Reducing pricing cost in azure after creating a service plan - azure

I have created a service plan to host web apps, but while creating I didn't keep an eye on the pricing details, so gave a standard pricing.
Now I want to reduce it to basic pricing, can I do it?
I can only see the pricing for it, but not able to change it.
Because I have changed the pricing tag for databases.
Thanks in Advance!!!!!

You could scale up your pricing tier under App Service---Settings.
For detailed information, such as VM sizes for each pricing tier, see App Service Pricing Details. For a table of service limits, quotas, and constraints, and supported features in each tier, see App Service limits.


How can I schedule an Azure app service to only be running (being billed for) working hours

On Azure's payment estimator, I can choose the number of hours that I want an app service to be active/paid for. As my app isn't required out of office hours or at weekends, I could reduce the number of hours and therefore the cost estimate considerably versus paying 24/7. I therefore used the estimator to come up with an (affordable for my organisation) estimate of having the services running for max of 500 hours a month.
What is not clear is how, now I have app services up and running on Azure, do I set the services to run on a schedule that matches the cost estimator? Is there an option or functionality hidden away somewhere to do this?
There is no option to suspend an azure app service plan. You can stop/start a web app running on a plan but that won't save any costs. I agree it is confusing that the pricing calculator makes it seem that you can suspend a web app plan.
The only thing I can think of is to scale down to a free tier plan during out-of-office/weekend hours and scale up to a paid plan but that is limited to some basic tiers (for example, since there are no slots in some lower tiers you will have problem if you want to use those). You will have to script this yourself.
The other option is to delete the whole app service plan and web app and create it / deploy again when needed. You can automate the creation using a bicep or ARM template.
Automate tier scaling
App Service unlike Azure VMs don't have the ability to pause billing. If the App Service exists, it is billing. Please see the below recommendations to control costs.
Optimize costs
At a basic level, App Service apps are charged by the App Service plan that hosts them. The costs associated with your App Service deployment depend on a few main factors:
Pricing tier Otherwise known as the SKU of the App Service plan. Higher tiers provide more CPU cores, memory, storage, or features, or combinations of them.
Instance count dedicated tiers (Basic and above) can be scaled out, and each scaled out instance accrues costs.
Stamp fee In the Isolated tier, a flat fee is accrued on your App Service environment, regardless of how many apps or worker instances are hosted.
An App Service plan can host more than one app. Depending on your deployment, you could save costs hosting more apps on one App Service plans (i.e. hosting your apps on fewer App Service plans).

workspace-based application insight pricing calculator

I am planning to use the Azure Monitor service and specifically Workspace-based Application Insights for the client's project.
Before I purpose/implement Workspace-based Application Insights, I need to share the estimated cost with the client so I checked the Azure Pricing Calculator however in Azure Pricing Calculator for Azure Monitor service they have mentioned ONLY Classic Application Insights and I am interested in Workspace-based Application Insights so if someone has used or know about pricing then please share a link here. Please share official/authenticated information ONLY.
workspace-based application insight pricing calculator
As per this MSDoc,
Since workspace-based Application Insights resources store their data in a Log Analytics workspace, the billing for data ingestion and retention is done by the workspace where the Application Insights data is located. This enables you to leverage all options of the Log Analytics pricing model, including commitment tiers
in addition to Pay-As-You-Go.
As per Azure Monitor pricing
Application Insights charge for the data they consume.
Two different types of logs can be ingested for workspace-based Application Insights data
Analytics Logs and
Basic Logs
Application Insights data absorbed into either the workspace-based or classic versions is free to keep for 90 days without any price charges.
References taken from
Azure Monitor pricing
Application insights billing

Tool for Azure service resource analyzment BEFORE deployment

If I create an Azure cloud services (implemented using .NET Core in my case), is there a way to get an estimation of the resources needed for the service BEFORE (not analyzing it after the fact) it is deployed to the cluster? By resources I mean number of cpus needed, memory being used etc.
Before deployment any application We can use Azure pricing calculator to analysis our uses and cost as per our requirement .
And alternatively based on the MS DOC we can review estimated costs according to our requirement tool in the Azure portal:
When you create an App Service app or an App Service plan, you can see
the estimated costs.
To create an app and view the estimated price:
On the create page, scroll down to App Service plan, and click Create new.
Specify a name and click OK.
Next to Sku and size, click Change size.
Review the estimated price shown in the summary. The following screenshot is an example and doesn't reflect current pricing.
For more information you can refer this MS DOC: Sizes for Cloud Services

Use Azure Monitor Metrics to get the average daily compute minutes

in my Azure architecture I would like to scale down a couple of web app services.
I would like to use the D1 tear, which has a limited consumption time of 240 min/daily (as you can see in the picture below).
My question is: how can I use the Azure Monitor Metrics tool to get the average compute time for the last 30 days?
Maybe the CPU Time?
I'm asking that because I don't know if those web services work less then 4 hours a day.
Thanks for reading
Thanks for asking question! You may want to know that Azure App Service provides built-in monitoring functionality for web apps in the Azure portal from the Azure portal, you can review quotas and metrics for an app and App Service plan, and set up alerts and autoscaling rules based metrics.
If the app is hosted in D1 that is Shared plan, the limits on the resources that the app can use are defined by quotas.
Check Understand quotas and Monitoring quotas and metrics in the Azure portal
Let us know if further query.

Azure App Service - bandwidth limitations?

In our development environment (in Azure) we are experiencing an issue which we are sure could be due to bandwidth limitations of the underlying VM. By scaling our App Service up a pricing level (from Basic to Standard), the issue stops occurring. Utilisation of the CPU, memory, connection, threads, are all very low.
What are the actual network/bandwidth limitations for the different Azure App Service tiers?
These pages provide nothing on the matter:
Azure Web App sandbox
Azure subscription and service limits, quotas, and constraints
Could you elaborate on what the issue was that you were facing.
There are other restrictions for Azure App Services, which are defined here:
Most of the restrictions in Azure App Service are specific:
Size of the VM
Pricing Tier
The problem you described seems to be related to size than pricing tier.
For free tiers, well explained here:
App Service free quotas
All the free app services will stop working if bandwidth is the issue
Less than 200MB daily, about 5GB per month
