NPM CLI application relative path doesn't work - node.js

I'm creating a CLI application in NodeJS and the package is going to be published on NPM. The application is very simple as it has only two files. Here is the structure of application:
"name": "mycliapp",
"version": "1.0.0",
"description": "Some description",
"main": "./bin/cli.js",
"preferGlobal": true,
"bin": {
"mycliapp": "bin/cli.js"
const nodePlop = require('node-plop');
const configPath = './bin/config.js';
const plop = nodePlop(configPath, {
force: argv.force || argv.f
// some configuration
Now if I create symlink with npm install -g from this directory and run the command mycliapp from the same development directory, it works absolutely fine but if I run this mycliapp command from any other directory in my computer, the const configPath = './bin/config.js' is tried to be taken from the current working directory not from the actual npm package and hence the config file is not found.
How can I solve this issue? I tried using __dirname and __filename with path.join but nothing seems to be working.
I also published this package on npm and installed from there, the same issue is occurring.

The JSON in your package.json is malformed -- you should remove the trailing comma after you set the bin parameter.
Also, if your configuration file is in the same directory as your script, you should reference it within your script as ./config.js.
Finally, you need to include a shebang (#!/usr/bin/env node) at the top of your cli.js file or any file you intend to use as your point of entry into the app so that your system knows what interpreter to use to execute the file.
See this post on the npm blog for more information.


Single npm package with two commands

I have a node.js package described by this JSON :
"name": "mycommand",
"main": "index.js",
"bin": {
"mycommand": "./index.js",
The index.js file contains this code :
#!/usr/bin/env node
const app = require('./src/app.js')
const { Logger } = require('./utils/Logger')
And the app.js contains the code of a command line tool based on yargs.
Now, I would like to add a 2nd command in this package, but I don't know how should I proceed since there can be only one "main".
Anybody has an example somewhere ?
Maybe you are looking for scripts instead of bin?
Now, I would like to add a 2nd command in this package, but I don't know how should I proceed since there can be only one "main".
The bin mapping has nothing to do with your main file.
Your command is getting symlinked, you can simply add more:
"bin": {
"mycommand": "./index.js",
"my-other-command": "./other-command.js",
Or you can use your mycommand and parse the arguments in the script app.js using process.argv:

Electron package - how to write/read files

I have file test.txt in my root directory of app. When I run my app with command npm start, I can write to my file without any problem, but when I make package using electron packager, writing text to my file is not possible anymore - I got error
Error: EACCES: permission denied, open './test.txt'
For this, I'm using node.js filesystem:
if(err) {
return alert(err);
How is possible to make this working? And is possible to include some extra folder in my app after package process? Thanks for your help!
There are a lot of options to choose to package your electron app in 2019, so in case you come to this question like I did and are using electron-builder, please try my suggestion below.
If you are using electron-builder to package your application and need to read/write a file that is stored within your solution, you can add it to your files property in your package.json. The properties in this file property are files that are copied when packaging your electron app - reference.
In my example, I was reading/writing to file.json.
let fs = require("fs");
fs.writeFile("./file.json", "data to file", "utf-8", (error, data) => {
if (error){
console.error("error: " + error);
My folder structure looked like this.
My app was not working after I packed it until I added the following file.json in my "build" property in my package.json.
"build": {
"productName": "MyApp",
"appId": "",
"files": [
"file.json", // << added this line
Didn't really found out what the problem was, so I tried another solution, which works for me (my main aim was to save data to some local memory of app).
I used npm package electron-store which is really easy to use.
You can get it by typing this to terminal
npm install electron-store
More info about it here: Electron store
Hope it helps someone else too :-)

Is it possible to access npm config settings from a node package's `bin` command?

I want to add some default configuration into a shell tool that the user can override using npm config. It looks like this is possible but this only works for npm scripts not my package's binary as specified by "bin" below.
"name": "tmp",
"scripts": {
"test": "node index.js"
"bin" : {
"tmp" : "index.js"
"config": {
"foo" : 123
#!/usr/bin/env node
My attempts
calling binary
setup for this is running npm link in the package to make a global link to that package
$ tmp
passing script to node
$ node ./index.js
calling as npm script ⫸ only this one works
$ npm test
> tmp# test /private/tmp
> node index.js
How can I access these config values in a way that's overridable by the user like npm config allows? (To be clear I want to do it the npm config way; I know there are other ways to skin this particular cat.)
You can use a package called npm-conf with documentation at
First you need to install it:
npm install --save npm-conf
Usage is as follows:
const npmConf = require('npm-conf');
const conf = npmConf();
//=> //=> /Users/unicorn/.npm-packages
If you want to get a list of all available NPM configuration options:
npm config list -l

Runnnig node.js as a windows service

How to configure WinSer to run a specific javascript file?
I understood that I have to add in package.json the lines:
"name": "MY_SERVICE",
"scripts": {
"install-windows-service": "node_modules\\.bin\\winser -i",
"uninstall-windows-service": "node_modules\\.bin\\winser -r"
I couldn't understand where to configure what javascript file I should run?
From a command line in the same folder as your package.json, run
winser -i
to install your node app (as defined in server.js in the same folder) as a service. Note that if you have not logged off and back on since you installed winser, your path to winser.cmd will not be initialized (it needs something like C:\Users\YourName\AppData\Roaming\npm\ in the path.

How to share code between node.js apps?

I have several apps in node that all share a few modules that I've written. These modules are not available via npm. I would like to be able to share freely between apps, but I don't want to copy directories around, nor rely on Git to do so. And I'm not really big on using symlinks to do this either.
I would like to arrange directories something like this:
(public modules from npm needed for app1)
(my own modules specific to app1)
(public modules from npm needed for app2)
(my own modules specific to app2)
(my own modules that are used in both app1 and app2)
The problem I'm seeing is that the modules in shared_lib seem to get confused as to where to find the modules that will be in the node_modules directory of whichever app they are running in. At least I think that is the problem.
So....what is a good way to do this that avoids having duplicates of files? (note that I don't care about duplicates of things in node_modules, since those aren't my code, I don't check them into Git, etc)
The npm documentation recommends using npm-link to create your own Node.js packages locally, and then making them available to other Node.js applications. It's a simple four-step process.
A typical procedure would be to first create a package with the following structure:
| index.js
| package.json
A typical implementation of these files would be:
index.js = function() {
return('Hello World');
"name": "hello",
"version": "0.0.1",
"private": true,
"main": "index.js",
"dependencies": {
"engines": {
"node": "v0.6.x"
"private:true" ensures that npm will refuse to publish the package. This is a way to prevent accidental publication of private packages.
Next, navigate to the root of your Node.js package folder and run npm link to link the package globally so it can be used in other applications.
To use this package in another application, e.g., "hello-world", with the following directory structure:
| app.js
Navigate to the hello-world folder and run:
npm link hello
Now you can use it like any other npm package like so:
var http = require('http');
var hello = require('hello');
var server = http.createServer(function(req, res) {
I've got this working by having node_modules folders at different levels - node then automatically traverses upwards until it finds the module.
Note you don't have to publish to npm to have a module inside of node_modules - just use:
"private": true
Inside each of your private package.json files - for your project I would have the following:
(public modules from npm needed for app1)
(private modules locally needed for app1)
(public modules from npm needed for app2)
(private modules locally needed for app2)
(public modules from npm needed for app1 & app2)
(private modules locally for app1 & app2)
The point is node.js has a mechanism for dealing with this already and it's awesome. Just combine it with the 'private not on NPM' trick and you are good to go.
In short a:
From app A or B would cascade upwards until it found the module - regardless if it lived lower down or higher up. Indeed - this lets you hot-swap the location without changing any of the require(...) statements.
node.js module documentation
Just use the correct path in your require call
For example in server.js that would be:
var moduleName = require('../shared_lib/moduleName/module.js');
Its Important to know that as soon as your path is prefixed with '/', '../', or './' the path is relative to the calling file.
For further information about nodes module loading visit:
Yes, you can reference shared_lib from app1, but then you run into a problem if you want to package and deploy app1 to some other environment, such as a web server on AWS.
In this case, you're better off installing your modules in shared_lib to app1 and app2 using "npm install shared_lib/module". It will also install all the dependencies of the shared_lib modules in app1 and app2 and deal with conflicts/duplicates.
See this:
How to install a private NPM module without my own registry?
If you check out the node.js docs, you'll see that Node.js understands the package.json file format as well, at least cursorily.
Basically, if you have a directory named foo, and in that directory is a package.json file with the key-value pair: "main": "myCode.js", then if you try to require("foo") and it finds this directory with a package.json file inside, it will then use foo/myCode.js for the foo module.
So, with your directory structure, if each shared lib has it's own directory with such a simple package.json file inside, then your apps can get the shared libs by:
var lib1 = require('../shared_lib/lib1');
var lib2 = require('../shared_lib/lib2');
And that should work for both of these apps.
Another solution can be cloning files from the other places into this repo:
const path = require('path')
const fs = require('fs')
const shared = [
type: 'file',
source: '../app1',
files: [
function cloneFiles(source, files) {
const Reset = '\x1b[0m'
const FgGreen = '\x1b[32m'
console.log(`---------- Cloning ${files.length} files from ${source} ----------`)
for (const file of files) {
const sourceFile = path.join(__dirname, '..', source, file)
const targetFile = path.join(__dirname, '..', file)
process.stdout.write(`📁 ${file} ... `)
fs.copyFileSync(sourceFile, targetFile)
console.log(`---------- All done successfully ----------\n`)
;(() => {
for (const item of shared) {
switch (item.type) {
case 'file':
cloneFiles(item.source, item.files)
Then, in the package.json you can add this script and call it when you want to clone / sync files:
"clone": "node clone.js"
