Not able to browser created website in IIS - iis

I have configured sites in IIS in Windows server 2012 (IIS version 6.2) but after successful configuration I am not able to browse the site, getting the error 'This page cannot be displayed' while browsing locally. And while using the URL with port number and browsing from remote getting http 500 error.
Have tried so many settings and changes like permission,directory browsing (enabling), setting up of the default page (start page), but with no luck. Same error, this error is common across all the 7 sites. All sites are of .net 4 version with properly configured app pools.
All required windows features have been installed.
Can any one advice in this regard?

Make sure IIS Apppool\{App pool name} has access to the folder the website is running from.
Make sure the you have the proper features installed by going through
Add Roles and Features -> Server Roles -> Web Server (IIS) -> Web Server -> Application Development -> ASP.Net 4.5


Check if SAP Content Server is running

I'm trying to install SAP Content Server 6.40 onto a Windows Server 2008 R2 virtual machine.
I've read through several installation manuals and how-tos on the web. But can't seem to get it running.
The installation SAP is pretty straightforward. You have to choose SAP NetWeaver 7 element in the installation packages tree, then Standalone Engines -> Content Server -> content Server and or Cache Server. From thereon there you follow the instructions and the installation completes successfully.
The next step to follow is to check whether the server is running via
The Content Server version should be displayed, but it is not.
I tried it with the actual domain, with localhost and the loopback address(es) (127.0.0.[n]) from within the VM.
Before the installation I did set up the IIS (http server). I tried it with configuring the running IIS (i. e. creating a site and pointing it to the Content Server directory - although it is aparently not needed as per the manuals I've read) and without.
What could be the causes resonsible for the issue I'm facing. Why are the Content Server DLLs not reacting to access per http?
One has to allow the ContentServer.dll to be executed.
To do so visit the ISAPI and CGI Restrictions, there you have to
add the aforementioned dll.
You have to install certain Role Services for IIS first (in Application Development).

IIS Error - It is not possible to run two different versions of ASP.NET

I'm getting this error thrown repeatedly on my IIS 6.0 server:
It is not possible to run two different versions of ASP.NET in the
same IIS process. Please use the IIS Administration Tool to
reconfigure your server to run the application in a separate process.
However, I ran an IIS MetaBase Analyzer to view all AppPools and AspNetVersions they're running and do not see any AppPools running different versions of AspNet. Is this a bug in IIS or is there definitely an AppPool running multiple versions of AspNet?
Although it's an old question, for the benefit of future users who visit this yet unanswered question, here is the solution that worked for me.
In my case, the following worked.
Symptom :
The ASP.NET tab, for the "Default Website" node of the IIS Admin was showing a version of 1.1.
The ASP.NET tab, for my virtual directory application, was showing a version of 2.0 (which is the right one for my application).
Solution :
I changed the first one from 1.1 to 2.0. The application worked.
Cause :
The cause, however, seems "mysteriously unrelated", as it often happens in Windows. It was working fine with the same old (different) settings until a week back. What happened during the week, was that the machine A running the web server for my web application, had to unjoin a domain B and join another domain C, because the primary domain controller on B failed and had to be replaced with C. Why on earth would that affect IIS Admin or the web application hosted on A, and why it should generate this particular error is beyond me. Such a cause for this error seems undocumented.
It is not possible to run two different versions of ASP.NET in the same IIS process. This would mean you have multiple applications (either sites or virtual directories) using the same appPool, but one of these sites/applications has a different .NET version setting in the .NET tab. You would have to create another appPool to use different .NET versions.
To create another appPool and associate it to your application do (Windows Server 2003):
1.Click Start, point to All Programs, point to Administrative Tools, and then click Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.
2.In Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager, expand , right-click Application Pools, point to New, and then click Application Pool
3.Right-click on application that uses a different .NET version and click on Properties
4.On menu Virtual Directory choose in the item Application Pool the application pool that you created in point 2.

IIS Browse link does nothing and 404 error

My client had to reinstall the whole server, so I redeployed my ASP.NET MVC app, but I can't browse it. I deployed successfully with the FTP and the website is in the proper local directory.
When I click the link (on the right panel of IIS) Browse crm on *:80, nothing happens. No error, no IE or Chrome opening, just nothing. I also tried to access the app by typing localhost or localhost/myapp (which should be the right path) directly in the web browser and I got
HTTP Error 404. The requested resource is not found
I did not install the IIS, but I did the configuration. Have I missed something?
Windows Server 2008 R2
All the roles previously activated have been activated
The MVC framework has been installed and SQL also.
Enabled the IIS tracing and it didn't trace anything
Make sure the application is running under the correct version of .NET. MVC applications targeting 4.0 running under a 2.0 application pool will return 404. Make sure the site binding is pointing at the correct directory of the application you just deployed. When all else fails, try putting a simple .html file into the site and accessing that through the browser. If that fails, it means that IIS is not set up to serve the site, so check bindings, application pools, and home directories.

msdeploy mvc to Windows7 getting ERROR_DESTINATION_NOT_REACHABLE and 404

I'm trying to do msdeploy of a MVC app to a windows7 box, running on command-line. And kept getting this error:
More Information: Could not connect to the destination computer (""
). On the destination computer, make sure that Web Deploy is installed and that
the required process ("The Web Management Service") is started.
Error: The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found.
Error count: 1.
I've verified both Wmsvc (seems this is being used) and MsDepSvc are running. And firewall are disabled. In the browser when I visit, I got a Server Error 404, seems a bit further than where the command-line stopped.
Most of instructions on setting up IIS7 and Web deployment I could find online is for MS Servers. Both my local machine and the Windows7 machine has the same version of Msdeploy installed.
I had exactly the same issue with a VM on Azure, and the solution was to enable first the IIS Management Service and then install Web Deploy (I used Web Platform Installer). Seems that the installation order matters. You can find a blog entry I wrote about this here
For non-server operating systems (i.e. Windows 7) the Web Deploy publish via Web Management Service is not supported. Instead you will have to use the Remote Agent Service, this is an admin only publishing service. You can find more info at
I had the same issue using MSDeploy to deploy my web application to remote IIS 7.5 web server running windows 7. I have just figured out how to fix the problem today after reading Sayed's post, so I wanna post my solution here for anyone who would run into this problem like me. Try this:
Enable IIS Management Service (in control panel >> add or remove features >> add or remove windows features)
Install Web Deploy (
Open cmd with Administrative privilege, type “net start msdepsvc” to start the “Web Deploy Agent Service”.
Check this link in your browser: http://serveraddress/MsDeployAgentService/, if it prompts for username and password, MsDeployAgentService is running on server, go to the next step.
In VS, type in http://serveraddress/MsDeployAgentService/ in Service URL while creating publish, instead of https://serveraddress:8172/MsDeploy.axd, and click test connection. It should be ok now.
After checking the Management Service and Web Deploy 3.0 were correctly installed, I found that (from VS2012 at least) the Service URL seems to matter here too, attempting to publish to any of the following did not work for me:
FQDN (localmachine.domain.local)
Domain IP Address (
Loop-back IP (
Whereas the following DID work:
NetBIOS name (localmachine)

IIS7 Authentication problem

I have deployed a web site to a Win 2008 Web server with IIS7. The site works fine on a Win 2003 Standard server with IIS6. On the 2008 box, whenever I request a page (htm or aspx) from a folder named Reports, I get challenged with the Windows Authentication dialog box.
I have Anonymous Authentication and Forms Authentication enabled on the site. I applied Full Control permissions to the root of the site for both NETWORK SERVICE and IIS_IUSRS, but that hasn't make a difference.
Like a previous post already mentioned, here are the detailed steps to fix this:)
If there is a folder in the application named "Reports" and SQL Server Reporting Services are installedon the server, then Reporting Services Virtual Directory folder that is also named "Reports" will be in conflict with the application "Reports" folder.
To fix this open Reporting Services Configuration Manager (Start->All Programs->MS SQL Server->Configuraton Tools) and change the Virtual Directory under the "Report Manager URL" in the menu on the left.
Did you install MSSQL Reporting Services on your new machine? It'll use the Reports folder for the reporting toolkit (default setting) and under MSSQL 2008 you can't enable anonymous Access out of the box.
whats is the authentication mode in your web.config, verify that is not in Windows
<authentication mode="Windows" />
also be sure to disable integrated windows authentication in iis
You could try running FileMon from SysInternals to see if it is the file system that is sending back the "access denied".
Quote from another forum that solved this issue for me:
"SQL Server Reporting Services creates a folder called Reports by default if you install it on IIS. If you install SQL 2008 then Reporting Services doesn't need to use IIS and instead will try to reserve the URL with the HTTP.Sys service.
I believe this is the cause of the conflict you are seeing. What you could try is changing the URL that Reporting Services uses via the SQL Server Reporting Services Configuration Manager."
Well speaking on the same subject here, yesterday I was deploying my application on Windows Server 2008 running IIS7 w/MSSQL 2008 on there too. In my website's tree structure I had a folder named Reports that had a subfolder in it, and then the actual pages. It looked like this "Reports/SalaryReports/SalaryReport.aspx" The interesting thing was that when I clicked on a hyperlink to go to "Reports/SalaryReports/SalaryReport.aspx" I got a username/password prompt from my server. This did not happen on the VS development server when I ran the application on the development machine. So I was like hmm? I looked at the code-behind in SalaryReport.aspx and did not find anything unusual. So then I put a Default.aspx directly in the Reports folder (thinking maybe it was something wrong with the authentication going two nodes down from the root to get to SalaryReport.aspx) but the server still requested username/password even though there was no security settings applied to this new Default.aspx. So I figured it must be that the folder is named "Reports", so I renamed it to "Reports1" and bigno! Everything worked!....I will still look further in this issue today, but it seems that either an IIS 7 HttpModule (not one of mine) is trying to "reserve" the folder that is named "Reports" for itself or something else...I'll look into the SQL Server Reporting services as the above post mentioned...
Anyways, just wanted to share:)
I'm supposing you don't have a SQL Reporting Services running on the same server:
1 - Give rights to user "IUSR" and the user that's running your application pool.
2 - Overwrite child folder permissions and ownership.
2 - Check if there's a web.config file on that folder setting different access rules.
