getOrgChart: different kind of realtionships - getorgchart

I'm looking for an org chart library and i found getorgchart as a right mix between price and capabilities.
But i'm not totally sure about one important feature.
Is it possible to differentiate staff and line relationship in the org chart using getorgchart?
It seems that its only possible to specity a parent id but not the type of relationship.


Limiting Child Objects in Class Diagram

I want to model a simple system using a Class Diagram:
I have 3 possible classes: Company, Employee, Manager.
The Company must have 20 Employees (aggregation?).
The Company must have 1 Manager (aggregation?).
A Manager is an Employee (generalization?).
Each Employee can only be in 1 Company.
In other words, I want to limit this system to have 20 Employees, 1 of which must be a Manager. However ONLY 1 can be a Manager. This would make it so that there are 19 Employees and 1 Manager objects at all times.
I have the setup in my head of how I want this system to work, but I can't get the model quite right. This is what I got:
I feel like I am very close, but my issue is that although the Company 1 to 1 relationship to the Manager seems correct, the 1 to 19 to the Employee seems off. Since a Manager is an Employee, I have no way of limiting how many of those 19 Employees are Managers. I am trying to do this without splitting Employees up into Non-Manager and Manager classes.
Am I on the right track? Is there something I am missing? Or is it clear enough that 19 MUST be Employee objects and 1 MUST be Manager object?
The problem
Your model has a weakness: a Manager of one Company could be Employee of another, because nothing in your model says that the employment relationship with the Company is the same for both classes.
Why? If you apply the UML generalization semantics:
Employee has an association with Company,
Manager is a specialization of Employee, and therefore inherits all its properties, operations and associations, including the association with Company.
Manager has in addition its own association with the Company. So it has two distinct associations: the inherited one and its own one.
Potential solutions
It would be helpful to label the ends of the association, e.g. employer/ employee and company/manager:
The simplest solution could be to remove the association between Manager and Company, since it is inherited. But there is no easy way to tell that there must be a Manager among the employees. Moreover, there wouldn't be an easy way to find the Manager of a Company. So this solution does not appear appropriate.
Another solution would be to add a constraint that specifies that for the Manager, is the same than employee.employer. Since a Manager manages one and only one company, no other manager could by deduction exist among the employees. But this sounds somewhat artificial.
The best solution in my view is therefore to keep both associations but use UML smeantics to explain that company {subsets employer} and manager {subsets employee} Be aware that this solution requires 20 employees, since it makes clear that the manager is one amont the 20.
If you're interested to know more about subsetting, I advise you this artile about redefinition, specialization and subsetting of associations, which could also inspire you other variants.
Minor remarks
The aggregation are fine. However, aggregation is a modelling placebo since the UML specs clearly say page 110:
Precise semantics of shared aggregation varies by application area and modeler.
Therefore, I'd suggest to avoid them when possible. You could therefore as well use normal UML associations. Especially for the manager where there is only one.
Another remark made by qwerty_so in the comments is that the + should be removed in +has : The + is about public visibility. It’s not the association itself that is public or private, but the association end (e.g. employer and employee in my proposal).

Could someone give some tips or check simple class diagram for mobile application?

I'm working on preparing a class diagram for mobile application. The application is meant to be something like a diary from journeys. Here are the requirements:
One user can create many trips.
One trip can be to one or more places (destinations, cities).
There might be assigned many albums with pictures to each trip, categorised in custom way, for example one album is for food pictures, one is for people user met during a trip etc.
Each picture can (but doesn't have to) have a description.
User can add contacts to a contact book.
I have created a very simple UML class diagram using StarUML. I am not sure if it all is correct, maybe there should be some association class used instead of something or maybe different kinds of relationships.
Could someone please check it and maybe give some tips and corrections?
id is nothing you would like to have in an object. It has it's integral ID already given by the run time system. Remove it (unless you have good reasons for it, like being a passport id or so)
Category appears twice. Not a good idea. Choose unique names.
Your Contact appears to be way too simplistic.
Delete() in Trip does not seem to make sense since you'd apply that to a collection which Trip is not.
Naming associations is not that helpful. Rather assign role names to either end.

Relationships between multiple aggregate roots

In many applications, I deal with users and finance companies (as an example) and I have long been struggling to model the relationship between the two according to Domain Driven Design principles.
In my system I can do the following:
Add a user to an existing finance company.
Add a finance company to an existing user.
I believe both are aggregate roots... Finance Company and User.
How do I model the relationship between the 2? Is it FinanceCompany.Users? or User.FinanceCompanies? Is it neither? Or am I missing knowledge of some key DDD concept(s)? The problem is if I choose one way over the other, the code is more understandable / clear from one aggregate root entry point, but not the other. Sometimes there are cases where it makes more sense to navigate to a Finance Company and add users to it, and other times there are cases where it makes more sense to navigate to a specific user and add finance companies to the user.
Is there some better way to approach this, maybe through repository methods? Is there some key concept I am not getting or understanding here? It doesn't feel right to assume the relationship between Finance Company and User belongs under either of the 2 ARs. When I store the relationship I have to store it in a table named FinanceCompanyUsers or UserFinanceCompanies, but it still doesn't seem clear.
Would I have code such as FinanceCompany.AddUser() and User.AddFinanceCompany()? or is there some completely different approach for relationships such as this?
You have already determined that both User and FinanceCompany are aggregates so each has its own life-cycle.
The problem with many domains is that we don't have a complete understanding of the relationships. As another example we can take an Order and a Product. Both are aggregates but would we have Order.AddProduct() or Product.AddOrder()? In this case it seems pretty obvious in that an Order contains a limited subset of Product entries whereas a Product may very well contain many orders and we are not really too interested in that relationship since it is a rather weak relationship. A Product can exist and be valid without any orders attached but an Order is pretty useless without at least one product entry. This means that the Order has an invariant imposed in terms of its OrderItem entries. In addition to this we have enough knowledge about this hackneyed example that we know we are going to need an associative entity (in relational theory speak) since we need additional information regarding the relationship and entering the fray would be our OrderItem table. Curiously I have not seen it called OrderProduct.
The guidance I would suggest is to pick the most appropriate side.
However, if no side is a true winner and both aggregates can exist without a relationship to the other in terms of an invariant perhaps the relationship itself is an aggregate as you have certainly alluded to. Perhaps it isn't only a UserFinanceCompany aggregate but perhaps there is a concept that is missing from the ubiquitous language that the domain experts refer to. Perhaps something like Auditor or some such that represents that relationship. This is akin to the OrderItem or OrderLine concept as opposed to OrderProduct.

Core Data Inheritance and Relationships

I´m a little confused about inheritance and relationships in core data, and I was hopping someone could drive to the right path. In my app i have created 3 entities, and none of them have (and are not suppose to have) common properties, but there´s gonna be a save and a load button for all the work that the user does. From my understanding I need to "wrap" all the entities "work" into an object which will be used to save and load, and my question is, do I need to create relationships between the entities? Because I have to relate them somehow and this is what make sense to me. Is my logic correct?
I'm implementing a budget calculator, and for the purpose of everyone understand what my issue is, I´m going to give an practical example and please correct me if my logic is incorrect:
Let´s just say you are a fruit seller, and because of that it´s normal to have a database of clients and also a fruit database with the kinds of fruit you sell. From my understanding I find two entities here:
Client with properties named: name, address, phone, email, etc.
Stock with properties named: name, weight, stock, cost, supplier, etc.
TheBudget with properties named: name, amount, type, cost, delivery, etc.
I didn´t put all the properties because I think you get the point. I mean as you can see, there´s only two properties I could inherit; the rest is different. So, if I was doing a budget for a client, I can have as many clients I want and also the amount of stock, but what about the actual budget?
I´m sorry if my explanation was not very clear, but if it was..what kind of relationships should I be creating? I think Client and TheBudget have a connection. What do you advise me?
That's not entirely correct, but some parts are on the right track. I've broken your question down into three parts: relationships, inheritance and the Managed Object Context to hopefully help you understand each part separately:
Relationships are usually used to indicate that one entity can 'belong' to another (i.e. an employee can belong to a company). You can setup multiple one-to-many relationships (i.e. an employee belongs to a company and a boss) and you can setup the inverse relationships (which is better described with the word 'owns' or 'has', such as 'one company has many employees).
There are many even more complicated relationships depending on your needs and a whole set of delete rules that you can tell the system to follow when an entity in a relationship is deleted. When first starting out I found it easiest to stick with one-to-one and one-to-many relationships like I've described above.
Inheritance is best described as a sort of base template that is used for other, more specific entities. You are correct in stating that you could use inheritance as a sort of protocol to define some basic attributes that are common across a number of entities. A good example of this would be having a base class 'Employee' with attributes 'name', 'address' and 'start date'. You could then create other entities that inherit from this Employee entity, such as 'Marketing Rep', 'HR', 'Sales Rep', etc. which all have the common attributes 'name', 'address' and 'start date' without creating those attributes on each individual entity. Then, if you wanted to update your model and add, delete or modify a common attribute, you could do so on the parent entity and all of its children will inherit those changes automatically.
Managed Object Context (i.e. saving)
Now, onto the other part of your question/statement: wrapping all of your entities into an object which will be used to save and load. You do not need to create this object, core data uses the NSManagedObjectContext (MOC for short) specifically for this purpose. The MOC is tasked with keeping track of objects you create, delete and modify. In order to save your changes, you simply call the save: method on your MOC.
If you post your entities and what they do, I might be able to help make suggestions on ways to set it up in core data. You want to do your best to setup as robust a core data model as you can during the initial development process. The OS needs to be able to 'upgrade' the backing store to incorporate any changes you've made between your core data model revisions. If you do a poor job of setting up your core data model initially and release your code that way, it can be very difficult to try and make a complicated model update when the app is in the wild (as you've probably guessed, this is advice born out of painful experience :)

Breaking up Entities into smaller Entities in DDD?

Does it make sense to make subsets of an Entity if you consider their usage in the application differently? IE. I take my entity and define a new entity with only some of the attributes of the first. Now I have 2 Entities that overlap but are used differently but ultimately persist in same datatable. These Entities will be accessed through different repositories...
I am only starting to learn about DDD myself, so if I am wrong please comment and let me know. Here are my thoughts though:
If the entity is going to be accessed through a different repository, I think it deserves its own class. Additionally, the bits that overlap now may not overlap in the future, and if you use a shared base class, you will probably be more likely to try adapting things at that point, which will dirty up your domain.
If the two classes are part of separate sub-domains, they probably should be separate. My thoughts are based around parts of an example I remember hearing in Rob Connery's interview on Hanselminutes. A product has several properties that are important to consumers (pricing, description, etc), and several properties that are important to warehouse personnel (location in the warehouse, weight, dimensions, etc). The implication to me in that episode was that the two products should be defined separately in the domain, instead of being defined once and shared.
If by "usage in the application" you mean you'll display different parts in different views, then I'd suggest you use a presentation pattern like Fowler describes in his Presentation Model (or if your developing a WPF app you can use the more WPF-specialized version called Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM)).
But if you by "usage" mean that you'll use different attributes of the entity in different sub-domains or part of your domain, then I agree with Chris; You'd probably be better off breaking them into different entities. The reason being that in your domain model you should reflect how the entity is used in that specific (sub)domain. And if you're using different parts of the entity under different circumstances, they probably have different meanings in these settings which again should be reflected in the naming of the entities. And if it were me, I'd probably make one repository for each of the entities. Having a 1:1 mapping between entities and repositories seems to make sense in most cases as far as I've experienced. But then again; just like Chris, Rob Conery and 90% of the developers trying to do DDD; I'm fairly new to the DDD-game and so my experiences might be overruled by someone more experienced :)
