Excel .CSV File UTF -8 Encoding not working - excel

I've got an application that exports a .CSV file with many data, however every time where there is an accent, the files changes the letter to $#231;,
Already converted the file and the text to UTF-8 and it does not fix the problem
Tried the conversion with Excel and also Open Office without success.
Does anybody have any idea how to fix this issue ?
Follow an example of wrong data extracted (the text is in Brazilian language):
Lol, after i paste the wrong data in the StackOverflow text to post, the data convert to the correct data.
Anybody has any idea ?
Data Conversion Correctly


how to avoid a CSV file to change some rows to date format while using the text-to-column function?

I have CSV file that has some data points separated with dot. While using the tex-to-column function, it changes some of the rows to date format.
I have tried to change the original column format to text but it's keep happening.
Any idea on how to avoid this?
I'm using Excel for Mac 16.50 version
basically by changing the language preferences of my mac from German to US the comma separation changed to semicolon that solved the problem. It's a hacky way of getting rid of an annoying problem but it worked.

Generating a CSV file

I am having problems converting an MSaccess table that contains a 12 digits barcode-number field to CSV file
The barcode field is defined as text!
I tried exporting to Excel and saving the Excel file to CSV or exporting it to CSV But but that did not work either (even when the field is defined as text).
The problem is that some barcodes start with zero which gets truncated and that displays a scientific notation instead of displaying the barcode string.
My Question is: How can I generate a CSV file that is stored as an Excel spread sheet?
any help is appreciated
Nick McDermaid thanks for your comment. When looking in a text editor everything looks perfect.....You mean the people requesting it on my website are actually using it as text file and do not care about the way it looks in a spread sheet? if so then I am just chasing a wild goose! is that what you mean?

How can I insert images on exported "excel.xls" from filemaker?

I currently have a FM Database (simple) where I need to export the records to a formatted excel worksheet.
Now, I alredy have the formatting done but there is one thing missing.
Even though I can insert an image, it won't save it when the worksheet is closed and I need it to be there 24/7.
Is there any way to fix this?
I've alredy tried calling the image on my "Stylesheet.xml" file but keep getting an error since I don't know the images Type/Identifier.
Per example, for text I need to type "String". Numbers, "Number".
Don't have the code with me right now (left it at work) and left in a hurry.
I need the image to show 24/7.
You're not saying anything about the version of FileMaker or Excel, but I'm assuming your target is Excel 2003 based on the XLS extension.
These are the only supported types of the Data element in the XML format for XLS: Number, String, Boolean, DateTime, Error.
More info here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/office/developer/office-xp/aa140066(v=office.10)#odc_xmlss_ss%3adata
You need to move to the newer XLSX format. There is a FileMaker plugin 360 Works Scribe that might be able to generate the XLSX file with images from FileMaker.

Column width style lose when converting .xls to csv

I am exporting an .xlsx document to .csv but I during that conversion I am loosing the complete style. Column width style is loosing terribly I was using Mac OS Numbers app but If i remember it correctly same issue happened with Microsoft excel ( I do not have the windows machine to cross check that for the moment).
original excel image
Exported csv image
I was wondering whether this is an application related issue or is it something wrong in general.
Did anyone face the same issue ? I do not have idea about where to begin to solve the styling issue. Some pointer will be greatly appreciated.
I added apache poi tag because I created the original excel using apache-poi
CSV stands for "Comma Separated Value".
CSV is a text file. Basically, you can open it with Excel or with a basic text editor. It is not made for storing formatting.
If you need to deal with formatted table then you have to choose another format.

Stopping Excel Date Parsing

I've written a script to export product data from a cscart database to a CSV file. It works perfectly, however when opened in MS Excel, it parses things such as "12-14" as dates, which shows "Dec 14".
I read http://excel.tips.net/Pages/T003228_Stopping_Date_Parsing_when_Opening_a_CSV_File.html but the client will not be willing to do that - is there any other way in the CSV file itself to force Excel to recognise it as a string.
I've tried wrapping all fields in double quotes, I've tried putting spaces around the hyphen - no luck. Any ideas?
Have you considered exporting the data in the Excel 2003 XML format? Unless you're using a built-in CSV writer, creating the XML format shouldn't be too difficult. And most important of all: you can exactly specify the data type.
A good example can be found in Wikipedia.
(Don't confuse this format with the latest XML/ZIP Excel format with the .xlsx extension.)
I tried this out by putting a single quote and it worked.
The sample data I used was
However in the String is now displays when opened in XLS as '12-1, not something very nice, but an easy solution.
