Spark UI - Spark SQL Query Execution - apache-spark

I am using Spark SQL API. When I see the Spark SQL section on the spark UI which details the query execution plan it says it scans parquet stage multiple times even though I am reading the parquet only once.
Is there any logical explanation?
I would also like to understand the different operations like Hash Aggregate, SortMergeJoin etc and understand the Spark UI better as a whole.

If you are doing unions or joins they may force your plan to be "duplicated" since the beginning.
Since spark doesn't keep intermediate states (unless you cache) automatically, it will have to read the sources multiple times
Something like
1- df = Read ParquetFile1
2- dfFiltered = df.filter('active=1')
3- dfFiltered.union(df)
The plan will probably look like : readParquetFIle1 --> union <-- filter <-- readParquetFIle1


Spark dataframe : When does it materialize?

I have a spark question :
I have a job that errors out with : 403 Access Denied on S3
The spark job basically:
Gets data from LF resource linked tables from Glue Catalog
Creates temp views
Runs a bunch of transformations
Stores the data in an external location
I get sporadic errors in step 3 where we are doing a bunch of transformations. I say sporadic, because sometimes I would get no errors and the other times it pops up on any one of the functions that exist in step 3.
Wouldnt running a spark sql select statement (and storing it as temp view) on a glue dynamic frame materialize the data within the spark session in-memory?
dfnew=spark.sql(select * from tbl1)
..step3 transformations on tbl2(this is where the error happens)
Is my understanding correct in that tbl1 has materialized into the spark session in-memory, but tbl2 is still lazily stored?
If so, then if I run spark sql statement on tbl2 it will materialize by querying from tbl1, not the glue catalog source tables, correct?
How can I ensure in the above script the LF tables are not accessed after getting them in a dynamic frame because the upstream data is continuously updated?
The understanding that you have of spark SQL views is not correct.
Spark SQL views are lazily evaluated and don't really materialize until you call an action. In fact, NONE of the lazily evaluated parts (also called transformations in Spark technical terms) are materialized until and unless you call an action.
All it does is create a DAG in the backend with all the transformations you have done so far and materialize all that when you call an action.
df.createorreplacetempview(tbl1) #lazily-evaluated
dfnew=spark.sql(select * from tbl1) #lazily-evaluated
dfnew.createorreplacetempview(tbl2) #lazily-evaluated #Action call --> materilaizes all the transformations done so far.
The error you are getting is most likely because of the permissions while reading or writing into a particular S3 location.
I hope this answers your first half of the question. It can be explained better if you can share what is happening in the transformation or if you are using any action during those transformations or the best way is to share the stacktrace of the error to get more definitive answer.
Also if you are using Spark 3.0 or higher you can materialize your transformations by using noop write format.
You can simply specify it as the write format and it will materialize the query and execute all the transformations but it will not write the result anywhere.

Migration from Spark 2.4.0 to Spark 3.1.1 caused SortMergeJoin to change to BroadcastHashJoin

I'm currently working on a Spark migration project that aims to migrate all Spark SQL pipelines for Spark 3.x version and take advantage of all performance improvements on it. My company is using Spark 2.4.0 but we are targeting to use officially the 3.1.1 for all Spark SQL data pipelines but without AQE enabled yet. The primary goal is to keep everything the same but use the newest version. Later on, we can easily enable AQE for all data pipelines.
For a specific case, right after the spark version change, we faced the following error:
org.apache.spark.SparkException: Could not execute broadcast in 300 secs. You can increase the timeout for broadcasts via spark.sql.broadcastTimeout or disable broadcast join by setting spark.sql.autoBroadcastJoinThreshold to -1
We investigated this issue and looking at Spark UI logs, we noticed a change in the query plan as follows:
Spark 2.4.0:
Spark 2.4.0 is using the default SortMergeJoin to do the join operation between the tbl_a and tbl_b, but when we look at query plan from new Spark 3.1.1:
We can notice that instead of SortMergeJoin it is using the BroadcastHashJoin to do the join between tbl_a and tbl_b. Not only this, but if I'm not wrong, the BroadcastExchange operation is occurring on the big table side, which seems strange from my perspective.
As additional information, we have the following properties regarding the execution of both jobs:
spark.sql.autoBroadcastJoinThreshold = 10Mb
spark.sql.adaptive.enabled = false # AQE is disabled
spark.sql.shuffle.partitions = 200
and other non-relevant properties.
Do you guys have any clue on why this is happening? My questions are:
Why Spark 3 has changed the join approach in this situation given that AQE is disabled and the spark.sql.autoBroadcastJoinThreshold is much smaller than the data set size?
Is this the expected behavior or could this represents a potential bug in Spark 3.x?
Please, let me know your thoughts. I appreciate all the help in advance.
UPDATE - 2022-07-27
After digging into Spark code for some days, and debugging it, I was able to understand what is happening. Basically, the retrieved statistics are the problem. Apparently, Spark 3 gets the statistics from a Hive table attribute called rawDataSize. If this isn't defined, than it looks for totalSize table property, as we can see in the following source code:
During my tests, this property presented a very small number (way lower than the autoBroadcastThreshold property) making Spark Optimizer think it was safe to broadcast the right relation, but when the actual broadcast operation happened, it showed a bigger size, approximately the same as in the picture for the right relation, causing the timeout error.
I fixed the issue for my test by running the following command on Hive for a specific partition set:
The rawDataSize now is zero and Spark 3 is using the totalSize (has a reasonable number) as the relation size and consequently, is not using BHJ for this situation.
Now the issue is figuring out why the rawDataSize is so small in the first place or even zero, given that the hive property hive.stats.autogather is true by default (auto calculates the statistics for every DML command) but it seems to be another problem.
Spark has made many improvements around joins.
One of them is :
AQE converts sort-merge join to broadcast hash join when the runtime statistics of any join side is smaller than the broadcast hash join threshold. This is not as efficient as planning a broadcast hash join in the first place, but it’s better than keep doing the sort-merge join, as we can save the sorting of both the join sides, and read shuffle files locally to save network traffic(if spark.sql.adaptive.localShuffleReader.enabled is true)

Differences in Execution betwen Hive and Spark

All: I am looking for someone with more knowledge to check my understanding of Hive and Spark
I have been researching different large scale database solutions and I am trying to understand the difference in execution between Hive and Spark. I attempted to install Hadoop, Hive, and Spark to see how they perform. I was able to get Hadoop and Spark to work. I was unable to get Hive to work.
When I ran queries in Spark after they passed through the optimizer, it seems that the biggest advantage is that only the relevant table data is selected from the source at the earliest inception. So if I only needed Table1.columns(A,B,C) in the final answer, but told the system to JOIN Table1 & Table2 on (Table1.A=Table2.B) it immediately reduces the carried table to only the relevant items...I do not think Hive performs that way. I believe it will do the full join and perform the reduction later.
There are also differences in the memory storage (Hive going back the the HDFS frequently, vs Spark keeping things in RAM). This has both advantages and disadvantages depending on the data set/query.
Unfortunately because I cannot get Hive to run, my theory is based off of reading outputs of other people running things in Hive.
I Think hive and spark originally have different goals, and their execution styles are based on those goals.
Apache spark is a framework that allows you to do calculations on big datasets. stored on hdfs
Hive is an SQL interface to retriev data stored in an hdfs, and other clusterized and object store filesystems (S3 is an example) in a structured way.
Spark keeps things on ram because its more focused on making calculations with the data sets. Hive is more focused on retrieving data in a structured way, so it does not focus on speed that much (that being said, there have been improvements in hive, like llap that are meant to improve performance).
I like to use analogies with traditional software tools. On one side, you can have a relational database, and on the other side, a programming language. They both overlap in some functionality (you can write and read to disk with the programming language, and you can do some calculations with the sql engine. However, if the task at hand requires intensive and complex calculations you would probably use the programming language. If you are looking for a system that lets you store data in a structured way, you would go for the sql engine.
Hive on Tez and Spark both use Ram(memory) for operating on data . The number of partitions computed which will be treated as individual tasks would be quite different from Hive on Tez vs Spark . Hive on Tez by default tries to use combiner to merge certain splits into single partition . Hive one Tez seem to handle autoscaling of clusters in a better way than spark and does work most of the time.Spark doesn't work with autoscaling it would have lot of shuffle errors and will fail when there are multiple stages . But given a fixed size of cluster Spark seems to perform better over Hive on TEZ this could be attributed to some of the optimizations done and also how the shuffle ,serialization etc are implemented .

Spark SQL joining multiple tables design

I am developing a Spark SQL analytics solutions using set of tables. Suppose there are 5 tables which i need to building my solution and finally i am creating one output table.
Here is my flow
dataframe1 = table1 join table2
dataframe2 = dataframe1 join table3
dataframe3 = datamframe2 + filter + agg
dataframe4 = dataframe3 join table4 join table 5
// finally
When I save final dataframe that's when all the above dataframe is evaluated.
Is my approach is good? or
Do i need to cache/persist intermediate dataframes?
This is a very generic question and it is hard to provide a definitive answer.
Depending on the size of tables you would want to do broadcast hint for any of tables that are relatively small.
You can do this via
table_i.join(broadcast(table_j), ....)
This behaviour depends on the value in:
Now broadcast hint will be honoured only if Spark is able to evaluate the value of the table so you might need to cache().
Another option is via Spark checkpoints that can help to truncate local plan for optimisation (also this allows you to resume jobs from checkpoint location, it is similar to writing to HDFS but with some overhead).
In case of broadcasting few houndres of Mb tables, you might need to increase your kryo buffer:
--conf spark.kryoserializer.buffer.max=1g
It also depends which join types you will use.
You would probably want to do filter and aggregagtion as early as possible since it will reduce the join surface.
There are many other considerations to be consider in order to properly optimise this. In case of power law distribution of join keys in any of the joins you would need to do salting and explode smaller table.
In your case, in principle, there is not really a cache or persist required Why?
As there are no reuse paths evident (for other Actions or other Transformations within the same Action), it is all sequential.
Also, lazy evaluation and Catalyst.
Try the .explain and see how Spark will process.
However, due to memory eviction possibilities on the Cluster, there may be the need to re-compute on a Worker. There are various settings that you could apply via .cache and .persist, but Spark handles memory and disk spills without explicit .cache or .persist. See
Also, using .cache can affect performance. So use .explain. See here an excellent posting: Spark: Explicit caching can interfere with Catalyst optimizer's ability to optimize some queries?
So, each case is different but yours seems Ok to answer as I have. In summary: An RDD or DF that is not cached, nor check-pointed, is re-evaluated again each time an Action is invoked on that RDD or DF or if re-accessed within the current Action and no skipped stage situation applies. In your case no issue. Doing otherwise would slow your App down in fact.

Ignite Spark Dataframe slow performance

I was trying to improve the performance of some existing spark dataframe by adding ignite on top of it. Following code is how we currently read dataframe
val df =
I managed to save and load spark dataframe from ignite by the example here: Following code is how I do it now with ignite
val df =
.format(IgniteDataFrameSettings.FORMAT_IGNITE()) //Data source
.option(IgniteDataFrameSettings.OPTION_TABLE(), "person") //Table to read.
.option(IgniteDataFrameSettings.OPTION_CONFIG_FILE(), CONFIG) //Ignite config.
SQL Query(like select a, b, c from table where x) on ignite dataframe is working but the performance is much slower than spark alone(i.e without ignite, query spark DF directly), an SQL query often take 5 to 30 seconds, and it's common to be 2 or 3 times slower spark alone. I noticed many data(100MB+) are exchanged between ignite container and spark container for every query. Query with same "where" but smaller result is processed faster. Overall I feel ignite dataframe support seems to be a simple wrapper on top of spark. Hence most of the case it is slower than spark alone. Is my understanding correct?
Also by following the code example when the cache is created in ignite it automatically has a name like "SQL_PUBLIC_name_of_table_in_spark". So I could't change any cache configuration in xml (Because I need to specify cache name in xml/code to configure it and ignite will complain it already exists) Is this expected?
First of all, it doesn't seem that your test is fair. In the first case you prefetch Parquet data, cache it locally in Spark, and only then execute the query. In case of Ignite DF you don't use caching, so data is fetched during query execution. Typically you will not be able to cache all your data, so performance with Parquet will go down significantly once some of the data needs to be fetched during execution.
However, with Ignite you can use indexing to improve the performance. For this particular case, you should create index on the x field to avoid scanning all the data every time query is executed. Here is the information on how to create an index:
