I am having a huge problem with this. I don't have any idea how to make Huffman tree since it is being built bottom-up (from the liefs to the root).
I am new to Haskell and functional programming. I have seen there are other posts similar to mine, but they did not help me.
This is my code
import Data.Map
type Value = Int
type Key = [Char]
type NodeValue = (Key,Value)
data Heap_ a = Empty
| Node a (Heap_ a) (Heap_ a)
deriving(Show, Eq)
type Heap a = Heap_ NodeValue
frequencyOfCharacters :: [Char] -> Map Key Value
frequencyOfCharacters [] = Data.Map.empty
frequencyOfCharacters (character:text) = insertWith (+) [character] 1 (frequencyOfCharacters text)
makeLeaf :: NodeValue -> Heap a
makeLeaf a = Node a Empty Empty
mergeHeaps :: Heap a -> Heap a -> Heap a
mergeHeaps Empty rightHeap = rightHeap
mergeHeaps leftHeap Empty = leftHeap
mergeHeaps leftHeap#(Node a lefta righta) rightHeap#(Node b leftb rightb)
| snd a < snd b = Node a (mergeHeaps lefta rightHeap) righta
| otherwise = Node b leftb (mergeHeaps leftHeap rightb)
addToHeap :: Heap a->NodeValue->Heap a
addToHeap Empty a = makeLeaf a
addToHeap h a = mergeHeaps h (makeLeaf a)
takeHeadFromHeap :: Heap a -> (NodeValue,Heap a)
takeHeadFromHeap Empty = (("",-1), Empty)
takeHeadFromHeap (Node a leftBranch rightBranch) = (a, mergeHeaps leftBranch rightBranch)
makeHeap :: Map Key Value -> Heap a
makeHeap map_ = makeHeap_ $ toList map_
makeHeap_ :: [(Key,Value)] -> Heap a
makeHeap_ [] = Empty
makeHeap_ (x:xs) = addToHeap (makeHeap_ xs) x
huffmanEntry :: [Char]-> Heap a
huffmanEntry text = makeHeap $ frequencyOfCharacters text
I am thinking about this data structure for Huffman tree
data HuffmanTree h = Leaf [Char]
| NodeHuff [Char] (HuffmanTree h) (HuffmanTree h)
deriving(Show, Eq)
but i have no idea how to make Huffman tree from min heap.
After this line of code in ghci min heap is made from input string
*Main> huffmanEntry "Aasdqweqweasd"
You need to make a Huffman Tree with a min heap, and you said "I have no idea how to make Huffman Tree from min heap". Let's figure out what you need to do before you start coding, especially in a language that you might not be familiar with.
I suppose we should check the internet for a way to make a Huffman Tree. How about the Wikipedia page on Huffman Coding? (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Huffman_coding)
The simplest construction algorithm uses a priority queue where the
node with lowest probability is given highest priority:
Create a leaf node for each symbol and add it to the priority queue.
While there is more than one node in the queue:
Remove the two nodes of highest priority (lowest probability) from
the queue
Create a new internal node with these two nodes as
children and with probability equal to the sum of the two nodes'
Add the new node to the queue.
The remaining node is the root node and the tree is complete.
You already have code in place to find the frequency of each symbol in a given string - that's your frequencyOfCharacters function.
All you need now is a priority queue! You can definitely find a way to implement a priority queue using a min heap.
I hope this helps you piece the logic together.
If you want to deal with the problem step-by-step, why don't you start by trying to make a Huffman Tree using a working implementation of a priority queue (http://hackage.haskell.org/package/PSQueue)?
Once you're done with that, you can try to replace this readymade module with a small queue module of your own using a working implementation of a min heap (http://hackage.haskell.org/package/heap).
Finally, you can write a barebones min heap module by yourself (you have a lot of the code already) and replace the external heap module with that.
Update: Some more concrete suggestions on how to build the tree. This requires a little setup, so please bear with me. Suppose you have a Tree.hs module that allows you to work with binary trees:
module Tree where
-- Binary Tree
data Tree k v =
| Node (k, v) (Tree k v) (Tree k v)
deriving ( Show )
-- takes a (key, value) pair and returns a binary tree
-- containing one node with that pair
singleton :: (k, v) -> Tree k v
singleton = undefined
-- takes three things: a (key, value) pair, a binary tree t1
-- and another binary tree t2
-- then it constructs the tree
-- (key, val)
-- / \
-- t1 t2
joinWith :: (k, v) -> Tree k v -> Tree k v -> Tree k v
joinWith = undefined
-- returns the value associated with the (key, value) pair
-- stored in the root node of the binary tree
value :: Tree k v -> v
value = undefined
and you also have a Queue.hs module which lets you work with priority queues (I'm assuming you have a working min-heap module)
module Queue where
import Heap
-- a priority queue
type Queue k v = Heap k v
-- returns an empty queue
empty :: (Ord v) => Queue k v
empty = undefined
-- adds a (key, value) pair to the queue and returns a
-- new copy of the queue containing the inserted pair
enqueue :: (Ord v) => (k, v) -> Queue k v -> Queue k v
enqueue = undefined
-- removes the lowest-value (key, value) pair from the queue
-- and returns a tuple consisting of the removed pair
-- and a copy of the queue with the pair removed
dequeue :: (Ord v) => Queue k v -> ((k, v), Queue k v)
dequeue = undefined
-- returns the number of elements in the queue
size :: (Ord v) => Queue k v -> Int
size = undefined
Then this is how you might try to make a Huffman.hs module using the tools at your disposal.
module Huffman where
import Queue
import Tree
type HuffmanTree = Tree Char Int
-- takes a list of (character, frequency) pairs and turns them into
-- a Huffman Tree
makeHuffmanTree :: [(Char, Int)] -> HuffmanTree
makeHuffmanTree pairs = let
nodeList = map (\pair -> (singleton pair, snd pair)) pairs
nodeQueue = foldr enqueue empty nodeList
reduceNodes nodeQueue
-- takes pairs of nodes from the queue and combines them
-- till only one node containing the full Huffman Tree is
-- present in the queue
-- then this last node is dequeued and returned
reduceNodes :: Queue HuffmanTree Int -> HuffmanTree
reduceNodes q
| size q == 0 = error "no nodes!"
| size q == 1 = fst (fst (dequeue q))
| otherwise = let
((tree1, freq1), q') = dequeue q
((tree2, freq2), q'') = dequeue q'
freqSum = freq1 + freq2
newTree = joinWith ('.', freqSum) tree1 tree2
reduceNodes (enqueue (newTree, freqSum) q'')
Since the types check out, I successfully compiled a stack project with these modules. When you think you have the Huffman Tree-building code you want, you can just fill in the undefined functions with what they're actually supposed to do and you're good!
I'm trying to implement a Binomial Heap in Haskell, using the book "Purely Functional Data Structures" Chris Okasaki.
{- Implemetation of Binomial Heap-}
module BinomialHeap where
{- Definition of a Binomial Tree -}
data BTree a = Node Int a ([BTree a]) deriving Show
{- Definition of a Binomial Heap -}
data BHeap a = Heap [BTree a] deriving Show
empty :: BHeap a
empty = Heap []
{- Linking function tree -}
-- w/ larger root is
-- linked w/ tree w/ lower root -}
link :: Ord a => BTree a -> BTree a -> BTree a
link t1#(Node r x1 c1) t2#(Node _ x2 c2) =
if x1 < x2 then
Node (r+1) x1 (t2:c1)
Node (r+1) x2 (t1:c2)
root :: BTree a -> a
root (Node _ x _) = x
{- Gives the rank of the Binomial Tree-}
rank :: BTree a -> Int
rank (Node r _ _ ) = r
{- Insertion in the tree -}
-- Create a new singl. tree
-- Step through the existing trees in increasing order
-- until we find a missing rank
-- link tree of equal ranks
-- atm it's O(log n)
insTree :: Ord a => BTree a -> [BTree a] -> [BTree a]
insTree t [] = [t]
insTree t ts1#(t1':ts1') =
if rank t > rank t1' then
insTree (link t t1') ts1'
insert :: Ord a => BHeap a -> a -> BHeap a
insert (Heap ts) x = Heap $ insTree (Node 0 x []) ts
{- Merge of Heaps-}
-- We step through both list of tree in increasing order
-- link tree of equal root
merge :: Ord a => [BTree a] -> [BTree a] -> [BTree a]
merge [] ts = ts
merge ts [] = ts
merge ts1#(t1:ts1') ts2#(t2:ts2') =
if rank t1 < rank t2 then
t1:merge ts1' ts2
else if rank t2 < rank t1 then
t2:merge ts1 ts2'
insTree (link t1 t2) (merge ts1' ts2')
sampleHeap :: BHeap Int
sampleHeap = foldl insert empty [1, 2, 3]
The problem is that insertion gives me an output that isn't right :
Heap [Node 1 1 [Node 0 3 [],Node 0 2 []]]
The insertion primitive might not be correct. Okasaki says :
"To insert a new element into a heap, we first create a new singleton tree (rank 0). We then step through the existing trees in increasing order of rank until we find a missing rank, linking tree of equal rank as we go. Each link corresponds to a carry in binary arithmetic"
Can you help me find where there can be an error in the insertions primitives ?
Thank you.
From page 71 of Okasaki's paper (https://www.cs.cmu.edu/~rwh/theses/okasaki.pdf):
For reasons that will become clear later, we maintain the list of
trees representing a heap in increasing order of rank, but maintain
the list of trees representing the children of a node in decreasing
order of rank.
Let's look at your insTree function in light of this statement:
insTree :: Ord a => BTree a -> [BTree a] -> [BTree a]
insTree t [] = [t]
insTree t ts1#(t1':ts1') =
if rank t > rank t1' then
insTree (link t t1') ts1'
Pay attention to the case where the list of binomial trees isn't empty. The code there says if the rank of the tree being inserted is greater than the rank of next tree in the list, prepend the tree to the list. This violates the assumption that the list of trees representing a heap is organized in increasing order of rank. Reversing the sign from > to < in the comparison should fix the problem.
I am trying to make a basic 2D engine with haskell and the SDL1.2 bindings (for fun, I am just learning).
Ideally the world is to be procedurally generated, chunk by chunk, allowing free exploration.
Right now my chunk is composed of 200*200 tiles which I represent using a type:
Mat [Tile] = Vec.Vector (Vec.Vector [Tile])
and these functions:
fromMat :: [[a]] -> Mat a
fromMat xs = Vec.fromList [Vec.fromList xs' | xs' <- xs]
(§) :: Mat a -> (Int, Int) -> a
v § (r, c) = (v Vec.! r) Vec.! c
I am using cyclic list of tiles in order to allow for sprite animation, and later for dynamic behaviour.
Each frame of the game loop, the program reads the part of the vector relevant to the current camera position, display the corresponding tiles and return a new vector in which every of these cyclic lists has been replaced by it's tail.
Here is the code responsible for this:
applyTileMat :: Chunk -> SDL.Surface -> SDL.Surface -> IO Chunk
applyTileMat ch src dest =
let m = chLand $! ch
(x,y) = chPos ch
wid = Vec.length (m Vec.! 0) - 1
hei = (Vec.length m) - 1
(canW,canH) = canvasSize ch in
do sequence $ [ applyTile (head (m § (i,j))) (32*(j-x), 32*(i-y)) src dest | i <- [y..(y+canH)], j <- [x..(x+canW)]]
m' <-sequence $ [sequence [(return $! tail (m § (i,j))) | j <- [0..wid]] | i <- [0..hei]] --weird :P
return ch { chLand = fromMat m' }
the first sequence does the display part, the second one returns the new vector m'.
At first I was using the following comprehension to get m'
let !m' = [id $! [(tail $! (m § (i,j))) | j <- [0..wid]] | i <- [0..hei]]
but doing so results in ever increasing memory usage. I think it has to do with lazy evaluation preventing the data to be properly garbage collected, but I don't really understand why.
In this particular case, it doesn't really mater since I have to look at the whole vector. But I don't know how I should do if I wanted to only "update" part of my chunk each frame, thus making a new chunk with only part of the data from the previous one.
I am probably not using Data.Vector the way it's intended, but it's the simplest data structure I found with O(n) random access.
The whole code is there:
The problem is indeed that vectors are lazy in the elements. First, let's look at why your example doesn't work.
let !m' = [id $! [(tail $! (m § (i,j))) | j <- [0..wid]] | i <- [0..hei]]
The bang pattern in !m doesn't do much. All ! does is ensure that a variable is a constructor or a lambda, instead of a function application. Here !m can be discerned to be either an [] or a (:) without evaluating any elements. Similarly, the įd $!-s don't force any actual elements of the inner lists.
return ch { chLand = fromMat m' }
fromMat is the next culprit. fromMat doesn't force the inner vectors, and also doesn't force the elements. As a result, references to old vectors stick around in the thunks indefinitely.
Often the correct solution is to import Control.DeepSeq, and use force or $!! to fully evaluate vectors. Unfortunately, we can't do that here because of the cyclic lists (trying to force one results in an infinite loop).
What we really need is a function that brings all the elements of a vector to weak head normal form:
whnfElements :: Vector a -> Vector a
whnfElements v = V.foldl' (flip seq) () v `seq` v
We can use this to define a strict map for vectors:
vmap' :: (a -> b) -> Vector a -> Vector b
vmap' f = whnfElements . V.map f
Now updating becomes:
update :: Mat [Tile] -> Mat [Tile]
update = (vmap' . vmap') tail
I'm trying to implement with Haskell an algorithm to manipulate mathematical expressions.
I have this data type :
data Exp = Var String | IVal Int | Add Exp Exp
This will be enough for my question.
Given a set of expression transformations, for example :
(Add a b) => (Add b a)
(Add (Add a b) c) => (Add a (Add b c))
And an expression, for example : x = (Add (Add x y) (Add z t)), I want to find all expressions in the neighborhood of x. Given that neighborhood of x is defined as: y in Neighborhood(x) if y can be reached from x within a single transformation.
I am new to Haskell. I am not even sure Haskell is the right tool for this job.
The final goal is to get a function : equivalent x which returns a set of all expressions that are equivalent to x. In other words, the set of all expressions that are in the closure of the neighborhood of x (given a set of transformations).
Right now, I have the following :
import Data.List(nub)
import Data.Set
data Exp = IVal Int
| Scalar String
| Add Exp Exp
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
commu (Add a b) = (Add b a)
commu x = x
assoc (Add (Add a b) c) = (Add a (Add b c))
assoc (Add a (Add b c)) = (Add (Add a b) c)
assoc x = x
neighbors x = [commu x, assoc x]
equiv :: [Exp] -> [Exp]
equiv closure
| closure == closureUntilNow = closure
| otherwise = equiv closureUntilNow
where closureUntilNow = nub $ closure ++ concat [neighbors x|x<-closure]
But It's probably slower than needed (nub is O(n^2)) and some terms are missing.
For example, if you have f = (x+y)+z, then, you will not get (x+z)+y, and some others.
Imports, etc. below. I'll be using the multiset package.
import Control.Monad
import Data.MultiSet as M
data Exp = Var String | IVal Int | Add Exp Exp deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read)
A bit of paper-and-pencil work shows the following fact: expressions e1 and e2 are in the congruence closure of your relation iff the multiset of leaves are equal. By leaves, I mean the Var and IVal values, e.g. the output of the following function:
leaves :: Exp -> MultiSet Exp
leaves (Add a b) = leaves a `union` leaves b
leaves e = singleton e
So this suggests a nice clean way to generate all the elements in a particular value's neighborhood (without attempting to generate any duplicates in the first place). First, generate the multiset of leaves; then nondeterministically choose a partition of the multiset and recurse. The code to generate partitions might look like this:
partitions :: Ord k => MultiSet k -> [(MultiSet k, MultiSet k)]
partitions = go . toOccurList where
go [] = [(empty, empty)]
go ((k, n):bag) = do
n' <- [0..n]
(left, right) <- go bag
return (insertMany k n' left, insertMany k (n-n') right)
Actually, we only want partitions where both the left and right part are non-empty. But we'll check that after we've generated them all; it's cheap, as there's only two that aren't like that per invocation of partitions. So now we can generate the whole neighborhood in one fell swoop:
neighborhood :: Exp -> [Exp]
neighborhood = go . leaves where
full = guard . not . M.null
go m
| size m == 1 = toList m
| otherwise = do
(leftBag, rightBag) <- partitions m
full leftBag
full rightBag
left <- go leftBag
right <- go rightBag
return (Add left right)
By the way, the reason you're not getting all the terms is because you're generating the reflexive, transitive closure but not the congruence closure: you need to apply your rewrite rules deep in the term, not just at the top level.
Making tree like data structures is relatively easy in Haskell. However, what if I want a structure like the following:
A (root)
/ \
/ \ / \
So if I traverse down the structure through B to update E, the returned new updated structure also has E updated if I traverse through C.
Could someone give me some hints about how to achieve this? You can assume there are no loops.
I would flatten the data structure to an array, and operate on this instead:
import Data.Array
type Tree = Array Int -- Bounds should start at (1) and go to sum [1..n]
data TreeTraverse = TLeft TreeTraverse | TRight TreeTraverse | TStop
Given some traverse directions (left, right, stop), it's easy to see that if we go left, we simply add the current level to our position, and if we go right, we also add the current position plus one:
getPosition :: TreeTraverse -> Int
getPosition = getPosition' 1 1
getPosition' level pos (TLeft ts) = getPosition' (level+1) (pos+level) ts
getPosition' level pos (TRight ts) = getPosition' (level+1) (pos+level + 1) ts
getPosition' _ pos (TStop) = pos
In your case, you want to traverse either ABE or ACE:
traverseABE = TLeft $ TRight TStop
traverseACE = TRight $ TLeft TStop
Since we already now how to get the position of your element, and Data.Array provides some functions to set/get specific elements, we can use the following functions to get/set tree values:
getElem :: TreeTraverse -> Tree a -> a
getElem tt t = t ! getPosition tt
setElem :: TreeTraverse -> Tree a -> a -> Tree a
setElem tt t x = t // [(getPosition tt, x)]
To complete the code, lets use your example:
example = "ABCDEF"
exampleTree :: Tree Char
exampleTree = listArray (1, length example) example
And put everything to action:
main :: IO ()
main = do
putStrLn $ "Traversing from A -> B -> E: " ++ [getElem traverseABE exampleTree]
putStrLn $ "Traversing from A -> C -> E: " ++ [getElem traverseACE exampleTree]
putStrLn $ "exampleTree: " ++ show exampleTree ++ "\n"
putStrLn $ "Setting element from A -> B -> E to 'X', "
let newTree = setElem traverseABE exampleTree 'X'
putStrLn $ "but show via A -> C -> E: " ++ [getElem traverseACE newTree]
putStrLn $ "newTree: " ++ show newTree ++ "\n"
Note that this is most-likely not the best way to do this, but the first thing that I had in mind.
Once you've established identity, it can be done.
But first you must establish identity.
In many languages, values can be distinct from each other, but equal. In Python, for example:
>>> a = [1]
>>> b = [1]
>>> a == b
>>> a is b
You want to update E in one branch of the tree, and also update all other elements for which that element is E. But Haskell is referentially transparent: it has no notion of things being the same object; only equality, and even that is not applicable for every object.
One way you could do this is equality. Say this was your tree:
/ \
/ \ / \
1 2 2 3
Then we could go through the tree and update all the 2s to, say, four. But this isn't exactly what you want in some cases.
In Haskell, if you want to update one thing in multiple places, you'll have to be explicit about what is and isn't the same thing. Another way you could deal with this is to tag each different value with a unique integer, and use that integer to determine identity:
/ \
/ \ / \
(id=1)"foo" (id=2)"bar" (id=2)"bar" (id=3)"baz"
Then we could update all values with an identity of 2. Accidental collisions cannot be a problem, as there can be no collisions except those that are intentional.
This is essentially what STRef and IORef do, except they hoist the actual value into the monad's state and hide the identities from you. The only downside of using these is you'll need to make much of your code monadic, but you're probably not going to get away from that easily whatever you do. (Modifying values rather than replacing them is an inherently effectful thing to do.)
The structure you gave was not specified in much detail so it's impossible to tailor an example to your use case, but here's a simple example using the ST monad and a Tree:
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.ST
import Data.Tree
import Data.Traversable (traverse)
import Data.STRef
createInitialTree :: ST s (Tree (STRef s String))
createInitialTree = do
[a, b, c, d, e, f] <- mapM newSTRef ["A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F"]
return $ Node a [ Node b [Node d [], Node e []]
, Node c [Node e [], Node f []]
dereferenceTree :: Tree (STRef s a) -> ST s (Tree a)
dereferenceTree = traverse readSTRef
test :: ST s (Tree String, Tree String)
test = do
tree <- createInitialTree
before <- dereferenceTree tree
let leftE = subForest (subForest tree !! 0) !! 1
writeSTRef (rootLabel leftE) "new" -- look ma, single update!
after <- dereferenceTree tree
return (before, after)
main = do
let (before, after) = runST test
putStrLn $ drawTree before
putStrLn $ drawTree after
Observe that although we only explicitly modified the value of the left E value, it changed on the right side, too, as desired.
I should note that these are not the only ways. There are probably many other solutions to this same problem, but they all require you to define identity sensibly. Only once that has been done can one begin the next step.
I'm making a Haskell function to delete a node from a Binary Search Tree.
I know the rules regarding the action needed to be taken depending on the number children
the targeted parent has.
no children - delete,
1 child - replace with the child,
2 children - find the min in the right sub tree and replace the node with the value,
- then, recursively delete the minimum value from the right sub-tree
data BST = MakeNode BST String BST
| Empty
deleteNode :: String -> BST
treeBuilder :: [String] -> BST
treeBuilder = foldr add Empty
add :: String -> BST -> BST
add new Empty = (MakeNode Empty new Empty)
add string tree#(MakeNode left value right)
| string > value = MakeNode left value (add string right)
| string < value = MakeNode (add string left) value right
| otherwise = tree
can't figure out why treeBuilder isn't working correctly either. It just prints Strings Diagonally down to the right.
In these situations, it's best not to think about deleting a node from the tree; it's better to think of how to transform the tree you have into one without the node you want gone.
Let's do some case analysis:
If the tree is empty, then the result is empty, regardless of the key:
delete _ Empty = Empty
If the tree is non-empty, we have to see if the key matches the node. If it does not match, then we need to transform either the left or right subtree based upon whether the key is greater-than or less-than the node:
delete key (MakeNode l key' r) | key < key' = MakeNode (delete key l) key' r
delete key (MakeNode l key' r) | key > key' = MakeNode l key' (delete key r)
If it does match (which it must, since all of the no-match cases have been dealt with), then we have to figure out how to create a new tree without the root node. From your description, if the node has no children, just delete it:
delete _ (MakeNode Empty _ Empty) = Empty
If the node has one child, use that:
delete _ (MakeNode l _ Empty) = l
delete _ (MakeNode Empty _ r) = r
Otherwise, find and delete the minimum key in the right subtree, and use it as the new root's key:
delete _ (MakeNode l _ r) = MakeNode l key r' -- make a new root with min key and new r
where key = minKey r -- find the minimum key in the right subtree
r' = delete key r -- new right subtree with min key removed
-- a helper function to find the minimum key in a tree
-- !! does not work on Empty tree !!
minKey (MakeNode Empty key _) = key
minKey (MakeNode l _ _) = minKey l
You can't! Everything is immutable!
What you can do is make a new tree that's exactly the same as the old one, except with one node removed. (Don't worry, your compiler won't need to duplicate much memory. Remember, everything is immutable. That means that the implementation can safely re-use the common parts!)
As such, your deleteNode function won't be of type String -> BST, it will be of type String -> BST -> BST. The String is the label you want removed, the first BST is the input tree, the second BST is the output tree.
As #Ingo mentioned, you can implement deletion recursively by implementing the function:
deleteNode :: String -> BST -> BST
deleteNode _ Empty = ... -- Handle the empty case
deleteNode x (BST left a right) | x == a = ... -- Delete the node
| x < a = ... -- Recurse on the lesser node
| otherwise = ... -- Recurse on the greater node
If you want to do some general munging beyond deletion (insertion, changes, etc.) in a traversable data structure (trees, lists, etc) I suggest you read up on zippers. They'll help you immensely.
Once you have a zipper for a binary tree, you can use zipper functions to delete nodes in the tree. If you'd like help implementing a zipper for your binary search tree data structure, let me know and I'll expand this. Right now it's probably overkill.
Be warned, a zipper won't re-balance your binary search tree for you. If you want to remove a node from your binary search tree and keep it balanced, that's a whole new can of worms.
There are a number of common balancing algorithms you could use, depending upon your taste. I suggest getting it working in an unbalanced fashion first, and then asking separate questions if you have trouble balancing it.
And, of course, if you want an efficient, out-of-the-box, already-implemented, balancing binary search tree in haskell -- just import Data.Map!
Here is a deletion function implemented in Haskell using Mutual Recursion
The type of the tree is:
type Key = Int
data BST = Nil | Node Key BST BST deriving (Show, Eq)
and here is the delete function:
delete :: Key -> BST -> BST
delete k Nil = Nil
delete k x#(Node a l r)
| (k < a) = Node a (delete k l) r
| (k > a) = Node a l (delete k r)
| (k == a) = delete' k x
delete' :: Key -> BST -> BST
delete' k (Node a l r)
| (l == Nil) = r
| (r == Nil) = l
| otherwise = let (k,t) = maxAndDelete l
in Node k t r
-- This function finds the maximum and then deletes the node as well
maxAndDelete :: BST -> (Key,BST)
maxAndDelete t = let m = treeMaximum t
in (m,delete m t)