Getting unknown type : import in groovy in Jenkins Pipeline - groovy

I am trying to create a Jenkins Pipeline Script using groovy. However, the import statement is giving me a compilation error - Unknown Type : Import. Not sure why.

You should define import jxl.* at the top of the pipeline script, e.g.
import jxl.*
node {
stage('Execute Tests') {
try {
dir('.') {
sh '......' // etc.
When you added it inside node {} block Jenkins was looking for a method instead of import class statement. The good convention is to put all import statements at the top of the Groovy file.


How to declare a Groovy class in one file and use it in a Groovy script in another file?

After reading many threads I am stuck on this very simple task.
I have a sandbox project with only two files :
class Foo{
String toString() {
return "Foo"
and src/main/groovy/scripts/script.groovy
package scripts
import classes.Foo
def foo = new Foo()
print foo.toString()
Now if I run the command :
groovy src/main/groovy/scripts/script.groovy
I get the following error :
org.codehaus.groovy.control.MultipleCompilationErrorsException: startup failed:
src\main\groovy\scripts\utils\script.groovy: 3: unable to resolve class classes.Foo
# line 3, column 1.
import classes.Foo
1 error
How can I use my class Foo in my script script.groovy ?
As suggested by dagget, I had to specify the classpath based on my root folder which in my case is groovy :
groovy -cp src/main/groovy src/main/groovy/scripts/script.groovy

Custom update listener to set subtask's fix-version

I'm developing custom listener which will update subtask's fix version to same value as it's parent issue.
Currently we are using post-function in workflow in order to set subtask's fix version according to parent on subtask creation. This however doesn't cover cases when subtask already exists and parent's fix version gets updated. New value from parent task is not propagated to subtask.
I'm using script runner and I'm creating 'Custom lisatener', for my specific project and specified Event: 'Issue Updated'. I added script as following:
import com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
import com.atlassian.jira.config.SubTaskManager
import com.atlassian.jira.event.issue.AbstractIssueEventListener
import com.atlassian.jira.event.issue.IssueEvent
import com.atlassian.jira.event.type.EventDispatchOption
import com.atlassian.jira.issue.Issue
import com.atlassian.jira.issue.IssueManager
import com.atlassian.jira.issue.MutableIssue
import com.atlassian.jira.project.version.Version
import org.apache.log4j.Logger
class CopyFixVersionFromParentToChild extends AbstractIssueEventListener {
Logger log = Logger.getLogger(CopyFixVersionFromParentToChild.class);
SubTaskManager subTaskManager = ComponentAccessor.getComponent(SubTaskManager.class)
IssueManager issueManager = ComponentAccessor.getComponent(IssueManager.class)
void issueUpdated(IssueEvent event) {
log.warn("\nIssue updated!!!\n")
try {
Issue updatedIssue = event.getIssue()
if ( == "Parent issue type") {
Collection<Version> fixVersions = new ArrayList<Version>()
fixVersions = updatedIssue.getFixVersions()
Collection<Issue> subTasks = updatedIssue.getSubTaskObjects()
if (subTaskManager.subTasksEnabled && !subTasks.empty) {
subTasks.each {
if (it instanceof MutableIssue) {
((MutableIssue) it).setFixVersions(fixVersions)
issueManager.updateIssue(event.getUser(), it, EventDispatchOption.ISSUE_UPDATED, false)
} catch (ex) {
log.debug "Event: ${event.getEventTypeId()} fired for ${event.issue} and caught by script 'CopyVersionFromParentToChild'"
Problem is, that it doesn't work. I'm not sure whethe rit's problem that my script logic is encapsulated inside class. Do I have to register this in some specific way? Or am I using script runner completely wrong and I'm pasting this script to wrong section? I checked code against JIRA API and it looks like it should work, my IDE doesnt show any warnings/errors.
Also, could anyone give me hints on where to find logging output from custom scripts like this? Whatever message I put into logger, I seem to be unable to find anywhere in JIRA logs (although I'm aware that script might not work for now).
Any response is much appreciated guys, Thanks.
Well, I figure it out.
Method I posted, which implements listener as groovy class is used in different way than I expected. These kind of script files were used to be located in to specific path in JIRA installation and ScriptRunner would register them into JIRA as listeners.
In in order to create 'simple' listener script which reacts to issue updated event, I had to strip it down to this code
import com.atlassian.jira.component.ComponentAccessor
import com.atlassian.jira.event.type.EventDispatchOption
import com.atlassian.jira.issue.Issue
import com.atlassian.jira.issue.IssueManager
import com.atlassian.jira.issue.MutableIssue
import com.atlassian.jira.project.version.Version
IssueManager issueManager = ComponentAccessor.getComponent(IssueManager.class)
Issue updatedIssue = event.getIssue()
Collection<Version> fixVersions = new ArrayList<Version>()
fixVersions = updatedIssue.getFixVersions()
Collection<Issue> subTasks = updatedIssue.getSubTaskObjects()
subTasks.each {
if (it instanceof MutableIssue) {
((MutableIssue) it).setFixVersions(fixVersions)
issueManager.updateIssue(event.getUser(), it, EventDispatchOption.ISSUE_UPDATED, false)
You past this to script runner interface and it works :-). Hope this helps anyone who's learning ScriptRunner. Cheers.

Difference between `import from` and `import require` in TypeScript

I use node.js and I recently decided to give TypeScript a shot, But I'm kinda confused on how modules get imported. I see two different syntax that I couldn't find out what's their difference exactly:
import * as a from 'a'; // ES6 standard to import stuff
// OR ...
import a = require('a');
Are these the same thing? and if they're not, where should I use each one of them?
import * as a from 'a'; is the new "ES6 style" import syntax (available since Typescript 1.5).
Whenever possible, this syntax should now be used.
There is one caveat though. The ES6 import syntax can only import modules (as defined by ES6) or objects (classes, interfaces, vars,... ) exported as part of a module.
Some Javascript librairies will directly export a function or class, and the corresponding definition file will typically look like this:
declare module "my-class" {
class MyClass { ... }
export = MyClass
In this case, the "old" import syntax is the only one that can be used
import MyClass = require("my-class");
Failure to use this syntax will result in error TS2497
Check this issue for details and a possible workaround which would be, in the previous case, to add an empty module declaration to the definition file
declare module "my-class" {
class MyClass { ... }
module MyClass {} // <=
export = MyClass

Groovy importing static nested classes

The following two classes in the same package:
class Imported {
static class Inner {
import Imported
class Main {
static main(args) {
new Imported.Inner()
When run:
$ groovy Main.groovy
org.codehaus.groovy.control.MultipleCompilationErrorsException: startup failed:
/tmp/Main.groovy: 5: unable to resolve class Imported.Inner
# line 5, column 5.
new Imported.Inner()
1 error
Any reason this is happening? How to properly import static nested classes?
Just compile Imported.groovy: groovyc Imported.groovy so that you have Imported.class and Imported$Inner.class.
Then simply invoke groovy Main.groovy and it should work.
If you want to have some "import/include" functionality, check Including a groovy script in another groovy and how to simply import a groovy file in another groovy script.

How to import org.codehaus.groovy.scriptom.* on Groovy?

I'm trying to run a Groovy app to manipulate Excel files on STS (by SpringSource) 2.3.0.
My Groovy version is 1.7.
package com.mytool
import org.codehaus.groovy.scriptom.ActiveXObject
* #author Mulone
class SurveyTool {
static main(args) {
print 'test'
def wshell = new ActiveXObject('Wscript.Shell')
wshell.popup("Scriptom is Groovy")
Sadly, this is what I get:
org.codehaus.groovy.control.MultipleCompilationErrorsException: startup failed:
C:\workspace\SurveyTool\src\com\geoadapta\surveytool\SurveyTool.groovy: 6: unable to resolve class org.codehaus.groovy.scriptom.ActiveXObject
# line 6, column 1.
import org.codehaus.groovy.scriptom.ActiveXObject
1 error
I also tried to rename ActiveXObject to ActiveXProxy with the same result.
I tried to import scriptom manually from the package scriptom-all-assembly-1.6.0 but I didn't work.
Any idea?
Ops, I fixed it by importing all the jar files manually and by putting jacob-1.14.3-x86.dll in the project folder.
