Retrieve one value from default dict on python 3 - python-3.x

I have a dict which I populate with data using setdefault method as follows:
if date not in call_dict:
call_dict.setdefault(date, [0, 0]).append(0)
call_dict[date][0] += 1
if x[12] != 'ANSWERED':
call_dict[date][1] += 1
call_dict[date][2] = 100*(call_dict[date][1]/call_dict[date][0])
At the end of this process I have a dict which is structured like this:
{'key' : value0, value1, value2}
Then I have to plot only key and value2 (as value2 is a function of the key) but I can't find the way to access this value.
I tried myDict.values() but it did not work (as expected). I would really like to avoid creating another list/dict/anything because of script performance and also to achieve
that I would still have to reach for the value2 which would solve my problem.
Any ideas how to solve this problem?
Sample values of dict:
{'08:23': [45, 17, 37.77777777777778],
'08:24': [44, 15, 34.090909090909086],
'08:25': [46, 24, 52.17391304347826],
'08:48': [49, 19, 38.775510204081634],

You can get them from the dictionary with a list comprehension:
data = { "2018-07-01": [45, 17, 37.77777777777778],
"2018-07-02": [44, 15, 34.090909090909086],
"2018-07-03": [46, 24, 52.17391304347826],
"2018-07-04": [49, 19, 38.775510204081634]}
xy = [(x,data[x][2]) for x in data.keys()] # extract tuples of (date-key, 3rd value)
[('2018-07-01', 37.77777777777778), ('2018-07-02', 34.090909090909086),
('2018-07-03', 52.17391304347826), ('2018-07-04', 38.775510204081634)]
If you need them for plotting you might want to do:
x,y = zip(*xy)
('2018-07-01', '2018-07-02', '2018-07-03', '2018-07-04') # x
(37.77777777777778, 34.090909090909086, 52.17391304347826, 38.775510204081634) # y
and supply those to your plotting library as x and y data.
Doku: zip(*iterables)


Convert list to a particular format [(123, 123), (345,875)..]

I have the following list:
l = [12, 23,54, 67, 87,98,15, 90, 44,81]
I would like to convert them into pairs with parenthesis. Desired output should look like the following:
[(12, 23),(54, 67), (87,98),(15, 90), (44,81)]
What I tried so far?
print('{}'.format(' '.join('({},)'.format(i) for i in l)))
This does not print the list as pairs. How do I solve this?
l = [12, 23,54, 67, 87,98,15, 90, 44,81]
for i in range(0,len(l),2):
Rather than for i in l, you'd need to use a range to allow you to set an increment by which to step through. range takes 3 arguments - a starting number, an end number, and (optionally; it defaults to 1) an increment.
Something like this:
tuple_list = [(l[i], l[i+1]) for i in range(0, len(l), 2)]

How to retrieve the target value key for a target value that is contained within a dictionary of lists of values without using a for loop?

I have the following dictionary. Each key contains a list of unique values:
d = {1:[10,11,12],2:[13,14],3:[15,16,17,18],4:[19],5:[20]}
I want to return the key for specified target value as per the example below (this does return the desired result).
keys = list(d.keys())
values_lst = list(d.values())
target_value = 20
for i,values in enumerate(values_lst):
if target_value in values:
index = i
However, is there a way to achieve this result without deploying the for loop (at least explicitly). The solution that I have does not feel particularly pythonic.
There always must be a loop somewhere, but you can do it with an one-liner:
d = {1: [10, 11, 12], 2: [13, 14], 3: [15, 16, 17, 18], 4: [19], 5: [20]}
target_value = 20
key = next(k for k, v in d.items() if target_value in v)
A more Pythonic solution, but still with an explicit for:
index = -1
for key, values in d.items():
if target_value in values:
index = key
This may be more readable than a one-liner (as in the other answer), but YMMV.

Python: Use a for loop to get Nth number out of a list

I need to get every 3rd value out of a list and add it to a new list.
This is what I have so far.
def make_reduced_samples(original_samples, skip):
skipped_list = []
for count in range(0, len(original_samples), skip):
return skipped_list
skip is equal to 3
I get the indexes and not the value of the numbers in the list.
It gives me [0,3,6]. Which are the indexes in the list and not the value of the indexes.
The example I am given is:
In this list [12,87,234,34,98,11,9,72], you should get [12,34,9].
I cannot use skipped_list = original_samples[::3] in any way.
You need to append the value of the original_samples array at the index. Not the index (count) itself.
def make_reduced_samples(original_samples, skip):
skipped_list = []
for count in range(0, len(original_samples), skip):
return skipped_list
The correct, most pythonic, and most efficient way to do that is to use slicing.
lst = [12, 87, 234, 34, 98, 11, 9, 72]
skipped_list = lst[::3]
print(skipped_list) # [12, 34, 9]
If the step does not obey a linear relation (which it does here), then you could use a list-comprehension with enumerate to filter on the index.
skipped_list = [x for i, x in enumerate(lst) if i % 3 == 0]
print(skipped_list) # [12, 34, 9]
One liner:
skipped_list = [j for (i,j) in enumerate(original_samples, start=1) if i % 3 == 0]

Python - Insert value to list in a dictionary

I need your help to fix my code. I try to append a value to a list in a dictionary.
def distance(x1, y1, x2, y2):
dis=((x1-x2)**2) + ((y1-y2)**2)
return dis
def cluster_member_formation2(arrCH, arrN, k):
dicCH = dict.fromkeys(arrCH,[])
arrE = []
for j in range(len(arrCH)):
d_nya = distance(arrN[1][0], arrN[1][1], arrN[arrCH[j]][0], arrN[arrCH[j]][1])
minC = min(arrE)
ind = arrE.index(minC)
x = arrCH[ind]
print(arrE, minC, ind, x, dicCH)
arrCH=[23, 35]
arrN={0:[23, 45, 2, 0], 1:[30,21,2,0], 23:[12, 16, 2, 0], 35:[48, 77, 2, 0]}
cluster_member_formation2(arrCH, arrN, 1)
The output:
[349, 3460] 349 0 23 {35: [1], 23: [1]}
I try to calculate the distance between node 1 and all node in arrCH, and then take the minimum distance. In the output show the result of arrE is [349, 3460], so the minimum is 349. 349 has index 0, then I find arrCH with index 0, likes arrCH[0]=23. Finally, I want update dicCH[23].append(1) so the result is
{35: [], 23: [1]}
But, why my code update the all keys, 35 and 23?
I hope someone can help me.
Thank you..
classmethod fromkeys(seq[, value])
Create a new dictionary with keys
from seq and values set to value.
All of your dictionary values reference the same single list instance ([]) which you provide as a value to the fromkeys function.
You could use dictionary comprehension as seen in this answer.
dicCH = {key: [] for key in arrCH}

How to replicate Pandas syntax? (To filter data frames)

How do I implement the syntax for filtering dataframes in Pandas? (df[df.column1 > someValue])
I am trying to make a class that have the same syntax of Pandas when filtering dataframes.
How do I replicate the syntax for a Dataframe df = DataFrame(someData) like this one:
df[df.column1 > someValue]
I implemented the methods __getattr__ and __getitem__ for the syntaxes of
But I don't know how to link both together. Also, I could not find the function to copy from Pandas code.
Either an implementation to this problem or the reference to the function in Pandas would be of great help.
Following the hint on the answers I implemented the __getitem__ function as follows:
from tier tools import compress
def __getitem__(self, name):
"""Get items with [ and ]
#If there is no expression, return a column
if isinstance(name, str):
#if there was an expression return the dataframe filtered
elif isinstance(name, list):
ind = list(compress(range(len(name)), name))
temp = DataFrame([[[c].values[i]
for i in ind]
for c in self.columns],
return temp
Note that I also had to implement the comparison methods for my column class (Series).
The full code can be seen here.
You need to implement __getitem__ to take a list of booleans and only return items when True. You will also need to implement the conditional operators (>, ==, etc.) to return that list of booleans, e.g. (proof of concept code):
class A(object):
def __init__(self, data): = data
def __getitem__(self, key):
return A([d for k, d in zip(key, if k])
def __gt__(self, value):
return [d > value for d in]
def __repr__(self):
return str(self.__class__) + ' [' + ', '.join(str(d) for d in + ']'
>>> a = A(list(range(20)))
>>> a
<class '__main__.A'> [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19]
>>> a[a > 5]
<class '__main__.A'> [6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19]
I think you basically want something that just wraps a recarray or structured array.
import numpy as np
myarray = np.array([("Hello",2.5,3),
df = np.core.records.fromarrays(myarray,
names='column1, column2, column3',
formats = 'S8, f8, i8')
While I don't use Pandas myself, the DataFrame seems like it is very similar to a recarray. If you wanted to roll your own, be sure to read about subclassing ndarray. numpy arrays can also be indexed with boolean mask variables such as
myarray = np.array([(1,2.5,3.),
