Azuure app service and GoDaddy domain - azure

I am newbie in web hosting. I have a domain name on GoDaddy
My web app is hosted on Azure App Service
Now, I have configured my GoDaddy domain to point to azure web app. Azure app service is configured to accept request from, so anyone accessing my domain can see the app hosted on azure. This thing is working fine.
For example, I enter a URL, I get the expected result - web app hosted on azure with the URL in browser. The issue is, if I enter only subdomain name i.e. - without WWW prefix, I get the web app running on azure, but the URL gets replaced by azure app service URL
What could be wrong here? My domain is configured for CNAME, and Azure App is also configured to accept custom domain with CNAME. Should I use A Record settings so that if I enter it gets replaced by instead of
Thanks in advance!

As per the documentation , it is recommended that you use a CNAME for all custom DNS names except a root domain (for example, You can also add/register your url without the "www." prefix, to set up another record in order for Azure to verify.
For more details, refer to the blog post in case if you haven’t checked earlier.


Switching Domain Registrars with Azure Web App CNAMES

I'm changing domain registrars for a custom domain that has 4 sub-domains each pointing to a azure web app via a CNAME.
I don't have any access to this azure web app.
Does anybody know if I can just copy the subdomain cname dns and replicate it on the new domain registrar and then everything will continue to work as normal. Or if azure somehow detects the change and requires you to revalidate the domain after you have switched registrars.
If you are not changing sub-domain / domain ONLY the registrar, there should't be any problem with that. Azure App Service doesn't care what register you are using as long as CNAME is properly configured.

Azure web service root domain works but not www subdomain

I have an Azure web app to which I have mapped a custom domain from another registrar. The root domain works fine and is secured with a (free) Azure SSL cert. I have not been able to get the www. subdomain to work. (It is also secured with an Azure SSL cert.)
I have followed these three articles that detail the method to Map an existing custom DNS name to Azure App Service, Add a TLS/SSL certificate in Azure App Service, and Secure a custom DNS name with a TLS/SSL binding in Azure App Service.
When I browse to the example web app,, it displays a simple blazor server starter page as it should. If I browse to, I get a page not found with info icon in the address bar that says the site is not secure, as shown below:
Below are the DNS records that I have created exactly as described in the first article ref'd above, which include (and see image below):
an A record pointing to the IP address of the web service.
a TXT record containing the verification ID
a CNAME record for the www subdomain that the tutorials say must
point to the original site name (e.g.
along with another TXT record with the hostname asuid.www and the
same verification ID.
The image below shows the two secured URLs from the Azure portal.
The image below shows the two private key certs in the Azure portal that secure the two URLs above:
Can someone tell me what I've done wrong here?
Had to recreate the certificate and rebind.

Azure URL is not working for the new CNAME entry

Recently we have created a new CNAME entry for the internal react website which is deployed in Azure. It has been pointed to traffic manager since we are deploying in two regions. After the CNAME entry is create, the URL throws 404 error. We have already configured the entry access restriction to all internal users. Appreciate if anyone can help to identify the issue.
For the error, you could add the new CNAME subdomain to your app service---custom domains---add custom domain as the picture displaying steps 1-5. After you validate the subdomain and add the subdomain into the custom domains, you should access the subdomain URL via the traffic manager. Read this blog for more details.
In addition, only Web Apps at the Standard SKU or above are eligible for use with Traffic Manager. Attempts to add a Web App of a lower SKU fail. Read Azure web apps as the endpoints.

Azure app service custom domain is not working with www prefix

I have a custom domain within my app service, but can't access my web app with www prefix only without. I get error ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED when trying to access with www prefix. I define my custom domain as
Most commonly this is caused by a one of the below:
Is your App Service Plan scaled to allow Custom Domains / SSL?
Have you mapped the Custom Domain to the Domain?
For Example: have you created a CNAME or A Record on Azure DNS or your DNS Server?
Has it been added to the Custom Domains setting of the App Service?
Microsoft documentation for this is pretty good and the link for this is:
Assuming, that you already own the Domain etc etc

Azure Web App Service - How to force non WWW to go to WWW?

I have an Azure Web App on the Standard App Service. I am able to access the site by going to but unable to access the website via
How can I get the web address with the non www. to go to the www. version?
In my DNS Configuration for the domain my A Name record is pointing at the IP Address of the Web App in Azure, and the CName record at the domain.
In the Azure portal, you will need to add both and as host names for the Web App, so that Azure knows to send traffic to it.
