Can not see mystore catalog on WCMS/catalog (hybris) - sap-commerce-cloud

I created b2b store. I changed mystoreinitialdata/impex store names to my store name.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# [y] hybris Platform
# Copyright (c) 2018 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.
# This software is the confidential and proprietary information of SAP
# ("Confidential Information"). You shall not disclose such Confidential
# Information and shall use it only in accordance with the terms of the
# license agreement you entered into with SAP.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# ImpEx for Points of Service
# Macros / Replacement Parameter definitions
$storeImage=storeImage(qualifier, $catalogVersion)
INSERT_UPDATE OpeningSchedule;code[unique=true];
INSERT_UPDATE WeekdayOpeningDay;openingSchedule(code)[unique=true];dayOfWeek(code)[unique=true];openingTime[dateformat=hh:mm];closingTime[dateformat=hh:mm];
INSERT_UPDATE SpecialOpeningDay;openingSchedule(code)[unique=true];date[unique=true,dateformat=dd.MM.yyyy];closed;openingTime[dateformat=hh:mm];closingTime[dateformat=hh:mm]
INSERT_UPDATE Address;&addrID;streetname;streetnumber;postalcode[unique=true];town[unique=true];country(isocode);region(isocode);phone1;owner([unique=true]
INSERT_UPDATE StoreLocatorFeature;code[unique=true]
INSERT_UPDATE PointOfService;name[unique=true];type(code);address(&addrID);latitude;longitude;geocodeTimestamp[dateformat=dd-MM-yyyy];$storeImage;openingSchedule(code);basestore(uid)[default=$storeUid];features(code)
UPDATE PointOfService;name[unique=true];features(code);
INSERT_UPDATE PoS2WarehouseRel;source(name)[unique=true];target(code)[unique=true]
impexes like that.
Then i made ant initialize and when i go to backoffice/catalog/catalogs
i dont see my store. (which is mystore)
i see default ones apparel, powertools etc just like before.
What should i do, java side things?
this is content catalog/catalogimpex
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# [y] hybris Platform
# Copyright (c) 2018 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.
# This software is the confidential and proprietary information of SAP
# ("Confidential Information"). You shall not disclose such Confidential
# Information and shall use it only in accordance with the terms of the
# license agreement you entered into with SAP.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Import the Content Catalog
# Content catalog for CMS contents
INSERT_UPDATE ContentCatalog;id[unique=true]
# Catalog versions for content catalogs
INSERT_UPDATE CatalogVersion;catalog(id)[unique=true];version[unique=true];active;languages(isoCode)

The impex you sent actually does not change a single item. Impex uses a header where you define the operation (INSERT, INSERT_UPDATE, UPDATE, REMOVE), what data type you want to change and the attributes you want to change. In the next lines there need to be one or more lines of csv data.
Consider this example:
UPDATE PointOfService;name[unique=true];features(code);
This impex script changes the point of service identified by its name (myPointOfService) and sets the attribute features to the two features identified by the feature codes feature1 and feature2. First line is the header and second line is the data. Since your script only contains headers, there will be no change.
If you want to create a catalog consider changing the following files:


Catalog names are not created (hybris)

I want to create a new catalog.
I followed that steps
here despite I made
$contentCatalogName=mystoreContent Catalog', on backoffice/catalogs,
I only see mystore catalog with id, name is empty.
for powertools it has name, Powertools Content Catalog.
I did ant initialize' , it created 3 catalogs mystorecontent catalog, mystoreclassfication,mystoreprductcatalog but they dont have name.
$contentCatalog=electronicsContentCatalog $contentCatalogName=Electronics Content Catalog
this contentcatalogname is not used anywhere for any of the stores; mystore electronic,powertools or apparel .
but other 3 has name. why mystore does not have? what is that contentcatalogname for? the path is
electronicsstore/import/sampledata/contentCatalogs/electronicsContentCatalog/cms-responsive-content.impex for electronics
The name is a localized attribute. For localized attributes, the accelerator has its own files. Check the files named catalog_XX.impex in the directory
The XX represents the isocode of the language. So en means English, de German etc. In the file, set the name like this:
UPDATE ContentCatalog;id[unique=true];name[lang=$lang]
;$contentCatalog;"mystore Content Catalog"

Hybris: Display Custom Promotion only in Product Cockpit

I have created a custom promotion in hybris by overriding the default ProductPercentageDiscountPromotion. But I was wondering how to display the new custom promotion only and not the old original one on Product Cockpit.
I found there are two files
1. wizardConfig_PromotionUserRestrction.xml
2. editorArea_Category.xml
These files contain a property "AbstractPromotionRestriction.promotion" which has its parameter entry "excludeCreateTypes" that contains the list of Promotions to exclude eg:
When I write the ProductPercentageDiscountPromotion name in this list and initialize the Hybris system from Admin console, then this old promotion is not visible in Product Cockpit. But I cannot initialize, since it will erase all the project data. I have to update the Hybris system to do this, but it's not working. Any ideas?
PS: I don't have authority to post this question on Hybris Forum.
Many thanks!
Updates in the cockpit xml files (like configuration for editor area, wizard, etc) are successfully applied after:
run an update in /hac + set the check-box for product cockpit during that;
reset user settings in cockpit menu.

Project Server 2010 Project Notes field

In Project Server 2010, there is a "Notes" field at the level of the project (different than the one at the level of the task). This field can be added to the Project Details Page but remains disabled. Can anyone tell me please how this field gets populated or where it retrieves notes from?
Our company wants to keep track of the weekly project notes so I am exploring if I can use this field for this purpose.
Thank you.
All of the project level summary information like Start/Finish dates, total duration and so on is stored in a task with TASK_ID == 0.
Task Note or Project note in your case is stored in MSP_TASKS.TASK_RTF_NOTES column. Here is a good article how to read the field and use it in reports:

Requirement management in Enterprise Architect and Excel

I'm starting a new project and want to do my requirement management with Enterprise Architect.
It look really nice to define requirements, associate use cases, design elements, test and so on, all in one software.
I succeeded in creating a profile that let met drag custom requirement with predefined tagged value for enterprise stuff.
My problem is that the requirements must be manage at 3 level. The team, the management and the client. The management and the client both communicate with Excel.
My question is, it is possible to do something like:
- Create requirements diagram in EA with predefined tag value
- Export requirements in Excel (with predefined tag value) - I haven't been able to export my predefined tagged value.
- Modify the excel file
- Import from excel and update the requirements in EA.
Yes, you can do this using CSV Import/Export.
The ability to include tagged values in CSV import/export was added fairly recently, so make sure you're running an up-to-date EA (at the time of writing, the latest release is 9.3.931).
Assuming you've got all the requirements in a single package, proceed as follows:
Right-click the package in the project browser, select Import / Export -> CSV Import / Export.
Click the Edit / New button in the upper right corner of the dialog that opens.
From the Available Fields list, select GUID, Type, Name, Notes and any other fields you use (eg Difficulty).
Click Add Tagged Value Field -> Value.
If the tag you're after is defined in a properly deployed UML profile, you can find it in the list. Otherwise, click the Other Element button and navigate to one of your requirements; this will allow you to select tags created on-the-fly as well.
Back in the Specification dialog, make sure you've selected the correct delimiter (upper right corner) and set a name for the specification. The other dialog options can be left empty but it's probably a good idea to specify Requirement as the default type. Save the specification and close the dialog (you only have to create the specification once, of course).
In the Import/Export dialog, specify a filename and select Export. Click Run to export the requirements.
To reimport, simply select to Import rather than Export in the CSV Import / Export dialog.
The two crucial fields are the GUID and the Type. You may want to hide these columns when you send the requirements to management and client, and inform them that they shouldn't tamper with those.
The GUID is the unique identifier. As long as that's in the file, EA can reimport the file and update your modelled requirements.
The Type needs to be set to Requirement for any new requirements that are added in the file. You don't need to set a GUID. EA will ask you during the import whether to create one or ignore the entry completely; tell it to create one and the requirement will be added to your model. But the Type field has to be set or EA won't know what to create.
What EA won't do is delete requirements from your model if they've been removed from the file. This is something you'll have to manage manually. (And if you're working on a project where the number of requirements actually decreases over time, please give me a call.)
If your requirements are in several packages you can still import / export them this way, but it's a little bit more complex: you'll need to set the Preserve Hierarchy option in the CSV specification and use a couple of special columns, but that's pretty well described in the help file.

SharePoint Labels Reliably Updating

In a MOSS 2007 / Office 2007 environment I am having spotty results with SharePoint properties updating in a Word document. Using an Information Management Policy, I define a Label Format:
Version: {Version}\n Effective Date: {MyModifiedDate}
I add a label to the footer of the Content Type template.
When I create a document based on my configured Content Type, check it in and then look at the document, the footer doesn’t always update. This is especially true the first time I check the document in.
If I just use Version the label updates as expected, but when I use other properties the results are inconsistent.
Everything I read makes it sound simple, but in our case it is unreliable, therefore not production ready. Do you have any experience with this would share or could you point me in the right direction?
