Htaccess - Allow access to file only from pdf.js - .htaccess

i have some problem with .htaccess file.
For prevent download or print of pdf documents , i am using PDF.js for reading contents.
Now i want to disable direct http connection to those files.
Inside the pdf.js folders, i put a directory called "doc", that contains all items and this .htaccess:
Order allow,deny
Deny from all
<Files ~ "viewer\.html$">
Allow from all
Where viewer.html is the page that contains the documents reader.
So, when i try access from my browser to
i get:
Unexpected server response (403) while retrieving PDF "../test/pdfjs/web/mondia.pdf"
Where i am wrong?

If PDF.js is running inside the user's web browser, then the user needs to be able to download the PDF document. Apache can't (reliably) tell the difference between "PDF.js on the user's computer" and "Google Chrome on the user's computer" - both are HTTP requests from the user's computer for the resource.
If you really wanted to, you might be able to detect some header set by PDF.js when it requests the PDF, and refuse requests without that header. That would stop casual users directly accessing the file, but anyone who presses F12 in their browser could see the PDF being downloaded by PDF.js and save the contents from there.
Even if you served it in some form other than PDF, the user could copy and paste the resulting HTML, or take a screenshot of how it renders to the screen.
Stopping a user doing something with their own computer is fundamentally hard; if they can read something on their screen, you have sent it to them in some form. To really block them, you need a trusted "DRM" encryption system that renders directly to screen without ever making decrypted data accessible to the user. In the vast majority of cases, that would be completely overkill, and just annoy your users (for instance, blind users probably won't be able to access the content, as their screen reader software will not be trusted).

You can try with this plugin
or similar,
DRM is the best solution for wordpress site.
Or try with this header in pdf-js
How to set range header from client with pdf.js?

Please edit the .htacess file present in Vtiger_root_location/storage
add 'pdf' option as follows:


How to prevent users from browsing certain files of my website

I have recently launched a website on GoDaddy hosting. I have keept some images and JavaScript files used in website, in separate folders. I want to prevent the users from browsing those images and files by simply appending the folder and file name in the website URL. For example
If I understand correctly, you want to have html file with images, that shouldn't be accessible alone? If yes, then it cannot be done. You can watch for correct HTTP Referrer header, but it can be simply faked and it also makes it inaccessible for browsers that don't send referrer or having sending it forbidden for "privacy" reasons.
If you want hide files to be accessible only by server side scripts, ftp/scp, then you can try to use .htaccess (if GoDaddy runs on Apache) and correct configuration:
Another way could be hiding that files and creating one-shot token like this:
<img src=<?pseudocode GEN_TOKEN("file.jpg") ?> /> with another file serving these hidden files just for generated token, then deleting it from DB. Nevertheless, this will not protect anybody from downloading or accessing these files, if they want...
But, anyway, try to clarify your question better...
If you are keeping images/files in folder which is open to public, I guess you kept in that folder for purpose, you want public to access those images and files.
How public know images file name? Stop file content listing for your web site.
I am not aware which language you are using on web server, but in ASP.NET you may write module/ middle ware which can intercept in coming request and based on your logic (e.g. authentication and authorization) you can restrict access. All modern languages support this kind of functionality.

HTAccess Open only to Website

To secure my site I placed blank htmls along with an htaccess file in every subdirectory but I didn't realize the denying all access would also mean denying access from the website itself. When I try to load a page, and it goes into the Images folder, the server responds with:
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 403 (Forbidden)
So how do I change this htaccess code:
order allow,deny
deny from all
Options All -Indexes
To deny access to everything outside of the website, meaning the website itself can access its own content (images, js, css) but no one outside can.
You've already accomplished your stated goal, but obviously that's not really what you're after. Basically everybody that browses to your site is coming from outside and requesting assets from your server. When I request index.html, or any other page from your server, it doesn't send me a complete package as it were, with all of the page's assets wrapped up inside, it just sends me the text that comprises index.html. At that point the browser parses that and handles it accordingy; when it comes across an image tag that has a src on your server, it fires off a new request for that asset, and hopefully your server sends it back in response. [Yes, I realize that was all ridiculously simplified.]
As you've got things set up now, you're denying access to anybody and everybody that requests any assets from your server, which is why you're getting the 403 responses. So whatever it is you actually want to do is going to require a more tightly focused approach. I'll take a stab at it and guess that what you really want to do is prevent people from hot-linking your images?

Block visitors access to .xml files but allow flash to open them

I want to deny permission of visitors to access and any other .xml file in the xml_folder. I can do that easily modifying folder permisions.
The problem is that I also have a small flash on my website that needs to access those .xml files and once I remove "read" from "Public permissions" the flash can't access the files either (which I think is pretty normal).
So .. my question is: how do I restrict visitors to access the .xml files but not the flash.swf file ?
Btw, it's running on a linux vps.
This is not possible. If Flash can retrieve the file then so can a user who watches with FireBug and captures the URL.
Try hosting a password-protected HTTPS virtual server with just the XML files. Use the username and password in the flash (This flash code must hide the user name and password as well). I'm not familiar with flash programming. But I hope you get the idea.

codeigniter controlled access to a url/folder

I am stuck at the situation where I want the url, which contains a folder having some files (html, swf etc.), to be accessible after I validate the user.
For example.
The url to access is:
A -
And this above url is accessible from the link,
B -
I have implemented a way to hide the URL A from a normal user but if the user somehow is a semi-techie person then he can know the swf file location from firebug or other tools. So, to make the access-to-file secure what should I do?
If a user somehow knows the first url(A) and then enters it in browser, i have to check if the user is logged-in and if validation is done it lets the url A to be loaded.
Since, in CI, the controller names cannot be named same as the folders in the root directory, in this case i cannot have a controller called “files”. So, the only option left to make this secure access to url work is to use htaccess rule/cond. If this is the only option, then how can it be achieved by htaccess and if not, then what other options do i have.
Will the codeigniter's URI Routes work because when i tried like this:
$route[‘files/version/1/(:any)’] = “view/$1”;
and it doesnt work, maybe because there is no controller/function/param as files/versions/1 ...
looking for quick help. Thanks
There isn't a sure-fire way to do it without, for example, using .htpasswd.
One thing you could implement is sort of "Security by Obscurity". In that case you could redirect all requests to a file to the URL and then instead of loading the requested file directly, you would load a .php template with the appropriate headers - be it an image, a flash file or anything else.
But it really depends on how the files are going to be managed, since every file will need an entry in the database and you would have to output different headers for different types of files. And if someone still manages to guess the path to the file, it will be directly accessible.

Deny http access to a directory, allow access from WordPress plugin

Hey. I need to prevent direct access to through the browser.
However the Download Monitor plugin I am using, which allows logged in users to download the file, needs to be able to work.
Order Allow,Deny
Deny from all">
Allow from all
but the download links do not now work... even though (I think) they are links produced by the script e.g.
Enter that in the address bar and you correctly get a WordPress message, 'You must be logged in to download this file.'
However, if someone knows the URL where the file was uploaded
they can still access it directly.
I don't know how (guesswork?) they would find the direct URL anyway, but the client wants it stopped!
Thanks for any help.
You cannot set Deny in .htaccess because your WordPress and a standard file request has the same server user - www-data/apache/http/or something.
You can for example sat folder's chmod to 700 and it will allow access for script but not for direct file call.
And accept your recent questions.
