I have looked at available Grafana dashboards that will visualize metrics for my spring cloud stream app but had no luck. For example my /actuator/prometheus endpoint outputs spring integration metrics of the kind. What out of the box dashboards are available for viewing these metrics?
I am using Prometheus for my Grafana data source.
Spring Integration Metrics from my /actuator/prometheus endpoint
spring_integration_send_seconds_max{exception="none",name="output",result="success",type="channel",} 0.036514698
spring_integration_send_seconds_max{exception="none",name="org.springframework.integration.file.splitter.FileSplitter#0",result="success",type="handler",} 0.04257266
spring_integration_send_seconds_max{exception="none",name="fileSourceFlow.channel#1",result="success",type="channel",} 0.042884163
spring_integration_send_seconds_max{exception="none",name="org.springframework.integration.transformer.MessageTransformingHandler#0",result="success",type="handler",} 0.044022164
spring_integration_send_seconds_max{exception="none",name="fileSourceFlow.channel#0",result="success",type="channel",} 0.044374816
We are working with Azure Event Hub and want to build comprehensive monitoring plate, where we could collect some metrics that are not exportable via Diagnostics settings into Azure Monitor (Log Analytics Workspace). According to this doc we can't export "Throttled Requests" or "Active Connections" for example. However we need such metrics to conduct advanced analysis and building control plate on our data platform.
How we can obtain such metrics in our storage ?
You can export the metrics using the Metrics API of the Azure Resource Manager. There are also SDKs available, e.g. for .NET.
I am using API management services to expose my APIs, i am using consumption based instance for API management.
I have published 4-5 APIs and products in that. I want to analytics the behavior of my APIs exposed by viewing the http responses and if possible request and response.
What is the best way to do this as in consumption based, i cannot see api analytics in left nav of api management services
There are number of options one can perdue with Consumption tier:
Use diagnostic settings to store gateway logs in Log Analytics and use it's capabilities to analyze the data: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/api-management/api-management-howto-use-azure-monitor#resource-logs
Use APIMs Application Insights integration https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/api-management/api-management-howto-app-insights
Build custom pipeline sending data from policy using log-to-eventhub or even send-request policies https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/api-management/api-management-howto-log-event-hubs
As per this Microsoft Document, Built-in API Analytics are not supported for the consumption tier if you want to use analytics you need to increase your plan.
We are hosting Confluent Platform services(broker, zookeeper, schema-registry etc.) in Azure VMs. What is the best option to scrape metrics from these and visualize in Azure monitor or application insights?
I am thinking to scrape JMX metrics and visualize in azure monitor/app insights. Monitoring will include things like health status, message flow in topics, produce/consume rate, VM health etc.
What are some good options to implement this? Any better ideas?
PS- I only want to use Azure native services for monitoring/dashboards.
You can add java agents by exporting the environment variable KAFKA_OPTS. Through that, you can add any additional JVM monitoring
Azure docs - https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-monitor/app/java-in-process-agent
I am planning to deploy 15 different applications initially and would endup with 300+ applications on azure kubernetes and would be using Prometheus and Grafana for monitoring.
I have deployed both the Prometheus and Grafana on a separate namespace on the dedicated node.
How do I enable horizontal pod scaling for Prometheus and Grafana?
You can scale your applications based on custom metrics gathered by Prometheus and presented in the Grafana dashboard.
In order to do that you'll need the Prometheus Adapter to implement the custom metrics API, which enables the HorizontalPodAutoscaler controller to retrieve metrics using the custom.metrics.k8s.io API. You can define your own metrics through the adapter’s configuration so the HPA would scale based on those stats.
Here you can find a short guide that would get you started.
We are currently using Azure WCF Relays, with many listeners and senders.
But metrics are not available.
Is there a way to activate metrics in Azure Relay?