How to load fastify-env environments synchronously? - fastify

I'm working on fastify microservice and would like to use the fastify-env library to validate my env inputs and provide defaults throughout the whole app.
const fastify = require('fastify')()
fastify.register(require('fastify-env'), {
schema: {
type: 'object',
properties: {
PORT: { type: 'string', default: 3000 }
console.log(fastify.config) // undefined
const start = async opts => {
try {
console.log('config', fastify.config) // config undefined
await fastify.listen(3000, '::')
console.log('after', fastify.config) // after { PORT: '3000' }
} catch (err) {
How can I use the fastify.config object before the server starts?

Use ready() to wait for all plugins to be loaded. Then call listen() with your config variable.
try {
await fastify.ready(); // will load all plugins
await fastify.listen(...);
} catch (err) {

fastify.register loads plugins asynchronously AFAIK. If you'd like to immediately use things from a specific plugin use:
.after(() => {
// This particular plugin is ready!


Discord.js | interaction.reply is not a function [SlashCommand][Typescript]

I am making a /ping command in my bot, following the discordjs guide, but when I use the command, I get an error:
TypeError: interaction.reply is not a function
at Object.<anonymous> (C:\Users\timda\code\discord bot\bot-data\commands\ping.ts:8:15)
at (<anonymous>)
at C:\Users\timda\code\discord bot\bot-data\commands\ping.ts:8:71
at new Promise (<anonymous>)
at __awaiter (C:\Users\timda\code\discord bot\bot-data\commands\ping.ts:4:12)
at Object.execute (C:\Users\timda\code\discord bot\bot-data\commands\ping.ts:18:16)
at C:\Users\timda\code\discord bot\main.ts:43:18
at (<anonymous>)
at C:\Users\timda\code\discord bot\main.ts:8:71
at new Promise (<anonymous>)
This is the /ping commands code:
import { SlashCommandBuilder } from 'discord.js';
module.exports = {
data: new SlashCommandBuilder()
.setDescription('Replies with Pong!'),
async execute(interaction: { reply: (arg0: string) => any }) {
And here is the code in my main file that loads in the SlashCommand files:
import fs from 'node:fs';
import path from 'node:path';
import { Client, Collection, GatewayIntentBits, Partials, REST, Routes } from 'discord.js';
import { clientId, token } from './config.json';
const client = new Client({
intents: [GatewayIntentBits.Guilds, GatewayIntentBits.GuildMessages, GatewayIntentBits.DirectMessages, GatewayIntentBits.MessageContent],
partials: [Partials.Message, Partials.Channel],
presence: { status: 'online', activities: [{ name: 'you 👀', type: 3 }] }
(client as any).commands = new Collection();
const commands: any[] = [];
for (const file of (fs.readdirSync(path.join('./bot-data/commands')).filter(file => file.endsWith('.ts')))) {
const command = require(`./bot-data/commands/${file}`);
(client as any).commands.set(, command);
client.on('ready', async (client: { user: { tag: any; }; }) => {
const rest = new REST({ version: '10' }).setToken(token);
try {
await rest.put(Routes.applicationCommands(clientId), { body: commands});
} catch (error) {
console.log(`Succesfully logged in as ${client.user.tag}!`);
client.on('interactionCreate', async interaction => {
if(interaction.isCommand()) {
const command = (client as any).commands.get(interaction.commandName);
if (!command) {
await interaction.reply({content: `Something went wrong while executing ${interaction.commandName}.`, ephemeral: true});
try {
await command.execute(client, interaction);
} catch (error) {
await interaction.reply({content: `Something went wrong while executing ${interaction.commandName}., ephemeral: true});
The command does get loaded when /ping is used, because it does log the interaction in the console.
I am writing the bot in Typescript, that's why I did interaction: { reply: (arg0: string) => any }
and I'm using node to compile and run it.
NVM: version 1.1.10
NPM: version 8.19.2
I've tried writing interaction: { reply: (arg0: string) => any } in different ways and I've also already done a lot of googling, but I can't find the problem I'm facing here.
If someone could help me I would appreciate it.
Inside of main.ts, you're calling the execute function with these arguments:
await command.execute(client, interaction);
But inside of ping.ts, you're only accepting these arguments:
async execute(interaction: { reply: (arg0: string) => any }) { // etc
You need to include both client and interaction as arguments in ping.ts to prevent the values being passed into the wrong variables.
// I'm fairly certain that these are the right imports
import { BaseInteraction, SlashCommandBuilder, Client} from 'discord.js';
async execute(client: Client, interaction: BaseInteraction) { // etc

NodeJS contextBridge receiving results from index.js

I've been able to use the preload.js for sending message to API to get things done. I'm able to get responses just fine from iPC, but I'm not able to relay the responses from iPC back to the renderer and I don't understand what I'm missing.
index.js (main)
// Modules to control application life and create native browser window
const { app, BrowserWindow, remote, ipcMain } = require('electron');
const path = require('path');
const { spawn } = require('child_process');
let mainWindow;
const createWindow = () => {
// Create the browser window.
mainWindow = new BrowserWindow({
width: 800,
height: 600,
webPreferences: {
preload: path.join(__dirname, 'preload.js')
// and load the index.html of the app.
// Open the DevTools.
// mainWindow.webContents.openDevTools()
// This method will be called when Electron has finished
// initialization and is ready to create browser windows.
// Some APIs can only be used after this event occurs.
app.on('ready',() => {
app.on('activate', () => {
// On macOS it's common to re-create a window in the app when the
// dock icon is clicked and there are no other windows open.
if (BrowserWindow.getAllWindows().length === 0) createWindow();
// Quit when all windows are closed, except on macOS. There, it's common
// for applications and their menu bar to stay active until the user quits
// explicitly with Cmd + Q.
app.on('window-all-closed', () => {
if (process.platform !== 'darwin') app.quit();
request.js - this is used in index/main thread above to process API requests, in this case requests to winax which I use with a separate 32 bit nodeJs interpreter because I couldn't get it to build for use with the same version of Node I can use for electron
const { ipcMain, ipcRenderer } = require('electron');
const { spawn } = require('child_process');
module.exports = function(mainWindow){
let winax;
ipcMain.on('winax', (event,arguments) => {
if(winax === undefined) {
console.log('spawning winax');
winax = spawn(
'C:\\Program Files\\nvm\\v14.20.0\\node.exe',
[ 'winax_microamp/index.js' ], {
shell: false,
stdio: ['inherit', 'inherit', 'inherit', 'ipc' ],
windowsHide: true
console.log('sending winax arguments');
arguments = {
method: 'functionToRun',
owner: 'requestingProcess',
params: { required_params ... }
winax.once('message', (message) => {
console.log('winax response=')
mainWindow.webContents.postMessage('response', message);
'use strict';
// preload.js
// All the Node.js APIs are available in the preload process.
// It has the same sandbox as a Chrome extension.
// MAS: This function executes when the DOM is loaded so we should be able to add button interactions here
const { contextBridge, ipcRenderer } = require('electron');
let testAccDb = 'C:\\Users\\PZYVC7\\OneDrive - Ally Financial\\Access\\electron_microamp.accdb';
//const spawn = require('child_process').spawn
'request', {
send: (func) => {
if(func == 'openStagingTest'){
let args = {
method: 'requestStagingDatabase',
owner: 'ui',
params: {
path: testAccDb
} else if(func == 'closeStagingTest') {
let args = {
method: 'closeStagingDatabase',
owner: 'ui'
response: (message) => {
ipcRenderer.on('message', (message) => {
console.log('winax reply=');
window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
/*const replaceText = (selector, text) => {
const element = document.getElementById(selector);
if (element) element.innerText = text;
for (const dependency of ['chrome', 'node', 'electron']) {
replaceText(`${dependency}-version`, process.versions[dependency]);
'use strict';
function onLoad(){
/*document.querySelector('.one').addEventListener('click',() => {
/*var testButton = document.querySelector('button[class=test]');
testButton.addEventListener('click', (e) => {
//C:\\Program Files\\nvm\\v14.20.0\\node.exe
window.main.asyncProc( '"C:\\Program Files\\nvm\\v14.20.0\\node.exe" winax_microamp/index.js' );
var buttons = document.querySelectorAll('button');
buttons.forEach((button) => {
button.addEventListener('click', (event) => {
Ugh... ok, so a few things I figured out eventually, I took hours to figure this out, and I'm not 100% sure if I'm understanding it properly so I appreciate any correction.
I think one issue that threw me off for longer than it should have is that the console.log for the preload.js goes into the developer tools rather than the system console like the main thread areas do.
Another thing throwing me off was that I was writing the implementation inside of preload.js, rather than in render.js. I confirmed it does work in both places.
If I want it in preload.js, I leave the implementation like this, and I confirmed it was firing here based on changing the log message a little
response: (message) => {
ipcRenderer.on('response', (message) => {
console.log('expose reply=');
If I want it in render instead, I need my preload to be more basic
response: (message) => {
ipcRenderer.on('response', message);
And then I need render to have this to process it there instead.
window.request.response((event,message) => {
console.log('winax reply=');

How to make kuzzle-device-manager plugin API actions works?

I successfully installed and loaded kuzzle-device-manager in the backend file:
import { Backend } from 'kuzzle';
import { DeviceManagerPlugin } from 'kuzzle-device-manager';
const app = new Backend('playground');
const deviceManager = new DeviceManagerPlugin();
const mappings = {
updatedAt: { type: 'date' },
payloadUuid: { type: 'keyword' },
value: { type: 'float' }
deviceManager.devices.registerMeasure('humidity', mappings)
.then(async () => {
// Interact with Kuzzle API to create a new index if it does not already exist
console.log(' started!');
But when i try to use controllers from that plugin for example device-manager/device with create action i get an error output.
Here is my "client" code in js:
const { Kuzzle, WebSocket } = require("kuzzle-sdk")
const kuzzle = new Kuzzle(
new WebSocket('KUZZLE_IP')
kuzzle.on('networkError', error => {
console.error('Network Error: ', error);
const run = async () => {
try {
// Connects to the Kuzzle server
await kuzzle.connect();
// Creates an index
const result = await kuzzle.query({
index: "nyc-open-data",
controller: "device-manager/device",
action: "create",
body: {
model: "model-1234",
reference: "reference-1234"
}, {
queuable: false
} catch (error) {
} finally {
And the result log:
API action "device-manager/device":"create" not found
Note: The nyc-open-data index exists and is empty.
We apologize for this mistake in the documentation, the device-manager/device:create method is not available because the plugin is using auto-provisioning until the v2.
You should send a payload to your decoder, the plugin will automatically provision the device if it does not exists

Chrome extension send message from onInstall in backgroundjs to own extension javascript code

I need to check when the extension is installed and change my React state accordingly.
I use chrome.runtime.onInstalled on my background.js where I sendMessage to my react code - which is the content script of my extension.
async function getCurrentTab() {
let queryOptions = { active: true, currentWindow: true };
let [tab] = await chrome.tabs.query(queryOptions);
return tab;
chrome.runtime.onInstalled.addListener((details) => {
if (details?.reason === 'install') {
console.log('installed backgroundjs')
const tab = await getCurrentTab()
chrome.tabs.sendMessage(, { target: 'onInstall' })
In my react Component - Dashboard.js
useEffect(() => {
if (extensionApiObject?.runtime) {
chrome.runtime.sendMessage({ target: 'background', message: 'check_installation', })
return () => {
if (extensionApiObject?.runtime) {
function handleMessage(msg) {
console.log('handle messag func', msg)
if ( === 'onInstall') {
console.log('extension on Install')
What confuse me is that I already have a similar implementation for a different message that works without problem but in there I listen to chrome.runtime.onMessage() not chrome.runtime.onInstalled()
I wonder if I misunderstand how onInstalled method work and I cannot sendMessage from it?
I change my code as suggested by #wOxxOm, I used chrome.tabs.sendMessage but still no luck.
chrome.runtime.onInstalled doesn't take as argument req, sender, sendResponse like other listener and I wonder if that means it will not be able to send a message from there :/
After #wOxxOm suggestions, I ended up removing the sendMessage solution and simply add an extra parameter to the url whenever I open a new tab after installation:
function openNewTab(param) {
url: param ? `chrome://newtab?${param}` : 'chrome://newtab',
chrome.runtime.onInstalled.addListener((details) => {
if (details?.reason === 'install') {
chrome.tabs.sendMessage(, { target: 'onInstall' })
on my web app I just need to check the param and I can decide which UI to show

NodeJS VM2 proper way to access console when set to 'redirect'

I'm using the VM2 package to run user code. I'm trying to intercept console output and have set the NodeVM object's console property to 'redirect':
// Create a new sandbox VM for this request
const vm = new NodeVM( {
console: 'redirect',
timeout: 30000,
sandbox: { request, state, response },
require: {
external: true
According to the documentation that redirects console output to 'events'. I'm new to NodeJS, how do I hook into those events to capture the console.log messages executed inside the Sandbox?
After digging through the source code, I found this file where the event emit is occuring:
if (vm.options.console === 'inherit') {
global.console = Contextify.readonly(host.console);
} else if (vm.options.console === 'redirect') {
global.console = {
log(...args) {
vm.emit('console.log', ...Decontextify.arguments(args));
return null;
info(...args) {
vm.emit('', ...Decontextify.arguments(args));
return null;
warn(...args) {
vm.emit('console.warn', ...Decontextify.arguments(args));
return null;
error(...args) {
vm.emit('console.error', ...Decontextify.arguments(args));
return null;
dir(...args) {
vm.emit('console.dir', ...Decontextify.arguments(args));
return null;
time: () => {},
timeEnd: () => {},
trace(...args) {
vm.emit('console.trace', ...Decontextify.arguments(args));
return null;
All you need to do to listen to these events is to bind an event listener on the vm you've created:
// Create a new sandbox VM for this request
const vm = new NodeVM( {
console: 'redirect',
require: {
external: ['request']
vm.on('console.log', (data) => {
console.log(`VM stdout: ${data}`);
Likewise, you can bind to console.log,, console.warn, console.error, console.dir, and console.trace. Hopefully this will save someone else some time.
