msdeploy mvc to Windows7 getting ERROR_DESTINATION_NOT_REACHABLE and 404 - iis-7.5

I'm trying to do msdeploy of a MVC app to a windows7 box, running on command-line. And kept getting this error:
More Information: Could not connect to the destination computer (""
). On the destination computer, make sure that Web Deploy is installed and that
the required process ("The Web Management Service") is started.
Error: The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found.
Error count: 1.
I've verified both Wmsvc (seems this is being used) and MsDepSvc are running. And firewall are disabled. In the browser when I visit, I got a Server Error 404, seems a bit further than where the command-line stopped.
Most of instructions on setting up IIS7 and Web deployment I could find online is for MS Servers. Both my local machine and the Windows7 machine has the same version of Msdeploy installed.

I had exactly the same issue with a VM on Azure, and the solution was to enable first the IIS Management Service and then install Web Deploy (I used Web Platform Installer). Seems that the installation order matters. You can find a blog entry I wrote about this here

For non-server operating systems (i.e. Windows 7) the Web Deploy publish via Web Management Service is not supported. Instead you will have to use the Remote Agent Service, this is an admin only publishing service. You can find more info at

I had the same issue using MSDeploy to deploy my web application to remote IIS 7.5 web server running windows 7. I have just figured out how to fix the problem today after reading Sayed's post, so I wanna post my solution here for anyone who would run into this problem like me. Try this:
Enable IIS Management Service (in control panel >> add or remove features >> add or remove windows features)
Install Web Deploy (
Open cmd with Administrative privilege, type “net start msdepsvc” to start the “Web Deploy Agent Service”.
Check this link in your browser: http://serveraddress/MsDeployAgentService/, if it prompts for username and password, MsDeployAgentService is running on server, go to the next step.
In VS, type in http://serveraddress/MsDeployAgentService/ in Service URL while creating publish, instead of https://serveraddress:8172/MsDeploy.axd, and click test connection. It should be ok now.

After checking the Management Service and Web Deploy 3.0 were correctly installed, I found that (from VS2012 at least) the Service URL seems to matter here too, attempting to publish to any of the following did not work for me:
FQDN (localmachine.domain.local)
Domain IP Address (
Loop-back IP (
Whereas the following DID work:
NetBIOS name (localmachine)


How To get Maximo 7.6.1 log in page after Installation

I am new to Maximo 7.6.1 installation. Have installed DB2, WAS 11.01 and Maximo 7.6.1 . All of them on the same personal laptop running Windows 10.
Installations successful (except for the final ear deployment). DB2 and WAS are successfully installed. On rebooting the laptop, I get following different logins db2admin,
maximo ,
My question is using which url I can access/ or get the login page of Maximo.
Try modifying this url based on your setup.
You may need to specify a port after hostname (e.g. :9080) if one is configured and specifying localhost or your IP address (found by running ipconfig from the command line) can help rule out any issues with hostname.
You said, "except for the final ear deployment" ... but it is that final EAR deployment that makes Maximo run when you start the app server you deploy it to. Once it is deployed and running, you should be able to access the Maximo login page by browsing to http://localhost:9080/maximo or https://localhost:9443/maximo.

Can't connect to apex, after succsessiful instalation

I've installed Oracle Apex on local machine, following this steps - LINK
I used Embedded PL/SQL Gateway (EPG) Configuration.
And when I try to connect on http://localhost:8080/apex I get - unable to connect firefox message. I checked firewall is inactive
Assuming you've followed all the steps and you're installing on windows, check if the OracleJobScheduler service is running (it will be postfixed with the instance name). You can do this by searching for Component Services in the windows search bar, then open the Services (Local). If the scheduler job service is not running then start it, wait a few moments, and try to re-connect.

Website not working in IIS 7 using the IIS Manager

I have Microsoft Windows server 2008 R2 and have the IIS 7 running.
I have coded a web application on a seperate laptop and would like to publish it now on my server (serves as AD, DNS, File Server, IIS) that runs locally and has no external access. We will be using the application internally only.
I have followed the steps to install a website on IIS, however, it does not work. Below are the steps I have done.
Created a folder hierarchy and pasted the code files there. (check below image. The code files are inside wwwroot)
Create a new website from the IIS Manager as the below image.
The wwwroot folder has SYSTEM permission and it inherits the permissions from the parent. (Does it need to have other permissions?!?)
Whenever I visit the website, I get an error that the page is not found.
Upon #Ravi A's answer below, I have tried his steps as the below image, but the username is not found and the error persists.
Any ideas what is wrong?
windows iis website
You need to add a binding in your DNS i.e. ping mysite.local should resolve to the server IP, in your case since it's a intranet it should resolve to
See here on how to do it. You need access to DNS Manager.
Also since you are not clear on DNS mapping leave the hostname empty and use machine name or IP to browse the site.

msdeploy.axd returns 404

I'm trying to setup webdeploy on IIS8, but why am I getting 404 when accessing both https://[servername]:8172/msdeploy.axd and https://localhost:8172/msdeploy.axd locally.
I've installed management service.
I've installed webdeploy 3.5 using web platform installer. In Program and Features a changed the instalation of webdeploy to include all features including the handler.
In IIS Manager I've chosen Configure Web Deploy Publishing for default website's context menu.
I've restarted management service.
when i tried https://[servername]:8172/msdeploy.axd I was asked to enter credentials and accept the certificate. after that I got 404.
I've uninstalled webdeploy and installed using MSI manually including all features.
restarted entire server.
getting 404.
I don't believe you can open the service from a browser. I attempted that against a dev server that we deploy to many times a day and also received a 404. I would try deploying from VS instead as a test.
Also if anyone comes here and is using Visual Studio Publish dialog and the "Validate Connection" button fails: do NOT use the button when creating. Just click Ok, then Edit (in More actions menu).
In the Connection tab, click Validate Connection. This time it will asks you to accept an invalid certificate (since you likely self-signed it on your server). Accept it and the connection should go through.

Check if SAP Content Server is running

I'm trying to install SAP Content Server 6.40 onto a Windows Server 2008 R2 virtual machine.
I've read through several installation manuals and how-tos on the web. But can't seem to get it running.
The installation SAP is pretty straightforward. You have to choose SAP NetWeaver 7 element in the installation packages tree, then Standalone Engines -> Content Server -> content Server and or Cache Server. From thereon there you follow the instructions and the installation completes successfully.
The next step to follow is to check whether the server is running via
The Content Server version should be displayed, but it is not.
I tried it with the actual domain, with localhost and the loopback address(es) (127.0.0.[n]) from within the VM.
Before the installation I did set up the IIS (http server). I tried it with configuring the running IIS (i. e. creating a site and pointing it to the Content Server directory - although it is aparently not needed as per the manuals I've read) and without.
What could be the causes resonsible for the issue I'm facing. Why are the Content Server DLLs not reacting to access per http?
One has to allow the ContentServer.dll to be executed.
To do so visit the ISAPI and CGI Restrictions, there you have to
add the aforementioned dll.
You have to install certain Role Services for IIS first (in Application Development).
