I have random number generator
rand :: Int -> Int -> IO Int
rand low high = getStdRandom (randomR (low,high))
and a helper function to remove an element from a list
removeItem _ [] = []
removeItem x (y:ys) | x == y = removeItem x ys
| otherwise = y : removeItem x ys
I want to shuffle a given list by randomly picking an item from the list, removing it and adding it to the front of the list. I tried
shuffleList :: [a] -> IO [a]
shuffleList [] = []
shuffleList l = do
y <- rand 0 (length l)
return( y:(shuffleList (removeItem y l) ) )
But can't get it to work. I get
hw05.hs:25:33: error:
* Couldn't match expected type `[Int]' with actual type `IO [Int]'
* In the second argument of `(:)', namely
Any idea ?
Since shuffleList :: [a] -> IO [a], we have shuffleList (xs :: [a]) :: IO [a].
Obviously, we can't cons (:) :: a -> [a] -> [a] an a element onto an IO [a] value, but instead we want to cons it onto the list [a], the computation of which that IO [a] value describes:
y <- rand 0 (length l)
-- return ( y : (shuffleList (removeItem y l) ) )
shuffled <- shuffleList (removeItem y l)
return y : shuffled
In do notation, values to the right of <- have types M a, M b, etc., for some monad M (here, IO), and values to the left of <- have the corresponding types a, b, etc..
The x :: a in x <- mx gets bound to the pure value of type a produced / computed by the M-type computation which the value mx :: M a denotes, when that computation is actually performed, as a part of the combined computation represented by the whole do block, when that combined computation is performed as a whole.
And if e.g. the next line in that do block is y <- foo x, it means that a pure function foo :: a -> M b is applied to x and the result is calculated which is a value of type M b, denoting an M-type computation which then runs and produces / computes a pure value of type b to which the name y is then bound.
The essence of Monad is thus this slicing of the pure inside / between the (potentially) impure, it is these two timelines going on of the pure calculations and the potentially impure computations, with the pure world safely separated and isolated from the impurities of the real world. Or seen from the other side, the pure code being run by the real impure code interacting with the real world (in case M is IO). Which is what computer programs must do, after all.
Your removeItem is wrong. You should pick and remove items positionally, i.e. by index, not by value; and in any case not remove more than one item after having picked one item from the list.
The y in y <- rand 0 (length l) is indeed an index. Treat it as such. Rename it to i, too, as a simple mnemonic.
Generally, with Haskell it works better to maximize the amount of functional code at the expense of non-functional (IO or randomness-related) code.
In your situation, your “maximum” functional component is not removeItem but rather a version of shuffleList that takes the input list and (as mentioned by Will Ness) a deterministic integer position. List function splitAt :: Int -> [a] -> ([a], [a]) can come handy here. Like this:
funcShuffleList :: Int -> [a] -> [a]
funcShuffleList _ [] = []
funcShuffleList pos ls =
if (pos <=0) || (length(take (pos+1) ls) < (pos+1))
then ls -- pos is zero or out of bounds, so leave list unchanged
else let (left,right) = splitAt pos ls
in (head right) : (left ++ (tail right))
λ> funcShuffleList 4 [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]
λ> funcShuffleList 5 "#ABCDEFGH"
Once you've got this, you can introduce randomness concerns in simpler fashion. And you do not need to involve IO explicitely, as any randomness-friendly monad will do:
shuffleList :: MonadRandom mr => [a] -> mr [a]
shuffleList [] = return []
shuffleList ls =
let maxPos = (length ls) - 1
pos <- getRandomR (0, maxPos)
return (funcShuffleList pos ls)
... IO being just one instance of MonadRandom.
You can run the code using the default IO-hosted random number generator:
main = do
let inpList = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]::[Integer]
putStrLn $ "inpList = " ++ (show inpList)
-- mr automatically instantiated to IO:
outList1 <- shuffleList inpList
putStrLn $ "outList1 = " ++ (show outList1)
outList2 <- shuffleList outList1
putStrLn $ "outList2 = " ++ (show outList2)
Program output:
$ pickShuffle
inpList = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]
outList1 = [6,0,1,2,3,4,5,7,8]
outList2 = [8,6,0,1,2,3,4,5,7]
$ pickShuffle
inpList = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]
outList1 = [4,0,1,2,3,5,6,7,8]
outList2 = [2,4,0,1,3,5,6,7,8]
The output is not reproducible here, because the default generator is seeded by its launch time in nanoseconds.
If what you need is a full random permutation, you could have a look here and there - Knuth a.k.a. Fisher-Yates algorithm.
i'm trying to write a function that for n gives matrix n*n with unique rows and columns (latin square).
I got function that gives my list of strings "1" .. "2" .. "n"
numSymbol:: Int -> [String]
I tried to generate all permutations of this, and them all n-length tuples of permutations, and them check if it is unique in row / columns. But complexity (n!)^2 works perfect for 2 and 3, but with n > 3 it takes forever. It is possible to build latin square from permutations directly, for example from
permutation ( numSymbol 3) = [["1","2","3"],["1","3","2"],["2","1","3"],["2","3","1"],["3","1","2"],["3","2","1"]]
[[["1","2","3",],["2","1","3"],["3","1","2"]] , ....]
without generating list like [["1",...],["1",...],...], when we know first element disqualify it ?
Note: since we can easily take a Latin square that's been filled with numbers from 1 to n and re-label it with anything we want, we can write code that uses integer symbols without giving anything away, so let's stick with that.
Anyway, the stateful backtracking/nondeterministic monad:
type StateList s = StateT s []
is helpful for this sort of problem.
Here's the idea. We know that every symbol s is going to appear exactly once in each row r, so we can represent this with an urn of all possible ordered pairs (r,s):
my_rs_urn = [(r,s) | r <- [1..n], s <- [1..n]]
Similarly, as every symbol s appears exactly once in each column c, we can use a second urn:
my_cs_urn = [(c,s) | c <- [1..n], s <- [1..n]]
Creating a Latin square is matter of filling in each position (r,c) with a symbol s by removing matching balls (r,s) and (c,s) (i.e., removing two balls, one from each urn) so that every ball is used exactly once. Our state will be the content of the urns.
We need backtracking because we might reach a point where for a particular position (r,c), there is no s such that (r,s) and (c,s) are both still available in their respective urns. Also, a pleasant side-effect of list-based backtracking/nondeterminism is that it'll generate all possible Latin squares, not just the first one it finds.
Given this, our state will look like:
type Urn = [(Int,Int)]
data S = S
{ size :: Int
, rs :: Urn
, cs :: Urn }
I've included the size in the state for convenience. It won't ever be modified, so it actually ought to be in a Reader instead, but this is simpler.
We'll represent a square by a list of cell contents in row-major order (i.e., the symbols in positions [(1,1),(1,2),...,(1,n),(2,1),...,(n,n)]):
data Square = Square
Int -- square size
[Int] -- symbols in row-major order
deriving (Show)
Now, the monadic action to generate latin squares will look like this:
type M = StateT S []
latin :: M Square
latin = do
n <- gets size
-- for each position (r,c), get a valid symbol `s`
cells <- forM (pairs n) (\(r,c) -> getS r c)
return $ Square n cells
pairs :: Int -> [(Int,Int)]
pairs n = -- same as [(x,y) | x <- [1..n], y <- [1..n]]
(,) <$> [1..n] <*> [1..n]
The worker function getS picks an s so that (r,s) and (c,s) are available in the respective urns, removing those pairs from the urns as a side effect. Note that getS is written non-deterministically, so it'll try every possible way of picking an s and associated balls from the urns:
getS :: Int -> Int -> M Int
getS r c = do
-- try each possible `s` in the row
s <- pickSFromRow r
-- can we put `s` in this column?
pickCS c s
-- if so, `s` is good
return s
Most of the work is done by the helpers pickSFromRow and pickCS. The first, pickSFromRow picks an s from the given row:
pickSFromRow :: Int -> M Int
pickSFromRow r = do
balls <- gets rs
-- "lift" here non-determinstically picks balls
((r',s), rest) <- lift $ choices balls
-- only consider balls in matching row
guard $ r == r'
-- remove the ball
modify (\st -> st { rs = rest })
-- return the candidate "s"
return s
It uses a choices helper which generates every possible way of pulling one element out of a list:
choices :: [a] -> [(a,[a])]
choices = init . (zipWith f <$> inits <*> tails)
where f a (x:b) = (x, a++b)
f _ _ = error "choices: internal error"
The second, pickCS checks if (c,s) is available in the cs urn, and removes it if it is:
pickCS :: Int -> Int -> M ()
pickCS c s = do
balls <- gets cs
-- only continue if the required ball is available
guard $ (c,s) `elem` balls
-- remove the ball
modify (\st -> st { cs = delete (c,s) balls })
With an appropriate driver for our monad:
runM :: Int -> M a -> [a]
runM n act = evalStateT act (S n p p)
where p = pairs n
this can generate all 12 Latin square of size 3:
λ> runM 3 latin
[Square 3 [1,2,3,2,3,1,3,1,2],Square 3 [1,2,3,3,1,2,2,3,1],...]
or the 576 Latin squares of size 4:
λ> length $ runM 4 latin
Compiled with -O2, it's fast enough to enumerate all 161280 squares of size 5 in a couple seconds:
main :: IO ()
main = print $ length $ runM 5 latin
The list-based urn representation above isn't very efficient. On the other hand, because the lengths of the lists are pretty small, there's not that much to be gained by finding more efficient representations.
Nonetheless, here's complete code that uses efficient Map/Set representations tailored to the way the rs and cs urns are used. Compiled with -O2, it runs in constant space. For n=6, it can process about 100000 Latin squares per second, but that still means it'll need to run for a few hours to enumerate all 800 million of them.
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}
module LatinAll where
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.List
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Map (Map, (!))
import qualified Data.Map as Map
data S = S
{ size :: Int
, rs :: Map Int [Int]
, cs :: Set (Int, Int) }
data Square = Square
Int -- square size
[Int] -- symbols in row-major order
deriving (Show)
type M = StateT S []
-- Get Latin squares
latin :: M Square
latin = do
n <- gets size
cells <- forM (pairs n) (\(r,c) -> getS r c)
return $ Square n cells
-- All locations in row-major order [(1,1),(1,2)..(n,n)]
pairs :: Int -> [(Int,Int)]
pairs n = (,) <$> [1..n] <*> [1..n]
-- Get a valid `s` for position `(r,c)`.
getS :: Int -> Int -> M Int
getS r c = do
s <- pickSFromRow r
pickCS c s
return s
-- Get an available `s` in row `r` from the `rs` urn.
pickSFromRow :: Int -> M Int
pickSFromRow r = do
urn <- gets rs
(s, rest) <- lift $ choices (urn ! r)
modify (\st -> st { rs = Map.insert r rest urn })
return s
-- Remove `(c,s)` from the `cs` urn.
pickCS :: Int -> Int -> M ()
pickCS c s = do
balls <- gets cs
guard $ (c,s) `Set.member` balls
modify (\st -> st { cs = Set.delete (c,s) balls })
-- Return all ways of removing one element from list.
choices :: [a] -> [(a,[a])]
choices = init . (zipWith f <$> inits <*> tails)
where f a (x:b) = (x, a++b)
f _ _ = error "choices: internal error"
-- Run an action in the M monad.
runM :: Int -> M a -> [a]
runM n act = evalStateT act (S n rs0 cs0)
where rs0 = Map.fromAscList $ zip [1..n] (repeat [1..n])
cs0 = Set.fromAscList $ pairs n
main :: IO ()
main = do
print $ runM 3 latin
print $ length (runM 4 latin)
print $ length (runM 5 latin)
Somewhat remarkably, modifying the program to produce only reduced Latin squares (i.e., with symbols [1..n] in order in both the first row and the first column) requires changing only two functions:
-- All locations in row-major order, skipping first row and column
-- i.e., [(2,2),(2,3)..(n,n)]
pairs :: Int -> [(Int,Int)]
pairs n = (,) <$> [2..n] <*> [2..n]
-- Run an action in the M monad.
runM :: Int -> M a -> [a]
runM n act = evalStateT act (S n rs0 cs0)
where -- skip balls [(1,1)..(n,n)] for first row
rs0 = Map.fromAscList $ map (\r -> (r, skip r)) [2..n]
-- skip balls [(1,1)..(n,n)] for first column
cs0 = Set.fromAscList $ [(c,s) | c <- [2..n], s <- skip c]
skip i = [1..(i-1)]++[(i+1)..n]
With these modifications, the resulting Square will include symbols in row-major order but skipping the first row and column. For example:
λ> runM 3 latin
[Square 3 [3,1,1,2]]
1 2 3 fill in question marks 1 2 3
2 ? ? =====================> 2 3 1
3 ? ? in row-major order 3 1 2
This is fast enough to enumerate all 16,942,080 reduced Latin squares of size 7 in a few minutes:
$ stack ghc -- -O2 -main-is LatinReduced LatinReduced.hs && time ./LatinReduced
[1 of 1] Compiling LatinReduced ( LatinReduced.hs, LatinReduced.o )
Linking LatinReduced ...
real 3m9.342s
user 3m8.494s
sys 0m0.848s
I am trying to generate a tuple of Vectors by using a function that creates a custom data type (or a tuple) of values from an index. Here is an approach that achieves the desired result:
import Prelude hiding (map, unzip)
import Data.Vector hiding (map)
import Data.Array.Repa
import Data.Functor.Identity
data Foo = Foo {fooX :: Int, fooY :: Int}
unfoo :: Foo -> (Int, Int)
unfoo (Foo x y) = (x, y)
make :: Int -> (Int -> Foo) -> (Vector Int, Vector Int)
make n f = unzip $ generate n getElt where
getElt i = unfoo $ f i
Except that I would like to do it in a single iteration per Vector, almost like it is shown below, but avoiding multiple evaluation of function f:
make' :: Int -> (Int -> Foo) -> (Vector Int, Vector Int)
make' n f = (generate n getElt1, generate n getElt2) where
getElt1 i = fooX $ f i
getElt2 i = fooY $ f i
Just as a note, I understand that Vector library supports fusion, and the first example is already pretty efficient. I need a solution to generate concept, other libraries have very similar constructors (Repa has fromFunction for example), and I am using Vectors here simply to demonstrate a problem.
Maybe some sort of memoizing of f function call would work, but I cannot think of anything.
Another demonstration of the problem using Repa:
makeR :: Int -> (Int -> Foo) -> (Array U DIM1 Int, Array U DIM1 Int)
makeR n f = runIdentity $ do
let arr = fromFunction (Z :. n) (\ (Z :. i) -> unfoo $ f i)
arr1 <- computeP $ map fst arr
arr2 <- computeP $ map snd arr
return (arr1, arr2)
Same as with vectors, fusion saves the day on performance, but an intermediate array arr of tuples is still required, which I am trying to avoid.
Edit 2: (3 years later)
In the Repa example above it will not create an intermediate array, since fromFunction creates a delayed array. Instead it will be even worse, it will evaluate f twice for each index, one for the first array, second time for the second array. Delayed array must be computed in order to avoid such duplication of work.
Looking back at my own question from a few years ago I can now easily show what I was trying to do back than and how to get it done.
In short, it can't be done purely, therefore we need to resort to ST monad and manual mutation of two vectors, but in the end we do get this nice and pure function that creates only two vectors and does not rely on fusion.
import Control.Monad.ST
import Data.Vector.Primitive
import Data.Vector.Primitive.Mutable
data Foo = Foo {fooX :: Int, fooY :: Int}
make :: Int -> (Int -> Foo) -> (Vector Int, Vector Int)
make n f = runST $ do
let n' = max 0 n
mv1 <- new n'
mv2 <- new n'
let fillVectors i
| i < n' = let Foo x y = f i
in write mv1 i x >> write mv2 i y >> fillVectors (i + 1)
| otherwise = return ()
fillVectors 0
v1 <- unsafeFreeze mv1
v2 <- unsafeFreeze mv2
return (v1, v2)
And the we use it in a similar fashion it is done with generate:
λ> make 10 (\ i -> Foo (i + i) (i * i))
The essential thing you're trying to write is
splat f = unzip . fmap f
which shares the results of evaluating f between the two result vectors, but you want to avoid the intermediate vector. Unfortunately, I'm pretty sure you can't have it both ways in any meaningful sense. Consider a vector of length 1 for simplicity. In order for the result vectors to share the result of f (v ! 0), each will need a reference to a thunk representing that result. Well, that thunk has to be somewhere, and it really might as well be in a vector.
I use System.Random and System.Random.Shuffle to shuffle the order of characters in a string, I shuffle it using:
shuffle' string (length string) g
g being a getStdGen.
Now the problem is that the shuffle can result in an order that's identical to the original order, resulting in a string that isn't really shuffled, so when this happens I want to just shuffle it recursively until it hits a a shuffled string that's not the original string (which should usually happen on the first or second try), but this means I need to create a new random number generator on each recursion so it wont just shuffle it exactly the same way every time.
But how do I do that? Defining a
newg = newStdGen
in "where", and using it results in:
Could not deduce (RandomGen (IO StdGen))
arising from a use of shuffle'
from the context (Eq a)
bound by the inferred type of
shuffleString :: Eq a => IO StdGen -> [a] -> [a]
at Jumble.hs:(15,1)-(22,18)
Possible fix:
add an instance declaration for (RandomGen (IO StdGen))
In the expression: shuffle' string (length string) g
In an equation for `shuffled':
shuffled = shuffle' string (length string) g
In an equation for `shuffleString':
shuffleString g string
= if shuffled == original then
shuffleString newg shuffled
shuffled = shuffle' string (length string) g
original = string
newg = newStdGen
Couldn't match expected type `IO StdGen' with actual type `StdGen'
In the first argument of `jumble', namely `g'
In the first argument of `map', namely `(jumble g)'
In the expression: (map (jumble g) word_list)
I'm very new to Haskell and functional programming in general and have only learned the basics, one thing that might be relevant which I don't know yet is the difference between "x = value", "x <- value", and "let x = value".
Complete code:
import System.Random
import System.Random.Shuffle
middle :: [Char] -> [Char]
middle word
| length word >= 4 = (init (tail word))
| otherwise = word
shuffleString g string =
if shuffled == original
then shuffleString g shuffled
else shuffled
shuffled = shuffle' string (length string) g
original = string
jumble g word
| length word >= 4 = h ++ m ++ l
| otherwise = word
h = [(head word)]
m = (shuffleString g (middle word))
l = [(last word)]
main = do
g <- getStdGen
putStrLn "Hello, what would you like to jumble?"
text <- getLine
-- let text = "Example text"
let word_list = words text
let jumbled = (map (jumble g) word_list)
let output = unwords jumbled
putStrLn output
This is pretty simple, you know that g has type StdGen, which is an instance of the RandomGen typeclass. The RandomGen typeclass has the functions next :: g -> (Int, g), genRange :: g -> (Int, Int), and split :: g -> (g, g). Two of these functions return a new random generator, namely next and split. For your purposes, you can use either quite easily to get a new generator, but I would just recommend using next for simplicity. You could rewrite your shuffleString function to something like
shuffleString :: RandomGen g => g -> String -> String
shuffleString g string =
if shuffled == original
then shuffleString (snd $ next g) shuffled
else shuffled
shuffled = shuffle' string (length string) g
original = string
End of answer to this question
One thing that might be relevant which I don't know yet is the difference between "x = value", "x <- value", and "let x = value".
These three different forms of assignment are used in different contexts. At the top level of your code, you can define functions and values using the simple x = value syntax. These statements are not being "executed" inside any context other than the current module, and most people would find it pedantic to have to write
module Main where
let main :: IO ()
main = do
putStrLn "Hello, World"
putStrLn "Exiting now"
since there isn't any ambiguity at this level. It also helps to delimit this context since it is only at the top level that you can declare data types, type aliases, and type classes, these can not be declared inside functions.
The second form, let x = value, actually comes in two variants, the let x = value in <expr> inside pure functions, and simply let x = value inside monadic functions (do notation). For example:
myFunc :: Int -> Int
myFunc x =
let y = x + 2
z = y * y
in z * z
Lets you store intermediate results, so you get a faster execution than
myFuncBad :: Int -> Int
myFuncBad x = (x + 2) * (x + 2) * (x + 2) * (x + 2)
But the former is also equivalent to
myFunc :: Int -> Int
myFunc x = z * z
y = x + 2
z = y * y
There are subtle difference between let ... in ... and where ..., but you don't need to worry about it at this point, other than the following is only possible using let ... in ..., not where ...:
myFunc x = (\y -> let z = y * y in z * z) (x + 2)
The let ... syntax (without the in ...) is used only in monadic do notation to perform much the same purpose, but usually using values bound inside it:
something :: IO Int
something = do
putStr "Enter an int: "
x <- getLine
let y = myFunc (read x)
return (y * y)
This simply allows y to be available to all proceeding statements in the function, and the in ... part is not needed because it's not ambiguous at this point.
The final form of x <- value is used especially in monadic do notation, and is specifically for extracting a value out of its monadic context. That may sound complicated, so here's a simple example. Take the function getLine. It has the type IO String, meaning it performs an IO action that returns a String. The types IO String and String are not the same, you can't call length getLine, because length doesn't work for IO String, but it does for String. However, we frequently want that String value inside the IO context, without having to worry about it being wrapped in the IO monad. This is what the <- is for. In this function
main = do
line <- getLine
print (length line)
getLine still has the type IO String, but line now has the type String, and can be fed into functions that expect a String. Whenever you see x <- something, the something is a monadic context, and x is the value being extracted from that context.
So why does Haskell have so many different ways of defining values? It all comes down to its type system, which tries really hard to ensure that you can't accidentally launch the missiles, or corrupt a file system, or do something you didn't really intend to do. It also helps to visually separate what is an action, and what is a computation in source code, so that at a glance you can tell if an action is being performed or not. It does take a while to get used to, and there are probably valid arguments that it could be simplified, but changing anything would also break backwards compatibility.
And that concludes today's episode of Way Too Much Information(tm)
(Note: To other readers, if I've said something incorrect or potentially misleading, please feel free to edit or leave a comment pointing out the mistake. I don't pretend to be perfect in my descriptions of Haskell syntax.)
How do you increment a variable in a functional programming language?
For example, I want to do:
main :: IO ()
main = do
let i = 0
i = i + 1
print i
Expected output:
Simple way is to introduce shadowing of a variable name:
main :: IO () -- another way, simpler, specific to monads:
main = do main = do
let i = 0 let i = 0
let j = i i <- return (i+1)
let i = j+1 print i
print i -- because monadic bind is non-recursive
Prints 1.
Just writing let i = i+1 doesn't work because let in Haskell makes recursive definitions — it is actually Scheme's letrec. The i in the right-hand side of let i = i+1 refers to the i in its left hand side — not to the upper level i as might be intended. So we break that equation up by introducing another variable, j.
Another, simpler way is to use monadic bind, <- in the do-notation. This is possible because monadic bind is not recursive.
In both cases we introduce new variable under the same name, thus "shadowing" the old entity, i.e. making it no longer accessible.
How to "think functional"
One thing to understand here is that functional programming with pure — immutable — values (like we have in Haskell) forces us to make time explicit in our code.
In imperative setting time is implicit. We "change" our vars — but any change is sequential. We can never change what that var was a moment ago — only what it will be from now on.
In pure functional programming this is just made explicit. One of the simplest forms this can take is with using lists of values as records of sequential change in imperative programming. Even simpler is to use different variables altogether to represent different values of an entity at different points in time (cf. single assignment and static single assignment form, or SSA).
So instead of "changing" something that can't really be changed anyway, we make an augmented copy of it, and pass that around, using it in place of the old thing.
As a general rule, you don't (and you don't need to). However, in the interests of completeness.
import Data.IORef
main = do
i <- newIORef 0 -- new IORef i
modifyIORef i (+1) -- increase it by 1
readIORef i >>= print -- print it
However, any answer that says you need to use something like MVar, IORef, STRef etc. is wrong. There is a purely functional way to do this, which in this small rapidly written example doesn't really look very nice.
import Control.Monad.State
type Lens a b = ((a -> b -> a), (a -> b))
setL = fst
getL = snd
modifyL :: Lens a b -> a -> (b -> b) -> a
modifyL lens x f = setL lens x (f (getL lens x))
lensComp :: Lens b c -> Lens a b -> Lens a c
lensComp (set1, get1) (set2, get2) = -- Compose two lenses
(\s x -> set2 s (set1 (get2 s) x) -- Not needed here
, get1 . get2) -- But added for completeness
(+=) :: (Num b) => Lens a b -> Lens a b -> State a ()
x += y = do
s <- get
put (modifyL x s (+ (getL y s)))
swap :: Lens a b -> Lens a b -> State a ()
swap x y = do
s <- get
let x' = getL x s
let y' = getL y s
put (setL y (setL x s y') x')
nFibs :: Int -> Int
nFibs n = evalState (nFibs_ n) (0,1)
nFibs_ :: Int -> State (Int,Int) Int
nFibs_ 0 = fmap snd get -- The second Int is our result
nFibs_ n = do
x += y -- Add y to x
swap x y -- Swap them
nFibs_ (n-1) -- Repeat
where x = ((\(x,y) x' -> (x', y)), fst)
y = ((\(x,y) y' -> (x, y')), snd)
There are several solutions to translate imperative i=i+1 programming to functional programming. Recursive function solution is the recommended way in functional programming, creating a state is almost never what you want to do.
After a while you will learn that you can use [1..] if you need a index for example, but it takes a lot of time and practice to think functionally instead of imperatively.
Here's a other way to do something similar as i=i+1 not identical because there aren't any destructive updates. Note that the State monad example is just for illustration, you probably want [1..] instead:
module Count where
import Control.Monad.State
count :: Int -> Int
count c = c+1
count' :: State Int Int
count' = do
c <- get
put (c+1)
return (c+1)
main :: IO ()
main = do
-- purely functional, value-modifying (state-passing) way:
print $ count . count . count . count . count . count $ 0
-- purely functional, State Monad way
print $ (`evalState` 0) $ do {
count' ; count' ; count' ; count' ; count' ; count' }
Note: This is not an ideal answer but hey, sometimes it might be a little good to give anything at all.
A simple function to increase the variable would suffice.
For example:
incVal :: Integer -> Integer
incVal x = x + 1
main = do
let i = 1
print (incVal i)
Or even an anonymous function to do it.