xp:fileupload control and partial refresh in Chrome - xpages

My xp:fileupload control has stopped working in Chrome. It still works in Internet Explorer. Can it have something today with a recent update of Chrome?
When I run a full update instead of a partial refresh it works.
I do not get any error in the console or on the server.
The problem has starting to occur recently (incident reports).
I have Chrome v66.


Azure Static Website - Showing old content in Chrome

I created a Azure Static website and uploaded some test html to test it out. And it worked.
But now I have uploaded some different content and those changes are not showing in Chrome and other browsers except Internet Explorer.
I linked this with Custom domain as well.
This is what showing in chrome:
This is what showing in Internet Explorer:
I cleared cache in Chrome and tried installing Firefox newly as well. But still showing the old content.
Can any one please help?
Update: when I use the URL like https://www.northernlightspictures.com/index.html then I can see the changes
Please try to use the feature Hard Reload or Empty Cache and Hard Reload of Chrome to reload your page, the step as below.
Press F12 in Chrome and Enabled the feature Disable cache
Click the right key of your mouse on the fresh button of Chrome, and then click the Hard Reload or Empty Cache and Hard Reload button, as the figure below.
Of couse, you can directly use the shortcut key:
For on Windows and Linux, Ctrl+Shift+R or Shift+F5. For on
MacOS, Cmd+Shift+R.
Please try to browse your website again in Chrome, as it is working for me as per your expectation.The way you see it working in Internet Explorer, its showing the same for me on Chrome and Firefox as well. "https://www.northernlightspictures.com/"
Please try to browse the application in "incognito window" i.e. private window.

<form> not posting all of a sudden

I am having a strange issue that I think might be Chrome related but wanted to post here for thoughts.
I have some users who when trying to log into my node.js application, they press enter or the log in button and it just sits and spins and never times out or anything. When looking at the Network tab when this issue occurred the POST never showed up. I then put some alerts on the button click with javascript and as long as the button was in the tag nothing showed up.
Completely deleting the users' profile (suggestion from Google) made it work...until chrome updated and then it happened again.
Using any other browser, no issues. Chrome Beta, the issue shows up. Chrome Canary, I have had 2 users testing for over a week and they have not seen the issue reappear. Incognito has the issue occur as well.
Google Support asked me to send a HAR file to them. The interesting thing was when I opened up developer tools, went to the network tab and then cleared the screen to start a recording, the issue disappeared for that moment only.
It is working for 80% of my users so I can't see how it could be a coding issue, this is also a login that I created over a year ago and have not touched since.
If anyone has any insights I would love to know what might be causing this.

Acumatica 2018 R2 Mobile - Locks up when attempting to add a new screen

After Summit 2019, we were excited to start working on updates for 2018R2, and I practiced adding mobile screens for our custom modules in my sandbox.
We decided to fully refresh our DEV instance and reapply our customizations. No problem there, but when I try "Add New Screen" in the mobile section and then try to enter my screen number, the mouse goes to "waiting" and I can't add my new screen. Eventually, I get a "timed out" message. Same problem even when trying to add a standard Acumatica screen. Everything else in the project and Acumatica web interface seems to work fine.
Any ideas on where to look for what is preventing adding a new screen?
I'm on Build 18.209.0021.
It seems like an Ajax issue in the customization project editor. After callback to server the client page javascript is stuck waiting on the server response. You can try using Chrome browser which has less of those Ajax hangs and update Chrome if you're already using it.
There is also a known issue specifically affecting 2018 R2 Mobile that leads to generic error Sequence contains no matching element on mobile detail page. Based on your question this doesn't seem to be the issue you are having but you can give the workaround to this bug a try:
Open Generic Inquiry screen (SM208000)
Select FS-ServiceOrder inquiry, uncheck Expose to mobile and save
On Apply Updates screen (SM203510), click on Restart Application
This was identified by Acumatica support as a bug. Upgrade to a new release for the fix.

Chrome doesn't load webapp on NodeJS

After yet another reboot of my macbook, chrome stopped loading my webapp.
It returns literally nothing in browser window and the only thing i managed to find is that requests in chrome's timeline has status "cancelled".
If I'm trying to get there from another website (by changin url and hitting "return" button), it also does nothing, it doesn't even try to reload page.
Other browsers load it fine atm.
I've received this report from a user about couple of weeks ago, but now i've got it myself, so I assume the problem is in my server.
Recently, i've found that my android phone also can't access the website from chrome browser. The behaviour is the same. However, android default browser has access.
What could that be? Where should i look?
I'd provide more information, but there is no error codes or messages of any kind, so i have no idea what information could help in this question.
Also, i have a chrom browser extension (similar to Pocket), which also is unable to access server. The notable difference is that extension uses Socket.io only.
There were no recent code changes on server side except letsencrypt certificate renewal.
I've tried this:
server restart
different ip/locations (vpn and public access points)
chrome data cleanup / chrome version degrade / chrome reinstallation / chrome canary installation
tried to open server address directly - no difference

Is my extension crashing Chrome?

I've developed an extension for Google Chrome. It does some cross-domain httprequests, messaging and inserts an iframe into web pages.
After testing it without any problems on Linux, Mac and Windows (XP and 7), I installed it on a colleague's Windows XP pc. After opening 2 or 3 pages, Chrome crashed with the Dutch equivalent of the "Aw, Snap!" page.
After that it kept crashing regularly. Restarting Chrome didn't help. Even after removing the extension it crashed occasionally, though not as often. the colleague says Chrome has never crashed on him before, but then again, he hardly ever uses it.
When running chrome from the command-line with logging enabled, I see the following message:
[1744:628:0703/101212:ERROR:gpu_info_collector_win.cc(98)] Can't retrieve a valid WinSAT assessment.
[4744:4272:0703/090810:ERROR:textfield.h(162)] NOT IMPLEMENTED
Could this be caused (or exacerbated) by my extension? How can I be sure that this is just a one-of and will not crash the browsers of a lot of other users?
Thanks in advance for any help or insights.
Well, your application files are corrupted. App files contain important settings, configurations which you need to be restored again.
Click the Start button, select Run. Type the below path and press ENTER:
C:\Users\USER_NAME\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data
Delete all the files present in this directory and restart Google Chrome. More solutions here.
