Pushing cloudwatch logs to s3 with aws lambda function - node.js

We are logging data to cloudwatch logs everyday. I would like to push this to S3 batch wise every hour/day.
Is there any existing lambda libs available in nodejs to achieve this?

Configure logwatch on logwatch.config (where you can configure mailTo & mailFrom.
Run logwatch manually
sudo logwatch --detail high --mailto testmail#mailinator.com --service all --range all
Using Winston / winston-daily-rotate-file, a versatile logging library for Node.js


EC2 instance running S3 Sync command terminates before data transfer is complete

I have an EC2 instance running Linux. This instance is used to run aws s3 commands.
I want to sync the last 6 months worth of data from source to target S3 buckets. I am using credentials with the necessary permissions to do this.
Initially I just ran the command:
aws s3 sync "s3://source" "s3://target" --query "Contents[?LastModified>='2022-08-11' && LastModified<='2023-01-11']"
However, after maybe 10 mins this command stops running, and only a fraction of the data is synced.
I thought this was because my SSM session was terminating, and with it the command stopped executing.
To combat this, I used the following command to try and ensure that this command would continue to execute even after my SSM terminal session was closed:
nohup aws s3 sync "s3://source" "s3://target" --query "Contents[?LastModified>='2022-08-11' && LastModified<='2023-01-11']" --exclude "*.log" --exclude "*.bak" &
Checking the status of the EC2 instance, the command appears to run for about 20 mins, before clearly stopping for some reason.
The --query parameter controls what information is displayed in the response from an API call.
It does not control which files are copied in an aws s3 sync command. The documentation for aws s3 sync defines the --query parameter as: "A JMESPath query to use in filtering the response data."
Your aws s3 sync command will be synchronizing ALL files unless you use Exclude and Include Filters. These filters operate on the name of the object. It is not possible to limit the sync command by supplying date ranges.
I cannot comment on why the command would stop running before it is complete. I suggest you redirect output to a log file and then review the log file for any clues.

How to implement XRay in NodeJS project?

I've a nodejs project with Docker and ECS in AWS and i need to implement XRay to get the traces but I couldn't get it to work yet
I installed 'aws-xray-sdk' (npm install aws-xray-sdk), then I added
const AWSXRay = require('aws-xray-sdk');
in app.js
Then, before the routes I added
and after the routes:
I hit some endpoints but I can't see any trace or data in xray, maybe do I need to setup something in AWS ? I have a default group in xray.
It sounds like you do not have the XRay Daemon running in your ECS environment. This daemon must be used in conjunction with the SDKs to send the trace data to AWS XRay service from the SDKs. The daemon listens for the trace data traffic on UDP port 2000. Read more about the daemon here:
See how to run the XRay Daemon on ECS via Docker here:
You would either need to look at X-Ray SDK, Agent or Open Telemetry SDK, Collector (AWS Distro for Open Telemetry)

Linebreak issue with Beanstalk Cloudwatch Logs

I have a Node.js app running in Elastic Beanstalk and logging using console.log, console.error etc...then I have CloudWatch logs turned on. When I go to the Insights and do a query it shows up but somehow it is logging line by line instead of the entire error.
In the example screenshot I want the entire log from a single console.log to go to a single log record...so one to one, instead of splitting by new lines...is there a way to do this without removing all line breaks during console.log? Say a configuration option or something?
The output of the application is sent to standard out (stdout) and standard error (stderr). The AWS Elastic Beanstalk environment leverages Linux rsyslog to capture stdout and stderr to write the information into log files.
This is done through standard rsyslog configuration found here: /etc/rsyslog.d/web.conf
if $programname == 'web' then {
*.=warning;*.=err;*.=crit;*.=alert;*.=emerg /var/log/web.stderr.log
*.=info;*.=notice /var/log/web.stdout.log
It is rsyslog that interprets the stack trace from stdout as multiple entries and writes multiple lines in AWS CloudWatch Logs.
I wrote a small article on GitHub that describe the solution for a Java environment but you can do something similar for Node.JS.

Implement logging levels for aws lambda

What is the recommended way to implement logging levels for aws lambda functions in nodejs. I was going through many third party libraries e.g winston, winston cloudwatch, logplease, but it seems like we can also achieve using the native console. e.g
console.log(), console.error(), console.warn(), console.info()
Any recommendations?
The relevant code is here:
So, you can use 7 console methods to get 6 CloudWatch log levels:
FATAL: console.fatal()
ERROR: console.error()
WARN: console.warn()
INFO: console.info() or console.log()
DEBUG: console.debug()
TRACE: console.trace()
console.trace() doesn't produce the same trace it produces in plain Node 14
console.fatal() is missing in plain Node 14, it's added by the AWS Lambda Runtime
This was tested with the Node 14.x runtime on Aug 25 2022. YMMV.
Since the Lambda console output goes directly into CloudWatch Logs, you really don't need to use something like Winston CloudWatch if that is your preferred log destination. If you wanted to send the logs somewhere else like Loggly then you might want to use something like Winston Loggly.
However, even if you just want to send all console output to CloudWatch Logs, I would still recommend using a basic Winston configuration, so that you could quickly and easily enable debug logging, for example through an environment variable, and then turn off debug logging once you are ready to use the Lambda function in production.

AWS Lambda Python lots of "could not create '/var/task/__pycache__/FILENAMEpyc'" messages

In the configuration for my Pyhon 3.6 AWS Lambda function I set the environment variable "PYTHONVERBOSE" with a setting of 1
Then in the Cloudwatch logs for my function it shows lots of messages similar to:
could not create '/var/task/pycache/auth.cpython-36.pyc': OSError(30, 'Read-only file system')
Is this important? Do I need to fix it?
I don't think you can write in the /var/task/ folder. If you want to write something to disk inside of the lambda runtime try the /tmp folder.
