Joomla 3 problems using Akeeba Release system with zip - zip

I'm trying to use the Joomla ARS. I've set it up and it seems to work for everything except the download of zip files.
I've set it up so that you can see the file in the front end but when you click on it a:
The requested document was not found on this server
error is thrown.
I've tried directly linking the file and it downloads fine. I've also set up an article to check that it'll download and again it works fine. So I don't think there are any permission issues since the zip file can be downloaded just not by using ARS.
Finally I've also tried different file types in ARS and if I swap the zip file for an xml file or a pdf file they both download fine.
Any ideas about how to debug?

I figured it out :)
The site had add a suffix to url switched on which was stopping it getting the correct route. Changed that and it worked as expected.


IIS suddenly refuses to serve PDF or RTF files; still serves DOC files

Yesterday everything was working just fine but now today when I try to access a PDF or RTF file served by IIS, I get a 404 error (when accessing it through HTTPS) or a 403 error (when accessing it through HTTP). I can still access DOC files hosted by this server. What could have possibly changed to prevent the PDF and RTF files from loading? They are being generated properly in a folder that belongs to a virtual directory being requested.
Looks like I had two similarly named folders and the files were being written to one folder and read from the other, which of course did not contain them because they were actually in the first folder. Fixing this issue solved my problem. Must have goofed up a configuration setting somewhere that this broke...

Website loading deleted file

Working on this website I was going to add a simple .hide(); and onclick animate(); functions to a menu, but the menu div wasn't closed (stupid mistake). When I upload the file to the live website it hides everything in the website cause of the open div tag, obviously I fix it and also delete the jQuery function but when I upload the file to the FTP the website is still showing the old file for some reason.
More info: I already deleted the cache/cookies/history off this computer and reloaded the page and re uploaded the file. Also tried in 4 different computers with 3 different IPs I did a search of all the files and the code is not there anymore. Deleted the directory and it still shows up.
As i can suggest from your question, i can say its a stupid mistake. Happened to me a few times.
I would try the following:
Make a working folder of your "new" website - locally
Delete EVERY file and folder from your server (of course only your whole website)
Get sure that nothing is displayed when you open it at the browser, should be fail
Now load your local folder completely to the new, empty space at your FTP
Rather than re uploading the file. Delete it, visit it in your browser and verify you get a 404 and then upload it again.
I have had this problem before when re-uploading a file in some FTP clients.

IIS7 File already in use

Recently I've installed IIS7, but when I try to edit ANY file inside my wwwroot and save it it keeps giving me an error 'can't save file, file is already in use'. Even if I make a new .txt file and try to save it I get the same error. It's really getting annoying.
Been trying alot but I really can't figure out.
Stop your website in IIS Manager if you want to edit the files.
A better approach in the long run is to use FTP to edit your files rather than working directly on your web server.

Unable to upload files; file upload modal displays CP Home

I am tearing my hair out with a file weird file upload issue that I have never run into before. For some reason I’m unable to upload images via the file manager (both in the file manager itself and if I upload with a custom field using the “file” fieldtype). Strangely, if I add files directly to any of the file upload directories, and sync the files, everything works fine.
After selecting the file and hitting “upload file” (see 01_choose_file.jpg) the modal window displays the CP homepage in an iframe (see 02_upload_progress.jpg).
Has anyone else seen this? Does anyone know how I can start troubleshooting this?
Background Info:
I’m running EECMS v2.5.2 - Build Date: 20120606 in MAMP (only 2 out of 15 sites I have set up locally are not working)
I have tried uploading images/files using the latest versions of Chrome, Chrome Canary, Safari, and Firefox (OS X 10.7.5)
This issue is showing up on the two latest sites I’ve started dev’ing locally on, no other site (locally or otherwise)
Things I’ve done:
Checked Apache/PHP error logs; they don’t show anything
Confirmed file upload paths and file upload directory settings are correct – I can sync files that i manually move into the various file upload directories
Permissions are fine; image manipulations and thumbnail creation work fine if I manually add files to the upload directories
Tested various other 2.5.2 installs I dev on locally and they work fine (settings on these two new sites are identical to sites that work)
Only a handful of native add-ons are enabled
“Apply XSS Filtering to uploaded files?” setting Yes or No does not make a difference
Huge thanks for any help!
I can't post images so here are links to the images:
I have sorted this out. I went back through to make sure I disabled all third party add-ons and I had forgotten to uninstall the "Quickee" extension For now that seems to be the culprit.
I've submitted the bug to Matt (the developer) and it should be patched up soon.
The ExpressionEngine filemanager sends out a AJAX POST request to the following URL:
Have you tried loading that URL yourself? You should get a page like this
But maybe EE is trying to POST to a different URL. You can find it by uploading a large file and while it's uploading using Firebug and in the Network tab at the bottom of the list you will find the URL EE is posting to

MODX Revo - Unable to upload or view files in File section in Manager

I'm having problems uploading and even viewing files in the File section of MODX Revolution 2.2.3-pl. When I try to upload a file, all I get is "Upload error". Nothing shows up in the Filesystem area, just a folder called Media that doesn't let me do anything. Any ideas of what might be going on?
As far as file system permissions go, all folders are set to 755 and all files are set to 644. I'm seeing this behavior logged in as admin/sudo. I just moved my installation of MODX from my local machine, where I believe it worked right, to a shared hosting environment, and that's where I'm seeing this issue.
There has been a recent update to 2.2.4-pl after reported problems with the file manager.
I'd recommend updating to 2.2.4-pl and check if the problem is still present.
Also it could be that your MOD system settings have Use Multibyte Extension enabled but PHP hasn’t been compiled with the –enable-mbstring option.
Hidden away in the MODx Media Browser is a failed response to a JSON request and an error message showing…
Fatal error: Call to undefined function mb_strtolower() in on line 168
If you can’t recompile PHP or just need to get your Media Browser working again, go to System Settings and set Multibyte Extension to No.
All the credit to [Max Mitchell's Post].1
