Azure App Service - bandwidth limitations? - azure

In our development environment (in Azure) we are experiencing an issue which we are sure could be due to bandwidth limitations of the underlying VM. By scaling our App Service up a pricing level (from Basic to Standard), the issue stops occurring. Utilisation of the CPU, memory, connection, threads, are all very low.
What are the actual network/bandwidth limitations for the different Azure App Service tiers?
These pages provide nothing on the matter:
Azure Web App sandbox
Azure subscription and service limits, quotas, and constraints

Could you elaborate on what the issue was that you were facing.
There are other restrictions for Azure App Services, which are defined here:
Most of the restrictions in Azure App Service are specific:
Size of the VM
Pricing Tier
The problem you described seems to be related to size than pricing tier.

For free tiers, well explained here:
App Service free quotas
All the free app services will stop working if bandwidth is the issue

Less than 200MB daily, about 5GB per month


Does Azure charge for number of app services

Does Azure charge only for the utilization of App service plan resources or for the number of app services we create under that App service plan? Does the number of app services created under a app service plan effects cost?
I am developing a microservices project and I am unsure of whether to deploy each microservice in a dedicated app service or deploying all in one app service as virtual directories. Cost is a concern for our project.
Does Azure charge only for the utilization of App service plan resources or for the number of app services we create under that App service plan?
Ignoring the Free and Shared tiers, you'll pay only for the App Service Plan (cost per selected machine size x number of instances). You'll pay the same whether you have 0 or 50 Apps on the Service plan (although any other I/O, Storage etc consumed by those Apps will be additional).
(Whereas the free tier allows a max of 10 Apps, and the Shared tier allows 100 Apps)
In theory you can then add as many App Services (apps, e.g. Web Apps, Services, Function Apps etc) as you like on each App Service Plan, however in practice you'll be limited by the overall resources of the VM size and plan you've selected (e.g. 10GB Disk space on Basic, and a B1 only has 1.75GB RAM).
From the Microsoft docs, the recommendation is:
Isolate your app into a new App Service plan when:
The app is resource-intensive.
You want to scale the app independently from the other apps in the existing plan.
The app needs resource in a different geographical region.
I would also add the opinion:
If applicable, keep your environments (Dev, UAT, Prod) isolated, either at App Service Plan level, or consider isolation at Resource Group or Subscription level.
Unless your apps are maxing out CPU usage, while installing as many apps per Service Plan as makes logical sense, but monitor performance and the resource usage on the VM instances as you go.
In my situation, I've typically found that RAM to be the bottleneck, so I would typically try to scale up to a VM size with more RAM to host more Apps before separating out the Apps and adding more Service Plans.
If you are on .Net Core or another stack which doesn't need Windows, I would recommend looking into the Linux Service Plans - they are considerably cheaper than Windows instances. One caveat - as at present, there's a weird limitation which doesn't allow mixing of Windows and Linux Service Plans in the same resource group.
Each App is logically fairly well isolated on the Service Plan instances, so you can add, delete, and deploy apps without interfering with the others.
Although Docker containers can be deployed as an App Service, you might find AKS a better fit.
And More Detail
The terminology around the Azure Managed App Service Plans is somewhat confusing, but to clarify:
An App Service Plan (Service Plan) can have 1 or more managed VM instances
e.g. 1 Service Plan scaled to 3 Instances = 3 VMs to pay for.
Ignoring the Free / Shared tier (on the shared tier you pay for each App), and also ignoring the Isolated tier, you'll pay a fixed monthly cost for each Instance
You can add multiple Apps to each App Service Plan - e.g. Web Apps, Function Apps, Misc. Console Apps, and Docker images. These will be deployed to all instances in the plan.
On the Standard tier and above, you can also configure Deployment Slots on your Apps, which provides the ability to smoke-test and provide continued uptime during deployments, especially in your production environment.
App Service Plans (microsoft.web/serverfarms) account for approximately 40% of our overall Monthly Azure costs
This cost can quickly multiply, especially if you are running multiple isolated environments (Dev, UAT, Prod etc) and if you need to scale out to more than one instance per environment for redundancy or scale reasons.
As at time of writing, indicative VM instance costs on US East are approximately
Dev B1 1.75GB RAM are ~$15pm Linux / ~$50pm Windows
Prod P1V2 3.5GB RAM are ~$80 Linux / ~$150pm Windows
So it's only natural to try and minimize costs by deploying multiple apps to a single VM, especially in a fine-grained Microservice enterprise or system.
I would add to this that if you have an app that is memory intensive, I would definitely isolate it to its own App Service Plan. Since usage limits are at the plan level, you don't want to get errors for mission critical apps due to a runaway app or an app experiencing higher traffic. Another good tip is to set up auto scaling with rules you define by your needs, this will prevent downtime if higher traffic than what the plan allocates is experienced.
Though yes, money can definitely be saved by grouping apps together in the same plan.
Yes, you can save cost by hosting multiple apps in one app service plan. You do not need a separate web app plan for each web app.
Generally the price you pay is for the app service plan and not the web app (Exception here is the shared plan) so your costs do not increase as you add more applications to the same plan.

What kind of CPU power do I get with Azure App Service?

I'm interested in deploying CPU intensive web app to an Azure App Service instance. I can't find any details around CPU usage and/or limits for Azure app service. My concern is that not having insight into the CPU specs/limitations for my app will not allow me to plan on how to accurately plan the physical cloud-based infrastructure (using Azure app service).
My app will be using the OpenCV computer vision library to do heavy image processing, face detection, and face recognition with hundreds/thousands of high quality images. This is naturally a CPU-intensive process. In a traditional setting (or on-premise Virtual Machine setup), I would at least know the specs on the machine (I.E. cpu specs, etc).
In summary, my question is two-fold:
1) Why doesn't azure app service say anything about the CPUs inside of their PaaS (App Service) context? If they do, where can i learn more about CPU limitations for this?
2) In the context of my application, is my CPU-based question irrelevant? I do read online that certain Azure App Service tiers do auto-scaling (meaning load balancing across more servers for better performance). Will this be sufficient for my need where multiple end-users are processing many photos to do face detection and recognition?
Microsoft represent the performance of the a VM in terms of ACU ( There are limited number of VM's Available in Azure App Service plan.
App Service plan has both scale up and scale out option. Scale out can be done based on the different rules.
But always do remember that the application architecture will dictate how it will use the scale out option.
Note : I would suggest to use VM if it GPU or CPU intensive, as you will get more option.
As i know standard app service are running on A Series VM but based on the scenario that you explained i suggest you to go with Premium App Service Plan that runs on Dv2 VM's. Hope below article will help you out:
I Suggest you to check the app service overview link and it says what kind of VM is running on back end so you can cross check with the VM specs and you can find the CPU details there.
App Service Plan Overview
App Service Limitation
App Service Overview

How can I manage AZURE RAM?

I have B3 service plan with 7GB RAM and 3 app services into a resource group. One service requires over 4GB but it throws out of memory exception after 2.4GB usage. It looks like available memory is divided between 3 services evenly. How can I manage RAM usage?
One way I can think of would be to put the apps on separate app service plans. One of your apps requires quite a lot, so why not give it its own plan?
Then you would have one Basic 3 service plan for that app, and maybe a Basic 1 plan for the other 2 if that is enough for them?
Yes, you are correct. The RAM listed for each instance size based on the pricing tier that you choose is for the underlying VM. So, this includes the OS and various infrastructure processes, in addition to IIS and your Web Apps. It is also shared with the App Services deployed under the same App Service plan.
This issue could be related to your web application, you may try the following:
View the memory utilization in Azure new portal
Use kudu Diagnostic Dump to see the information of memory
Move the Web App to another App Service plan that has only one Web
I would suggest you refer the blog post How to view the memory utilization of your Azure Web Site for more details.

Azure usage costs - confused

This is my azure payasyougo usage cost for this month.
I'm struggling to understand why I would be charged for a Standard Medium App Service, I would of thought that it would be included in the compute hours? I have only one Cloud Service running and this seems a bit steep for a cloud service that is not doing much...
Any suggestions?
While pricing is off-topic, I think I can answer this from a general operational angle (even though this will likely be closed since it's not programming-related).
As your graphic shows, you are consuming resources for different services. Compute-hours equates to your virtual machines that you've deployed, and you're consuming those resources whether you're using 0% or 100% CPU / memory / network, whether you've deployed code or not. They are allocated and, as far as Azure is concerned, deployed for your use, no matter what you're doing (or not doing) with them.
When you created your App Service, that was yet-another set of resources deployed. And another set of resource-hours you're consuming (again, whether you use 0% or 100% is irrelevant).
Same thing would happen if you created a database instance or any other Azure service: You'd pay in whatever way is described for that particular service. And each service has its own specific cost which is described in detail in Azure's pricing page.
There's no nesting of separate services. In your specific case: there's no concept of creating an App Service inside a Virtual Machine (nor is there any hint of that anywhere). They are two separate services.
Computer covers only Virtual Machines and Cloud Services. Pricing can be found here:
App Services are "special", while they internally use compute resources behind the scenes, they are charged based on the tier of performance and SLA you want to achieve. Pricing for them can be found here:
You will notice that there is a PREMIUM price for the same level of service on App Services. The theory is that the App Service stack is providing more managed value and thus worth more. For my use cases I have not found this to be the case and instead choose to run our environments under the PaaS VM / Cloud Service stacks.

Azure quota is exceeded

I'm trying to understand the correct way when hosting a web service using Windows Azure.
After reading some of the documentation available, I have reached these lines:
Windows Azure takes the following actions if a subscription's resource usage quotas are exceeded in a quota interval (24 hours):
Data Out - when this quota is exceeded, Windows Azure stops all web sites for a subscription which are configured to run in Shared mode for the remainder of the current quota interval. Windows Azure will start the web sites at the beginning of the next quota interval.
CPU Time - when this quota is exceeded, Windows Azure stops all web sites for a subscription which are configured to run in Shared mode for the remainder of the current quota interval. Windows Azure will start the web sites at the beginning of the next quota interval.
I was always under the impression that using cloud solution will prevent such events, as I really don't know a head of time what needs my web service will have, and that the cloud will provide the resources as needed (and off-course I will be charged for them) -
is that assumption is wrong?
I found this great post that really explains Azure perfectly
Scott Hanselman - my own Q&A about Azure Websites and Pricing
If you are hosting the Windows Azure Website in the Shared mode, although you are paying, there are certain quotas that are in place because in the background you are basically sharing the resources with other websites which are hosted on the same Virtual Machine.
If you are hosting using the Standard mode, then you no longer have quotas and you will not experience this issue. As an added bonus, you can now setup Autoscale to automatically scale out your website under load.
Azure provides you different scalability levels according to the method of hosting you pick. For example if you host your web service on an azure web site you can't scale to thousands of servers. If you host your web services in a cloud service you can scale much further.
In Azure the scalability does not always happen transparently. In the case of a web service your choices are "azure web sites", "azure mobile services" and "azure cloud services". None of these will provide transparent scalability. You will need to define how you want scalability to be processed by azure. Most of the time you can do it in your azure management portal and define "Auto-Scaling" based on your pre-defined metrics as in "total amount of memory used" or "compute power used". Azure helps you gather metrics from a distributed environment, define scaling rules and scale without worrying about the underlying infrastructure but you will need to glue these pieces together as it defines how much you will get billed as well.
Hope this makes sense.
