unknown column in field list sequelize - node.js

I'm trying to perform the following query using Sequelize:
include: [
model: db.User,
as: 'Boosters',
where: {id: {[Op.in]: a_set_of_ids }}
model: db.Assessment,
as: 'PostAssessments',
where: {UserId: {[Op.in]: another_set_of_ids}}
attributes: [[db.sequelize.fn('AVG', db.sequelize.col('Assessments.rating')), 'average']],
where: {
average: 1
group: ['id'],
limit: 20
But I run to this error: "ER_BAD_FIELD_ERROR". Unknown column 'Assessments.rating' in 'field list', although I do have table "Assessments" in the database and "rating" is a column in that table.
My Post model looks like this:
const Post = sequelize.define('Post', {
title: DataTypes.TEXT('long'),
description: DataTypes.TEXT('long'),
body: DataTypes.TEXT('long')
}, {
timestamps: false
Post.associate = function (models) {
models.Post.belongsToMany(models.User, {as: 'Boosters', through: 'UserPostBoosts' });
models.Post.hasMany(models.Assessment, {as: 'PostAssessments'});
What am I doing wrong?

It seems like this problem surfaces when we have a limit in a find query where associated models are included (the above error doesn't show up when we drop the limit from the query). To solve that, we can pass an option subQuery: false to the find. (https://github.com/sequelize/sequelize/issues/4146)
This is the correct query in case anyone comes across the same problem:
subQuery: false,
include: [
model: db.User,
as: 'Boosters',
where: {id: {[Op.in]: a_set_of_ids }}
model: db.Assessment,
as: 'PostAssessments',
where: {UserId: {[Op.in]: another_set_of_ids}}
having: db.sequelize.where(db.sequelize.fn('AVG', db.sequelize.col('PostAssessments.rating')), {
[Op.eq]: 1,
limit: 20,
offset: 2,
group: ['Post.id', 'Boosters.id', 'PostAssessments.id']

Error is with this one :
Change it to
models.sequelize.col('PostAssessments.rating')) // or post_assessments.rating
Reason : You are using the alias for include as: 'PostAssessments',.


complicated query using sequelize

i have 3 tables .. profile, player, garage
profile has winCount , loseCount
player has username
garage has carNumber
they are all connected with each other using the id from player table (playerId in table garage and profile)
i want to get the
top 20 winCount , username , carnumber
i am trying this code
let racers = await Profile.findAll({
where: {
carRaceWinCount: {
[Op.gt]: 0
limit: 20,
order: [
['carRaceWinCount', 'DESC']
.then((races: any) => {
where: {
playerId: races.id
attributes : ['carNum']
where :{
id : races.id
attributes : ['username']
and it is not working
what is the best way to get this query
If you have these associations:
Player.hasMany(Profile, { foreignKey: 'playerId' })
Player.hasMany(Garage, { foreignKey: 'playerId' })
Profile.belongsTo(Player, { foreignKey: 'playerId' })
then the query might look like this
await Profile.findAll({
where: {
winCount: {
[Op.gt]: 0
limit: 20,
include: [{
model: Player,
include: [{
model: Garage,
// this is important option to query all garames as separate queries, Otherwise you will get wrong count of profiles.
separate: true
order: [
['winCount', 'DESC']

Sequelize missing FROM-clause entry for table Postgres, after adding the limit and offset

i have a sequelize query like this. however, when I add limit and offset there is an error like this.
what should i do?
const courses = await DB_COURSES.findAll({
attributes: ["id"],
as: 'coursePurchased',
as: 'buyerByCompany',
required: true
required: true
as: 'authorByCompany',
attributes: ["id"]
limit: 10,
offset: 0
error message
ERD table
I want like this:
like this

Node.js sequelize model - can I define order of records on the model?

I am newish to node, and can't figure out how to only return 1 record of a hasMany relationship, based on an attribute.
There's a user, level, and levels_user table.
On user, I want to include 1 levels_user where level_id is highest.
Can I put a condition on this model file, something like:
order_by: ['level_id', 'DESC']
LevelsUsers Model
'use strict';
module.exports = (sequelize, DataTypes) => {
let LevelsUsers = sequelize.define('LevelsUsers', {
user_id: DataTypes.INTEGER,
level_id: DataTypes.INTEGER,
created_at: DataTypes.DATE,
updated_at: DataTypes.DATE,
timestamps: false,
freezeTableName: true,
schema: "public",
tableName: "levels_users"
return LevelsUsers;
Users model association:
Users.hasMany(models.LevelsUsers, {
as: 'levels_users',
targetKey: 'id',
foreignKey: 'user_id',
This is my call:
users.getProfileByUserId = (req, res) => {
where: {id: req.params.userid},
include: [
model: models.LevelsUsers,
as: 'levels_users',
limit: 1,
order: []
}).then(user ....
I tried adding:
`order: [
[ models.LevelsUsers , 'level_id', 'DESC']
Did not work and I think it's evaluated after limit: 1 anyways.
Can I put order_by on the model, to return highest to lowest by level_id each time? If not, what's a better way to accomplish returning only the highest levels_users record where level_id is highest?
The hasMany property is more suited when you want to include all the levels in the user object. In your case, I would advise to just pull the user without it's levels, and then do a second request to pull the higher level linked to that user by querying directly the LevelsUsers model :
where: {
user_id: user.id,
order: ['level_id', 'DESC'],
limit: 1,
Well i reading over the documentation of sequelize for working with ordering and limit inside the includes tag.
Update query
users.getProfileByUserId = (req, res) => {
where: {id: req.params.userid},
include: [
model: models.LevelsUsers,
as: 'levels_users',
order: [
[ { model: models.LevelsUsers }, 'level_id', 'DESC']
limit: 1,
}).then(user ....
For references go over the following links - https://github.com/sequelize/sequelize/issues/4553#issuecomment-341261957

Sequelize throws Error "Unable to find a valid association for model x" When Ordering By Associated Model

I have a problem with sequelize, when I want to ordering my query result by associated model, sequelize throw this error:
UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection (rejection id: 1): Error: Unable to find a valid association for model, 'productLanguage'
These are my files:
**Context.js **
const Sequelize = require('sequelize');
const sequelize = new Sequelize("postgres://postgres:123456#localhost:5432/sampleDB");
module.exports = {
Sequelize: Sequelize,
sequelize: sequelize
const context = require('../context');
module.exports = context.sequelize.define('user', {
name: context.Sequelize.STRING,
freezeTableName: true
const context = require('../context');
module.exports = context.sequelize.define('product', {
slug: context.Sequelize.STRING,
price: context.Sequelize.DECIMAL(10,2),
freezeTableName: true
const context = require('../context');
module.exports = context.sequelize.define('productLanguage', {
name: context.Sequelize.STRING,
freezeTableName: true,
timestamps: false
const context = require('../context');
module.exports = context.sequelize.define('language', {
name: context.Sequelize.STRING,
slug: context.Sequelize.STRING,
freezeTableName: true
var context = require('./context');
var User = require('./models/User'),
Product = require('./models/Product'),
ProductLanguage = require('./models/ProductLanguage'),
Language = require('./models/Language');
// ===================== ASSOCIATIONS =====================
// user 1:m Product
Product.belongsTo(User); // product owner
// Product 1:m ProductLanguage m:1 Language
module.exports = {
Sequelize: context.Sequelize,
sequelize: context.sequelize,
models: {
Product: Product,
User: User,
ProductLanguage: ProductLanguage,
Language: Language
and finally this is my query
app.get('/', async (req, res, next)=>{
var result = await db.models.User.findAll({
model: db.models.Product,
attributes: ['price'],
include: [
model: db.models.ProductLanguage,
attributes: ['name'],
include: [
model: db.models.Language,
attributes: ['name'],
[db.models.ProductLanguage, 'name', 'desc']
attributes: ['name']
The query work fine without "order" part, so I think the problem should be one on these :
Something is wrong on this part: [db.models.ProductLanguage, 'name', 'desc']
Something is wrong on association definitions
Note: I've searched on youtube and stackoverflow and sequelize documentation over 4 days but nothing found.
I use these dependencies:
"express": "^4.16.2",
"pg": "^6.4.2",
"pg-hstore": "^2.3.2",
"sequelize": "^4.32.2"
I've found the solution.
I must put all associated model into order, so the correct query is:
[db.models.Product, db.sequelize.models.ProductLanguage, 'name', 'desc']
The full query must be:
var result = await db.models.User.findAll({
model: db.models.Product,
attributes: ['price'],
include: [
model: db.models.ProductLanguage,
attributes: ['name'],
include: [
model: db.models.Language,
attributes: ['name'],
[db.models.Product, db.sequelize.models.ProductLanguage, 'name', 'desc']
attributes: ['name']
I hope this will be helpful for others.
Those who still won't get the result, try this syntax -
order:[[{ model: db.models.ProductLanguage, as: 'language_of_product' } , 'name', 'desc']]
In addition to Moradof's answer, it's important to note that if you specify an alias for your included model, then you must also specify the alias in the order statement.
Building on the previous example, we get:
var result = await db.models.User.findAll({
model: db.models.Product,
as: 'include1',
attributes: ['price'],
include: [
model: db.models.ProductLanguage,
as: 'include2',
attributes: ['name'],
include: [
model: db.models.Language,
attributes: ['name'],
[{ model: db.models.Product, as: 'include1' },
{ model: db.sequelize.models.ProductLanguage, as: 'include2' },
attributes: ['name']
Note that because I named the Product as include1 in the include statement, I also had to name it as include1 in the order statement.
[{ model: db.models.Product, as: 'include1' },
{ model: db.sequelize.models.ProductLanguage, as: 'include2' },
After using this sequlizer is creating this in query. ORDER BY ``.name DESC LIMIT 10;
So how can I pass the table alias before name.

Sequelize query on join table

I am trying to querying a join table using sequelize:
Here is the model:
db.client.belongsToMany(db.user, {
through: db.clientUser,
onDelete: 'cascade',
db.user.belongsToMany(db.client, {
through: db.clientUser,
and this is what I am trying to do:
where: {
group_id: 1,
include: [{
model: db.clientUser,
where: {
is_manager: 1,
raw: true,
However I get the following error: client_user is not associated to user!
Any idea what could be the cause of this issue?
You declared a relationship between client from user through clientUser. Although pedantic, its complaint is technically correct: there is no explicitly declared relationship declared between client and clientUser. Nor should there be: your belongsToMany relationship should take care of that. Your query can be adjusted to work with this relationship.
Note: I don't know what tables group_id and is_manager are found in. They may need to be shuffled around.
where: {
group_id: 1,
include: [{
model: db.client,
through: {
where: {
is_manager: 1, // Assuming clientUser.is_manager?
raw: true,
