Using CLBeaconRegion with Apple Watch - core-location

I have been doing my research and can't find anything on this. Is it possible to use an Apple Watch as an iBeacon? CLBeaconRegion is not available :(

No, you can't. In order to support iBeacon you have to use the Core Bluetooth framework to configure the iOS device as a Bluetooth peripheral. watchOS and tvOS only support Bluetooth central.


Can I send Bluetooth advertising packets with Constant Tone Extension from a smartphone?

Bluetooth 5.1 introduced the ability to include a "Constant Tone Extension" into an Advertising packet. On the receive side, a suitable device can perform Angle-of-Arrival estimation using this information. I have experimented with this technology using BLE EVK devices (Nordic).
My question is can I use a 5.1 compatible smartphone as the transmitter? How can I enable CTE in the advertising packet? Is it something that can be configured through a suitable app and android SDK, or do I need lower-level access to the phones Bluetooth modem (drivers)?
Since CTE is an optional feature for Bluetooth 5.1, the answer is clear: it depends.
Bluetooth direction finding is not yet supported by Android, so it would require a manufacturer-specific API to enable CTE (if it is supported by the smartphone hardware).

Bluetooth Android and Bluetooth iOS

When I press a button on a device that is connected to iOS or Android via Bluetooth, it should perform some task in an app(app installed on iOS or Android). I am not sure which Bluetooth profile will be best for my job. I think HID profile, but will it work with iOS ? Any suggestions or comments are welcome.
iOS devices can't use standard Bluetooth connection with Android. In this case you should use BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy). This means you should use GATT profile for Android. There is an important issue here: all iOS devices can BLE peripheral or central but for Android some devices only can peripheral.

smartwatch that advertises bluetooth LE

I'm planning to replace the Beacon tag of my Bluetooth (BLE)-based localization System with a smartwatch. Therefore, the smartwatch has to be able to advertise bluetooth signals. However I can't find any information about smartwatches using BLE advertising methods. I actually don't want to use an additional smartphone which would be able to advertise. I already found that the iWatch and the Moto 360 are probably not able to advertise.
Does anyone know if there's (or will be) a smartwatch available that is able to advertise BLE signals?
Thanks a lot!
el Baum
Ok, this is not possible for Sony Smartwatch atleast. This is because in order to be able to broadcast a BLE advertisement of your choosing, any given Android device has to be able to support BluetoothAdapter.isMultipleAdvertisementSupported(). Unfortunately, this feature is not available on most Android Wear devices.
If your Android device does support multiple advertisement, then you can create an advertisement packet and use the BluetoothLeAdvertiser object to start advertising.

How to configure bluetooth 4.0 device as a iBeacon Transmitter in windows

I've configured iPhone 4s as a iBeacon Transmitter and I've received data from my Android application. Now I want to configure my bluetooth 4.0 device in windows. Is that possible? I've googled it but I couldn't find anything.
Does your computer support Bluetooth smart ? Mobile operating systems including iOS, Android, Windows Phone and BlackBerry, as well as OS X, Linux, and Windows 8, natively support Bluetooth Smart.
Unfortunately it's not currently supported under Windows 8.1.
check this link Beacon Windows
The managed C# library WinBeacon can be used for this purpose. It implements a simple HCI layer that talks directly to the BT4.0 dongle through a WinUSB driver (instead of the default Bluetooth driver).

MonoTouch Bluetooth/Arduino example

Has anyone used bluetooth communications from an iOS device to an Arduino?
The documentation for the MonoTouch 5.0 release mentions a new Bluetooth interface, but I can't find a single piece of documentation in the API docs.
Using the MonoTouch Bluetooth APIs you can easily access and communicate with external Bluetooth hardware devices and accessories."
Look in MonoTouch.CoreBluetooth.
That said, iOS only has support for Bluetooth LE (BLE, Bluetooth 4.0 and Smart Bluetooth), not the regular Bluetooth, which is only available under a special partner program with Apple.
