Getting an uncaught TypeError with iframe-resizer - iframe-resizer

I've installed it and all the calls are going across right up to the height set and then it dies.
[iFrameSizer][Host page: ts-vcsc-iframe-2283494] Checking width is in range 0-Infinity - iframeResizer.min_.js:8
[iFrameSizer][Host page: ts-vcsc-iframe-2283494] IFrame (ts-vcsc-iframe-2283494) height set to 1833px - (index):888
Uncaught TypeError: $ is not a function
at resizedCallback ((index):888)
at m (iframeResizer.min_.js:8)
at I (iframeResizer.min_.js:8)
at a (iframeResizer.min_.js:8)
at t (iframeResizer.min_.js:8)
at d (iframeResizer.min_.js:8)
at J (iframeResizer.min_.js:8)
at l (iframeResizer.min_.js:8)
iframeResizer.contentWindow.min_.js:9 [iFrameSizer][ts-vcsc-iframe-2283494] Trigger event lock off
iframeResizer.contentWindow.min_.js:9 [iFrameSizer][ts-vcsc-iframe-2283494] --
Suggestions as to why I'm getting this error? I downloaded the latest files from GitHub.


New error of type mistmatch on a code that worked great yesterday

I have created a code that sorted data based on the percent error value. The code has been working consistently but this morning I am now getting an error that I was not getting before and I am unsure how to fix it.
I have tried opening the template and restarting my project but I get the same error.
The problem with the code is in this line:
If sht1.Range("F" & ii).Value < 0.002 And sht1.Range("F" & ii).Value > -0.002 Then
I am getting: type 13, mismatch error
Any help would be appreciated, as this code was working yesterday and now I'm stumped on what could have changed.
You can get a Type mismatch error when a cell contains an error. You can check this with the IsError-function:
Dim val As Variant
val = sht1.Range("F" & ii).Value
If Not IsError(val) Then
If val < 0.002 And val > -0.002 Then
' ... Do your work ...
End If
End If

Problems Reading Zip of Shapefiles without loading memory

I've been trying to adapt Andrew Gaidus shapefile reading routine for my needs. The Jupyter Notebook I'm using acts like it partitioned the disk of my MacBook Pro so I can't read or write to disk. Gaidus has a good procedure for avoiding using disk, but is written for prior version of Python.
Here is the code:
dls = ""
lynntracts = ZipFile(io.BytesIO(urllib.request.urlopen(dls).read()))
filenames = [y for y in sorted(lynntracts.namelist()) for ending in ['dbf', 'prj', 'shp', 'shx'] if y.endswith(ending)]
#For some reason, I get 8, instead of 4, filenames. The first 4 start with __MACOSX. I get rid of those. The problem I
#have with the 'TypeError' occurs no matter which set of 4 files I use.
print(filenames[0], 'Example of the 4 files that I remove in the for loop')
for i in range(0,4):
del filenames[0]
dbf, prj, shp, shx = [io.StringIO( for filename in filenames]
r = shapefile.Reader(shp=shp, shx=shx, dbf=dbf)
Opening with io.BytesIO cured the prior problem of byte/str collision. Now see the TypeError for the I get the same error if I use io.BytesIO when calling it. Here is error output followed by error info:
__MACOSX/tl_2010_25009_tract00/._tl_2010_25009_tract00.dbf Example of the 4 files that I remove in the for loop
['tl_2010_25009_tract00/tl_2010_25009_tract00.dbf', 'tl_2010_25009_tract00/tl_2010_25009_tract00.prj', 'tl_2010_25009_tract00/tl_2010_25009_tract00.shp', 'tl_2010_25009_tract00/tl_2010_25009_tract00.shx']
TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
in ()
12 del filenames[0]
13 print(filenames)
---> 14 dbf, prj, shp, shx = [io.StringIO( for filename in filenames]
15 r = shapefile.Reader(shp=shp, shx=shx, dbf=dbf)
16 print(r.numRecords)
in (.0)
12 del filenames[0]
13 print(filenames)
---> 14 dbf, prj, shp, shx = [io.StringIO( for filename in filenames]
15 r = shapefile.Reader(shp=shp, shx=shx, dbf=dbf)
16 print(r.numRecords)
TypeError: read() missing 1 required positional argument: 'name'
Clearly, I am a beginner. I've come up empty handed trying to research this. Where do I go? What do I need to understand here? Thanks

Python error with "TypeError: 'float' object is not subscriptable."

What could the error with the code?
for i in range (1:100):
if(abs(sigmaList[i] - sigmaList[i-1]) < t_error):
sigmaList = sigmaList[1:i]
# Print the list of computed sigmas.
You will have error with range (1:100) - SyntaxError (docs). Use range(1,100).

using Altapp/Meteor-reCAPTCHA I get error as "Uncaught Error: Missing required parameters: sitekey"

On localhost the app works great with Altapp/Meteor-reCAPTCHA, but on live server the recaptcha does not appear, When I checked inside console log , i get below error
Uncaught Error: Missing required parameters: sitekey
at new yq (recaptcha__en.js:360)
at new Wq (recaptcha__en.js:367)
at ir (recaptcha__en.js:373)
at recaptcha__en.js:377
at Vq (recaptcha__en.js:367)
at recaptcha__en.js:376
at recaptcha__en.js:387
yq # recaptcha__en.js:360
Wq # recaptcha__en.js:367
ir # recaptcha__en.js:373
(anonymous) # recaptcha__en.js:377
Vq # recaptcha__en.js:367
(anonymous) # recaptcha__en.js:376
(anonymous) # recaptcha__en.js:387
I have already followed exact directions for code

Error at webgl (uncaught abort (130) )

I build a unity WEBGL but this error keeps appearing and i don't know why ?
i searched all over the internet but i found nothing.
localhost says: An error occurred running the Unity content on this page. See your browser's JavaScript console for more info. The error was: Uncaught abort(130) at Error
at jsStackTrace (WebGl.js:1:19540)
at stackTrace (WebGljs:1:19711)
at abort (WebGljs:3:31704)
at o1r [Array.olr] (WebGl.asmjs:29:499959)
at epk (WebGl.asmjs:4:238423)
at Wlo [Array.W1o] (WebGl.asmjs:10:545384)
at mCk [Array.mCk] (WebGl.asm.js:4:412823)
at VVr [Object.VVr] (WebGl.asm.js:29:471994)
at invoke_iiii (WebGljs:1:352706)
at J_q (WebGl.asmjs:22:501284)
at .12q (WebGl.asmjs:22:540757)
at R_ (WebGl.asmjs:8:363400)
at Q_ (WebGl.asmjs:8:363117)
at ERa (WebGl.asmjs:16:146190)
at DRa (WebGl.asmjs:16:145304)
at mFb [Array.mFb] (WebGl.asmjs:11:279534)
at tkb [Array.tkb] (WebGl.asmjs:14:385194)
at HKa [Array.HKa] (WebGl.asmjs:17:900965)
at b8 (Webaasmjs:8:741635)
at Q7 [Array.Q7] (WebGl.asmjs:8:731967)
at uVr (WebGl.asmjs:29:468587)
