How can I get the word2vec.bin file - nlp

I want to build a chatbot using python and deeplearning methodology.Iam referring the below link
chatbot code
But I troubled in the word2vec.bin file as describing in the code.Where should I get the bin file?


Speech to text Conversion Using Python

I am new to python and want to convert speech to text using python libraries.But not using APIs.Basically,I want my code to run without internet too.Which library I should use?I have learned SpeechRecognition is the simplest one but I see in every use case it makes use of an API.Please suggest how should I proceed.
You can try using pyttsx3 module. It stands for Python Text To Speech version 3.
you can check out my GitHub repo to learn about the use of speech recognition and pyttsx3.

Open .exe file using python and trying to pass parameter in the same python script

I'm trying to open a .exe file from Python and give it some instructions. Because I have thousands of models to run I need to automatize the process.
Here on Stackoverflow, I found several options that I tried. I am able to open .exe file but not able to fill the information in that and run the .exe. the place is always empty. I'm writing one of these solutions. [I'm using Python3]:
import os
your_bat_file_address = r'"C:\D_drive\testing\SAR\1100_star3\exmple.bat"' # example
in the exmple.bat file
"C:/D_drive/tool/EXMPLE.exe" --input1 "C:/D_drive/file/1st_file" --input2 "C:/D_drive/file/2st_file" --input3 "C:/D_drive/file/3st_file"

How to convert JSON file into PO?

Hello friends and colleagues...
A quick question How do Iconvert JSON file into PO?
I had a PO file with relevant translations, then I converted it to JSON on some website after that wrote a little script in NodeJS to translate keys via Google translate API and now I just want to convert this translated JSON back to PO...
Is there any easy way? I don't seem to find any working npm packages or anything else...
Please Help,
Online tools like can help.
To translate using command line there's an open source repo on Git-

How to save python code (part of the notebook) to file in GDrive from code

I am using Google Colabs for my research in machine learning.
I do many variations on a network and run them saving the results.
I have a part of my notebook that used to be separate file ( At the start of a training session I used to save this file in a directory that has the results and logs etc. Now that this part of the code is in the notebook it is easier to edit etc, BUT I do not have a file to copy to the output directory that describes the model. how to i take a section of a google colab notebook and save the raw code as a python file?
Things I have tried:
%%writefile "" - is able to write the file however the classes are not available to the runtime.

CrfSharp file not found

when I try to run crfsharp, I get the following error at VS2012,
+err{"Could not find file 'C:\codeplex\POIParser\data\training\POIParser_corpus.train.tag'.":"C:\codeplex\POIParser\data\training\POIParser_corpus.train.tag"} System.Exception {System.IO.FileNotFoundException}
where can I find this file "POIParser_corpus.train.tag" ? I have downloaded both source code and main program of crfsharp and running it in VS2012.
Also I want to ask you can I use the CRFsharp to extract aspects by using training templates?
How do you run it ?
To train a CRF model, you need to prepare training corpus, template file at first and run CRFSharpConsole.exe with some parameters. CRFSharpConsole.exe will show usage, if you run it without any parameters.
Actually, I recommend you to download demo package from [DOWNLOADS] section in CRFSharp project web site( at first, and then play with demo. In demo package, it will show you how to run CRFSharp in command line. For example, you can download Named entity recognized demo in English demo and run batch file to train a new model and test it.
For POIParser_corpus.train.tag you mentioned, it's the training corpus for Chinese POI inner-structure parser. You can also download it and run build_model.bat to train the model, and run test_model.bat to test it.
