Data Model for One To Many - Itemcontainer in Cassandra - cassandra

i have two CFs "ItemContainer" and "Items".
I used to have a secondary index in "Items" referring to the "Itemcontainer".
Something like:
CREATE table items (key uuid primary key, container uuid, slot int ....
CREATE INDEX items_container ON items(container)
i change the "container" cell quite often when changing the itemcontainer.
Documentation says that a secondary index shouldnt be used in this case.
So i tried something like:
primary key(container, key)
in items. now i can query all items for an itemcontainer just fine.
but how do i put the item in another itemcontainer?
you cant override parts of the primary key.
so do i really have to delete the item and reinsert all the date with a different "container" field?
Doesn't this create a lot of tombstones?
Also "Items" has like 20 columns with maps and list and everything...
any ideas?


Regarding suggestion of best schema for a cassandra table?

I want to have a table in Cassandra that has a partition key say column 'A', and a column say 'B' which is of 'set' type and can have up to 10000 elements in the set.
But when i retrieve a row from this table then the whole set is retrieved at once and because of that the JVM heap increases rapidly. So should i stick to this schema or go with other schema where 'A' is partition key and i make dynamic columns for each element in the set in my other schema say 'B1', 'B2' ..... 'B10,000'where each of this column is a clustering key.
Which schema is suited best and will give the optimal performance please recommend.
NOTE: cqlsh 5.0.1v
Based off of what you've described, and the documentation I've read, I would not create a collection with 10k elements. Instead I would have two tables, one with everything but the collection, and then use the primary key values of the first table, as the partition key columns of the second table; adding the element name (or whatever you can use to identify an individual element) as a clustering column.
So for a given query, if you wanted everything for a particular primary key value (including all elements), you'd query the first table with the primary key, grab whatever you need, then hit the second table as well, looping/fetching through all elements.
If the query only provides a filter on the partition key (not the primary key - i.e. retrieving multiple rows) , the first query would have to retrieve all columns that make up the primary key for each row, and then query the second table looping for all elements - nested loop here - one loop for each primary key record retrieved from the first table, and a second loop to grab all elements for each pk record.
Probably the best way to go with this. That's how I would probably tackle this.
Does that make sense?

Can I query both the Table and the Global Secondary Index in KeyConditionExpression

I have this table where I have put a Hash Key on a column called org_id and a Global Secondary Index on a column called ts. And I need to run a query against the table matching the condition, but I am getting the error Query key condition not supported.I can't use the "ts" as a Sort Key because there might be repetition there.
Therefore I wanted to know is it possible to query both the index and table in single condition like I have done below.
KeyCondition = Key("org_id").eq("some_id") &
ProjectionExpression = "ts,val"
response = GET_TABLE.query(
It isn't possible to access base table attributes and from a GSI query. You have to project the attributes you need, into the GSI.
You can project other base table attributes into the index if you want. When you query the index, DynamoDB can retrieve these projected attributes efficiently. However, global secondary index queries cannot fetch attributes from the base table.
Note that the "primary key" of a GSI doesn't need to be unique.
In a DynamoDB table, each key value must be unique. However, the key values in a global secondary index do not need to be unique.

Cassandra Hierachy Data Model

I'm newbie design cassandra data model and I need some help to think out the box.
Basically I need a hierarchical table, something pretty standard when talking about Employee.
You have a employee, say Big Boss, that have a list of employee under him.
Something like:
create table employee(id timeuuid, name text, employees list<employee>, primary key(id));
So, is there a way to model a hierarchical model in Cassandra adding the table type itself, or even another approach?
When trying this line above it give me
Bad Request: line 1:61 no viable alternative at input 'employee'
I was thinking about 2 possibilities:
Add an uuid instead and in my java application find each uuid Employee when bringing up the "boss".
Working with Map, where the uuid is the id itself and my text would be the entire Row, then in my java application get the maps, convert each "text" employee into a Employee entity and finally return the whole object;
It really depends on your particular model would only be good for a set of queries, but not others.
You can store ids, and look them up again at the client side. This means n extra queries for each "query". This may or may not be a problem, as queries that hit a partition are fast. Using a map from id to name is also an option. This means you do extra work and denormalise the names into the map values. That's also valid. A third option is to use a UDT (user defined type). You could then have a list or set or even map. In cassandra 2.1, you could index the map keys/ values as well, allowing for some quite flexible querying.
One more approach could be to store a person's details as id, static columns for their attributes, and have "children" as columns in wide row format.
This could look like
create table person(
id int primary key,
name text static,
age int static,
employees map<int, employeeudt>
Querying this will give you rows with the static properties repeated, but on disk, it's still held once. You can resolve the rest client side.

How to make Cassandra have a varying column key for a specific row key?

I was reading the following article about Cassandra:
and it seemed to imply you can have varying column keys in cassandra for a given row key. Is that true? And if its true, how do you allow for varying row keys.
The reason I think this might be true is because say we have a user and it can like many items and we simply want the userId to be the rowkey. We let this rowKey (userID) map to all the items that specific user might like. Each specific user might like a different number of items. Therefore, if we could have multiple column keys, one for each itemID each user likes, then we could solve the problem that way.
Therefore, is it possible to have varying length of cassandra column keys for a specific rowKey? (and how do you do it)
Providing an example and/or some cql code would be awesome!
The thing that is confusing me is that I have seen some .cql files and they define keyspaces before hand and it seems pretty inflexible on how to make it dynamic, i.e. allow it to have additional columns as we please. For example:
test blob,
tid timeuuid,
result text,
PRIMARY KEY(test, tid)
How can this even allow growing columns? Don't we need to specify the name before hand anyway?Or additional custom columns as the application desires?
Yes, you can have a varying number of columns per row_key. From a relational perspective, it's not obvious that tid is the name of a variable. It acts as a placeholder for the variable column key. Note in the inserts statements below, "tid", "result", and "data" are never mentioned in the statement.
data blob,
tid timeuuid,
result text,
PRIMARY KEY(test, tid)
So in your example, you need to identify the row_key, column_key, and payload of the table.
The primary key contains both the row_key and column_key.
Test is your row_key.
tid is your column_key.
data is your payload.
The following inserts are all valid:
INSERT your_keyspace.results('row_key_1', 'a4a70900-24e1-11df-8924-001ff3591711', 'blob_1');
INSERT your_keyspace.results('row_key_1', 'a4a70900-24e1-11df-8924-001ff3591712', 'blob_2');
#notice that the column_key changed but the row_key remained the same
INSERT your_keyspace.results('row_key_2', 'a4a70900-24e1-11df-8924-001ff3591711', 'blob_3');
See here
Did you thought of exploring collection support in cassandra for handling such relations in colocated way{e.g. on same data node}.
Not sure if it helps, but what about keeping user id as row key and a map containing item id as key and some value?

Select TTL for an element in a map in Cassandra

Is there any way to select TTL value for an element in a map in Cassandra with CQL3?
I've tried this, but it doesn't work:
SELECT TTL (mapname['element']) FROM columnfamily
Sadly, I'm pretty sure the answer is that it is not possible as of Cassandra 1.2 and CQL3. You can't query individual elements of a collection. As this blog entry says, "You can only retrieve a collection in its entirety". I'd really love to have the capability to query for collection elements, too, though.
You can still set the TTL for individual elements in a collection. I suppose if you wanted to be assured that a TTL is some value for your collection elements, you could read the entire collection and then update the collection (the entire thing or just a chosen few elements) with your desired TTL. Or, if you absolutely needed to know the TTL for individual data, you might just need to change your schema from collections back to good old dynamic columns, for which the TTL query definitely works.
Or, a third possibility could be that you add another column to your schema that holds the TTL of your collection. For example:
key text PRIMARY KEY,
data map<text, text>,
data_ttl text
) WITH ...
You could then keep track of the TTL of the entire map column 'data' by always updating column 'data_ttl' whenever you update 'data'. Then, you can query 'data_ttl' just like any other column:
SELECT ttl(data_ttl) FROM test;
I realize none of these solutions are perfect... I'm still trying to figure out what will work best for me, too.
