How to update subscription memo field with stripe api? - stripe-payments

there is the memo field that stripe allows to edit on dashboard
and it's said that This will appear on any invoices and receipts.
That's exactly what I need - field that is inherited by invoices and viewed in invoice emails
Though there is no memo field on subscription object that api returns
Where is it?

There is somewhat of an incomplete work-around, if anyone is still looking for a solution. Stripe will create a draft invoice an hour or so before finalizing and collecting payment. If you register a webhook for the invoice.created event, you can use it to grab the invoice object and update the memo field. The very 1st invoice however (when the subscription is created), is finalized immediately; before the webhook is called. And once it is finalized, you cannot update it. So the technique works for all but the first invoice sent out.
It is, of course, not a great solution. Besides the 1st invoice problem it is complex; relying on a webhook for the update is problematic.
Sucks, I know, but it's the only thing I could come up with.


Is it okay to have a bunch of incomplete Stripe payment intents?

I am implementing the Stripe payment platform using JavaScript and the PHP SDK.
I don't have any issues with the implementation itself, but I am not sure whether I have to reuse an existing PaymentIntent or it's perfectly fine to have a bunch of them created and incomplete.
I searched for this in Stripe's documentation, but I can't seem to find anything related to this.
For example, in my test account I have this:
It's all for the same transaction, because I was changing some visuals and refreshing the browser.
I am aware that each PaymentIntent has an ID, but is it recommended to add it as a query parameter and retrieve it on refreshing, or is it better to always generate a new Payment Intent.
My main reasoning is to avoid having a huge collection of incomplete payment intents.
The default integration path for Stripe today is to create a PaymentIntent first so that you get a client_secret you can use client-side to render their UI via PaymentElement. This means that if your customers decide not to pay after all, you end up with an incomplete PaymentIntent which is expected.
This is not really a problem, other than appearing in the Payments list which can be confusing. You could also write a background job daily that would cancel any PaymentIntent via you know won't be completed because the customer left and you didn't have any data to contact them to upsell them for example but this isn't really needed.
Stripe also has a beta (docs) right now (Feb 2023) that changes the default integration path. This simplifies the experience because you can render the PaymentElement client-side with specific options such as amount and currency. You'd then only create the PaymentIntent at the end of the flow
when the customer is attempting to pay. That flow limits the number of incomplete PaymentIntents since you only create them when the customer really pays. You'd still get some, for example after a decline by the customer's bank though.

What's the best practice for handling bill details with Stripe?

In my mobile app when the user has selected some items, I would like them to be able to review their order and see a preview of their bill (the price of each item, subtotal, taxes and total). However I would not want them to pay immediately. Once they place the order, they will not be charged until the order is accepted.
Do I calculate the user's subtotal, tax and total on my server or does stripe provide an api to handle these?
I've read the docs on invoicing and checkout, and checkout seems to be the api for my situation but I'm not 100% sure.
It depends on how you define "place the order" and "order is accepted". Normally when the Stripe's Checkout Session page is displayed to your customer and they push the "Pay" button, the transaction will be executed immediately (they paid), then the customer can be redirected back to your page or app.
If you want to somehow delay the payment until a specific timing (that you want to review or execute some logic, before eventually "accept" the order), you can consider using Checkout with Setup Intent.

Stripe API: Can we Update single upcoming invoice of a subscription in stripe?

So, I've created a subscription on stripe using:
Is there a way to update the single upcoming invoice ?
I want to update the payment_date i.e. due_at of that upcoming invoice.
For example:
if its May 10, I want to shift this to 01 May.
I tried looking in the docs but couldn't find anything related to this issue.
Any solution or suggestion is appreciated.
I'm guessing you are using collection_method: "send_invoice" when creating the subscription? If so, there are two places where you can set the due date for an invoice:
Set it when creating the subscription with days_until_due.
Or set it on the invoice directly. All invoices are created in draft status for one hour, so you have the time to edit them if needed. You could listen to the webhook event invoice.created, and then update the days_until_due or due_date of the invoice.

Stripe: Get total successfully paid invoices count

I'm using stripe for subscription. Where i need to fire an event after 3 successfully charges.
For this i am using invoice.payment_succeeded webhook.
But there is no key which specify the number of this recurring payment means whether it is first or second or nth charge. So how could i get the number of successfully payment made on a subscription.
You can call the API endpoint with the customer's ID, the status parameter set to paid and optionally, the subscription parameter and then count how many invoices were returned.
There are some other parameters, like limit, starting_after, etc. that you can send it too.
The invoice.payment_succeeded webhook sends the invoice object in the data.object field so you should be able to get the customer and subscription values from it.
I'd recommend doing the invoices call asynchronously to ensure that the webhook call doesn't time out.
FYI there is an expand to it, like with the current node api;
const ret = await stripe.invoices.list(
expand: ["total_count"],
limit: 0,
It can be called with ${url}?expand[]=total_count&limit=0 too, if you need to write it by hand.
I did not found this in the documentation, but some libs using it, and it is indeed works. (But be careful, if it is not documented it could stop working too.)
Here is the docs;
Yes, as it is stated in the answer by D Malan, you can use the endpoint.
Though there is one thing to keep in mind when retrieving data from Stripe.
You can only get 100 items per call. Therefore, if you had recurring payment that generates more than 100 invoices after some time, you wouldn't be able to get the total count in one call. I suggest storing invoices/payment intents to your database and then using your DB engine to count the results.
Keep in mind that you should listen to invoice.payment_succeeded event in order to keep your database in sync, if you store the invoice or payment intent beforehand, while its status is not paid or succeeded, respectively.

Stripe: Preventing dunning on invoices with no credit card on file

I would like to handle a scenario in Stripe where a trial has ended and no credit card has been entered. Currently in Stripe...
At the end of the trial period, an invoice is created (invoice.created).
An hour later the invoice payment is attempted.
If the attempt fails, the invoice enters dunning (per how they've been configured).
However, I would like to "short-circuit" the attempt on the invoice if there is no credit card on file. Instead of failing and entering the dunning cycle, I'd like to immediately mark the invoice as failed (or some other status that allows me to pay for it later).
This way...
A customer on trial who has no intention of continuing (i.e. they never entered a credit card), will not be forced to sit through the dunning process and receive payment failure emails via Stripe.
If they decide to come back, upon entering CC info, I could pay the outstanding invoice via the API and reactivate them on our end.
There doesn't seem to be a straightforward way of doing this. Specifically, while I could process an invoice.created webhook event and then figure out if the customer has a CC on file, I can only mark that invoice as closed, which, to my knowledge, means I cannot reopen it later to pay if they decide to come back.
Has anyone dealt with a scenario like this? It seems like there is no elegant scenario for handling a trial end when a customer has not entered CC info.
I've figured out a workaround. Posting here in case anyone else stumbles upon this issue one day.
Rather than short-circuiting the dunning cycle for an invoice with no CC, I simply let the dunning cycle proceed.
However, I've disabled Stripe failed payment emails from being sent from Stripe. This way, I can decide what emails to send (or not send) upon any payment failure via the webhook.
Now, when I receive an invoice.payment_failed hook, I can check against the customer's ID passed in the event to see if that customer has a CC. If they don't, then I can custom send a "Trial ended" email on my end and suspend the account (again, on my end).
On subsequent failures during the dunning process, I will be able to check if the account was already suspended. If so, I simply don't send any email notification.
The net effect is that a customer gets the "Trial ended" email on the first invoice.payment_failed event, and nothing on subsequent events.
For customers who do have a CC, I can send off a "payment failed" email on receiving each event.
