Switching Domain Registrars with Azure Web App CNAMES - azure

I'm changing domain registrars for a custom domain that has 4 sub-domains each pointing to a azure web app via a CNAME.
I don't have any access to this azure web app.
Does anybody know if I can just copy the subdomain cname dns and replicate it on the new domain registrar and then everything will continue to work as normal. Or if azure somehow detects the change and requires you to revalidate the domain after you have switched registrars.

If you are not changing sub-domain / domain ONLY the registrar, there should't be any problem with that. Azure App Service doesn't care what register you are using as long as CNAME is properly configured.


Azure DNS CNAME records

I am trying to configure Auth0 custom domains with my azure web application. It is asking for a CNAME Record to be set.
I set this up in azure with a provided dns name, and set up the values as such:
but the verify button still does not work. i heard you may need to wait a few days for it to settle, but i waited all weekend with no luck. i saw in this post i may want to remove the NS and SOA types?
Wildcard and Naked CNAME records in Azure DNS
how can i verify this domain
As far as I know, you can not use the domain *.cloudapp.azure.com as the custom domain for your Auth0 as it is owned by Azure. You need to purchase a domain from the domain provider like Godaddy to configure your custom domain. Then you could validate that domain ownership.
You can't use Azure DNS to buy a domain name. Azure DNS is a hosting service for DNS domains that provides name resolution by using Microsoft Azure infrastructure. It's not necessary. You can selectly host your domain in Azure DNS.
For more references:

Azure app service custom domain is not working with www prefix

I have a custom domain within my app service, but can't access my web app with www prefix only without. I get error ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED when trying to access with www prefix. I define my custom domain as subdomain.domain.com
Most commonly this is caused by a one of the below:
Is your App Service Plan scaled to allow Custom Domains / SSL?
Have you mapped the Custom Domain to the Domain?
For Example: have you created a CNAME or A Record on Azure DNS or your DNS Server?
Has it been added to the Custom Domains setting of the App Service?
Microsoft documentation for this is pretty good and the link for this is:
Assuming, that you already own the Domain etc etc

Azuure app service and GoDaddy domain

I am newbie in web hosting. I have a domain name on GoDaddy www.mydomain.com.
My web app is hosted on Azure App Service myapp.azurewebsites.net.
Now, I have configured my GoDaddy domain to point to azure web app. Azure app service is configured to accept request from www.mydomain.com, so anyone accessing my domain www.mydomain.com can see the app hosted on azure. This thing is working fine.
For example, I enter a URL www.mydomain.com, I get the expected result - web app hosted on azure with the www.mydomain.com URL in browser. The issue is, if I enter only subdomain name i.e. mydomain.com - without WWW prefix, I get the web app running on azure, but the URL gets replaced by azure app service URL myapp.azurewebsites.net.
What could be wrong here? My domain is configured for CNAME, and Azure App is also configured to accept custom domain with CNAME. Should I use A Record settings so that if I enter mydomain.com it gets replaced by www.mydomain.com instead of myapp.azurewebsites.net?
Thanks in advance!
As per the documentation , it is recommended that you use a CNAME for all custom DNS names except a root domain (for example, contoso.com). You can also add/register your url without the "www." prefix, to set up another record in order for Azure to verify.
For more details, refer to the blog post in case if you haven’t checked earlier.

Created Two DNS in two different Provider

I am new in developed website. I have accidentally created a new DNS zone in Microsoft Azure which the domain already has its own DNS in another hosting company. The hosting company help to handle email of the domain.
Besides that, the company was also pointed the root domain to my web app by using A record.
The website now can be accessed via domain.com but not www.domain.com.
What is the solution for me to point www.domain.com to my web app domain.azurewebsites.net and without affect mail.domain.com?
What is the solution for me to point www.domain.com to my web app
domain.azurewebsites.net and without affect mail.domain.com?
We can add CNAME record to your web app service like this:
Host type value
www CNAME xxx.domain.azurewebsites.net
how about if I set cname * and point to domain.azurewebsites.net, will
it affect mail.domain.com?
If you set CNAME * and point to domain.azurewebsites.net, that will not affect mail.domain.com.
Because mail type is MX record, that will not affect CNAME record.
Hope this helps.

Pointing same domain to different app service in Azure

I am using Azure App Service to host my NodeExpress application, I am right now stuck at a very strange requirement.
I have 2 different azure app services.
1) myApp
2) sampleApp
I have a domain pointed at myApp. (Added hostname www.myapp.com)
now I want to delete myApp and shift my hostname (www.myapp.com) to sampleApp.
now my Question is,
will it change my IP Address? (This I think it would because I haven't bought any static IP)
if my app service pointing IP is changed, will I have to do anything with the domain DNS manager to move www.myapp.com in hostnames of sample app?
I don't have access to DNS Manager because client has it. I have to tell client to add CNAME to verify domain ownership. I want to point this domain to different app service without adding delay of asking my client to change its cname to verify domain ownership.
You can actually migrate the domainname without downtime by using a verify record. Just create the record:
awverify.www.mydomain.com CNAME mynewnodeapp1.azurewebsites.net
That will enable you to add the hostname www.domain.com to sampleApp in azure (and add an SSL binding).
Source: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/app-service/manage-custom-dns-migrate-domain
You have to register the new CNAME from your web application in the DNS server before adding it to Azure App Service. Right now you have something like this:
www.mydomain.com CNAME mynodeapp1.azurewebsites.net
First, change it to your new application address:
www.mydomain.com CNAME mynewnodeapp1.azurewebsites.net
And then add the custom domain to your new web application.
App Service does provide you with a public IP address, but it's not guaranteed to remain the same, although it's unlikely to change. Said that, as long as you keep using CNAME, you shouldn't have any problems. If you delete the original app and recreate using the same Azure FQDN, then you don't need to change anything on customer DNS settings, Azure will be able to verify the domain successfully in this case.
