Apply the latest runtime updates to improve QnA Maker results - re-migrations required? - azure

We received an e-mail today from Microsoft with "recommended actions" regarding the QnA Maker runtime upgrade.
Apply the latest runtime updates to improve QnA Maker results
You’re receiving this email because you currently use the generally available
Cognitive Services QnA Maker service. We’ve made some important
runtime updates that will require you to re-migrate from the free
preview version. These updates will improve the quality of results
from the QnA Maker service. Recommended action To benefit from the
updates, we recommend that you follow these steps:
Upgrade the QnA Maker runtime as documented.
If you have migrated a knowledge base from the free preview, please re-migrate by following these steps.
When the QnA Maker service became generally available, we migrated from the preview version to the GA version. Since then, we heavily edited our knowledge base(s), therefore it has far more content than the version from the preview version.
The recommended action now states that we have to re-migrate our knowledge base(s) from the preview portal, which would make our recent changes in the QnA Maker service unusable.
Does anybody know the background of these recommended actions? Or is there any way to "upgrade" the QnA Maker knowledge base(s) without re-migratring from preview version?
Thanks in advance!

It is just a runtime update, all you need to do is restart the App Service as stated in the documentation referenced in the email you received and that is it, you don't need to worry about the preview stack anymore as Microsoft is encouraging everyone to migrate to and test the new GA stack as early as possible before the preview stack is no longer sustained.


Ability to onboard custom Ibiza Extensions

Currently based on custom Azure Blades can only be developed internally within Microsoft Product Groups, however they are using React Templates to provide a customized view for custom resources. Ibiza Extensions (Codename for the Portal) would be a great extension on top of custom resource providers.
Is there any capability to onboard resources from organizations, which published their service through the marketplace and/or partners after going through the official onboarding process?
I've checked through the documentation to understand the process and details on how to get engaged. The repository however does not intake any issues to ask there.
Currently we don't have any plans around extension development in our roadmap in the near future. In general, we would prioritize against existing backlog, add in roadmap as appropriate and would announce and/or update the related Azure document once any feature request is addressed.

Azure Developer Portal: How to update to new version

I know this question may sound silly. I would like to selfhost the developer portal. I am concerned about future updates/versions. How do you update to a new version. Does anyone have experience with this?
I assume you already know this documentation:
Updating the portal requires to pull and integrate the changes from the github repo into your customized portal code (if you changed it).

Programmatically updating answer for an unanswered question in Custom Question Answering

I have created a custom question answering project using Microsoft Conginitive Services and deployed the same.
Now I would like to create an UI where an user can see the unanswered questions and update the knowledge base with appropriate answer using the UI itself.
From the deployment details, I am able to extract the Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key. But I am little confused about the appropriate way of API call in my UI to track and update the unanswered questions.
Could not find many write-up or examples regarding this. Please guide me regarding the same.
It depends on the questions answering resource type you are using, as this service has evolved.
Azure Cognitive Service for Language (end of 2021)
This is the newest version of QnA Maker (as of late 2021), now called "Custom question answering" being part of Azure Cognitive Services for Language.
This service has a better offering in terms of API:
Service documentation is here
API documentation here
The "active learning" feature is offered through Language Studio portal (see doc).
But if you want something custom, you might be interested in the Authoring API: programmatically, you could use "Get QnAs" operation will give you all QnAs, and the RetrieveQnaRecord object included in the response contains a SuggestedQuestionsCluster object which could lead to interesting feedbacks to add.
QnA Maker (v4.0)
QnA Maker 4.0 has a REST API documented here.
In addition, you can directly check some calls using the API exposition in the right region. Example for West US here
=> For this service, there is no "feedback" solution exposed. The API allows to update a knowledge base, but you will not have an operation providing unanswered questions.

How Often Is The Azure Functions Beta Host Updated on the Azure Portal

I'm using the Azure Functions v2 in a project that I've started recently and I'm trying to use a proxy to redirect a request to /.well-known to one of my functions.
Proxies do not work on Azure Functions v2 (as stated here). They have now been fixed in release v2.0.11737-alpha but the Azure Portal is still using v2.0.11651.0
Does anyone know how long it takes after a beta release is created in GitHub for it to be available in the Azure portal?
It normally just takes a few days, but this particular release was cancelled. See for details. A new one should start later this week. See
For generally, please follow the announcement repo issue tracker for all information and status about upcoming releases.

Windows Azure Web Jobs is in Preview, is it fine to use it in Production?

I am new to windows azure, and recently working on an implementation suggested by Richard diZerega, on How to implement timer jobs for SharePoint Online.
In this blog Richard suggested to use web jobs. Which is all fine but, I was unsure if its fine to implement it in production, as the feature is in preview.
This feature is still in preview so as CSharpRocks mentioned the support policies are going to be different. Please read this for more information on the support policies for preview features
Sure as long that you're aware that preview = beta and that there's no SLA with services in preview.
