryption
Store statics as encrypted strings and when its needed, decrypt them. Remember that properties are persistent, unlike local variables, so don't store plain data in properties in your case.
